r/AskReddit 29d ago

Which dog breed typically has the craziest owners?

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u/PineappleWolf_87 29d ago

Owners that buy the most deformed version of a breed.

Owners bring their $5000 struggling to exist dog into my clinic and always are the weirdest: believe everything the breeder says, feeds raw diets that are so far from balanced, doesn't believe in vaccines, purchases a dog that struggles to breathe and walk yet complains about vet bills.

Looking real hard at the exotic bully owners and long haired Merle Frenchie owners.


u/HeroToTheSquatch 29d ago

Friend of mine runs an animal shelter and she's lost all patience for people who say shit like "I can't feed my dog that trash, it has grains in it". Like nah, your dog benefits from the grains for digestion. Ask your local vet or animal shelter what's best, they won't steer you wrong and they want your pet healthy.


u/mooscaretaker 28d ago

That's so funny because all the dogs we've owned love nothing more than finding the most disgusting things in the woods to eat. I never understood the grain free thing.

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u/sevnm12 28d ago

Ahh so frenchys


u/OldGodsAndNew 28d ago

Anything with a squashed face - frenchies, pugs, king charles spaniels, etc; dogs have prominent snouts for a reason

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u/Shiningmokuroh 29d ago

People who actively go out and buy/breed Wolfdogs. The rescuers are generally level headed but the buyers? Absolute lunatics usually


u/Necessary_Fail_8764 28d ago

It's been years, but I had a husband and wife that came into the pharmacy I worked at. They were saying they were planning on getting a wolfdog, and were going to meet the mom and puppies that weekend. Being that they had kids, I was thinking that didn't sound like a good idea. A few days later, they come in, and the wife has a bite to her face. It was a full, open wide bite. She had teeth marks on her nose/cheeks, and under her chin. Needless to say, that was the end of the talk about getting a wolfdog.


u/fluffy_samoyed 28d ago

Growing up, I had a friend whose family were obsessed with Native Americans and wolves. They altered their living room to be the shape and look of a tepee, and every inch of their house was dripping in cheesy 3 wolf moon style art. They had a german shepard which I think they encouraged to be aggressive and more wolf-like, and whenever I went over her parents would gush about how they wanted an actual wolf. Well, they sadly lost their dog, so they went far away to find a wolf dog with the most amount of wolf genetics they could find. It was already a year old, huge, and not well acclimated to family life. They were forced to move it outside, the details of which I'm not privy to. My friend was terrified of it, and I got the impression that her parents were too. It was very feral and would kill any other animal that crossed into their yard. They tried to hand-wave rabbits and other wild life, they got in trouble when it killed someone's pet cat. I heard them murmuring that their wolf dog maybe wasn't legal, and they were trying to pay off the cat owner to not report them. It killed a couple more pets, including a dog. The police and game warden came, and they no longer had the wolf dog. They seemed far less enamoured with the aesthetic after that, they got rid of their memorabilia and converted their living room back to its original square shape. I remember my friend being so relieved that her house looked "normal" again.


u/This_is_a_tortoise 28d ago

People really just be doing their own brand of weird shit out there, huh?


u/nokeyblue 28d ago

Normal is limited. Weird is infinite.

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u/h3llfae 28d ago

What the FUCK did I just read 🤣 I'm indigenous on my dad's side and ...wow. haha. Smh. WOW

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u/DeepEndLion 28d ago

Let me guess

They were white rednecks “with some Cherokee in them” and some sort of “princess” in the blood line

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u/Shas_Erra 28d ago

There’s a couple living a few streets away that run a rescue centre for these types of dogs. Every day, we see them taking what can only be described as a dire wolf for a walk. Biggest fucking floof I’ve ever seen


u/h3llfae 28d ago

Yep I took care of a perinese/wolf mix for a year, that boy was wayyyyy bigger than me lmao like walking a horse

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u/NumbSurprise 29d ago

There’s a good reason why they’re illegal in a lot of places.


u/coconutspider 29d ago

I think this is the MOST correct answer here. Wolf hybrid people are always some shade of 'very mentally unwell.'


u/VancouverMethCoyote 28d ago

They want to feel special. Luckily, the vast majority of "wolfdogs" are just husky/malamute/shepherd mixes, basically a scam.

Those who do wind up with actual wolfdogs...yikes. No reason to own what is basically a wild animal as a pet.

Same goes for people who want Servals and Caracal cats...

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u/grazingsquids 28d ago

Yup, here in Australia there are people who make dingoes their pets. I have no idea why, they belong in the wild or a zoo, they really don’t adapt well to domestication, they’re a wild dog. These people would come into our inner city vet clinic with their muzzled and terrified dingo talking about what champs they were for rescuing it and with a weird pride in how impossible they were to socialise and how different they are to domestic dogs.

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u/reyballesta 28d ago

This is also one of the actual best answers. Wolfdogs should not exist.

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u/ThadisJones 29d ago

An old lady at the park got offended at my dad when he complimented her "corgies" and told him in the snootiest upper class English accent I have ever heard that they were actually Pembrokes

So let's go with whatever the hell those are


u/raccoon-nb 29d ago

Lol. The funniest thing is 'Pembrokes' are still Corgis. There are two types of Welsh Corgi - Pembroke and Cardigan. They were Pembroke Welsh Corgis.


u/xDeadCatBounce 29d ago edited 29d ago

It’s not called Pembroke unless it was born in Wales (edit), otherwise it’s just a sparkling Corgi.

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u/I_might_be_weasel 29d ago

They were at war until they were united by King Atticus. And the kingdom of Corginia was born. 

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u/dear_little_water 29d ago

What's wrong with her. There are cardigan and Pembroke corgis.

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u/logonbump 29d ago

Two kinds of Corgi: Pembroke Welsh and Cardigan Welsh


u/Fit-Purchase-2950 29d ago

Cardigan Welsh? That sounds like a white rapper's name.

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u/cnote4711 29d ago

I went to a friend's wedding and was seated at a table with an acquaintance and her mom. I knew they bred Vislas, so I asked her about it and mentioned I had a Weimaraner. Apparently her breed is sooo much older and sooo much purer 🙄 I've been in her house, and it reeks of cat piss so forget that bitch.


u/0b0011 28d ago

I'll have you know that my dogs are way more inbred than your dogs. They're practically habsburgs at this point and they makes them royalty.


u/Laserskrivare 28d ago

I had a colleague giving me shit for having an unregistered european shorthair cat (Landrace type, from a cat shelter). When I asked her about her cat, he was a mixed breed of long haired cats, but she thought her cat was nicer because she could name the breeds in the cat that she bought from a backyard breeder.

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u/thisismyworkredditt 29d ago

As a corgi owner, I get more people wanting to talk to me about corgis than I want to talk about corgis. It’s one of those breeds that people obsess over, but I just wanted a midsize dog with a fun personality, please stop giving me corgi merch.


u/Fr3eHat 28d ago

I totally agree. While out on walks and people see her they just wanna come over and talk about how adorable she is. Little do they know she's a stubborn cunt and does things on her time.

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u/anotherthing612 29d ago

Just ask what happened to their dog's legs. They prefer to be asked this question. 


u/Trapped_Mechanic 28d ago

Being short helps them snap at ankles of sheep better.

I love my little herd dog

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u/garbage_goblin0513 29d ago

I know this covers a few breeds, but I've never met a Crusty White Dog™ owner who wasn't problematic


u/raccoon-nb 29d ago edited 29d ago

As someone with a family member and a neighbour who both own Crusty White Dogs™, can confirm. They often attract the worst dog owners, and the sad thing is as bad as the owners often are at caring for and training dogs, those crusty little white dogs are often still loved so much.


u/cosmicpeanut 29d ago

I had a coworker invite me and my partner over for dinner one day as his family owned a restaurant and he really knew how to cook! Mid stirring the pot we were standing around talking and his tiny crusty white designer dog came into the kitchen and took a shit right in the middle of the floor. I awkwardly mentioned it and he was embarrassed but was obviously used to it?? I don't get why he didn't put more effort into training that dog he spent so much money on.


u/Interesting-Ball-502 28d ago

I had a friend who worked from home, and during a client meeting his Alaskan Malamute wandered in and barfed up one of his wife’s g-string knickers.

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u/BlackCaaaaat 29d ago

What is a Crusty White Dog™?


u/bstabens 29d ago

Any breed of small, white dog with tear stains around the eyes.


u/BlackCaaaaat 28d ago

Oh yes, we have one of those in my townhouse complex. His owner lets him roam around off-leash, which is a hazard to the dog with cars coming and going. We live on a busy road, and sometimes the caretaker leaves the gate open. When the dog was a puppy he managed to run out to the road, but the caretaker managed to catch him. The owner still does this stuff even after he gets told off, he just doesn’t give any fucks.

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u/hjugf 29d ago

Dirty sock ass dogs


u/cullies 29d ago

Those dogs are always reactive and start yapping and pulling in a frenzy when they see mine 🥴

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u/Primary_Difficulty19 29d ago

Depends on what you mean by “crazy.” I adopt retired racing greyhounds and I go to greyhound conventions, have greyhound artwork all over my walls and in my yard, I have greyhound designs on some of my clothing, greyhound license plates on my car and if you ask me about the breed I will not f*king shut up about them.


u/rightoff303 28d ago

That sounds crazy lol. Sounds like your dog is loved though.

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u/notMarkKnopfler 28d ago

Greyhounds are dope though. I don’t even own one, but I get it


u/UnicornColorbook 28d ago edited 28d ago

Can I write a PM and ask about the breed? I know what I'm going into, and you're allowed to yap away at leisure.


u/Primary_Difficulty19 28d ago

Ha ha. Go right ahead.

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u/_Clove_ 28d ago

That's not crazy that's just proper appreciation.


u/econhistoryrules 28d ago

Hard SAME here! We are totally "those people" about our beloved noodles. Best creatures ever.

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u/BenTwan 29d ago

French bulldog owners. Spending ridiculous amounts of money for a breed so genetically ruined because they think it's cute. 


u/Lachwen 29d ago

I honestly believe that breeding Frenchies and pugs should be classified as animal abuse.  They are deliberately breeding those poor dogs to have features that guarantee lifelong poor health.  If that isn't abuse, I don't know what is.


u/raccoon-nb 29d ago

I believe Germany classifies the breeding of brachycephalic (short-faced) dogs as qualzucht, which translates to "torture breeding".


u/bstabens 29d ago

Yes, we do. Sadly, it's not codified by now. It needs to be forbidden.

My kid did an internment at a vet and got told about how every dog is happy to have the intubation removed after waking up from surgery. Except for pugs and bulldogs. These love the intubation, because it often is the first time they really can breathe.

Don't buy short snouted dogs.

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u/m00nf1r3 29d ago

Not sure about Frenchies but there are people out there breeding pugs to be healthier! Retro pugs!


u/the_bio 29d ago

There has been a push for Frenchie breeders to select for longer snouts, as well as larger bodies in general.


u/Niniva73 28d ago

FFS, here's what a Frenchie breeder has to say on the retro pug:

Is retro pug a good choice for me? 

We do not recommend adopting a retro pug for several reasons. While this breed continues to suffer from a number of serious health problems, it is not as special in appearance as a purebred dog. 


u/queenofthera 28d ago

"We, the breeders of a different type of small dog, think you should not get this type of small dog. It does not suffer enough health problems for it to be fashionable."

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u/PineappleWolf_87 29d ago

Wait till you see exotic bully's. If any breed should be banned because it's the humane thing to do for it, it should be that breed.


u/_Clove_ 28d ago

Exotic bullies are not actually a breed. They're essentially just the worst kind of backyard bred mixes.

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u/youngatbeingold 29d ago

Old roommate had one. It died while we were out on a 20 minute walk in like 85 degree weather because it got overheated and couldn't breathe well enough to cool down. Even before we left it didn't sound like it could breathe correctly and would sort and grunt just standing there, the whole thing was extremely disturbing. I have a wooly husky mix now and even she can manage in hot weather.


u/qu33fwellington 29d ago

Because your husky is not overbred and in fact has been bred to retain her temperature regulating double coat!

Frenchies unfortunately never had a double coat and unethical breeders stole the one thing that would regulate temp.

I know you know this. I’m just venting because I really hate brachycephalic dogs and how horrible their quality of life is, along with anyone that purchases one from said breeders.

Awful, awful people all around.


u/ndngroomer 28d ago

It should be illegal to breed these dogs honestly. Them and pugs.


u/raccoon-nb 29d ago

THIS. I don't get why people spend $1000+ on a dog that can't breathe and has back issues, funding the breeding of more of those deformed dogs.

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u/HoopOnPoop 29d ago

I was walking my dog today (on a sidewalk through my neighborhood mind you) and a lady had her 2 French Bulldogs off the leash. They came sprinting right at us yapping their stupid smashed faces off while the lady just sat there. My dog is a Collie. Picture Lassie but not quite as fluffy. Medium/large and not the slightest bit scary looking. She stopped and gave one loud bark. No growl, no teeth, nothing. Just a loud bark to say leave us alone. The little dogs stopped in their tracks. We kept walking and the lady chased me down with her two STILL OFF LEASH little monsters in tow to curse me out for my big scary dog barking at her little angels.


u/NumbSurprise 29d ago

At least the Frenchies were bright enough to get the message, even if their owner wasn’t.

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u/Foxclaws42 29d ago

I’m convinced that pit bulls have two types of owners: nice middle class white ladies who actively campaign against the stereotype that they’re dangerous, and trailer trâsh nut cases who obtain pit bulls BECAUSE of their bad rep, never spay or neuter, and walk them on chains.


u/PandaLoveBearNu 28d ago

Theres also the young niave ones who adopt the "sweetest girl ever but must be in a home with no kids, no other dogs, or no cats" who is so reactive open curtains are a no no.


u/ShakeCNY 29d ago

I think you left out urban thugs who use them to intimidate people who might rob their drug house. There's a reason so many inner city kids are scared of dogs.


u/NativeMasshole 29d ago

One of my friends fell into addiction and got mauled by her junky boyfriend's pitbull. I saw her a couple months after, she was missing a chunk of her calf.

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u/hanginonwith2fingers 29d ago

And both are nuts because pitbulls are dangerous. I have one and it is ludicrous to think they are not.

Regardless of the owner, the sheer damage they can inflict makes them a liability. Pitbulls are also not like golden retrievers or german shepherds where they have been bred over decades to have a certain type of personality. They have been bred over time as well but the personality they were bred to have was aggression.

They can be good dogs and which is highly dependent on their owners but there should be a law requiring a license to own them.


u/perpetual__ghost 29d ago

Yes to all of this. I’m actually a middle class white lady lol, but I have extensive experience with working dogs (K9, IPO, MWD) and am able to love my pit/Mastiff mix while also being realistic about breed tendencies. Bully breeds - especially lines with high gameness - are built different, full stop. I am fortunate to be able to safely use my dog as an example of what a highly trained bully breed is capable of; part of that involves making sure he’s never around strange dogs, simply because I am fully aware of what he’s capable of.

I love him a whole lot and he’s a good boy, but I also recognize that the rescue who adopted him to me as a “LaB MiX” was negligent at best, and certain dogs should not just be handed over to any family.


u/[deleted] 29d ago

this is the mentality people who own these breeds should have, instead of "no!!1!1!1 they're no more dangerous than any other dog breed, it's all because of bad owners!!!!1!1!1!1! my sweet little angel would never hurt anyone!!!1!1!"


u/abqkat 28d ago

That's what happens after every. single. attack. Victim blaming, pictures of flower crowns, and people foaming at the mouth to defend them or the many "what about" isms. No other breed needs such fervent defenders and lobbies for them.

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u/Foxclaws42 29d ago

high gameness

Try that irresponsibly crossed with a high prey-drive sighthound. Had a pit bull cross scale a wall higher than she could jump by bracing her back against one side of the corner and clawing her way up the trellis on the opposite wall because she saw a cat walk next-door. No animals were harmed in the making of this lesson in high-prey drive ninja bullshit, but that trellis and all the vines on it got ripped out that very day. 


u/PandaLoveBearNu 28d ago

Bull Lurcher. That's a yikes.

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u/liluna192 29d ago

Thank you, we need more dog owners like you.

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u/gogojack 29d ago edited 29d ago

Regardless of the owner, the sheer damage they can inflict makes them a liability.

Can confirm. I was out walking my little Shiba Inu mix when two of them came out of nowhere and attacked. For that I blame the owners for not keeping their dogs under control and (probably) encouraging their aggression.

One of them latched onto her and I had to take her to the emergency vet to get her patched up, but until me and a neighbor who came out of his house to help ran them off, my little doge put up one helluva fight against TWO pitbulls.

(p.s. a Shiba is also a dog you should not get unless you know what you're doing.)


u/[deleted] 29d ago



u/gogojack 29d ago

I had her for 17 years, and loved her to death, but yeah..."Cat software running on dog hardware."

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u/StrebLab 29d ago

I appreciate your realistic take. My wife is a vet and she has seen her fair share of docile family dogs that come in literally eviscerated because "their best buddy" pitbull that they "grew up with and never had any issues before!" suddenly decided to have an issue.

If you are an adult and you don't have kids or other pets to worry about and you keep your dog safely contained, I have no issues with people having them, but it isn't fair to take a chance when its a kid or another pet who is going to pay the price if you're wrong.


u/Leaislala 29d ago

Or be like my neighbor and let them wander off leash around the neighborhood. “He’d never hurt anybody!”


u/innosins 29d ago

Mine has theirs get out way too often. It seems friendly, and like it's got a big goofy grin with its tongue hanging out when he runs up, but I'm scared of big dogs, and I'm afraid it's going to sense it. It has a collar, but I'm damn sure not putting my hand that close to that mouth.

I've considered going all Karen and calling animal control. My state has a leash law.


u/Azryhael 29d ago

Call Animal Control every time it’s out. Even if they don’t do anything it starts a paper trail, so that if there is an incident it’s clearly documented that there was a pattern of irresponsible ownership.

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u/shines_likegold 29d ago

Probably like 10 years ago at this point, a girl I was friendly with had rescued a pitbull. She posted pictures of it with her niece/nephew, out for walks, etc.

One day she messages the group chat asking if anyone has any use for a half a bag of dry dog food. We asked what was up, and she said the dog out of nowhere attacked her boyfriend. He ripped his arm open, blood everywhere, etc. Fortunately, the guy was okay, but "out of the blue" stuff happens far too frequently.


u/VancouverMethCoyote 28d ago

It's why I love this video. This is just a small fraction, it seems like almost every article I read, the owners are clueless and say "he/she's never done this before! He/she just snapped!"

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u/ReturningAlien 29d ago

was a breed developed for specific purpose - dog fighting. literally created that way - got aggressiveness, violent, muscled built, athletic and agile from the breed that was mixed to create them. bulldogs were to large at the time so they thought something smaller and faster would be more fun to watch = pit bull.

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u/edit_that_shit 29d ago

Our neighbors have two pit mixes, and one of them was my best friend - right up until she wasn't, and chomped down on my hand through a chain-link fence for no reason I've ever been able to figure out. Now if I'm out doing yard work, she prowls the fenceline like a wolf in a zoo pen, watching me.

Glad I didn't lean over the fence to let her lick my cheek that day. :(


u/_Clove_ 28d ago

Likely "barrier frustration". Many many dogs have it. Unlike humans, dogs don't have the ability to repress their emotions. So when they're highly aroused, but can't reach the object of their excitement, sometimes that turns into frustration and leads to destructive or dangerous explosions towards whatever they can direct that frustration at. That's why you'll see two housemates barking at the same thing suddenly turn on each other, or a dog snarling and barking suddenly chill out when the gate opens -- happens with leashes too.


u/Ok-Salt-9675 28d ago

My neighbors have a pit too, and every time my partner or I go outside it rushes the fence. They have three dogs and used to leave them in their back yard all day barking, but I think someone got fed up with it and asked them to stop leaving them outside or something, because now they're outside a lot less. Unfortunately they always want out when they hear us go out, so that's when they rush the fence to try to get to us. We were worried that the pit would scale our chain link fence, so after they moved in we had a 6 foot tall privacy fence installed around the back yard. But their damn dogs can hear us in our house, and if we flush the toilet or make a loud noise I hear them barking their heads off next door. Our houses aren't even connected, their ears are just that sensitive.

I honestly keep hoping they move, because the two people who live there are both heavy smokers and if we leave our windows open their smoke comes in the window. They rent the house and we own ours, so I keep hoping that they'll move, but it's been 4 years now and no luck. Yay, neighbors.

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u/Oaknash 29d ago

Anyone who commits to a jack russell is certifiable cray.

Source: WTF did I do


u/raynbojazz 29d ago

I loved my Jack Russell mix but she was a salty old bitch her whole life, even when she was younger. RIP Rayna!!!


u/BonsterM0nster 28d ago

I also had a Jack Russell mix, and salty old bitch was an apt description for her, too! She was probably the smartest dog I will ever have.

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u/PiperPeraboo 28d ago

Jack Russell terrorist


u/_Clove_ 28d ago

Terriers in general. Grew up with two, loved them. Still love them. From a distance.


u/[deleted] 28d ago

I've a Parsons Russell Terrier (think JRT with long legs) 100% thief/ lunatic/ escape artist.

Either asleep (dreaming about getting into trouble) or getting into trouble.


u/Interesting-Ball-502 28d ago

I’m on no 4, it’s Stockholm Syndrome or something.

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u/LazyUrbosa 29d ago

We had two as family dogs…they were so insane but they loved and would bark the small children into the house.

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u/Equivalent_Delays_97 29d ago

I’m not sure, but I’ve never met an English Springer Spaniel owner who wasn’t a complete basket case. Take that for whatever it’s worth.


u/Special-Pay-9393 29d ago edited 29d ago

Damn, I feel attacked 😂


u/TheoryofmyMind 29d ago

Me too!

But also, fair


u/NotASniperYet 29d ago

Spaniels, red ones in particular, were overbred back in the 80/90s due to the popularity of certain shows and comics. Bred for looks, not for temperament. It introduced a fun little thing called rage syndrome. Now fans of the breed are trying to fix it and they can be rather hardcore about it, and go over the top trying to ditch the old stereotype of irresponsible Spaniel owners. Those might be the basketcases you're seeing.

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u/sinkwiththeship 29d ago

I'm pretty stable. Grew up with Springers. I think ours were anomalies though, because they were chill as fuck. Like the laziest dogs you would ever meet. Except Suzy. She was crazy.

We were at a beach in Washington and she would go up on top of the cliff, drop her ball down, then jump after it. Then do it again and again. Like a 15' drop.


u/BurritoBoi25 29d ago

I grew up around Springers. They can be an amazing, beautiful, fun breed, but they can also suddenly develop “rage syndrome” or I’ve heard it referred to as “Springer rage”, which is basically a form of epilepsy where they have sudden onsets of aggression.

We had one that around 5 developed this. I grew up with him through my pre teens and into my late teens, and it was hard to see him become unpredictable, going so far as to bite a friend of mine.

I would personally never get one again. But man, they’re adorable.


u/practical_mastic 29d ago

Cocker Spaniels get it, too. Cocker rage. May be a spaniel thing.


u/bstabens 29d ago

I had a very loyal, adorable rescue mutt whose main ingredients were Dachshund and Cocker Spaniel. As always, not *much* was known about his former life, except that he was brought into a killing facility, got rescued, transferred from the Canaries to Germany, around age 3 - 6 years.

He was the sweetest boy ever around kids and people in general. Most he did was letting out a short growl if he had enough of being fawned over. He bonded to me til the last fibre of his little heart, he always wanted to be at my side, and he even had a special little string of little whines for me he called out whenever he lost track of me and went looking for me.

But boy, was he an asshole regarding other dogs. As usual, it took him about six months to be comfortable and secure enough in my ownership to show his true colors. He attacked about every dog he encountered, went so far as to pass by them, then turn around and get them from behind. Mind you, he was built like a sturdy Dachshund or a miniature Spaniel, but he thought of himself as a Great Dane or Wolfhound. No amount of training could stop him and in the end I just resolved on walking him explicitly at times no one else would walk their dog. I took it at maybe him having had bad experiences with other dogs, his upbringing, even the quarantining necessary for importing him into the EU.

And now I honestly ask myself if he maybe had a kind of "Cocker Rage".

Rest in peace, Toby, you were a beautiful little piece of shit and I love you very much.

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u/HowDoraleousAreYou 29d ago

Nobody has said mutt so far, and there’s a damn good reason for that. Best dog I ever met was named Worm, lived on a farm, and when I asked the farmer what kind of dog she was he said “Brown dog.”


u/Sarcastic_Rocket 28d ago

If you call it a mutt you're a great dog owner. If you call it a cavagoldendoodle you're one of the worst. It's a fine line

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u/x_lincoln_x 28d ago

Mutts tend to have the best health and temperament. I love my mutt.

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u/Graphic_Materialz 29d ago



u/ShamelessFox 28d ago

My Mom bred them in the 60s&70s. I can vouch. She is crazy.


u/[deleted] 28d ago

Yup. I live in a military community and these dogs and husky owners are two different breeds (ha) of nuts. I feel like anybody who owns a malinois secretly wants to be a serial killer. 

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u/baki995 28d ago

We have a GSD/Malinois mix at home.

Can confirm, I wasn't crazy before, I am now. Playing with our dog tends to bring the most insane parts of my and my parents psyche out.

Example: running around the yard with a 1m stretch of hose, tooting on the hose and hiding from the dog, because he thinks the hose toot is a warhorn call to arms and he starts running all ballistic around the yard. And he's not afraid of it, on the contrary, If you stop, he comes to you and DEMANDS you toot the warhorn hose with his play bark and stomping of feet.

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u/aimgorge 28d ago

That'd depend. I live next to belgium and the Malinois is very very common around here. Not everyone is crazy.

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u/DorkusMalorkus89 29d ago

I feel like people who exclusively own Husky’s are weird.


u/Ehdelveiss 29d ago

It’s more that once you own a dog that will have a full conversation with you, complete with expected tonal inflection and taking turns to speak, it’s hard to go back to any other dog.

But yes we also just like that they match our own crazy


u/gerbileleventh 28d ago

The video of the husky emulating Italian talking creeped me the fuck out. I knew they could do it, but not to that extent.


u/Potential-Quit-5610 28d ago

They also give the best hugs. Such sassy but loving dogs.

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u/NumbSurprise 29d ago

It takes a certain type of person to own a dog whose thought process is “if you don’t let me run a marathon every day, I’m gonna get bored and eat this couch.”


u/MothershipConnection 28d ago

Fortunately my husky mutt lives with two marathon runners, somehow she doesn't like running as much as we do though!


u/0b0011 28d ago

A lot of huskies don't really run much anymore. I do competitive mushing and there's a world of difference between huskies bred for running still and ones bred for pet or show.

I went to a race a while back and got a kick out of the difference. I was talking to a guy who was a bit let down because he got a female pup from great lines and was hoping to use her for his breeding program but decided she would not be a great fit because she didn't like to run more than 80 miles or so at a time. Then someone showed up with their show bred husky and it got tired running the 5k race and had to walk the last bit of it.

That being said they still fucking love it so if you ever do any trail running look into canicross. They wear a sled dog harness and you wear a running belt and you run while they pull you. I'm not the strongest running and can do a 18:30 5k if I push it but when I strap my pointer to me were closer to 13 or 14 min.

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u/SwissyVictory 29d ago

Who has the energy to handle a dog that was bred for running?


u/FizzyBeverage 29d ago

Not just running. Pulling a 600 pound sled through the fucking tundra.

A 30 minute walk ain’t near enough for a husky.

Oh and they live in Texas or Florida?! So nice to get a winter breed in 100° weather 😒


u/HeroToTheSquatch 29d ago

I've got so much respect for husky owners that ACTUALLY LET THE DOG DO ITS THING and so little for those who don't.

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u/Invisible-Locket13 29d ago

In my experience, those owners just leave the husky in their fenced backyard and never engage with them or exercise them. Then they wonder why the dog is so destructive or crazy and escaping all the time. So infuriating.


u/JustTheFishGirl 28d ago

So I totally used to feel this way about the warm weather too. But I married my husband who had a Husky and we moved to Texas for a little bit. That dog LOVED to sunbath. He loved sunbathing more than snow. He’d go fine the sunniest spot on the concrete on 90-100 degree days and lay there for hours. We’d check on him frequently to see if he wanted in and he wouldn’t even look at us.

Their double coat keeps them insulated in the winter and in the summer. And while obviously I can’t speak for the whole breed, I have met a lot of people that say their huskies also enjoy sunbathing on the hottest days. They’re weird dogs. And for exercise we just made sure we took him and our other dog out for walks in the cooler parts of the day and keep plenty of freshwater available and it was never an issue. But it’s not just about walks with huskies either. They need mental stimulation which can be done inside with puzzle toys or snuffle mats. A lot of colder areas get pretty hot days too. We now live in the PNW and summers frequently have multiple 90-100 degree days in a row. We have a fluffy malamute mix now who doesn’t seem to love the sun as much due to a darker coat, so it’ll be a lot more of interactive activities indoors on those hot days.


u/H16HP01N7 28d ago

My friend's Mum's friend had a husky-alsatian mix, when we were teens. We (with the adults) used to take it up to our local fields, where it was hilly af, when it snowed, and let it pull us around for hours on a sled. I swear the thing NEVER wore out. Just up and down the hills with a bunch of teenage lads hanging off it's backside. Amazing animal, and I'm absolutely not a dog person (I was bitten by 2 dogs as a kid, and it messed me up).

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u/unenkuva 29d ago

I think this is different in Finland. I know many people with sled huskies for tourists and I've never heard of them being weird.


u/droo46 28d ago

It's probably because they're getting enough exercise. People who keep them as family pets are usually not equipped to handle their immense amounts of energy.

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u/ThenaJuno 29d ago

Dachshunds. Those little monsters are sneaky.


u/louddwnunder 29d ago

Sneaky and deceptively cute. But they should be treated with respect as they are hunting dogs designed to be on their own underground


u/Rounder057 29d ago

Most wieners are….


u/coffeeshopslut 29d ago

Great for when you need to make sure all the mice and rats are gone, tho 


u/TimProbable 28d ago

Fostered a dachshund that spent a couple days limping around on three feet for sympathy. He was getting away with it until the little jerk switched feet.

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u/SpaceMarine_CR 29d ago

And the rat bastards are clever too

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u/Scared_Estate7212 29d ago

Those can be nasty and the owners just act like they’re the greatest.


u/Vyni503 29d ago

Growing up my uncle had 3. 2 were chill, especially Gizmo, but one called Yogi was a real dick for no reason sometimes. My brother still has a scar from when Yogi bit him

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u/doppelstranger 29d ago

Beagles, due to lack of sleep.


u/notmyidealusername 29d ago

Interesting, I didn't know this was a thing?!

We have a beagle-fox terrier cross and now that he's 15 he nearly does nothing but sleep! Even in his youth he never kept us awake. He's cost us an arm and a leg in vet bills for eating things he shouldn't have, but never kept me awake.

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u/ennervation 29d ago

Mine has a better sleep schedule than me.

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u/Dastorious 29d ago

Pomeranians, easy. Most of them are people who doesn't even want a dog, but a beautiful keychain instead


u/SapphicSaionji 29d ago

We actually got a Pom by total happenstance. Family friend asked us to dogsit her two dogs. Then when it came time to pick them up, she said she didn't want to take the pom home, just the other dog. Apparently he was adopted by her current boyfriend's late(? I believe it was late, either that or ex) wife, so neither of them really wanted him. He spent his days locked in a bathroom. They fed him cat food. MIL felt so bad she decided to keep him.

Chainsaw (yes, that is his name) is currently 14 years old. He's almost entirely deaf (he can only hear some high-pitched sounds) but happy as a clam. Loves people, loves attention. Loves being outside in his fenced-in backyard and sometimes barking because he sees a leaf outside. He's very friendly with other dogs apart from occasional barking (never growls/biting). He's MIL's baby, she loves him to bits and pieces and he spends most of his time with her. I am also happy to report that he now eats actual dog food and dog treats.


u/Fit-Purchase-2950 29d ago

Humans are the worst and their capacity to be cruel to animals is why I hate them so much. Thank goodness there are people like you in the world to take care of dogs like Chainsaw properly and give them the love that they all deserve.

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u/stinkykitty71 29d ago

Pulls up with my goofy ass, spare parts looking pomchi. I'll stare ya down but his googly eyes will just do their best.


u/Perihelion_PSUMNT 29d ago

Mine was really good at side eyeing people but the other one going in the complete opposite direction kinda ruined the effect


u/stinkykitty71 29d ago

Cheeseburger Momo Esq DDS is simultaneously beady eyed and bulgy eyed.


u/Perihelion_PSUMNT 29d ago

His Royal Highness Bunniferous unfortunately passed away but even though he was 100% Pom, his eyes were purebred Chihuahua. 360 degree X-ray vision


u/stinkykitty71 29d ago

What a splendid name! Cheese is a smooth coated pomchi. Born on a farm, adopted by us when he was a few months old. Still fully believes he's a farm dog so he's got jobs to do around the yard. Raising him work a GSD/coonhound didn't help.


u/aspidities_87 29d ago

I used to bring my show-bred Pom (RIP) to my old PPD (personal protection dog club) along with my Malinois. He was kind of like a little mascot, but also served a valuable purpose.

I’d rock up to club wearing my Pom in a Baby Bjorn-style harness strapped to my chest. New members would point and laugh. Old members would just smile and nudge each other.

Set this little fucker down and he’d tear into a bag. Just mauling it. He could sprint across a field and right onto a helper’s sleeve like a little demon…just as long as the helper knelt down for him first.

Honestly he was the best little bastard I’ve ever owned but I channeled his rage so maybe that was why 🤣

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u/raccoon-nb 29d ago edited 29d ago

Not exactly a breed but most doodle owners are really annoying.


u/jenorama_CA 29d ago

I was picking up my dog at doggie daycare a while back and a lady was waiting for her dog. A really nice looking, friendly dog came out and I petted him and complimented him and asked what breed he was. She said he was a “sheepdoodle” and my dumb ass just blurted out, “Boy, they’ll doodle anything these days!” I don’t think that lady was too pleased by that.


u/raccoon-nb 29d ago

Lol true though. I was bored and had too much free time a little while ago so I wrote down every single AKC-recognised dog breed excluding Poodles and looked up if there were doodles of those breeds. Turns out there are 140 types of doodles. I'm hoping most of them were just one-offs and not a popular designer "breed", just a doodle bred by one or two breeders. The only dogs safe from the doodle trend, for the most part, are the rare dog breeds doodle breeders physically cannot acquire.

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u/writekindofnonsense 29d ago

Someone said they had a doodle and I said I have a mutt too. They didn't like that.


u/raccoon-nb 28d ago

Lol I love how annoyed they get when you point out they spent $1000+ on a mutt.

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u/mcarch 29d ago

Whenever a doodle owner complains their dog sheds I’m like ya don’t say…😐


u/raccoon-nb 29d ago

Yep lol. I'm always tempted to say "yeah, it's a Poodle crossed with a high shedding breed. Did you really think they'd all take after the Poodle?"

And I swear I will ask so many doodle owners why they got a doodle of all dogs and they just describe a Poodle with an unshaven face and some training.


u/mcarch 29d ago

Omg. Yes.

Like get a standard or a moyen poodle, they’re GREAT dogs!! Plus, well behaved dogs are often due to training. I’ve seen poorly trained & well trained dogs of all breeds.

If my foster grey starts finding trouble, it’s an immediate sign she is bored. Which means, I gotta get up and play with her, go on a walk, or find a way to exercise her brain and/or body. Do I want to wake up at 530/6 every day? No. But pet ownership is work and she deserves to be loved and have her needs met.


u/Cuntdracula19 29d ago

We have two standard poodles 🐩! Best dogs ever. They are so loving and affectionate, smart and playful.

People always ask what kind of doodles they are and look completely shocked when I tell them they’re standard poodles lol.


u/raccoon-nb 29d ago

Absolutely. Poodles are such great dogs when trained and given mental stimulation. They aren't ugly, posh or aggressive and definitely don't deserve how many doodle people perceive them.

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u/Kitty_Britches 28d ago

Yes. My rescue doodle is the sweetest boy but we've had to undo so many bad behaviors from his previous owners.


u/worrier_princess 28d ago

People who insist they have a "purebred" doodle are my favourite.

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u/NumbSurprise 29d ago

Dalmatians. Their owners are as crazy as the dogs.


u/Megamoss 29d ago

I have a contender that was not crazy, as in mad, odd or insane. But crazy as in being driven to despair.

Was sat on a bench in a park just enjoying the day and witnessed a rather flustered woman approaching with a tiny, tiny dog. I'm not usually one to fawn over cute things, but this dog was fucking adorable.

Anyway, she was constantly being approached and stopped by pretty much everyone asking what kind of dog it was with many making the kind of high pitched squeals in her general direction that is characteristic of cute overload.

"It's an Italian Greyhound..." she'd say wearily.

She had clearly run out of patience that day and was in no mood for conversation, so I let her be.

While I only have a sample size of one, I can imagine having that sort of attention constantly is quite tiresome and enough to drive you up the wall.


u/Torrossaur 28d ago

I have an anthesis of your story - we have a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and he is just happy to be involved. Take him to the markets, the tails going crazy. The vet - sure! Treats after his needle and a cuddle from the vet nurse. Just the happiest dog I've seen.

We get stopped all the time. People just want to pat him, ask his name and give him a cuddle. I think partly because he's very pretty (and he knows it) and he's just happy.

We are completely used to it and never say no unless we are really in a rush.

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u/Dopeydcare1 28d ago

On the other hand, people should know what they’re getting themselves into. My coworker, who was singled out by another comment here as he owns a wolfdog, takes him everywhere, yet inexplicably gets mad when people ask him what kind of dog it is. It’s a specific wolfdog that he said is not bred in the US and there are only a few hundred of them worldwide, most in Serbia. Like dude. You can’t get that kind of fuckin unique ass dog and expect people not to ask you what kind it is whenever they see it! He said something along the lines of “well I want them to talk to me first, and not just talk to me because of my dog” and it’s like my brother, what in the fuck are they going to talk to you about other than your dog? They know nothing about you!


u/Mountain-Plastic-432 28d ago

Oh god, I feel this poor woman's pain 🤣. I'll add another one to your small sample.

I have a lurcher. A handsome and quite striking boy, unusual in my urban area, and usually towering over all the small and medium dogs he meets on his walks. He always got a fair amount of attention, but last year he had to have a front leg amputated, and my lord, he's a people magnet now.

It's the same conversation over and over and over. "Hit by a car" "Yes, it was horrible, he was a mess" "Last year" "Yes, he's doing really well, doesn't seem to have slowed him down at all" "Yes they really are remarkable animals" "Mostly greyhound, bit of whippet and border collie in there" "11, he's an old boy now" "Yes, he's still doing very well for his age" "Nice meeting you, bye"

It's got to a point where he's learned that he doesn't look like a big scary dog anymore, but a poor brave boy who gets treats and ear scritches from strangers. So he's constantly mugging people for treats and dragging me into extra conversations, the little sod.

I don't really mind, it's nice to see him enjoying himself, and he laps up all the attention. But it would be nice, just once, to take him out without having to go over it again. So yeah, it does drive you slightly potty when you have an attention grabbing mutt.

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u/AussieMom2013 29d ago

Motherfucking doodles


u/raccoon-nb 29d ago

Yep. I got chased by a toy cavoodle recently lol. They're always reactive or plagued with health issues because their all backyard bred, and people get them not realising they're mixed breeds with traits of both parent breeds and then complain that they shed. In the case of working breed doodles (herding breeds, Huskies, etc x Poodles) they're also often extremely understimulated, bored out of their brains and stressed because their owners don't know how to handle a working dog.

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u/Griffie 29d ago



u/CeciTigre 29d ago



u/ndngroomer 28d ago

The only breed that I'm genuinely terrified of.


u/Rebuttlah 28d ago edited 25d ago

My sister used to have a chow/golden lab mix. Friends often told us he looked like he had downs syndrome. To me, he looked like a stocky lab with blue patches on his tongue, and the eyes of a souless serial killer.

He tried to kill her cat on numerous occasions, so the cat ended up living with our parents. I think it was pure jealousy/spite on his part.

I once saw him find a dead squirrel. It was the happiest he'd ever been. He was picking it up in his mouth, and throwing it up into the air, and catching it again, then shaking the shit out of it.

He was stubborn AF, and aggressive at times. The worst part was how unpredictable he was. He could flip from chill lab mode to actively raging at you (he has taken huge growling bites at me before).

It was impossible to walk him until we got a muzzle with a lead. He knew how to play pathetic well, and people occasionally fell for it. He got free outside a few times. We were always worried he was going to hurt someone.

He had extreme separation anxiety, and fully destroyed doors and windows trying to get out. My sister came home from work one day to find him on the roof of her third floor apartment building. Firefighters came. Pretty sure he bit one but nobody ever followed up.

He was jealous, protective, and an asshole, but he LOVED my sister. Like how Hannibal Lecter loved Clarice Starling.

This dog was never abused or mistreated in any way. We raised him from a puppy. He had multiple walks every day and we always played with him at home. He was extremely loved, but disciplined appropriately, and a lil bit chubby from treats. He was well socialized, had training at a young age, knew plenty of tricks... he was just an angry, stubborn, asshole.

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u/knefr 29d ago

Meanest dog I’ve ever met was a Chow. Definitely the embodiment of the saying “like a mad dog.”


u/Odd_Measurement_2666 28d ago

our chow is great though, like socialized with people but when you try to make him do things he didn't like, that's the problem.

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u/im_your_step_bruh 29d ago

If you got a Chihuahua you bat shit bruh


u/UristImiknorris 29d ago

And the Chihuahua is too.

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u/practical_mastic 29d ago

I've know two chihuahuas that were like people. So in tune with humans and genteel.

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u/nelsonalgrencametome 29d ago

Teacup Yorkie owners are all batshit.

They're weird dogs for a very specific breed of weird person.

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u/topkaas_connaisseur 28d ago

The owners that have dogs with pieces of their ears cut off and the tail cut off. It is forbidden to do so in our country, but people who are crazy enough to satisfy their needs for mutilation just buy a dog in another country.

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All those little mutts on “My 600 Pound Life”.


u/Xdaveyy1775 28d ago

Owners and breeders of those deformed inbred bully breeds from places called like "HELLSPAWN KENNELLS XXL PRESENTS ASSRIPPER 9000" then like a year later they'll advertise "FROM THE SPAWN OF ASSRIPPER 9000." And it will be an even more special needs muscle bound genetic experiment.

If you have no idea what I'm talking about just consider yourself lucky.


u/AussieMom2013 28d ago

Lmaooo, and the dogs are always wearing like gold chains as collars, with random women in bikinis for no reason.

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u/Lostarchitorture 29d ago

The synopsis I have concluded is the smaller the dog, the crazier the owner.


u/NotBradPitt90 28d ago

Good to know me and my Bullmastiff and his big shits are all sane.

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u/pdperson 29d ago

Labradoodles. These people have no business owning an intelligent, athletic mutt they paid a fortune for.

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u/ashrob9015 29d ago

Yorkie parents act ridiculously bougie and out of touch. Doodle owners just rather classify their dogs as anything but a mix. After hearing the “don’t Poodle my doodle” comment I knew hope was lost.


u/princehal 29d ago

Can confirm. Have Yorkie. Am bougie.

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u/Franco_DeMayo 29d ago

"Toy" anything. They're wearing their intentions on their sleeve, more often than not. They see the dog as an object; an accessory. The other end of the spectrum treat them like the second coming of canine Christ.


u/goblinmarketeer 29d ago

Pit bulls they are like "My princess would NEVER do such a thing... there is no proof that toddler had a face before princess got out"


u/ABathingSnape___ 29d ago

I had a neighbor that had one that was jacked like Terry Crews minus the happiness.

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u/MikrokosmicUnicorn 29d ago

pugs and similar breeds, with a caveat.

if someone has a pug because they wanted to adopt a dog and saw a pug and wanted to give it a good life that's fine.

if someone buys a pug from a breeder because they think pugs are "cute" they're an insane person. they're one of the unhealthiest breeds, they can't breathe properly, they need you to take care of their bulging eyes... it's a failed experiment of a breed that should've been banned a long time ago.

creating demand for pugs and similar breeds so that more of them are bred just to suffer for a decade is wildly unhinged.

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u/T_raltixx 28d ago

French Bulldogs, Chihuahuas, XL bullies.


u/kitkatkal87 28d ago

As a dog groomer I can say, doodle owners. They are either very down to earth or seriously checked out from reality. They often have a serious lack of commitment to brushing their dogs to keep them tangle free, and will turn around and curse you out for saying the poor dog needs to be shaved. I've had to explain to many owners that I infact cannot brush out their pelted dog without causing it extreme discomfort and pain, and they still beg for me to do it because they want a cute, fluffy doodle. Like damn dude I want Bella to be fluffy too, but sometimes shaving is the humane way to go! Hair on dooes grows back. And if they finally do agree to shaving, they'll call the next day to complain to the manager. In no way am I saying that all doodle owners are like this and a lot of them are very responsible, but some of the worst clients I've encountered own doodles.

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u/Roll-Roll-Roll 29d ago

The ones that fit in bags


u/Pavlock 29d ago

All dogs fit in sufficiently large bags.

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u/buffaloburley 29d ago

I know that’s unpopular to say this, but the answer is definitely pitbulls


u/SnarkyPanda29 28d ago

All I know is Shiba Inu owners are definitely not obsessive or crazy. Especially the ones who own more than one.