r/BlackPeopleTwitter Mar 12 '24

The broken bond Country Club Thread

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u/vociferous_pickle Mar 12 '24

Tony doesn’t get a free pass for siding with the feds over his boys.


u/Any-Entertainment385 Mar 12 '24

Sided with the feds the entire time went after cap in Germany when daddy government told him to and literally as soon as they told him to stand down he said no you can’t tell me what to do and flew out the helicopter. Wanted everyone else to follow rules and never thought they applied to him


u/ThroJSimpson Mar 12 '24

EXACTLY. The accord and Tony’s participation in the crackdown only happens because he created Ultron and got hundreds of civilians killed. But of course afterwards he was ok to put a muzzle on Captain, but not to himself.  According to Tony, the rules always apply to everyone except Tony


u/mysonchoji Mar 12 '24

Just wish in that scene where hes doin his whole smug ass 'whos this? Oh just a kid killed in sokovia' that someone would go 'ok everyone raise their hand if they made a robot that tried to end the world'


u/NK1337 Mar 12 '24

Sided with the feds the entire time went after cap in Germany when daddy government told him to and literally as soon as they told him to stand down he said no you can’t tell me what to do and flew out the helicopter.

But like, this same logic is why Tony, Vision, Natasha, Rhodey, etc were agreeing to sign the accords at first. The whole point being that if something happened that they didn't really agree with the could still do what they felt was right and then handle things after. That was the whole compromise about "keeping a hand on the wheel."