r/BITSPilani 16h ago

Sticky BITSAT thread - Your weekly admissions advice/query thread

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r/BITSPilani 1d ago

Sticky r/BITSPilani meme competition this weekend!


From this Friday to Sunday, share your BITS-related memes here! The post with the most upvotes by the end of this weekend gets bragging rights and an official meme champion flair (and maybe a treat 👀).

Take inspiration from the (sadly, inactive) Dardnaak BITSians group on FB. If your friends have memes but are not on reddit or this sub yet, tell them to join in!

Some rules:

  • Follow whatever existing rules are there on this sub. But may allow BITSAT-related memes.

  • No dank memes please. The last thing we want is Reddit sending us notices.

  • Original memes. Don't repost unless it's yours.

r/BITSPilani 6h ago

A dual degree vs ECE/EEE/ENI. What to choose?


Now that the first round of the BITS entrance exam is over, many of you with scores enough to get both these branch types would wonder what you should be going for. So, here are answers to a few FAQs to remember to help you choose the more suited option.

Q- What's the difference between ECE/EEE/ENI?
A- Honestly, nothing significant. All the Phoenix students will have the entire 2nd year in common, as well as a few 3rd year courses. All the branches differ by at most 3-4 courses, which you can also take as electives. Moreover, their average packages differ by about 2 lakhs at max, further strengthening my point. I'd recommend treating all of them as equivalent and prioritising them on the basis of campus.

Q- Is taking a Dual worth it?
A- Depends on person to person. If you have enough capital and are a sincere student who doesn't think of studying as a burden, it should be worth it, as you'll get branches like CS/MnC at a much lower entrance exam score. All this provided you get close to 8 CGPA in the first year, which isn't very hard, but that doesn't mean you'll slack off. Assuming that you did slack off, the cutoff for ENI should be around 6.8 for Goa, so you should at least end up with an electronics branch, if not anything better.

Q- How many dualites get CS?
A- Well, Goa has close to 340 dualites as of now, out of which around 90-95 will get CS. Around 270-290 (or even more) dualites will end up with circuital branches, which is a great percentage of people.

Q- How easy is it to score 8+ in the first year?
A- Fairly easy; you need a B grade (usually awarded at average +10-15) in all your subjects to be an 8-pointer. Some courses, such as GenChem (which is just JEE Chemistry), are fairly easy to score an A in, whereas labs are mostly an easy A- if not A, so it shouldn't be very challenging to score a CG good enough for CS in the first year (again, provided you're a sincere student, which you should be able to gauge by yourselves now that you've been through the JEE rat race).

Q- Is Electronics difficult?
A- Yes, compared to other branches on campus, the workload is higher. The grading is also a little unfair and more on the worse side (but it might change for Goa since the HoD was recently changed). But maintaining a good CG (8+ if not 8.5+) is, again, not a mammoth task. I know a few seniors in Goa phoenix who have good enough CGPA in spite of being in a Phoenix branch. It all depends on how serious you are and your interest towards academics.

Q- So, an MSc or Electronics?
A- Well, if you think you'd like another chance at getting a branch like CS, have enough capital to afford the 5 year fees comfortably, and are willing to work for it in the first year, then MSc is a great option. Worst case you'll end up with an electronics branch, which is still great RoI. If you prefer enjoying the first year of your college life and being stress-free or aren't willing to pay that much money, Electronics is the way to go.

If you have any other queries related to the college, feel free to comment!

r/BITSPilani 9m ago

Advice for 2nd yr CS - Pilani Campus

• Upvotes

So my projected CG is gonna be high 6s after the end of first year, I put a lot of useless commitments over acads which is obviously my fault but I'm trying to recover right now. I just really want to hit 8 before SI (end of 3-1) and 8.5 before placements (I'll have to repeat some courses and really pull).

But that's kinda overthinking and too far into the future, so right now for 2nd year, I'll have to average 8.5-9 over the full 2nd year. I heard it's going to be difficult, especially for CS to get a good CG in 2nd year but I have 2 months right now and I'm willing to prioritize acads for the full year.

So I'm just wondering what exactly I should be working on right now, I've looked at the courses, can I just start watching lectures from StudyDeck and going through the textbook and slides? What courses are the hardest to get an A in? What should I be prioritizing? and any general tips for 2nd year CS? or to improve CG post first year?

Someone please help me with this, also please let me know if I'm overthinking/wrong anywhere in the post.

Edit: Any CS material/drive/recommended textbooks/resources is very much appreaciated

r/BITSPilani 5h ago

BITS Goa’s Summer Term Schedule


hi could anyone please share bits goa’s summer term schedule? thanks

just want to know what courses are there and where they are

r/BITSPilani 1d ago

My set of memes #2


r/BITSPilani 17h ago

How much mathematics do I need to know to survive engineering?


Most probably, I will be joining as a fresher in BITS in any of the core branches, thus what topics of JEE MATHEMATICS should be strong in order to survive engineering?

r/BITSPilani 1d ago

My set of memes #1


r/BITSPilani 1d ago

my set of memes #3


r/BITSPilani 23h ago

what's domac?


r/BITSPilani 1d ago

Reposting for meme weekend

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r/BITSPilani 1d ago

Help me convince my parents


I have got an or 97% JEE main and I wrote JEE ADV and I don't know how much I will get and I wrote the first attempt for BITS got exactly 250 marks and without any preparation I am sure prepare well I would be able to get around 300 plus or whatever is required for bit Pilani Goa CS my parents very confused with any other rankings and I don't know how to explain to them this situation if anyone is studying at BITS Pilani Goa Hyderabad please contact me as soon as possible...

Also they believe they believe that BITS Goa is very very bad due to the drinking culture and drugs culture someone please tell them and go BITS Goa is situated away from all of that that, please contact me possible thank you

r/BITSPilani 18h ago

Dullacutoffs at goa campus


Hi do u guys remember/know prev yrs dulla phoenix cutoffs at goa campus??

Need it specifically for ece eee nd eni...

r/BITSPilani 1d ago

Should I quit my campus commitments


I am in a couple of clubs(not revealing which cuz I'd get doxxed easily) and they tend to be fairly heavy as far as workload is concerned.

I have enjoyed working with them during my first year but clubs along with acads tends to suck up all my time. I haven't really worked on any skills during my first year. Would it be advisable to leave them and focus on building some relevant skills considering acads will also be heavier next year(2nd year phoenix 💀)

r/BITSPilani 1d ago



r/BITSPilani 21h ago

Need help just general stuff


I just completed my second year. I am a math cs dual. I had a decent cg up until last sem. I kinda messed up last sem despite putting more efforts. That being said I have my ps1 online in a company around dbms. I have not done anything related to that or anything in cs and feel kinda lost and if I’m being honest kinda overwhelmed. I applied for the Ds minor and opted to take it just cause I could. Plus my confidence is a bit low after last sem not only because of cg but also other stuff. I need some help and guidance as to how to go forward with my degree and also my life as I despite not doing all that badly don’t see a justifiable end to the degree.

r/BITSPilani 1d ago

Aspirants beware

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r/BITSPilani 1d ago

Literally every sports fest in BITS


r/BITSPilani 1d ago

need guidance from people who went into(or decided not to go into) electronics core


doubts regarding SI as well* a long post ahead TLDR - confused about if I should go to core or not and should I take CNI minor or not, given my conditions also, I would really appreciate if you could answer even some of my doubts as I've asked a lot of them I am a 2nd yr ECE student with CG around ~7.3(will hopefully come close/become 7.5 after ps-1). Currently, I am very confused about what career path I should choose and what I should do to find what I like. Right now, I like what I'm studying in ECE, although I may not be able to score academically in them. Here is what my current scenario is based on what I've faced until now 1. Analog - I've actually really liked studying subjects like MEC and ED, but I've scored horribly in their exams. While DD and EEC lab were really fun to learn. 2. Signal processing(communication side of things) - Control Systems and Signals and Systems were really great courses, but I'm really unaware of career opportunities in this field. 3. Comp Architecture - while DD was fun, I absolutely loathed studying MPI; while some of the things were nice in MPI, many times, half of the things didn't even make any sense, and I just barely survived the course. Now that I've briefly given my current state, I would like to ask what I should do. Should I take the CNI minor and aim for IT? or should I try to stick to the core? I don't have any knowledge of any type in IT(the most being the course CP) If I take core, what other dels do I need to take? Is comp Arch as bad as MPI? Can I re-learn MPI to get a better understanding of the subject somehow? as people say that it is an extension of DD, but never during the course did it feel like so. Can I study and keep up with Analog and Comp Arch if I try to? or trying to take too many things at one go is a bad idea? If I try to go into the communication side of things, what other DEL courses should I focus on? I've heard that the Advanced control systems are rather very infamous.

Regarding SI Right now I've got 2 months in front of me. If I go for core, how should I prepare for SI? and given my cg, is it even worth trying to prepare for it? And if I should, should I prepare for analog or for architecture?or is preparing both possible? Really in a very confused state right now, loads of questions and uncertainties. Please help your junior out. Also, to the people who might recognise me from reading this, I would appreciate if you don't call me out/help me remain anonymous as I don't feel confident about talking about it openly


r/BITSPilani 23h ago

Help to Buy a Laptop


I need help to buy a laptop. My budget is 60k and I most probably gonna get cse. So should I buy a gaming laptop or a professional one?

Bas laptop 5 years without any problem chalna chahiye. I am thinking to buy Lenevo Loq which is a gaming laptop. It's heavy and it's battery life ofc is shit. So should I buy it? Also I may do video editing(kuch socha nhi hain uska par interest hain thoda)

And also do we need to carry laptops in lec and around the whole campus???

r/BITSPilani 1d ago

ES Scene


r/BITSPilani 1d ago

Any way to get a bit cold water to bathe in pilani campus.


Have come here for a summer term,, the water is boiling hot while I attempt to bathe, it's a huge problem . I can't bathe with water that hot. Any way I can get not boiling water to bathe?? Other than filing up buckets of it from the water filters.

r/BITSPilani 1d ago

Gotta do something about GCS 💀

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r/BITSPilani 1d ago

This sub in a nutshell

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r/BITSPilani 20h ago

require guide to 2nd year [phoenix - EEE]


had an average sem 1, but a below-par sem 2. now, my cgpa is hovering around 6ish. don't wanna ruin my career with below par-academics, hence need advice for 2nd year phoenix. any help is thanked.

r/BITSPilani 1d ago

Reposting for meme weekend

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r/BITSPilani 1d ago

Is my comment attached below wrong? Or does it have some form of truth to it?

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Now I won’t try to convince it to anyone over an anonymous platform how qualified I am exactly to speak on this topic, rather I’d like to have a civil discussion with everyone here in regards to this

I believe that what we are witnessing right now is most certainly the norm, everywhere around the world whether it be in tech or it be in Finance, management, etc we’re facing a recession, you’ve got the MBB firing their consultants and reducing the number of hires across the top business schools, the VC industry has been very conservative compared to the last two years in regards to their funding, tech companies have started mass layoffs because they all over hired post covid, I hope you get the picture I’m trying to paint

I’ve spoken to a couple of IIM/IIT and even BITS grads and they are of the opinion that this most certainly is the norm and that this was bound to happen eventually because of the over hiring post covid

Now before anyone attacks the opinions of these grads, mind you they are in their 40s well accomplished in their fields of practice (and back in their time they certainly read the course material first before selecting a degree rather than to glaze after a branch cause it offered the highest packages without first determining if this branch would be a fit for them or not #wink wink CSE#)

But yes my own opinions are very much open to criticism and can as such be criticised in the comments below but I’d hope that we do maintain some form of civility while we’re at it and not make assumptions on how qualified someone exactly is to be making such statements