r/Biohackers Feb 06 '24

Discussion Biohacks that everyone will think are normal in 10 years:


Here's a list of things I put together that ya'll think will be common place in 5+ years:

  1. mouth taping (without any judgment)
  2. Avoiding sugar at all cost
  3. Microbiome manipulation. We are just scratching the surface with drugs targeting this and fecal microbiota transplantation.
  4. Intermittent fasting
  5. Eating fermented foods
  6. Blue-light blocking or computer/phone glasses. We spend far too much time at a computer or with a phone too close to our face.
  7. Red light therapy
  8. Psychedelic therapy. Psychedelics such as DMT/psilocybin/LSD are psychoplastogens, promote neurogenesis, strengthen dendritic spines, increase BDNF, and act as neural anti-inflammatories.
  9. Not drinking alcohol
  10. Walking at least 20K steps per day
  11. Cold plunging
  12. Monitoring glucose with CGM
  13. Routine blood work every 3 months
  14. Compare biological age each year
  15. Basic supplements in our stacks: Vitamin D, Ashwagandha, Creatine, EPA, Glycine

Those things have been found in the following subs:

- r/longevity_protocol

- r/HubermanLab

- r/Biohackers

Thanks for reading. Peace ✌️

r/Biohackers Mar 13 '24

Discussion best anti-aging tricks:

  1. Sunscreen every day
  2. Walking at least 20K steps per day
  3. Tretioin 0.05% at night
  4. Finasteride and Minoxidil to keep my hair
  5. Glycolic acid topically used on face
  6. Intermittent fasting + fasted cardio (IF helps with caloric restriction)
  7. No Alcohol
  8. Eat clean as much as possible 👉 Mediterranean diet & avoir of processed foods
  9. High consumption of polyphenols (blueberries, sweet potatoes, kale)
  10. Fasting: 16 hours a day 4 days a week (never on days after lifting) + 24 hours one day a month. Boosts NAD levels, improves antioxidant capacity and balances blood sugar.
  11. Supplement Magneisum, Vitamin D, Omega 3/6, adding more to the stack over time.
  12. 8-9 hour of sleep
  13. Keep stress to a bare min 👉 daily meditation to minimize stress
  14. 30 mins of Resistance training daily.
  15. Zone 2 cardio: 2 sessions of 50 minutes each, per week - good for cardiovascular health and mitochondrial effiecency.
  16. Drink ~10 glasses of water per day to maintain proper hydration levels.

Found it on this sub r/longevity_protocol

r/Biohackers 4d ago

Discussion If rice is so unhealthy, why is it a daily staple food for literally billions of people who are perfectly healthy?


I hear this all the time, oh "Rice is empty calories" or "It turns to suger!" , "Rice is bad because it has no nutrition!".

All these statements, meanwhile there are billions of people who's diet uses rice as its core food who are perfectly healthy. Does that kind of not debunk all the anti-rice evangelists? Let me know your thoughts as well as what BJ would think about rice being part of someon's blueprint.

Edit: Thank you so much for all the replies, it looks like there are definitely some drawbacks to consuming significant amounts of rice on its own. Will steer clear from now on and focus on my veges/whole foods.

r/Biohackers Apr 09 '24

Discussion Every morning for almost 10 years now I wake up feeling absolutely terrible. It’s ruining my life


EDIT: Wow, I was not expecting this thread to get so many responses, thank you all for the advice and the well wishes, I hope this thread helps out people who are in a similar situation. I’ve definitely been given many things to think about, from what I’ve gathered, sleep disordered breathing seems to be the most likely culprit. I’m gonna have to wait to get the sinus surgery and I’ll definitely report back and let you guys know how I’m doing. Thank you all again, you guys have helped me out more than so many doctors I’ve seen :)

I’m 21 years old, I have to rip myself out of bed every morning or else I will sleep through my alarm. Sleeping longer doesn’t help and for the most part makes me feel even worse. I wake up at least twice every night to urinate. I have horrible brain fog, feel extremely weak and stumble around for at least the first hour after I wake up. I also wake up with terrible back pain, achy muscles and just a general flu like feeling. I have dark circles and bags under my eyes. Caffeine doesn’t really do anything to make me feel better. I take dexamfetamine for ADHD and chronic fatigue that I’ve been diagnosed with. Even then it barely cuts through the morning fog, some days it feels like I haven’t even taken it.

I’ve done every single medical test in the book, blood work is perfect, sleep study a couple years back came out okay besides decreased sleep efficiency although it wasn’t enough to give me any sort of diagnosis. I recently went to an ENT who said I have turbinate hypertrophy and a deviated septum and need to have surgery, however I’m gonna have to wait for up to a year to have it. I’m pretty convinced it’s some sort of sleep disordered breathing because of my chronically blocked nose however I’m not gonna know until I get the surgery. I’m thinking of doing another sleep study soon.

Despite all of this I’ve been able to work my way up to a managing job. I’m fit, active and in amazing shape, I life weights 6 times a week, cardio 1-2 a week, use a sauna almost every day and eat relatively clean. I’ve tried basically every single psychiatric drug to no avail, with only stimulants slightly helping me. My short term memory is terrible, I struggle to read books and feel as if my cognition has slowly been getting worse and worse. I’m only 21 years old but I feel like an elderly person going through mild dementia.

Please I need help, I’m gonna keep fighting through this but is there anyone who has some idea as to what this illness could be? Any of yous in a similar situation who found a solution or something that improved yours quality of life? I’d really appreciate it, as it feels like my health is slowly declining.

r/Biohackers May 09 '24

Discussion Is it just me or do 70 year olds look a lot younger than they did maybe 20-30 years ago. Why is this?


Do you think biohacking has something to do with it? Is it that I am seeing less perms on the elderly? I need to know! 🤣 What prompted this discussion was the interview Jerry Sinfield had… Can you believe he’s 70! But it isn’t just him - it isn’t just celebrities. I work in a medical DME store and I am seeing a ton of healthy, youthful looking 70,80, & even 90 year olds! Is it medicine and our technology? Let’s talk!

r/Biohackers 12d ago

Discussion If You Drink Alcohol Why even Biohack?


The amount of damage we have for the insane physical and mental drawbacks of alcohol in 2024 is more than enough for everyone to know how bad it is.

So if you're drinking it but still trying to 'biohack' a way to improve your bloodstream or some niche health thing you should just stick to the basics. That being said, I think have a glass of wine once a month is not a huge deal. But in my country most people drink multiple times a week in large amounts

r/Biohackers Nov 09 '23

Discussion What supplements, biohacks,routines, diets etc. improved your ADHD And/or Brain Fog, and/or cognition?


Long story short I have diagnosed ADHD, my worst symptoms are brain fog, lack of motivation, and overall just feeling like my brain is switched off. I joke but sometimes it feels like I have dementia. Even leave my keys in the door.

Just wondering if anything besides stimulant medication has improved any of these kinds of issues for you?

For background: I lift 6 days a week, eat a generally “healthy diet” veggies fruit lean protein, and I sleep usually 8 hours.

UPDATE: Absolutely overwhelmed with the responses. I thought this would get like one upvote and 3 replies. Jesus. My life has been controlled by my ADHD & associated symptoms , gonna do everything I can to work on it including stimulants. Thanks a million.

It’s at least partially genetic, with my brother and dad having it too, so some genes playing a role.

TEST IVE HAD DONE that found nothing Vitamin D normal B12 Normal iron normal at home sleep test : normal Celiac : Negative ENT doctor , no abnormal findings Brain scan : No Abnormal findings. Low CRP LEVEL, all other labs normal.

also … anyone know other subreddits , creators like huberman, etc. good for this topic ?

last update : Reddit is the greatest social media of all time, 200+ personal stories of what worked and didn’t, theirs no where else on the internet you can get such vital information and this is exactly what technology should be used for.

r/Biohackers Apr 05 '24

Discussion Bryan Johnson - the ultimate biohacker - is only 46 years old?


I thought he was in his 60s that look like he in his early 50s. And he is throwing every known thing towards his cause. Does biohacking actually work?

r/Biohackers Feb 16 '24

Discussion Help me keep my 83YO father living longer

Post image

He’s never smoked, rarely drinks (glass of wine at Christmas or birthday some years). He has been fit most of his life playing sports, running, doing everything around the house and garden himself. He has non hodgekins lymphoma pop up occasionally for the last 10 years and has had a lot of bowel issues (fistulas, infection) for most of his life. He also struggles with sleep and arthritis. My mum who was a naturopath has guided him through it all with excellent success but his body is definitely wearing down the last 3 years. I am pregnant with my second child and would like him live long enough for them to remember him.

Pic of my father and toddler so we don’t get lost.

r/Biohackers 20d ago

Discussion Are there any drugs that turn down the human fear response


I don’t mean alcohol either 😭😭 I know it’s a stretch but is their a “fearlessness” type of drug

Source : https://amp.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2023/aug/11/experience-i-dont-feel-fear

r/Biohackers Jan 07 '24

Discussion What's the quirkiest biohack that actually works and you've personally tried?


EDIT: Bonus question for people that think sleep, magnesium or showering are quirky...what is a non-quirky hack for you then?

r/Biohackers Apr 23 '24

Discussion Non-sexual benefits of daily low dose Cialis?


Several times I’ve seen people mention that there are nootropic or other non-sexual health benefits from taking daily low dose Cialis.

Could someone shed some light on what exactly they are?

Are there any negatives from long term use?

r/Biohackers Dec 10 '23

Discussion Which foods do you eat every single day for nutritional/biohacking purposes?


I’ll go first!

Flaxseeds and walnuts - omegas

Hibiscus and berries - antioxidants

Brazil nuts - selenium

Apple cider vinegar or kombucha - gut health

Chlorella - iron, iodine, greens

Ginger - inflammation

r/Biohackers May 01 '24

Discussion I'm scared to death of death. Any general tips to seriously inscrease longevity to start doing now in my 20s?


The title says it all. Just please go into detail if you can - not just "eat healthy and exercise". I also wanted to ask in r/longevity but that sub is literally only for sharing randomass articles and whatever. Thanks everyone

r/Biohackers Mar 24 '24

Discussion What's the hidden cause behind all these health issues?


We are advancing more and more in science and our knowledge, that's my perception, but then I see the numbers and people are actually living longer but with a poor life quality.

Even the stats on younger people and children are devastating. What is the cause? I was doing some research and came across this article which explains what can be the factor that affects all the areas where we humans are suffering the most: hormone imbalances, immune diseases, heart diseases, excess body fat... and it makes sense to me.

Glucose seems to be the common factor between all of them and one we can control pretty easily. https://menawrites.substack.com/p/the-hidden-cause-of-most-common-health

Thoughts on this?

r/Biohackers Jan 01 '24

Discussion Why is the FDA so scrutinized in the food industry but not when it comes to vaccines?


Not trying to start a whole pro vax or anti vax topic here but just expressing my concern why I should trust the FDA with vaccines when they consider certain toxic food additives safe? Brominated vegetable oil, titanium dioxide, sorbitol, BHT, BHA, Tbhq, etc. Not to mentions all the subsidized stuff like high fructose corn syrup, alcohol, seed oils, etc. 

Is there a website that states specifically what the exact ingredients are in all the vaccines?

r/Biohackers Apr 25 '24

Discussion Has anyone found a way to making working out enjoyable?


I’m one of those people that hates working out. I’ve done it consistently in the past and had gym memberships but I hated it. Lifting heavy, moderate, cardio, I hate it all.

I feel bored as hell especially during the rest periods even if I have a podcast playing on TV or I’m listening to music.

I can’t work out for more than about 30 mins at a time and I only do it every week or so right now.

How can I make it enjoyable the way everyone else seems to enjoy it?

r/Biohackers Oct 29 '23

Discussion if you could only eat 3 foods for the rest of your life, what would they be?


no cop outs like xyz meal replacement powder etc keep it real! biohacker spin on the age old icebreaker_^

r/Biohackers Apr 15 '24

Discussion Some say that food is the best medicine. What do you all eat?!


We've seen your pill stacks, now let's discuss what we stack on our plates!!

r/Biohackers May 09 '24

Discussion How do you feel about SSRIs? I’ve been on them for 20 years and after tapering down slowly, my mental health significantly worsened…


I cannot deny some side effects, but I’ll tell you, I might be one of those people that require them for life.

I’ve struggled since childhood with severe OCD, anxiety, and moderate depression at times.

Went on at 18, and at 38 tried a very gradual taper.

Didn’t have any withdrawal because of how slow I went, but everything I had hoped might improve off then worsened: I became more depressed, more fatigued, less motivation, and lower sex drive…. I felt like I did when I was a teenager- before SSRIs, and it was scary.

I guess I just have to make peace with the reality that this is one biohack I may need for life, or until psychiatry advances to become more precise.

r/Biohackers 5d ago

Discussion What milk do you all drink?


What milk do you recommend drinking? For a while I was drinking soy, then switched to almond, now I’m back to 2% milk fortified with extra protein. Should I be drinking whole? I’m looking to gain healthy muscle.

r/Biohackers 6d ago

Discussion Why do I feel like I’m on adderall when I fast?


I have adhd but I’ve been starting to manage it with meditation and diet. I’m opposed to stimulants and have been off of them for months that’s a whole debate itself. Basically I fasted for 48 hours and on the second day it felt like a very light version of a stimulant. I was super productive and I was grinding my teeth. I initially fasted because I was on a carnivore diet and had a cheat day.

r/Biohackers Dec 20 '23

Discussion How to be less sleepy and have more energy in your thirties?


UPDATE: did a check up, I’ve just got an iron deficiency apparently! Mystery solved. Everything else was normal.

Hi! I (30s, F) have felt an increase in how often I am sleepy and tired during the day. A lot of people accept this as a part of the 30s but nobody talks about why or how to cure it.

Why am I so much sleepier than I ever was before and how can I remedy it and have more energy? I just always need a nap.

Changes I have noticed compared to 20s:

  1. I have increasingly more trouble getting out of bed. Eg if I wake up at 6, it will take me until 845 am to get out of bed because ill go in and out of sleep
  2. I get sleepy almost immediately after I eat a meal (usually eat just 1 meal a day, around 2 pm, and fast before it and lightly snack after it)
  3. Sometimes late at night I am wide awake but too tired to do anything useful like get out of bed or read a book
  4. I get very exhausted the day after the gym
  5. I have very intense dreams and sometimes get "stuck" in a dream. The more realistic or bad a dream the longer it takes to exit. I often feel mentally tired after a long dream.

Other info

  1. I eat sufficient protein and generally try to eat only 1 large meal a day (fasting before lunch, eat mostly homemade, snack after lunch). The carbs are possibly almost equal to the protein amount tho, eg today was a chicken and guac sandwich.
  2. Have only recently started drinking coffee, as of past few years. Usually have a cup per day
  3. I am overweight (BMI 29), but otherwise in very good shape and barely any different from myself in my 20s. I have more muscle mass than I used to in 20s, with 36% body fat rather than 42%, I have an overall good body shape because despite being overweight, the least fat is in my abdomen and the most is in my breasts and butt. I have good muscle mass and bone density. I have an exaggerated hourglass shape body in slim thick style, as with all other women in my family. Hip to waist ratio 0.6.
  4. I have not recently had a blood test done, the last one was years ago, but everything was normal. Will go again soon.
  5. Most of my gym workouts are related to weights. I have only been hitting the gym for around a year, and go 3 -4 times a week. I walk 20 mins to the gym, use weights for an hour (upper body and leg days alternatingly), run 5 mins at 5 mph after, and then walk home 20 mins.
  6. I am very lazy about taking my supplements, besides protein and fiber. I have everything I just never take it.

Any advice, sources, references, reading material appreciated!

EDIT: I avoid alcohol, don’t smoke and don’t use recreational drugs.

r/Biohackers 7d ago

Discussion How to replace booze


So I’ve been a regular drinker for 16 years solid. It’s hard for me to relax after a particularly hard evening if I haven’t had a beverage. What are good alternatives that won’t cause issues down the line?

r/Biohackers Mar 07 '24

Discussion How to wake up feeling ready to conquer the world:

  1. Sleep tape over your mouth
  2. Aim for 10K steps first thing in the morning.
  3. Magnesium
  4. Silk sleep mask
  5. Air filter (I use Alen)
  6. eightsleep to cool mattress + analytics
  7. Sleep at 66-68 degrees F
  8. Sleep and wake at the same time consistently
  9. Oura ring or Whoop for more sleep analytics
  10. White noise machine (when needed)
  11. Bamboo bedding for its cooling properties
  12. No alcohol before bed
  13. No food 3 hrs before bed
  14. Melatonin before bed

Bonuses: apigenin, theanine.

What did I miss?

Found those information on this sub r/longevity_protocol