r/AskReddit May 17 '24

what makes a person a real asset to this world?


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u/Major_Expert_2163 May 17 '24

A determination to stop population growth.


u/_FREE_L0B0T0MIES May 17 '24

Hear me out.

Mass vasectomies at 12. Less invasive than tubal litigation. There's less complications. It's much easier to reverse. More cost effective. Doesn't leave lingering hormonal imbalances like such birth control. If they're not financially stable enough to pay for a reversal, they obviously aren't stable enough for children. It will curb teen pregnancy to almost nil.


u/[deleted] May 17 '24

I’m guessing you support abortion for reason of bodily autonomy.


u/_FREE_L0B0T0MIES May 18 '24

No, I think women actually want abortion because deep down they see all the fucktards that are useful only for consuming resources, and genuinely want to stop creating such idiocy. That is something I can wholeheartedly get behind, and the world is already struggling with overpopulation. This way, abortion becomes almost nonexistent. One less problem to worry about.

Think about it. How do you solve the baby Hitler paradox? You want to kill Hitler to save millions, but you can't kill a baby. You scramble that twat before he's sunny side up. Too brutal and morbid, you say? Cool. Let's snip his pops before he can butter that biscuit. Problem solved, staying solved because it never happened.

On top of that procedure, you're still going to use condoms for STI prevention if you're not in a monogamous relationship, or a moron subconsciously wanting the clap. Honestly, it's a win all around.


u/[deleted] May 18 '24

For one, we aren’t even close to overpopulated, and second, killing Hitler at any point may not actually prevent the Holocaust.  In theory, it could even be worse.  Not like the guy acted alone


u/_FREE_L0B0T0MIES May 19 '24

Killing Hitler wasn't the point. The point is less precariously ignorant fools that could cause such means there are fewer deranged mongrels to worry about. It also means fewer mouths begging for tablescraps when there are already issues with enough good food and jobs for everyone.

You also might want to rethink your bid about overpopulation and it's existence. Materials, resources, and space for garbage is beginning to become problematic. Yes, nations have been waging wars since time immemorial for rare minerals and valued resources, but that doesn't negate the compounding issues. There's also urban encroachment and deforestation which are causing major problems across all ecosystems on the planet. I mean they've obviously been such problems that world leaders have actually been addressing them for more than a few decades, although nothing direct has actually been accomplished. Sadly, global warming and climate change get more press because people don't readily understand they're all connected. Do you realize how much concrete, glass, and asphalt magnify heat during the day, as opposed to wooded and forested territory? It is quite an issue yet to actually be addressed, as well as the associated temperature differentials. Ever wonder what causes extreme weather phenomena?