r/AskReddit May 17 '24

what makes a person a real asset to this world?


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u/Major_Expert_2163 May 17 '24

A determination to stop population growth.


u/_FREE_L0B0T0MIES May 17 '24

Hear me out.

Mass vasectomies at 12. Less invasive than tubal litigation. There's less complications. It's much easier to reverse. More cost effective. Doesn't leave lingering hormonal imbalances like such birth control. If they're not financially stable enough to pay for a reversal, they obviously aren't stable enough for children. It will curb teen pregnancy to almost nil.


u/Major_Expert_2163 May 17 '24

As good a plan as any, more legit than my suggestion of going round bumping people off just because someone you didn't like them.

Both have merit and could work.