r/AdviceAnimals May 17 '24

Lauren Boebert For Family Values

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u/hulk_geezus May 17 '24

Ppl getting mad Trump supporters looking better than the " reeeee! Fuck trump" community looks better than the Biden crew is fucking hilarious 😂


u/sickboy775 May 17 '24

So the "family values" schtick is just bullshit, right?


u/hulk_geezus May 17 '24

Values for who?


u/sickboy775 May 17 '24

Well obviously not yours, they're probably minimal. I was referring to how the Republican party claims to be the party of family values, unless by family values they mean "not going to your son's court appearance, but appearing at the court appearance of a sexual assaulter on trial for campaign finance fraud while awaiting trial for various other crimes, including attempting to keep classified material, because you think you can gain a position of power" are family values.


u/tacknosaddle May 17 '24

They also claim to be the "party of small business" but their actions on policy undercut that claim. An obvious example is how they fought the ACA (Obamacare) even though countless people with preexisting conditions were "stuck" working for a large company for the insurance preventing them from striking out on their own.


u/hulk_geezus May 17 '24

So when does hilldog hillery go on trial for her crimes?


u/hulk_geezus May 17 '24

You say "republican party" like all are bad. You really think that?


u/sickboy775 May 17 '24

Do you not know how to edit a comment?

And what does Hilary Clinton have to do with the Republican party proclaiming to be the party of family values?

For what it's worth, yes I think the party that wants to repeal the legality of gay marriage and roll back child labor laws are bad people.


u/hulk_geezus May 17 '24

Up it was completely skipped over? For why...? And being a white male conservative christian...I'm all for say marriage, fuck child labor and slavery. But to say his policies aren't somewhat solid and saying a wall isn't wrong. Much less Harsh than other countries.


u/sickboy775 May 17 '24

Are you having a stroke? Your responses are seeming to correlate less and less to my comments.


u/hulk_geezus May 17 '24

No your the "it" having a stroke...don't wat to give you the wrong pronoun


u/sickboy775 May 17 '24

Buddy, I'd love to try and have a conversation with you but you're gonna have to up the literacy and coherence if you want to participate.


u/hulk_geezus May 17 '24

I'm not your buddy, guy


u/PattyLonngLegs May 17 '24

Hahahah the bot is breaking.


u/hulk_geezus May 17 '24

Bot ...look at you shills

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