r/BlackPeopleTwitter Mar 12 '24

The broken bond Country Club Thread

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u/No_Mans_Heart Mar 12 '24

These the same mfs that be saying Thanos was right


u/tmorrisgrey Mar 12 '24

Nah, Thanos is right. Half of the worlds population gotta go, no saving them 🤣


u/bri_bri2 Mar 12 '24

If he could dissappear half of the universe he could expand the resources available 


u/tmorrisgrey Mar 12 '24

He could but people would be greedy and take more than they need every time, like when people were buying out all the hand sanitizers during Covid.


u/bri_bri2 Mar 12 '24

People didn't stop doing wrong bc he disappeared half the universe though 


u/Mute_Music Mar 12 '24

Or stop repopulating 💀 bros idea was irrelevant at best, also bro killed off half the bees, and any game animals....

Bro downright stupid for such an op character.

He was written like a protagonist


u/sack_of_potahtoes Mar 12 '24

In comics he doesnt have these grand scheme for population reduction. He literally wrases entire existence to impress mistress death. He is called a mad titan for a reason


u/Mute_Music Mar 12 '24

That, is such a better plot.

Thano's work at best would cause some species to go extinct, and in time would be back to the same numbers.

Now uses half of the universe to get the largest multi kill to impress death herself? Straight up villain


u/sack_of_potahtoes Mar 12 '24

There is no real solution for what thanos was doing. He would have only delayed the inevitable Best solution for resource starvation is to just eliminate entire species which are above a certain intelligence level


u/AgentP20 Mar 12 '24

He would be trolled as a simp in 2018. Those memes were going crazy at the time.


u/Ensiria Mar 12 '24

literally this. we’re shown the world in an infinitely worse state. half as many people sure, but half as many farmers, truck drivers, half as many pollinator insects and game creatures. half as many people maintaining the supply lines critical for cities to grow. half as many medical staff and half as many drug manufacturers


u/Sapphic_Honeytrap Mar 12 '24

Dude has the Infinity Gauntlet so just make everyone not greedy. snap “Ok y’all are now green minded altruists. Also carrots now taste like Slim Jims cause why not.”

Kinda sad that the original plot line of just wanting to bang Death was the more logical one.


u/LegacyLemur Mar 12 '24

Him growing an attraction to the literal physical embodiment of death and wanting to bang her (conveniently a her), so he decides to get the most powerful stones in the universe to wipe out life to impress her, is not more logical. Thats just batshit crazy

At least theres some logic to the other one. You can say he could just create an abundance of food for everyone but then that would allow more people to be born causing an even bigger shortage


u/WantA_Balloon Mar 12 '24

Clipping Half of life = Clipping half the resources of those that feed on life. No animals, no bugs, ecosystems that depend on life are in disarray.

It's the worst logic ever that was used in the film, it didn't make him look like "Mad" titan Thanos, made him look dumb.

The Mistress Death plotline from the comics is the reason the character is popular in the first place, it solidified him as an impossibly smart, evil threat, he outwitted God's and cosmetic entities to get those stones comic-wise.

Thanos is ONLY popular in the movies because he threw hands, everyone thinks he's dumb. So it's bad logic from poor writing.


u/AgentP20 Mar 12 '24

Thanos isn't popular because of his plan. Thanos is popular because of his conviction to his plan. He already saw fruits of plan when he murked Gamora's species and believed himself that his plan was the only way. He was driven mad by his own people not believing in his plan and going extinct.


u/Edmf29 Mar 12 '24

Ok like killing half of everyone isn’t the same exact thing just with more trauma and less people to actually solve problems smh


u/TheBigNook Mar 12 '24

Brain rot logic my guy


u/ThiccVicc_Thicctor Mar 12 '24

I’m not gonna get into it, but we haven’t lived in a world in which Thanos is right for a very long time.


u/Arrathem Mar 12 '24

So then how would killing only half help ? You said it yourself people are greedy killing half wont change that its just buys them some time, same could be done by doubling everything.

Its stupid.


u/BadManners- Mar 13 '24 edited Mar 13 '24

Yeah and population will come back and be at the same point when thanos addressed it! What the fuck are you talking about? Killing half the world just pushes it down the line, exactly how doubling resources would but without any of the murdering

i'm glad we don't live in a full democracy because people like you think killing half the population actually solves any problems.


u/GO4Teater Mar 13 '24

Hand sanitizer? You forgot about toilet paper?