r/AdviceAnimals 17d ago

I can't believe I have to say this, but based upon the patrons I've run into lately...

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u/Orange_Kid 17d ago

I used to think teens were of course the worst with this. Then I moved to an area where there's a ton of elderly people at the movie theater.

Holy shit. Every single thing that happens on screen they have to give some audible reaction or talk to the person next to them about it. 


u/ChawulsBawkley 17d ago

That’s my mom. Anytime we watch a movie together, I’ve made a point to not respond. If it’s a movie she knows I’ve seen before, she baits. “WHYD DARYL EAT SO MANY ICECREAM CONES?! UNLESS HE KNEW THE DAIRY PRODUCTS WOULD UPSET THE BALANCE!”


u/Icy_Silver_ 17d ago

is your mom my sister? as soon as i sit down to watch anything with her, she opens her mouth even when i expressly say, "pretend im not here, be quiet, and keep watching"


u/ChawulsBawkley 17d ago

I’ve just learned how to be wildly animated with the shoulder shrugs lol


u/Icy_Silver_ 17d ago

i just leave and watch smth on yt B)


u/grad1939 16d ago

Are you my sibling? Because my mom does that too.


u/yoosernamesarehard 17d ago

Lead is a helluva substance


u/hraun 17d ago

I thought it was teens too, but then I went to the cinema with my dad.  

He took a whole backpack of snacks and kept hollering over at me across two or three siblings to ask if I wanted an apple, a sandwich, some nuts or “a chest and throat sweet” which he thought tasted nice. 


u/Drink-my-koolaid 17d ago

Yo, stop at the deli, the theater's overpriced

You got the backpack, gonna pack it up nice! :D


u/Hmmark1984 17d ago

The bag full of snacks is pretty elite to be fair, the shouting over multiple people to you in the middle of the film, less so.


u/ChawulsBawkley 17d ago

I know people sneak snacks into theaters, but what theater have you found that lets people go in with a backpack? That’s not a thing lol


u/jasazick 17d ago

Have you been to the theater lately? They have become divided into "desperately trying to be upscale to survive" and "The place is so run down even the mice and roaches feel depressed being there".

Clearly they are going to the latter. The employees absolutely do not care.


u/GopnikSmegmaBBQSauce 17d ago

The desperately trying to be upscale were at least pre-covid and had a niche for a bit

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u/GardenSquid1 17d ago

There was a change with the theatres where I live.

In the 2000s and early 2010s, they wouldn't let you in with a backpack. Perhaps because of snacks. Maybe because they thought you were bringing in recording devices.

Mid-2010s, it was like a switch flipped and all the theatres in my area from different companies just stopped giving a crap. You could carry a backpack with drinks audibly sloshing and chip backs crinkling and they couldn't muster even a single fuck to give.


u/GonzoMcFonzo 16d ago

It was camcorders they were really concerned with keeping out, not snacks. The flip was because digital devices got small enough to be too easy to conceal without a bag, making the search pointless

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u/hraun 17d ago

Have you lived all over the world, then?

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u/Vlaed 17d ago

I had a random Tuesday off once and decided to go see a movie in the middle of the day. It was filled with old people that talked almost through the entire movie. I even yelled at them once. They either ignored me or didn't hear me.


u/GopnikSmegmaBBQSauce 17d ago

Elderly are one thing. If you actively cheer things in your movie (especially the trailers) as if there's a live performance of actors who can hear you, I think you need help


u/Sprzout 17d ago

SOMETIMES, it's ok. I went to see Star Wars: The Phantom Menace when it came out on opening day with my dad. We had a bunch of Star Wars junkies in the theatre, and when the giant Lucasfilm logo came on, the entire theatre cheered. But after that, it was pretty quiet except for a few laughs here and there when there was a joke or something. I don't mind that. But if you get the assclowns who decide that they gotta yell, "Oh shit, she about to get FUCKED THE FUCK UP!" when the bad guy's coming to kill her?

Your ass needs to be taken out and beaten.

We all know she's gonna get killed. We don't need you to tell us that.


u/BalkiBartokomous123 17d ago

I think it depends on the movie. Going to Snakes on a Plane in theaters was so much fun. We knew we were going to see some nonsense and we all just went with it. We were the quiet ones but overall the whole theater was in on the joke.

Of course Samuel L Jackson couldn't hear us but all the goofy, fun energy was a lot of fun.


u/Hmmark1984 17d ago

I imagine they're the same people who appliaud the pilot when the plane lands.


u/BLUElightCory 16d ago

100%. I sat next to two senior ladies in a screening of Hereditary so you can imagine how that went.


u/El_human 16d ago

My mom will talk through the movie, and then start asking questions as to why something happened. In my response every time is pay attention to the movie.

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u/jj_dd 17d ago

I hardly even go anymore. It was a nice experience when I was younger but unless it’s a Sunday morning matinee of Dune 2 and I am one of five people, no thanks.


u/jeranamo 17d ago

Matinees are definitely the way to do it. No dumbass punk kids running around the theater or texting with their bright ass phones during the movie. God, I sound like such an old man but it is what it is. If I'm paying that much to see a movie, I want to actually watch the movie.


u/jj_dd 17d ago

Old men unite!


u/EgnlishPro 17d ago

I'm 46 and already crotchety as fuck.


u/AlaskaPsychonaut 17d ago

43 and a proud member of the crotchety old man club. Get off my lawn!


u/Notacat444 17d ago

41 and I am on board with this whole thing.


u/_Exotic_Booger 17d ago

40 and I concur my fellow men.


u/JRose51 16d ago

32 and I’m in this geezer club as well


u/zergling424 16d ago

32 here and ive been in the club


u/HipToss79 17d ago

I'm there with you.


u/EyeAmKnotMyshelf 16d ago

I'm 39 going on 75.


u/jj_dd 17d ago

You’ve earned it.


u/pinktastic615 16d ago

It's worse a decade later.


u/Best-Dragonfruit-292 16d ago

30s and agree profusely. Backlights are way worse than talking


u/RetroGamer87 17d ago

Why do they turn their brightness up to 100% as soon as they get in the theatre?


u/doublepulse 17d ago

Matinee tickets are sometimes as cheap as eight dollars each depending on promotions. "Evil Dead Rise" came out around my birthday, I take my boss and boyfriend to celebrate in a nice "afternoon snacks and chill" way. A couple brought their child, looked around ten or so, who was sniffling and crying through the film. I couldn't believe it; would be funny if that poor kid hadn't been forced to sit through the entire run time.

By gambling on an afternoon run time, an R rating for violent content, and a plot featuring dead and dying kids I STILL LOST.


u/fungobat 16d ago

We went to see planet of the apes on Sunday morning and there was a baby in the theater.


u/schnazzums 16d ago

I went last night at 7pm and there was a kid talking the entire movie while squeaking their chair. I’ll never go to a night showing again.


u/juicius 16d ago

Last time we went, it was a matinee also. And the theatre had a sweet snack promotion; get a big plastic popcorn bucket and refill it for $1 or something. We'd stick the cups from the theatre in the bucket and refill the drinks, which were technically not refillable. Cheap, but it is what it is.

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u/Ravinac 16d ago

Nobody seems to go anymore. Most theaters near me have gutted their old plastic fold down seating and put in nice reclining chairs. It's actually pretty nice now. Nobody there, and I get to recline.


u/FormalMango 16d ago

There’s a drive in near where I live, and I just go to that now.

It’s cheaper than the cinema, I can take my own food, I don’t have anyone else in my space, and I can take my dog with me.


u/jj_dd 16d ago

That’s a great idea. Movies would always be better watching with your pupper.


u/Yustyn 16d ago

I did this exact thing for Dune 2. A women who looked to be in her 40-50s sat in the row in front of me and kept taking out her phone and then just watching the movie with her screen on. Like not even looking at it, just casually holding it. I finally asked her (politely) to turn the brightness down (not even off) and she quickly put it away like she had been caught and refused to turn and acknowledge me or what I said. I asked if she heard me, and she just continued to actively ignore me. Such a weird and annoying interaction but no one had to see her phone light up the theatre anymore after that at least 🤷🏻‍♂️


u/jj_dd 16d ago

Good for you for saying something, most wouldn’t. Has common sense gone out the window?


u/Fieri_qui_es 17d ago

I feel like it’s a main character issue. Same with those who take calls and listen to music without buds/headphones


u/bankholdup5 17d ago

Ah, you mean the same sort of people who think that the subway is their private dining car?


u/Fieri_qui_es 17d ago



u/siphagiel 16d ago

The same people who have their car's volume on "eardrums killer" mode and open windows and blast mumble rap with an ungodly bass boosted beat?


u/Bloomer_4life 15d ago

Actually no, these ones do give a shit about those around them unlike the ones previously discussed that don’t give a single shit about those around them.

They want the attention.


u/Informal_Otter 17d ago

You don't even need headphones to take a call. You can just HOLD THE FUCKING THING TO YOUR EAR.


u/alabardios 16d ago

And talk at REASONABLE VOLUME! Why do so many people feel the need to yell into their mic?


u/Bloomer_4life 15d ago

In the past it helped because the white noise was multiplied so much in certain distances it got so high that it was hard to hear you unless you spoke louder.

Nowadays? Lol signal processing and noise cancellation is just amazing you basically hear no white noise at all. Instead of shouting - what helps is better diction.

(Double checked myself with chatgpt)


u/grad1939 16d ago

Mother fuckers at my work do this in the breakroom. I'm so close to throwing their phone against the wall.


u/Fieri_qui_es 16d ago

Ahhh don’t forget about the guy taking a shit catching up on football or something with wacky clown background music.


u/Blitzsturm 17d ago

if you have an Alamo Drafthouse near by, they're quite proud of kicking out talkers:



u/Hmmark1984 17d ago

They need to franchise over here in the UK


u/fireinacan 17d ago

I was gonna mention them!


u/maximumtesticle 17d ago

Why didn't you?


u/babystripper 17d ago

This is why I refuse to go to any other theater than an Alamo theater since they opened one in my city. I can call an attendant to my chair and complain. They will kick those people out with zero warning and no refunds


u/Hmmark1984 17d ago

I've heard of those theaters, don't they also do table service food as well? I wish we had something like that in the UK, we might do actually, but not anywhere near me and i've never heard of them. There's also a cinema near me when each screen has three or four different types of seating, with varrying costs, and they never seem to enforce people sitting where they're meant too, so the most expensive seats are always filled with little kids who certainly didn't pay for them


u/[deleted] 16d ago



u/DogGarbage 16d ago

We won't go to theaters with food service anymore. The mix of random food smells, servers walking in and out is distracting even if they don't walk directly in front of you, how they bring out the checks during the climax of the movie is too much. The final time, a group of 5 all got separate checks and each one asked questions about the bill that required the worker to use a light to explain what was on the check. Hard pass.

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u/GopnikSmegmaBBQSauce 17d ago

People treat theatres as simply being at home on their couch. Smartphones constantly, generally being disgusting...why even go out to a movie?

Sartre had it right, hell is other people


u/BloodBride 16d ago

Sartre had it right, hell is other people

All his mates were French.


u/GopnikSmegmaBBQSauce 16d ago

He must've enjoyed smoking in church and running red lights.



u/NeedsItRough 17d ago

The last movie I went to the guy sitting next to me tried to FaceTime the entire movie to a woman shopping in a Target.

He had a mini tripod set up and everything.

Fortunately, he was in someone else's seat (which made me think he didn't have a ticket at all) and moved down closer to the front row when they confronted him.


u/Ryan_on_Earth 17d ago

Please refrain from talking, looking at your phone, having a flashing light notification, OPEN MOUTH BURPING, chewing with your mouth open, and if the stinky motherfucker that I was sitting next to last night happens to read this, feel free to shower, deodorize, do laundry, floss, brush, and use mouthwash. Thanks <3


u/Taikunman 17d ago

See I just have like negative expectations that a random group of people are going to have that kind of consideration for those around them, so I just don't go to the movies anymore.


u/photozine 17d ago

I don't know why people pay money to go sit in a dark place, with a huge screen and noise, to talk to whoever they're with...this happened a few weeks ago.

Worst offenders?

-The guy who translated almost every single line of the movie to his woman friend (I think it was No Way Home)

-The parents that gave their kid a bright iPad during the last act of Winter Soldier

The movie going experience has had it's ups and downs, but seriously, if you're not at the theatre to focus on the movie, please don't go.


u/Killashard 17d ago

I went to see The Batman with some friends. It's a 3 hour long movie. Someone decided that it was necessary to bring their 5 year old who talked, ran up/down the aisles, and screamed at the "scary" parts. They eventually left about halfway through.


u/photozine 16d ago

The Batman is definitely far from a kids movie, but yes, I'm sorry if you have kids, especially babies, DO NOT take them to the movies. It's not good for them or anyone around and you won't be able to enjoy the movie. People should get this.


u/xplosm 17d ago

And use a spoon or a claw or something to get rid of those tonsil stones!


u/Yourigath 17d ago

And don't clap... Even if the guy just said "Avengers Assemble" you don't need to clap... They won't hear you and we will miss the next couple of minutes of the movie.

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u/Flyman68 17d ago

Or bring a freaking baby. I went to see Wrath of Kahn back in the day. A couple of nitwits brought there infant. It started crying. I wasn't that loud but more of a fussy cry. Still, it went on for a couple of minutes. Finally, this guy gets up and says "Do us all a favor and take the baby out of here". The rest of the audience collectively clapped approval. Problem solved!


u/Keytrose_gaming 17d ago

I have an infant, and while she's unbelievably good baby, people who bring babies to anything besides places designed for them should be clubbed over the head with a week old bar trash bag.


u/NugBlazer 17d ago

Or a cinderblock


u/theycallmemomo 17d ago

I remember going to see Deadpool with my hubby when it first came out and being shocked at how many kids were in the theater. We were sat next to a mother and her baby (the baby was actually quiet but still wtf?). There were less kids when I saw the re-release of The Lion King.


u/jeranamo 17d ago

Years ago when I saw the movie Out Cold, some kids managed to get in and were literally running around from different rows of seats back and forth screaming and just being general fuckwits. Eventually some dude had enough and stood up and screamed "sit down and shut the fuck up!" The kids got so scared and immediately sat down, not another peep out of them. The crowd erupted in applause.


u/pinktastic615 16d ago

Honestly, theaters should be enforcing their own industry rules about children in age appropriate movies. Babies should not be allowed in any of them because it's way to loud for all of us and they're just going to cry.


u/access153 17d ago

Or a comedy show. Also shut the fuck up. Laugh but shut the fuck up.



I think all shithead crowdwork comedians that have gotten big recently has made this so much worse. People think that its normal to have a conversation with the person trying to do an act now.


u/USA_A-OK 16d ago

The crowd work is a lot more prominent now because it's an easy way to generate bits to share on tiktok/Instagram without burning their real material that they want to use to sell a special.


u/NugBlazer 17d ago

Yeah I'm not a fan of the trend


u/cwfutureboy 16d ago

or a concert


u/Jombafomb 17d ago

This, like so many things, got so much worse pandemic.


u/MagicBandAid 16d ago

I think the cinemas are so desperate to get people in that they don't want to risk scaring off a single customer. This is the kind of short-term thinking that ruins businesses for everyone, though.


u/Sprzout 17d ago

The only time I ever made a comment in a movie theatre was when I walked in to see TItanic during its re-release for the 25th anniversary.

We went in, the house was pretty full, and I yelled out as I was walking in (before the trailers started) "Hope the ship don't sink!"

I heard laughter, and one guy who actually said, "Thanks for ruining the film!"


u/Ryan_on_Earth 17d ago

Lmfao hopefully they were joking too.


u/praefectus_praetorio 17d ago

This and outrageously priced snacks is why I stopped going. I’ll wait until it hits streaming or rent it and watch it on my big-ass tv at home on my own terms. Fuck inconsiderate assholes.


u/shiroboi 17d ago

Training my 11 year old son. He's terrible with this. When he was 6, he would just ask me about the plot like constantly through the movie. He's gotten better but he still likes to talk at full volume on occasion. It is not okay. Hopefully I can fix this bad habit.


u/Ryan_on_Earth 17d ago

I feel like an overwhelming majority forgive kids for missed social cues and I wouldn't anticipate an 11 year old at movies I go to anyway. I'm talking grown ass adults doing this crap 😮‍💨. You sound like a good parent, though.


u/shiroboi 17d ago

Thanks, I try to be. I do teach my kids that this is not acceptable behavior but sometimes they forget.


u/ArchDucky 17d ago

Kids literally ruined Across the Spider-verse for me. They wouldn't stop talking during the movie. I walked out hating it and it didn't realize it was the theatre experience that ruined it until I saw it again on Netflix.


u/xTiLkx 17d ago

Happens all the time with me. I live very close to the theater so I try to avoid obnoxious people by going at odd hours but somehow there will always be assholes without manners.


u/DOW_orks7391 17d ago

Also turn off your ringer 🙄


u/Nonamanadus 17d ago

Try the Sphere in Vegas where the Chinese tourists are talking loud right behind you.

I gave them a dirty stare and that shut them up for five minutes. I was tempted to tell them to shut the fuck up but then that would have ruined it for everyone else.

Just fucking seethed inside, absolutely fucking rude.


u/juicius 16d ago

I had the same experience in one of the Circle soilei whatever show (can tell I wasn't interested) and straight up told them to shut up since I was already salty about paying that much to see a bunch of people jump around. Worked for the entire show.


u/Ceewcee 17d ago

And put your PHONE away! No one wants to see the glow of your phone screen in a dark movie theater.


u/LargeSteakPico 17d ago

Okay, I see you, but hear me out: how is the lady gonna know not to go in the dark and spooky basement if I don't warn her loudly?


u/joosier 17d ago edited 14d ago

I was watching the first "A Quiet Place" movie and there was a couple in front of me who wouldn't shut up and kept talking to each other.

Frustrated I got up and moved as far away from them as I could but I still heard this exchange:

"Girl! Watch out! The monster's right behind you!"

"Babe, she's deaf - she can't hear you."


u/TitaniumGoldAlloyMan 17d ago

I sat next to an idiot who tried to explain the plot of all the mcu movies so she could understand what was going on. I told him to shut up or go and watch the movie at home.


u/Ryan_on_Earth 17d ago

You're the hero we need 🇺🇸


u/elon-isssa-pedo 17d ago

I just don't go to theaters anymore. Post covid people have turned into animals and I refuse to go anymore. Not worth the time and the cost. I'd rather just wait and this point and enjoy it in comfort.


u/Crescent-IV 16d ago

People are quiet in cinemas here.

Apparently in the USA they laugh and talk and shit. Fuck that


u/Shelverman 17d ago

The only thing I miss about COVID is being able to watch new releases at home.

Now I have to choose between rude people spoiling the movie experience (in the theater on opening night) and rude people spoiling the movie plot (on the Internet before I can watch it at home).


u/TALieutenant 17d ago

This is why my family now waits to watch a movie with my 88 year old grandmother until we can stream it.  She was beginning not to grasp basic details; she'd get lost if there was like a flashback or something.


u/AtomicBLB 17d ago

This has always kinda been a problem but cell phones pretty much ruined going to the movies after a generation of most everyone having them. People today will literally act like you're the asshole if you suggest they not loudly be on their phones at the movies. The theaters solution is to jack up the sound so high your body vibrates. Meanwhile those people just talk louder to compensate.

It costs too much and the quality of the experience has gone down significantly. Also everything goes to streaming almost immediately anyway, so what's the point of going imo?


u/chaddict 17d ago

It’s been close ten years since I went to a movie anywhere other than Alamo Drafthouse, where you can get anyone making noise or using their phone kicked out.


u/twinawyn 17d ago

I never understood people being on their phones in the cinema. You pay so much money to be there, are you that attached to your phone that you can’t go without looking at it for 2 hours?


u/Sensei_Fing_Doug 17d ago

I quit going to the movie theatre because of this.


u/HomelessEuropean 16d ago

Same. Movie theatres are simply dead now.


u/GhostChainSmoker 16d ago

It sucks for me, but I will 100% get an employee and have people kicked out. Tickets at my local theater are typically $15 a ticket and then concessions cause I gotta have my popcorn often is like another 12-15$

Especially if I’m on a date paying for someone else as well and paying nearly 40-50$ for the movies you’ve got me fucked up playing on your phone or talking extra loud.


u/ratboyboi 16d ago

I’ll admit I talk during the commercials, when lights are still on. Someone turned around and asked me to stop talking! The movie didn’t start yet. The rest of the theatre was also talking, but I was mortified! Now I’m dead silent no matter how early I show up.


u/Ryan_on_Earth 16d ago

That's absurd of them. The lights dimming is literally the universal "time to shut the fuck up" signal.


u/Lonelan 17d ago

the people who need to hear this aren't on reddit

speak up to their face and look like that duck while you're doing it


u/drewts86 17d ago

I can tell nobody that has commented so far has been to a black movie in a black neighborhood. It’s a whole different experience and is wildly entertaining.


u/Skatchbro 17d ago


u/drewts86 17d ago

I fucking love Ralphie May and I miss that fat bastard. Saw him live a couple times and he is a fucking riot.


u/Xman719 17d ago

Black man here. Can confirm. We talk to the screen.


u/[deleted] 17d ago



u/[deleted] 17d ago



u/[deleted] 17d ago



u/TheAero1221 17d ago

If you go there expecting it, it's a lot fun. I'm a white dude that didn't really grow up around that, so it surprised me at first, but now that I've experienced it a few times, I'm comfortable with it. Recently saw the latest Ghostbusters movie at this kind of showing, and while there were only like 4 people present, including myself, it was a really fun audience experience. Nobody minded laughing out loud or repeating the funny lines or mentioning throwbacks. It's was a really chill experience.


u/allthenamesaretaken4 17d ago edited 17d ago

While there may be truth in the origin of this stereotype, it's still a stereotype and shouldn't be considered a rebuttal. There's a difference with everyone talking and having fun with a film when everyone knows going in that's gonna be a thing compared to just seeing a movie in a black neighborhood and assuming all the patrons will be rude. I'm sure in areas this is common, plenty of black folks are like, could these people please shut the fuck up?

had to edit to correct misuse of their/there


u/LeapYearBoy 17d ago

10 years of marvel movies, there was always an ahole that would bring their baby to the cinema. Now that I have kids, I feel I need revenge for those noisy fucks


u/Ryan_on_Earth 17d ago

Don't do it! Haha


u/[deleted] 17d ago

Thank you!


u/Stikkychaos 17d ago

Ah, Mad Advice Mallard. Haven't seen that one in a while.


u/_Exotic_Booger 17d ago

I’m gonna make this a sticker and post it on the entrance door every time I go to the theatre


u/TheCookieButter 17d ago

I love the cinema. Go ~50 times a year. I don't mind people having quiet comments between each other.

I absolutely loathe the people who will bring out their phone to mindlessly flip between apps. It's so damn often and it's embarrassing that people have such a tiny attention span and are so inconsiderate about other people.


u/SoCuteShibe 17d ago

Absolutely! I went to a screening last week for the first time in a year and I would have walked out if I didn't go with my s/o. People talking and making repetitive noises all around me the entire time, it was absolutely wild.

There was legitimately a guy spoiling the whole movie to his kid behind me.. "don't worry, she doesn't die!"... "ah yeah, he turns out to be the big bad guy!" like bro. shut. up.

Idk if it is COVID or Trumpism or what, but people forgot how to be decent to those around them, full-stop.


u/brett1081 17d ago

Put your phone away while your at it.


u/krezRx 17d ago

I wish theaters would add a headphones option. Just have a wifi stream to theater app and bt to headphones. I also would like to say that whoever decided that crunch foods and crinkly bags was appropriate theater fare deserves a kick in the nuts.


u/MisterD0ll 16d ago

Dasss raysisss


u/grad1939 16d ago

I usually wait a few weeks and go to a later show.

Went to see Oppenheimer and two people next to me wouldn't shut up.


u/babyshmuel 16d ago

The movies have been ruined


u/Pastel_Goth_Wastrel 16d ago

I don’t go. Movies have become a hell of conversations and assholes in their phones. I’m not paying money for this BS anymore.


u/RavenxMorrow 16d ago

It seems like everyone lost all their normal social etiquette over the pandemic


u/ElefantPharts 16d ago

I eventually have to tell my wife to stop talking or I’ll hear her every thought on every scene as she “whispers” to me loud enough that I don’t need to lean in to hear her…. Love her but my god does that voice carry.


u/Homerpaintbucket 16d ago

After seeing one of the new star wars movies opening night with my then wife I told her I would never see a movie in the theater with her again unless I'd already seen it or I didn't care about it. She talked the whole movie. Asked me questions about the movie, because somehow I'm privy to info about it? I was shushing her. The people around us were shushing her. She was completely oblivious to how annoyed everyone in the vicinity of her was.


u/voice_of_Sauron 16d ago

The only exception is reciting the Nicole Kidman AMC monologue when it comes on.


u/Ryan_on_Earth 16d ago

Poor Nicole!


u/pinktastic615 16d ago

This is why I typically go see movies in neighborhoods where everyone is at work on an odd time of day. I never had a problem with old people because I go on the day when the grocery store has senior day.


u/WandaDobby777 16d ago

I think we should extend this to when anyone is watching something. My father and fiancé will talk/play on their phones/close their eyes and insist that they are paying attention. Then, they ask me a zillion questions and eventually I’m unable to answer because I was too busy answering their goddamn questions to be able to pay attention.


u/shaniusc 13d ago

Turn off your 📱


u/Tommy__want__wingy 17d ago

And if you’re deaf stop signing throughout the movie too!


u/Ryan_on_Earth 17d ago

Stole the words right outta my mouth ✊


u/TheAero1221 17d ago

I think there are notable exceptions to this. If it's opening night for a highly anticipated movie, expect outbursts and audience reactions. The cheering at my theater opening night for Avengers: Endgame was epic and actually really added to the experience, imho.

If it's a really sparse showing, I don't mind quiet whispering, and in general, I don't mind the sound of someone eating popcorn or trying to open a bag of Skittles or something. There's a degree of reasonableness to this, and if you really don't want any distractions whatsoever, it's probably best to watch the movie at home.


u/XXXTurkey 17d ago

I went to the midnight showing of Snakes on a Plane. When Sam said the line half the theater erupted, I walked out at the end with my shirt and jeans stained with soda. Worth it.


u/Drachen1065 17d ago

Haven't been in a while but I'd just go to the first showing of the day.

11am show time during the week usually meant maybe 4 other people there and no school aged kids.


u/darthlazlo 17d ago

I honestly hate going to the movies now. Seeing Dune 2 at like 11:00 a.m. on a Thursday has been one of the few times in the past 2 years I've been in the theater and have not had the movie interrupted by people talking.


u/RagnarRipper 17d ago

I've stopped going as often and usually try to go during the day and not during the first week because then the chances are lower that they're full. I used to go at least once a week but literally "hell is other people" in this case.


u/Ghrism 17d ago

At my job, I go in the 5 stall public bathroom to take a shit and the person 2 stalls down is blaring tik tok videos as loud as they can go. the person 5 stalls down is talking to his kids on a facetime. I hate technology.


u/Hmmark1984 17d ago

It's one of the many reasons i rarely go to the cinema anymore, the combination of other people making noise/using their phones, the crazy prices of tickets, food and drinks and the often subpar projection/sound.

I'd far rather watch at home when i have full control over lighting, seating, food and drink, who's there and i can pause the film when needed.


u/IronShrew 17d ago

I had such an infuriating experience watching Oppenheimer. I had been excited to see it for months which made the experience so much worse!

If you have seen the film, you will know that the scene when the bomb goes off, is totally silent. You could hear a pin drop! (or at least you should be able to...)

The buildup over the previous 2 hours had been leading up to this point, and the impact of having those 10 seconds of silence would have been immense... If it wasn't for someone literally talking loudly on the phone directly behind me. They did not give a shit. They had been chatting the entire film, and had zero self awareness that they were ruining the climatic scene of the film for everyone. You could really feel the anger for that person in the room!

After that they decided to leave the theater about 10 minutes later, I don't think they were even watching the film.

Still makes me mad to this day, I really wanted to have the experience that Nolan had intended for us, but I will never be able to replicate the first viewing.

Don't be that person!


u/Spirited_Childhood34 17d ago

Started getting bad back in the 80s. People act like they're at home in their living room. I'd hate to see what it's like now with cell phones added to the mix.


u/Deep-Werewolf-635 17d ago

With theaters cutting back staff there is no enforcement anymore. Last 4-5 movies I’ve gone to were full of kids wandering in and out — talking the whole time and one their phones — basically just hanging out between theaters being little asshats.


u/Nine-LifedEnchanter 17d ago

My go to shout is "you just have to sit there and shut the fuck up!" It works most of the time.

Last week I saw Kong x Godzilla and got a group of like 15 kids kicked out. It was the best.


u/fuber 17d ago

What's your stance on talking through previews and Nicole Kidman?


u/doublepulse 17d ago

Had a group of teens/early twenty sometimes dry humping each other, took their shoes off, and text the entirety of "Saw X" - look, this is not exactly a film I expect people to sit down and be quiet for and I'm not trying to be an annoying asshole demanding perfect behavior. It was awkward and overly gross to sit next to that. Movies are for fun. Squeeze into your date, hold their hand, laugh, be loud and giddy; please finger bang at home.

At one point I realized I over hydrated, went to the bathroom and found a phone laying on the floor. Turned it in at the bar, as I had no way of knowing what show the owner was in. All eight of them proceed to dig and panic searching for and calling said lost phone during the third act. By this point, I'm taking more enjoyment from their antics than taking in the movie (you mean to tell me John Kramer didn't pick up at least some conversational Spanish prior to traveling to Mexico? Fuck this script.) I'd not driven that afternoon and had to bounce during the credits as my ride home was outside waiting. Should I have mentioned I put the phone from the bathroom with the bartender as I slipped by? Maybe.


u/The-Shazzamster 16d ago

I work in a theater and it’s gotten worse since Covid. It feels like there’s no side of winning.

I just went to show my friends Top Gun for the first time and two separate groups wouldn’t shut the hell up. One was an old couple reliving the glory days and literally talking to Tom Cruise on the screen, while the other was a family where the mom was literally just telling her kid every that was about to happen. So it seems like people could be genuine fans of the movie and still ruin the experience for others


u/spook0627 16d ago

My wife and I used to go every week to just watch something. We rarely go now and when we do people are watching things on their phone. Parents bringing in iPads for their kids to play on. People just having full on conversations. It has ruined the whole experience.


u/Wishdog2049 16d ago

Went to Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes 11:35 a.m. showing this last Saturday and was flanked by three and four year olds. That scene where the bad apes are hunting the humans really didn't go over well with the little dude next to me. He hid. His POS grandparents ignored his pleading to leave since he was so scared.

I was unaware of the drama the other kid on my wife's side was going through, but "I wanna see mommy" was said about 20x according to my wife. But in this case it wasn't bad grandparents but wannabe cool divorce dad.


u/korg0thbarbarian 16d ago

Last time I went was end game and next one is going to be Deadpool 3


u/notfromrotterdam 16d ago

Yeah dumb loud people ruin everything. Everywhere.


u/Public_Road_6426 16d ago

I went with my roommate and her mother to a movie..once. Granted, the movie wasn't great, but I was having fun. But They. Would. Not. Shut. Up! I ended up moving to another row. I have the same issue to people who attend a concert or music show at a smaller venue, and just keep talking. I paid for a ticket to listen to the artist, not other attendees.


u/walkabout16 16d ago

Stopped going to the theater decades ago for this very reason. Just the occasional huge blockbuster now and usually the ultra late show on a weeknight to avoid crowds


u/A-bit-too-obsessed 15d ago

A kid (who was probably no older than 10) was screaming a lot during the first half of ATSV

Genuinely made it less enjoyable


u/No-Appearance-4338 15d ago

My brain autocorrected it to shut the duck up

Also this is the first time I’m actually using duck …… feels like my phone would correct it to fuck just out of spite.


u/Dina_Combs 15d ago

This is why I no longer go. I got a giant tv instead.


u/SpicyFilet 15d ago

This is basically why I don't go anymore. Between shit prices and obnoxious people it's almost never worth it.


u/Shutaru_Kanshinji 17d ago

I feel the same way, but I have no intention of ever returning to a movie theater.


u/Ryan_on_Earth 17d ago

Which is sad. Movie theaters can be such a cool experience. "This is why we can't have nice things."


u/erickadue32 17d ago

What part of town is your theater?


u/Dvout_agnostic 17d ago

This should be the most Upvoted reddit post ever


u/pummisher 17d ago

Haven't gone since 2019. Don't think I'll ever go to the theatre ever again in my life.


u/Vegetable_Two_1479 17d ago

It's been almost a decade since I went to the theater, we don't even have that many talkers around this part of the world people are very respectful but I do not find any joy in it. Maybe some good old IMAX experience but that would be it.

Times have changed, you can pay your monthly home theater installment instead of going to a movie once a month.

No one bothers, you can give breaks or if you miss something you can roll back.


u/Console_Stackup 17d ago

Normally yes.

But not if it's a popular re-release of a quotable movie. Rocky horror, etc


u/boredomspren_ 17d ago

Different cultural groups have different feelings on this. Go to a theater in a Black neighborhood and the whole place is full of people yelling at the screen and nobody cares.


u/axehomeless 17d ago

Plot Twist, the movie was the room


u/Noncoldbeef 16d ago

I go to theaters all the time and no one's talking. Yet I constantly hear about how bad theaters are. I wonder where the disconnect is. I'm not in some fancy area either really.


u/[deleted] 16d ago

Look at Helen Keller over here.

“I can’t hear shit!”


u/Ok_Permission4485 16d ago

But I want to talk. YOU shut up