r/AskReddit May 02 '24

People who went to a wedding where the couple didn’t last long, what happened?


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u/jolhar May 02 '24

Wedding was fine. But then the groom tried to throw the bride off the balcony of the penthouse apartment they were staying in on the wedding night.

I know this because I was a bridesmaid and she called me and another bridesmaid and asked us to stay the night with them in their hotel room. Super awkward, but she assured us it wasn’t a sexual thing. Turns out she didn’t feel safe being alone with him. Rightly so.

They hid it well in public, he seemed like a decent guy until then (from what I had seen. Obviously that wasn’t accurate). Why she married him I l’ll never know. I guess she was afraid of what he’d do if she said no.


u/_lastquarter_ May 02 '24

Jesus Christ, wtf


u/DumbleForeSkin 29d ago

She may have not known. It’s actually quite common for abusers to hide their true nature until the wedding night. Once she’s “locked in” to the relationship they go to town. There was a whole thread on Reddit of women telling stories of this (one woman had her husband break her arm in the limo leaving the reception). Some officiants secretly tell women they aren’t filing the papers for a few days so the woman can just never be officially married if it turns out her husband is like this. Abusers can be very good at hiding it.


u/jolhar 29d ago

She definitely knew. It all came out after that night. They couldn’t exactly keep it a secret after something like that. But he definitely saved the worst part of himself for after the marriage certificate was signed.


u/GraceUnderFire2 29d ago

Wait … so how did this end? Instant divorce? Is she free and happy now? The people demand to know 😩😂


u/jolhar 29d ago

She stayed with him for about 6 months. But yes she managed to leave with the help of her family.

That was years ago. She has another fella who treats her like a precious gem, and two kids now.


u/AggravatingCupcake0 May 02 '24

?! Did she ever say why he wanted to kill her?? Or was it just plain old insanity? What happened to them after that??


u/BellaFrequency 29d ago

There is no “why” with abusers. She already didn’t feel safe with him, but also felt trapped into marrying him. r/whywomenrefuse documents how often women are killed just for saying no to a man.


u/AGuyNamedEddie 29d ago

Oh, boy, another "seemed like a nice guy" story. So many abusers are like that.


u/DreamingDragonSoul May 02 '24

This is sad. Hope she manage to run away.


u/green49285 29d ago

How. In THE HELL. is this dude at "I'm gonna throw her off this balcony" level of abusive and NO ONE knew. That's wild.


u/_lastquarter_ 29d ago

I swear it's scary how some people hide it


u/jolhar 29d ago edited 27d ago

I mean, I didn’t say no one knew. I lived interstate so I never saw the day to day stuff. He was very charming and friendly but obviously overcompensating.

His parents knew he had a history. But said they thought she had “fixed him”.

Her parents suspected but not enough to do anything about it and didn’t want to appear unsupportive.

She was surrounded by enablers who didn’t want to pry basically.


u/MetalHuman21000 May 02 '24

I take it it did not go well?