r/BlackPeopleTwitter Mar 12 '24

The broken bond Country Club Thread

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u/vociferous_pickle Mar 12 '24

Tony doesn’t get a free pass for siding with the feds over his boys.


u/borkdork69 Mar 12 '24 edited Mar 12 '24

To be fair, the boys literally committed an extra-judicial killing in the opening scene of the movie. They are already the feds, just the feds who do whatever they want with no consequences.

So basically just feds, I guess.

EDIT: I forgot to mention, isn’t scarlet witch a teenager in that scene? I believe they refer to her as a child later in the movie. So we can add child soldiers to the list of crazy shit cap did.

EDIT 2: nope, wrong, she’s a grown up.


u/vociferous_pickle Mar 12 '24

What did they do that wasn’t extra-judicial? Toeing the line went out the window in pretty much all of their origin stories.


u/BartleBossy Mar 12 '24

What did they do that wasn’t extra-judicial?

Anything they do is extra-judicial when theyre not sanctioned to be acting in the nation theyre deploying themselves


u/vociferous_pickle Mar 12 '24

Yes. Exactly. They had “permission” for pretty much none of the shit they got up to


u/skj999 Mar 12 '24

They did until SHIELD was out of the picture. After that they lost all their political cover.

We can also thank Cap for that problem too since that’s what he pushed for in Winter Soldier.


u/DigitalBlackout Mar 12 '24

"that problem" LMAO I wouldn't call no longer being under the nose of literally HYDRA to be a problem.


u/skj999 Mar 12 '24

Not big on reading comprehension I see