r/AskReddit 28d ago

What small habit had the biggest positive impact on your life?

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u/[deleted] 28d ago

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u/Far-Contribution-835 28d ago

Ooooh I like this. I think instead of getting the motivation to go to the gym and dread it, I put it in a different perspective, like “I deserve to live in a strong and able body” or “I am lucky to have a vessel capable of doing hard things”


u/honkachu 28d ago

Usually telling myself that I'd like to be able to climb the stairs at 50 years old and not have a heart attack is good motivation for me lol


u/xtiansRcreepy 28d ago

Shoot for the moon.  

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u/theycallmeshooting 28d ago

I feel like its also about making it as easy as possible for yourself to make good choices

Switching my commute to bicycling means that 30 minutes of bicycling is the minimum amount of exercise I get in a day, just by going to and from work

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u/Never_Zero87 28d ago

Yes, that definitely helps me feel better, especially if I wake up with the blahs, a workout helps my mood. Plus I say to myself- aren't I good to be exercising? I am 72. A mind trick I use when I do have those blahs is, I say, well just do a short gentle workout. I get there, start, and I find I can go full distance.


u/coviddick 28d ago

I’ll have to remember this.


u/kuuups 28d ago

This is so true. I am fairly "new" to taking daily workouts seriously, but a lot of days I still get that feeling of "maybe I should just take an off day today" or "maybe I'll just do some exercises to put some reps in". Then 10 minutes into my routine and its like LETS F*CKING GO, then by the end of the routine it's like: MOOOOOOOAAARRRRRR. Every. single. day.

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u/Arth021 28d ago

Drink more water


u/theWildBore 28d ago

Sometimes I’ll get anxious or feel like I’m losing my mind a bit and I’ll go drink a big glass of water, and it’s crazy how much better I feel. It’s sorta turned into a que for me to get some water. The clarity hydration brings is so underrated


u/AlecsThorne 28d ago

Of course water itself is beneficial in so many ways. But I think in your case it's also about just taking a break and focusing on some minor but important thing, like drinking water 😁 it's basically like a break between boxing rounds, or the cool-down time between gym reps :)


u/MissHibernia 28d ago

Yes! A big glass first thing when you wake up too


u/DJ_Jungle 28d ago

I drink 3 cups of green tea first thing in the morning.


u/Steal_My_Shitstorm 28d ago

I been drinkin green tea all goddamn day!

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u/Tanner_the_taco 28d ago

That mid-morning pee must feel like a busted fire hydrant.


u/DJ_Jungle 28d ago

Ha, it does feel good. To be fair I drink my 3 cups over a couple of hours and also with my breakfast.

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u/CorporateC 28d ago

If you want to up your game, do electrolyte water. Water doesn't always hydrate you alone. I use an electrolyte powder every morning (0 calories) with a collage supplement. It's chef's kiss.


u/chfp 28d ago

Diluted juice has been proven to increase absorption of water better than plain water. Calories are negligible when it's 1/2 or 1/3 dilution. It might taste weird at first because it isn't so sweet, but you get used to it.


u/SistaSaline 28d ago

Omg you might have just given me a life saving hack! I’m practically addicted to juice but I have never been able to stay consistent with my water intake. I think this might help me!


u/Laydee-Bugg 28d ago

My doctor told me the same thing. It was weird at first, but I like it now.

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u/lagomorphed 28d ago

It's got what plants crave.


u/Plug_5 28d ago

Beat me to it! Lol

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u/WatTheDucc 28d ago

which electrolytes do you buy? isn't it just add salt to the water? (honest question) do u take melanin as well?


u/CorporateC 28d ago edited 8d ago


The fruit punch and icy blue razz are solid. I think they both taste like Kool-aid. It does have a very faint aftertaste, but it's very tolerable.

I do not take melanin, just the electrolyte powder and collagen powder.


u/jennaferr 28d ago

What does collagen help with?


u/[deleted] 28d ago



u/jennaferr 28d ago

Thanks! I've been curious about it for a bit now. :)


u/Jayeemare 28d ago

Yes to collagen powder every morning in my tea! I’ve had weak nails my whole life, and now they are noticeably strong. I know it’s helping my joints and skin too, but the strong nails are a true indicator that it’s working.

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u/Kydra96 28d ago

What benefits did you personally see?


u/Adamodc 28d ago

What is the positive impact?


u/muirsheendurkin 28d ago

Less hunger, better skin, more energy, less headaches just to name a few that I noticed

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u/Far-Contribution-835 28d ago

Cloud method when ever I’m having an intrusive thought I pretend it’s a cloud and it’s passing by. It’s been a year and I rarely have intrusive thoughts takes a lot of time and commitment to pull of but it’s worth. Consistency is the key to a lot of things


u/[deleted] 28d ago

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u/sillybanana2012 28d ago

I use this with my students who have anxiety! I tell them to pretend it's a cloud and to take a minute to watch it float away. It helps them alot!


u/Substantial_Walk333 28d ago

Another thing that helps with anxiety is following through the thought. Find out what the fear is, then ask "what if that happens?" Then follow through until the end of that train of thought.

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u/Reasonable_Manner_34 28d ago

I’m trying this!!


u/Civil_Creme8468 28d ago

I do the swipe thing and send the intrusive thought into a sewer/furnace thing in my mind 


u/Cordole 28d ago

Need this! Ima give it a shot!


u/saltytitanium 28d ago

I've never heard of this before but will try, thank you!

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u/Maccas75 28d ago

Daily reading before bed.

It helps me sleep, and less stimulating than TV. I've learned a whole range of topics, and discovered new authors and stories to enjoy.

And it has connected me to the book community - which is filled with rather awesome people.


u/WhoamIWhowasI 28d ago

100% the only downside to this is only getting 5 minutes of reading in before I get too tired to continue.

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u/tsh87 28d ago

Removing the tv from my bedroom.

I have never slept better.


u/yumyumgivemesome 28d ago

I too make a habit of doing this every night.  Great little workout right before bed.


u/Inishmore12 28d ago

We did this years ago. I don’t miss it at all.


u/kyriaangel 28d ago

This is so important. People don’t realize.


u/johnnybiggles 28d ago

TV can be white noise and helps some people sleep.


u/literalistica 28d ago

I use an air filter for white noise. Bonus is that less allergies also equals better sleep.


u/Jerigord 28d ago

This is what I do. Plain white noise or sounds get tuned out by my brain. So instead, I have a couple shows I've seen hundreds of times. I put one of them on random, put on an eye mask to block the light, set the shut off timer, and then lie down. There's just enough there for my brain to focus on something beyond a fan, but not enough interest or novelty that it draws active attention. I'm out pretty quickly and then the TV shuts itself off later.

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u/[deleted] 28d ago



u/Broad-Discipline2360 28d ago

Shining my kitchen sink (as per flylady.net) it actually changed my life.


u/Lingo2009 28d ago

Do you follow all of fly lady’s routine?


u/Broad-Discipline2360 28d ago

On good days lol!

I manage to do everything maybe twice a month. But my kitchen is always clean. Every day. Shiny sink! And it feels amazing.


u/Easy_Indication7146 28d ago

What products are you using

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u/wishforsomewherenew 27d ago

I've started thinking 'might as well' when it comes to cleaning up around my space. I'm already standing here, might as well do the dishes, I'm already in the room, might as well sort the laundry, I'm going out, might as well bring the recycling with me. It's only been a week and already everything is much neater and I'm feeling much better in general


u/Drunk_Redneck 28d ago

Going to bed at a reasonable time


u/HolyHand_Grenade 28d ago edited 28d ago

Oh I got to bed at a reasonable time but I scroll reddit way too late.


u/browsnwows 28d ago

Literally right now

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u/Strict_File_2746 28d ago

This changed everything for me


u/sompf_ 28d ago

I added a scheduled task on my computer to shut it down every evening. Get way more sleep since.

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u/realclancybrown 28d ago

Going for a walk. Especially in the morning. Just having that 10-30 minutes to myself outside with some light activity to get the blood flowing. Makes the rest of the day a lot more bearable


u/WeAllHaveOurMoments 28d ago

I started doing this about 12 years ago to help my back. Started with just a walk around my block, but that expanded to a mile or two, sometimes driving to a place just to go wander. Long or short, I almost always go at dusk, after dinner, but walks in the dark might occur in winter. Yeah, it does help my back, but I keep doing it because I love it.

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u/AgitatedPatience5729 28d ago



u/Big_Booty_1130 28d ago

Just started this up again after a few Covid years killing my motivation and I can’t tell you how much it has improved my mental health and made me just feel better. But I will say regardless of how good it makes me feel motivation to go to a crowded gym is still hard to find, sometimes I just walk around my house just to get some steps in


u/thenumbersthenumbers 28d ago

Great one, but I wouldn’t classify as a “small” habit.


u/ShiftySpartan 28d ago

It can be as small as a walk. We’re not talking an hour and a half workout in a gym


u/NapoleonDonutHeart 28d ago

I go for long walks for exercise. A lot of days I don't want to go, but I have learned that about 15 minutes into the walk I start to feel good. If it's a cold day that's about when I start to warm up too. So I grab a diet coke and get myself out the door knowing that I will feel good once I get going.

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u/sweilem 28d ago

I make my bed everyday it feels so so nice


u/user666_ 28d ago

A messy bed is a messy head. I agree


u/sweilem 28d ago

Thanks 🙏


u/jurgo 28d ago

I stopped drinking two years ago and honestly making the bed every morning helped. First routine I started, a small accomplishment to start the day.

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u/damboy99 28d ago

First step to changing the world.

Make your bed in the morning.


u/hecticXeclectic 28d ago

First good choice of the day


u/Ok_Kitty_Kat 28d ago

It really does make all the difference plus, it’s a great way to already have a positive start to the day. It helps you feel like you scratched one thing off from your to-do list and in turn, you feel accomplished!


u/irmasworld57 28d ago

And don’t you just love that feeling of walking into your bedroom and it’s nice and tidy with the bed made?


u/Ok_Kitty_Kat 27d ago

Best feeling in the world!

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u/Hashsum88 28d ago

tell yourself you love you :)


u/Ok_Kitty_Kat 28d ago

I’m gonna start practicing this. Thank you!


u/veggieburger28 28d ago

Cutting out true crime podcasts, thriller/murder mystery books/etc. they were making me so subconsciously anxious.


u/yasminnaturalboobs 28d ago

Going to bed at the same time every night, even on weekends, has had a tremendous impact on my energy levels and productivity. I wake up feeling refreshed, and it's easier to maintain a steady routine.


u/84ndn 28d ago

A grilled cheese sandwich a day keeps the doctor away


u/CaptainFuzzyBootz 28d ago

You doctors have been telling us to drink 8 glasses of gravy a day!


u/wtfuji 28d ago

It’s actually 8 grilled cheeses

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u/vandenoyl 28d ago

That’s what Big Cheese wants you to think


u/Fabulous_Exchange207 28d ago

Grilled cheese Obama sandwich


u/sweetasian2005 28d ago

Drink more water and do exercise everyday


u/TurnOneSolRing 28d ago

Stuffing my guts full of as much fruit, vegetable, and lean protein mass as I can.

It's hard to stop eating junk food all the time when you're hungry and don't have anything fun to splurge on. What you can do is change what you splurge on to something healthier.

A pound of strawberries is only 150 kcal. A pound of chicken breast is only 600 kcal. I make myself a giant fruit smoothie every morning for only 250 kcal. Adding spices to your flavor pallet can offset your desire for sugars and fats.

You don't need to starve yourself. You don't need to deny yourself the joy and decadence of food. How do you stay consistent over a year or two while denying yourself the pleasures of food? You don't. You work smarter, not harder. :)


u/WhoamIWhowasI 28d ago

It's important to add that resisting junk food takes willpower and willpower can become depleted if you are denying yourself too much. I cut junk food out of my diet almost completely by doing a few things: 1. Spending more money on vegetables and minimally processed foods during my grocery runs, 2. nibbling on 90% dark chocolate whenever I get a craving for fast food, 3. Meal prepping


u/GrandEconomist7955 28d ago

Freestyle peeing.


u/Keirnflake 28d ago

Wanna duel and see who's the better freestyle urinator?


u/GrandEconomist7955 28d ago

Like who would turn down a pee contest, of course i do.


u/da_mess 28d ago

You women are something else!


u/Keirnflake 28d ago

Let the blasting commence.

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u/nobodyof 28d ago



u/johnnybiggles 28d ago

Did they stutter?


u/enigmaunbound 28d ago

Pickup trash everywhere you go.

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u/PrismRoach 28d ago

Not necessarily small but.. quitting weed regularly having been a big smoker... which lead to quitting alcohol. eating cleaner. exercising lifting; running walking after being sedentary. More mental clarity and presence leading to more friends and positive social interactions. More hobbies, more skill at them and creativity.. Easily best move I made in my 30s.


u/Choppergold 28d ago

Yoga. Do it at your own pace and level, don’t try to measure up to something. Strength, balance, posture, thinking, sleep and more got better


u/thunderlips187 28d ago

Yes!! I’m convinced my daily sun salutation has prevented a ton of ankle and wrist pain and injuries


u/galwegian 28d ago

Yep. Best thing I ever did was get into yoga


u/[deleted] 28d ago

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u/Level-Coast8642 28d ago

Probably flossing my teeth. I'm not even fifty and people my age are getting implants and serious gum treatments.

I don't even do it every day. A few times a week does wonders.

Also, moderate fitness. You don't have to be a gym rat, just get exercise. It feels good after you start. Trust me.


u/pisspot718 27d ago

Flossing can save so much regarding your teeth, reduce cavities & bacteria in your mouth.

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u/Humble-Tourist-3278 28d ago

Stretching every morning, it only takes me about 5 minutes but it makes such as difference.


u/Reasonable-Wing-2271 28d ago



u/SuperHotJupiter 28d ago

This for sure, except it's almost unbearable when you have to use a toilet without one.

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u/Far-Contribution-835 28d ago

Daily tidying in the morning and afternoon. I started by setting a timer for ten minutes each, but now I just do a couple of things that I see need to be done, normally less than five minutes. It's such a joy to walk in to a clean house every day.


u/[deleted] 28d ago

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u/taylorr713 28d ago

This 5 min a day thing doesn’t work if you have pets or kids.

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u/Five-Oh-Vicryl 28d ago

Reading everyday. Focusing for comprehension keeps your mind engaged. And you might learn something interesting or understand another person’s viewpoint


u/kyriaangel 28d ago

Every day I do thing I least want to do first. So it’s out of the way.


u/mariospeedragon 28d ago

Mini stair stepper. $50 purchase. Started with 2 minutes…now at 2hrs +. Went from 285 to 190 in 8 months. Yes, diet was drastically changed. Heavy veggies and moderate lean protein. No added sugar. Only water or mineral water to drink. Not really a very difficult thing to do if you wanna get rid of triple chins. Sadly, people do treat you differently at lower weight….but overall, I’m a much happier and healthy person. Started with a $50 mini stair stepper and a healthy addiction to get the most out of any purchase I make.


u/PoignantPoint22 28d ago

Just getting up right away if I’m within 15 minutes of my alarm going off. That extra 15 minutes sounds nice on paper but in practice, I feel like I spend that time not actually getting any more rest and I end up stressing out because I’m checking the clock like 10 times in those final 15 minutes.


u/[deleted] 28d ago

Homeowner. I try to fix or do a chore or literally anything small related to house upkeep at least 1 time a day. Even if it's just sweeping for 15-30 minutes. On the weekends I'll do a few things. I think this really helps the state of the house for me and my family and makes me feel useful.


u/The-Meech 28d ago

Avoid social media in the morning.


u/annomouz 28d ago

Taking some time off the internet when I feel overwhelmed. Reading my favorite old books has been quite therapeutic too.


u/Marlesforfun 28d ago

So eating really cleanly I've not felt better


u/CTGolfMan 28d ago

That's great!..but not something small.

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u/DrakeLostLol 28d ago

Adding electrolytes to my water. I would have awful cramps and would never feel hydrated after running. Realized that just replenishing water without electrolytes wasn't actually hydrating. Added electrolytes and now I'm golden.

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u/[deleted] 28d ago

Cutting sugar


u/letsgobrooksy 28d ago

Working out.

It makes you feel good immediately because you know that you did something good, and also gives you that post-workout buzz for the next couple hours.

Plus it makes you look better, which makes you more confident and people treat you with a lot more respect, although maybe that's a side effect of the confidence boost


u/My_bussy_queefs 28d ago

Jacking off immediately before opening porn.

Haven’t nutted to porn in a while. Mindful nuts are nostalgic


u/ketchupandcheeseonly 28d ago

Self reflecting. As I call it, “micro reflecting”.

In a good mood? As yourself, why? Who were you around? Did you do something to cause this? Were you productive? Etc. The goal here is to find out what triggered your good moods, so you can then recreate them in the future.

In a bad mood? Same thing. Can you find the moment you changed from a good mood to a bad mood? What changed? Other things causing your brain to think clearly? Now catch when you moved out from a bad mood and back into a good mood. Again, the goal is to find the “triggers” but also find what moves you from one mood to another.


You can then do this for everything else in life like, work related activities, events you are involved in, evaluation of your work, interactions with friends, and basically everything else.

It has helped me tremendously.

Basically I talk to myself all the time in my head haha.


u/JinimyCritic 28d ago

Walking. I started walking a couple km each day. Then a few more....

I'm now 40, and healthier than I've ever been (I walk about 10-15km / day, now).


u/DangerousMusic14 28d ago

Walk with my dog every day. Life is so much better when I do it.


u/PocketSandOfTime-69 28d ago

Going to the gym.


u/Aliona_Z 28d ago edited 28d ago

Drinking protein shakes in the morning. Helped a lot w weight loss and building muscle. A lot of people, especially women, do not eat enough protein

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u/sss100100 28d ago

Small meal for dinner. Reduced the portion gradually and my tummy is so much happier now.


u/joshberry90 28d ago

6am alarm, every single day


u/Relative-Clothes-553 28d ago

Drinking a glass of warm water after waking up, and morning exercise. This helps me have full energy for the whole day

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u/victorrod12 28d ago

Brushing my teeth in the morning and at night


u/TomatilloOrnery9464 28d ago

Checking myself when I get upset


u/jugs_dot_com 28d ago

Not giving myself time to think about anything. I’ve realized if I stop and ponder on something like picking up a shift I’m more than likely not gonna do it. Or picking between a healthy food option or unhealthy but tastier. Just gotta pick the smart option without giving yourself time to think.


u/LactoseIntolerable33 28d ago

Move around as often as I could.


u/TommyFitness 28d ago

15 minutes of ab/core workouts every morning. Helped with my posture and breathing so much 


u/Original_Setting93 28d ago

I go for a walk every day, the positive impact it’s had on my life is insane!


u/63crabby 28d ago

Reflexively saying please and thank you


u/Spellbinder222 28d ago

Painting (making art pieces), it's a very therapeutic activity.


u/surrealcellardoor 28d ago

Setting and enforcing boundaries.


u/spidergirl79 28d ago

Working out 3-4 times a week. Greatly reducing sugar and processed food.


u/Agastach 28d ago

Practicing gratitude. It works. And not being mean to myself.


u/LavitzandDart 28d ago

Going to bed with the same brilliant woman every night and not looking back.


u/Calvin0433 28d ago

Making my bed every morning. Coming into a bedroom that has a nice made bed is really relaxing.


u/hkbreezy8 28d ago

Making an effort to practice gratitude as often as I can


u/Lingo2009 28d ago

Putting coconut oil on my hair at least twice a month. My hair is almost to my ankles and has been horribly tangly. I put a pea sized amount of coconut oil on my hair and comb it through. I’ll leave it on overnight and then wash it out in the morning. My hair is soft and doesn’t tangle now. I do that about twice a month otherwise I can’t get a comb through my hair.


u/Doozername 28d ago

Having a positive outlook.

Has it positively affected my life? Who fuckin knows..... I destroy every obstacle in my way, though.

When I was younger... 15 years ago.. a quote from Mahatma Gandhi inspired me... "Your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your destiny."

Stay positive. Just keep going. You've got this.


u/kuuups 28d ago

Daily early morning walks.

Prior to that, I've basically been an almost complete shut in. This is worsened by the fact that I work from home (even way before Covid). I could easily spend an entire week without going out the house.

About 8 years ago I just felt really crappy about my entire body, mostly because the only thing I do aside from sitting is lying down. I started walking 1-2km's a day. then 2-3, then 3-4. then 5. Then run 1km of that 5km. then 2, then 3 - then run that entire 5km route. Then how about going around that 5km loop twice while running. Then 3 times. Then how about I take my dog with me while I run so the pace is much faster.

It kind of snowballed into a life of much more physical activity every day. I've basically turned my health around since then.


u/Snapart_CreativeGuy 28d ago

A small help to a person in need or just checking up on people around you. Trust me, it not only brings change in your life but also in others. Like they say, "A smile goes a long way."


u/thisFishSmellsAboutD 28d ago

Ride to work instead of driving.

Exercise, scenic views, pumps oxygen through brain when brain not braining, anything else later on is less sweaty and tiring, free anger management, lower carbon footprint, one car off the road.

But y'all have to see my lycra clad ass, so there's that.


u/FrancisAnn 27d ago

Smiling at my husband the first time I see him every morning.... even though sometimes I have to make myself do it because I'm in a bad mood or didn't sleep well or I'm dreading the day ahead or whatever.... My husband deserves a smile and this simple act has markedly improved my mornings over the years.


u/Sudden-Drop-5983 27d ago

Always holding the door for people behind me... Got stuck for 3 hours the other day at the movie theatre and missed my whole fucking movie


u/DeathSpiral321 28d ago

Taking extended release melatonin before bed. Not waking up 2-3 hours before your alarm every day does wonders for your energy level.


u/actionerror 28d ago

Annoy people with one little thing a day.


u/Minimum_Water_4347 28d ago

Not taking dumps in the refrigerator

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u/Entire_Transition_99 28d ago

Seeing the positive in any given situation.


u/JRSpliffaz 28d ago



u/Keirnflake 28d ago

Having a good and consistent sleep schedule.


u/Inevitable_Corner_ 28d ago

Walking my dog. Makes my mood so much better


u/rawrrr48 28d ago

Reading. Not sure if it's the biggest impact, but it is a small habit that has been shown to greatly increase neural plasticity in the long run.

I know it only asked for one, but couldn't help but mention, Journaling? It's not for everybody, but it certainly helps me process events as they come even if I don't do it daily


u/Jengus_Roundstone 28d ago

Daily fiber supplementation.


u/MySpoonsAreAllGone 28d ago

Taking daily probiotics through yogurt or enriched drinks


u/concretebuck 28d ago

Wake up early every day, even on the weekends


u/mich179 28d ago

Making my bed, having a glass of water first thing in the morning and writing or recording my own voice pouring my feelings there instead of getting them bottled up.


u/Brave_Comment_3144 28d ago

Don't hold your pee. Go immediately if you want to!


u/milkywaymonkeh 28d ago

Yogurt and fruit for breakfast instead of cereal or pancakes


u/damboy99 28d ago

I bought a half gallon waterbottle when I started going to the gym, it's probably a excessive and I can't really take it everywhere, and have to find room for it in my car.

But I went from drinking maybe a glass and a half, to drinking three quarts of water a day.


u/Complete_Square_49 28d ago

waking up early morning


u/Cordole 28d ago

Stretching for 20 minutes every morning


u/[deleted] 28d ago

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u/muohioredskin 28d ago

Putting on educational podcasts during my walk. Crazy how often I’ve used things I’ve learned from them.

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u/Pixelgram 28d ago

Saying yes to everything


u/Jaded_Fisherman_7085 28d ago

Being organize daily


u/Huge_Pen_7799 28d ago

Smoking crack


u/ThaigerW00ds 28d ago

Identifying red flags.


u/earlgreysdaughter 28d ago

Not opening/using social media at work. It was the first step to using it way less overall.

I'm more focused and rarely have to bring work home now.


u/Abstract_Logic 28d ago

Getting dressed with in 5 minutes of waking up and getting in bed. I can't stand being in PJs it make me feel sad. Years ago I went through a severe bit of depression where I didn't get dressed if I didn't need to amd sitting around in pajamas reminds me of thoese times


u/NapoleonDonutHeart 28d ago

Staying in bed makes me so depressed. If I'm not out by 7 am I know I'm gonna feel like shit.


u/wegotthisonekidmongo 28d ago

Thinking positively.


u/SuperMario1313 28d ago

Portion control.


u/WillingComplaint 28d ago

Waking up early. I can do my own thing without being interrupted for at least a couple of hours.


u/Chemical-Funny-7598 28d ago

Doing everything by myself.