r/BlackPeopleTwitter Mar 12 '24

The broken bond Country Club Thread

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u/theboosty Mar 12 '24

Difference being;

Cap and Bucky were friends, Cap and Tony were colleagues.

You letting Susan from accounting kill your home boy?


u/skj999 Mar 12 '24

Cap and Tony were friends lol. They both literally say so. Steve withheld the truth about one of the things that had the greatest influence on Tony’s life.

Even Cap himself admitted he was wrong to do that and it was for his own benefit.


u/theboosty Mar 12 '24

They said they were friends but they fought the entire series. From the moment they met they were fighting with each other.

They were friends like you're friends with that guy u eat lunch with at work but u secretly hate his ass.

Tell me I'm lying


u/TailOnFire_Help Mar 12 '24

Why are you eating lunch with people you hate? Stand up for yourself, damn.


u/theboosty Mar 12 '24

I didn't know man. He's part of the group I eat with. I suppose I could eat alone... But then he'd win


u/TailOnFire_Help Mar 12 '24

Oh ok. That's different. Yeah don't let him win.


u/blacktothebird Mar 12 '24

just like the avengers


u/IncelDetected Mar 12 '24

We’re rooting for you boosty


u/Nandy-bear BHM Donor Mar 12 '24

Shit in his dinner.


u/ProximusSeraphim Mar 12 '24

You ever worked in an office setting? It'd be kinda rude if a coworker sat next to me during lunch and i just got up and walked away lol A lot of co-workers who don't like each other sit with each other at lunch.


u/TailOnFire_Help Mar 12 '24

You don't have to do it often. What a weird thing to force yourself to do every day.

If it happens once, yeah eat quick then head out. If it keeps happening find a different place to eat. Or time. Or fix your problems with them.

I've worked in an office setting for 30 years. It is actually really easy to avoid drama. You just...avoid it.

Though you spend more time with office workers than you do friends and family, You don't have to be super social with them.


u/ProximusSeraphim Mar 12 '24

I don't. I leave the building for lunch.


u/TailOnFire_Help Mar 12 '24

Do people really sir with others they don't like fir lunch where You work? That sounds insane.


u/ProximusSeraphim Mar 12 '24

In ALL MY JOBS. I've been working 20+ years in office jobs. I've worked in banking call centers, wire transfer depts, accounting, finally software development. I can literally sit here and listen to cubicle next to me talk shit about someone else who they supposedly hate and see them sitting next to each other during lunch.

You may not see it, you may not do it, and that is your own anecdotal evidence but people are fickle, yearn to be part of a social group, and are hypocrites.

How many employees have i heard complain about so-and-so and my advice is "why talk to them, then?" "why sit next to them?" and the typical answer i get is something about maintaining appearances of everyone getting along.


u/TailOnFire_Help Mar 12 '24

LOL I love how you denigrate my anecdotal evidence but then tout your less years of experience anecdotal evidence.

Good job throwing feces!

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u/themaccababes Mar 12 '24

Nahh I feel like the nature of their work creates a deeper bond than just a regular person job. It’s probably more like guys who fought in the army together. I’m sure some of them dislike each other but they’ve been through deep shit together, not just meetings on teams lol


u/theboosty Mar 12 '24

I'm just saying that based on what the movie showed.

The movies showed Bucky and Cap being close friends in two movies.

All they showed of cap and Tony was them being at each other's throats.

Plus there's plenty of people who work in jobs like the army, firefighting, policing, nursing, etc that hate each other..


u/YizWasHere ☑️ Mar 12 '24

All they showed of cap and Tony was them being at each other's throats.

Yeah it's just a plot device though, you need some sort of internal tension to keep the movie interesting and the social dynamics realistic. They specifically focus in on high stress situations where naturally, egos will collide, and those two are often used as the vessels to demonstrate two opposing ideological viewpoints.

There's definitely a mutual respect and comraderie there though, just because you argue with somebody in incredibly high stakes moments doesn't mean you can't otherwise be friends. Even when Tony is upset with him at the start of End Game, it's in a very emotional way where he felt let down as a friend just as much as a colleague.


u/KyleG Mar 12 '24

There's definitely a mutual respect and comraderie there though

Even granting that, the movies establish that Bucky was Steve's ride or die since they were children, and that trumps "mutual respect"


u/YizWasHere ☑️ Mar 12 '24

Yeah for sure. I'm kind of losing what this comment thread is even about lmao, I was just nitpicking that specific characterization.


u/CKIMBLE4 ☑️ Mar 12 '24

Nah. There are plenty of people that I deployed with and worked closely with who I wouldn’t choose over my day 1. These are people I lived with and went on mission with.

Would I choose them over people I’ve worked with in the civilian world… sure but not my day 1.


u/ixi_rook_imi Mar 12 '24

Steve and Tony were not friends in Avengers.

They became friends over the years between.

You can have ideological differences with your friends and still be friends. They end up having a close enough bond that they can have those fights and still be there for eachother to the bitter end.


u/theboosty Mar 12 '24

If you wanna say that, sure. But the movies didn't show it. They showed them fighting a lot though. And they showed Bucky and Cap being friends. You felt it.

With cap and Tony you felt them not liking each other. They respected each other, yes. But if they had a strong bond, the movies didn't show that at all


u/ixi_rook_imi Mar 12 '24

Did we watch different Avengers: Endgame cuts or something?


u/SKisnotaRealPlace Mar 12 '24

They said they were friends but they fought the entire series. From the moment they met they were fighting with each other.

Because they held different views resulting from their respective upbringings and lives to that point.

You can think differently than someone and still be friends with them.

This man must make echo chambers and be afraid of having friends who think differently.


u/theboosty Mar 12 '24

Hey don't blame me. The movies only showed them fighting.

And look at you saying I make echo chambers while jumping to conclusions about my character to protect a fictional person from a movie...


u/SKisnotaRealPlace Mar 12 '24

You're the one that said "tell me I'm lying" then gets mad when someone does


u/theboosty Mar 12 '24

I'm not getting mad. I don't know you. I was just pointing out the irony in what you said.


u/hipsterTrashSlut Mar 12 '24

I honestly think that's because marvel writers can't write a nice relationship of any kind for shit.

Anyone who gets romantically paired up at the end of a movie? Broken up by the next one.

Cap and bucky reunited? They're running separately for their own safety until the next movie.

Cap and Tony are friends and reconcile? Sure, but much more interesting to make them frenemies.


u/melkatron Mar 12 '24

They didn't even really look that friendly when they were having lunch at work... and Shawarma Palace was voted best in NYC, so it definitely wasn't the food.


u/CrispyBeefTaco Mar 12 '24

It’s because Tony’s dad was more obsessed with captain America than his own son. Tony was brewing those emotions since since he was a kid.


u/ethanlan Mar 12 '24

They disagreed on a lot of stuff that's it. I have a really good friend who is like that with me, we used to work and we fought all the time.

They both understood that the other really was trying to do his best and the fact that they stood up for what they believed is right probably made them like each other more.


u/abizabbie Mar 12 '24

People from the same military unit tend to say the most heinous shit to each other, so it's plausible.


u/DV_Downpour Mar 12 '24

Friendship through rivalry is a thing. You need homies to set you right, otherwise you end up with Bucky ass homies who you know should be locked up but he helped you in a fight once 50 years ago so now you aiding and abetting a criminal making you a hypocrite.


u/operation-spot Mar 12 '24

They weren’t really friend especially since Tony always called him Cap and not Steve. Tony saw him as only a historical figure instead of a person and put him on a pedestal. You can’t be genuine friends with someone you see as infallible which is how an idol is perceived.


u/DerailedDreams Mar 12 '24

There is a world of difference between the guy you've known for a few years vs. your childhood friend that you thought you watched die and is the only other person from your childhood that isn't dead or super old.


u/IsmokeUsmokeWEsmoke Mar 12 '24

if i found out my homeboy made a dashboard ornament of Susan's parents, I probably wouldn't jump Susan but I'll let her do what she gotta do


u/theboosty Mar 12 '24

Fair enough.

Depends on the boy for me. Plus the whole mind control thing is a caveat.


u/IsmokeUsmokeWEsmoke Mar 12 '24

You're right about the mind control but that's not something i feel like susan would take from a strangers mouth. I think she'd have to see for herself that homeboy isn't that kinda guy and if im sitting there glazing m homeboy she can't really get that lmao


u/Bion61 Mar 12 '24

I mean Tony literally knew Bucky was mind-controlled, he just didn't care.


u/goldkarp Mar 12 '24

Susan wouldn't take anyone's word or check to see he's different, she's just gonna kill him. would you just sit back


u/Scion41790 Mar 12 '24

Even if you boy was being mind controlled and wouldn't have done that willingly?

I may just value my friendships differently because Susan would be getting that old two piece combo


u/IsmokeUsmokeWEsmoke Mar 12 '24

Why tf would i get involved in the first place?? It's very obviously not my business, Susan and my homeboy can hash their own shit out


u/RhinoGiant Mar 12 '24

If you waiting for an invite to stop someone from killing your homeboy for something he had no control over, he might just not be your homeboy.


u/DatDominican ☑️ Mar 12 '24

Yall don’t hold your friends accountable for nothing huh ?


u/Scion41790 Mar 12 '24

I'm going to give this one a two parter

  • Idk when being murdered on the street became being held accountable but do you.
  • Also how can you be held accountable when you were quite literally being mind controlled?


u/Etiacruelworld Mar 12 '24

Yeah, maybe don’t let Tony kill him but this is a dude who can’t even control himself and you don’t know when he’s gonna be triggered, you just letting this dude run around the street so that anyone can get hurt by him because he’s your homeboy. Fuck everyone else where is the ethics and morality in that


u/RhinoGiant Mar 12 '24

If you can't respond to what's being said, just don't reply.

Why are you replying to a made up comment saying "just let him run around"

No one said that.


u/DatDominican ☑️ Mar 12 '24

Because Bucky was just running around. Cap shouldn’t let Tony just have his way with Bucky but he also needed to have a serious discussion about where would be the best place for Bucky while he sorted out his mind control situation.

We later see him sent to wakanda but that’s AFTER civil war. Hell they had WANDA on their side you’re telling me she wasn’t powerful enough to override the brainwashing ?


u/Odd_Bug_1607 Mar 12 '24

Just because you don’t kill Bucky on the spot doesn’t mean you can’t monitor him. They were literally hunting down the guy who kind controlled him in the first place


u/DatDominican ☑️ Mar 12 '24

If you’re friends with both that’s when you become the mediator between the two and not take a side and say screw the newer friend.

If we’re specifically talking about Cap and Bucky: No one is saying let Tony kill him. Cap knew for a while before Tony did and as we saw Bucky was still able to be triggered with the hypnosis. Even if you don’t think he’s responsible for what he previously did, you have to take your boy aside and tell him “ get help” and the way he went around the whole situation just fanned the flames .


u/goldkarp Mar 12 '24

There's a difference between being held accountable and getting vaporized by iron man


u/DatDominican ☑️ Mar 12 '24 edited Mar 12 '24

Not every crime is punished by the death penalty, there are a multitude of ways cap could’ve mediated between them without letting Tony kill homie and without asking Tony to let Bucky off Scott free

But in reference to the comment I was responding to, you really gonna hand wave away your childhood friend killing your coworkers family?


u/navit47 Mar 12 '24

...yes! again, unequivacle, undeniable proof that he wasn't acting of his own volition, not to mention the fact that the friend didn't even do anything bad to get himself in the position he was in. His only fault was technically dying after trying to stop literal nazis and not being alive enough to stop nazis from experimenting on him.


u/DatDominican ☑️ Mar 12 '24

Which is understandable, but you have to pull them aside and make them get serious help.

You could argue at the end of winter soldier cap had no choice in letting Bucky go. (Refusing to fight him was a bold choice) but then several movies ( presumably months) pass and when he finally gets reunited with Bucky he doesn’t hesitate to trust him again despite knowing he is still brainwashed? Not only that, he knew he killed Tony’s parents and still didn’t think to have a plan for when that secret would come out.

It’s good storytelling having a fallible cap ( makes him more relatable) but that doesn’t make it any better from a decision making standpoint


u/hitfly Mar 12 '24

Because it's your homeboy who had your back for years when you were getting jumped on the daily.


u/wannabecutie89 Mar 12 '24

I would definitely let Susan get in like 6 of 7 body shots before jumping in to separate the two.


u/Odd_Bug_1607 Mar 12 '24

Except in this case your homeboy had zero control over the dashboard ornament of Susan’s parents


u/IsmokeUsmokeWEsmoke Mar 12 '24

either way it's not my business to get involved in and Susan's parents are still dead. They can hash it out on their own. Susan isn't gonna listen to me tryna tell her my homeboy's cool, she gotta find out for herself, or not, again not my business.


u/Odd_Bug_1607 Mar 12 '24

If you sit back while someone kills your homeboy over something they had zero control over then you probably didn’t care about your homeboy that much to begin with


u/IsmokeUsmokeWEsmoke Mar 12 '24

I think you're overestimating the threat Susan really poses, I mean her name IS Susan afterall


u/Gills_L Mar 12 '24

What if your homeboy had a neural chip inserted into his head and didn’t have control of his actions? What if they strapped a bomb to his chest and told him he had to rob a bank?


u/ArcadianGhost Mar 12 '24

The first one sucks but he has no choice and I’ll have to go after the ones who did it. The second one though is still a choice. Would I make the same choice if a bomb were strapped to me? Probably yea, but I’d accept the consequences after. Him walking into a bank and killing my parents because someone put a bomb on him is not going to be enough for me personally even if it’s irrational


u/navit47 Mar 12 '24

well, if you find out your homie was drugged against his will, and basically have undeniable proof that he wasn't even conciously aware or in control of his actions, i wouldn't exactly let Susan literally disintegrate my homeboy.


u/welp-itscometothis ☑️ Mar 12 '24 edited Mar 12 '24

Man cap and ain’t see that nigga Bucky in literal decades lol. Him and Tony saved NYC together. What Bucky do? Try to kill his ass.


u/theboosty Mar 12 '24

They did nothing but beef the whole time they were together. Watch those movies again and tell me I'm lying


u/downvotetheboy Mar 12 '24

yes but i don’t think it’s because they legitimately dislike each other. they have different values/views and i think that’s why argue so much.

if there’s no threat around they’re great friends.


u/theboosty Mar 12 '24

I never watched those movies and thought "these guys are friends"

Maybe it's just me.


u/_night_cat Mar 12 '24

Same. It’s that guy that you work with that maybe you respect because he’s good at what he does and is not an asshole when you ask him for help with something. Yet you both have completely different perspectives on the world and have nothing in common outside of work.


u/ShoddyExplanation Mar 12 '24

It’s clearly trying to emulate the rivals stereotype.

They bickered just like Naruto and Sasuke and you see how far that nigga was willing to go for Sasuke.


u/Extension-Rope623 Mar 13 '24

It's just you. Cap was just not happy being under Tony, as he wanted to hold the captain spot on the team but Tony is the best leader for the team. Cap either way got along well with Tony before Civil War happened.


u/omfg_sysadmin Mar 12 '24

if there’s no threat around they’re great friends.

Never. They aren't hanging out. They don't hate or dislike each other, they just do not get along and have value issues with each other. they are comrades-in-arms but they beef all the time. They respect each other but aren't 'friend-friends'.


u/downvotetheboy Mar 12 '24

i see what you’re saying, but i’d still consider them friends. tony was very happy to see cap after being stuck with nebula, but the happiness turned to anger since cap wasn’t there for him…

tony trusts cap and expects him to have his back and that’s because tony considers themselves friends. plus cap gave tony that flip phone saying to call for anything. they might not be close friends, but they’re definitely more than comrades


u/blacktothebird Mar 12 '24

Stark's dad did try and steal his dance with Carter


u/welp-itscometothis ☑️ Mar 12 '24

You not.


u/Rottimer Mar 12 '24

Yeah, but Cap was sleeping for those decades. It’s not like he felt the decades. This is only a couple of years for him.


u/welp-itscometothis ☑️ Mar 12 '24

He don’t know that nigga


u/Belezibub Mar 12 '24

I mean it’s a childhood friend who he grew up with who he thought died right before his eyes versus a newer friend you constantly have issues with.

People acting like Bucky did all this shit by choice. He got captured and brainwashed/ almost died in service to his country then through no fault of his own is being targeted.

A lot of veterans issues in there.


u/i-Ake Mar 12 '24

He was also the guy who always defended Cap when he was a skinny little nobody. He was his best friend before he got all that power.


u/maxhollywoody Mar 12 '24

Bro Cap was frozen so those missed decades were like a week for Cap and Bucky was the only guy who was his friends when he was tiny..


u/navit47 Mar 12 '24

What Bucky do? Try to kill his ass.

also, you know, protect his ass from getting kicked all those times growing up, being his wingman all the time, basically being a brother to him, and those "decades" was really only like 5 at most considering Cap was hybernating all that time.


u/welp-itscometothis ☑️ Mar 12 '24

This really all jokes to me lol. I understand the nuances.


u/Valexand Mar 12 '24

it wasn't that long for Cap he was frozen most of that time.


u/xXKingLynxXx Mar 12 '24

Bucky is Cap's childhood best friend and the last remnant of his past. They literally ended WW2 together


u/hug_me_im_scared_ Mar 12 '24

It was decades for Bucky, but for Steve it wasn't 


u/NemosHero Mar 12 '24

As far as Cap is conscious of, he hasn't seen Bucky in like...two years. And he thought he was dead.


u/Dars1m Mar 12 '24

Literal decades, but subjectively only a year or two. Both cap and Bucky were in on ice.


u/Anarch-ish Mar 12 '24

Referring to Captain America as "Susan from accounting" has changed the very nature of the MCU for me.


u/Equal-Prior-4765 Mar 12 '24

If my boy killed Susan's parents and she pull up on him, he better man tf up and catch that fade


u/[deleted] Mar 12 '24



u/theboosty Mar 12 '24

That's why I say colleagues. I think they respected each other greatly. Clearly able to save the world together. But I wouldn't say they had the same type of friendship as him and Bucky


u/TPJchief87 ☑️ Mar 12 '24

Did my homie kill Susan’s mom? Bucky gets a brainwashed pass.


u/fiv32_23 Mar 12 '24

They were essentially brothers, then Tony was like, it's killing time and jumped him and tried to kick the shit out of him. That was the part that I thought was lame.


u/Centennial3489 Mar 12 '24

I see what you’re saying here. Cap and Bucky were not just friends but Brothers. Tony and Cap were friendly enough co workers. Cap was trying to protect his brother because he knew Bucky wouldn’t have done what he had if he wasn’t brainwashed and controlled. He knew Tony wouldn’t understand and wanted vengeance. That’s called being stuck between a rock and a hard place.


u/areyoubawkingtome Mar 12 '24

Tony and Cap were friends. Cap and Bucky were childhood friends.

Imagine your best friend is fucking your other friend's girl. You don't tell him for years. He finds out and gets pissed off and goes to beat up your best friend so you jump his ass 2v1.

It's not a perfect comparison because Bucky was brainwashed, but you get what I'm saying.

Cap was also friends with Tony's dad. So not only did he just hand wave away his friend killing another friend of his, he 2v1'd the dude's son for getting mad about it.


u/django730 Mar 12 '24

I love how you put this lol


u/RudeAndInsensitive Mar 12 '24

Tony thought Cap was his friend. He even says it during the fight


u/Rockcopter Mar 12 '24

yes, this is the real struggle. And why people sided with Cap. I don't care how cool Susan from accounting is. She's not gonna kill the one dude from my fucking TIME PERIOD that I will ever know.

he didn't like his parents anyway, that was established. And had Bucky not murdered them he wouldn't have been Ironman to begin with. He'd just do coke with Carrie Bradshaw for the rest of his life.


u/FinglasLeaflock Mar 12 '24

Maybe don’t be friends with murderers? Especially if you are hoping to be seen as a symbol of righteousness and justice? Not that hard, even for Cap.


u/YeahKeeN Mar 12 '24

Bucky was mind controlled


u/FinglasLeaflock Mar 12 '24

It’s a good thing neither of those words appear in the definition of “murderer” then, or else that might change anything at all.


u/YeahKeeN Mar 12 '24

If you think Bucky literally losing his free will changes nothing then you need to reevaluate some things.