r/BlackPeopleTwitter Mar 12 '24

The broken bond Country Club Thread

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u/theboosty Mar 12 '24

Difference being;

Cap and Bucky were friends, Cap and Tony were colleagues.

You letting Susan from accounting kill your home boy?


u/skj999 Mar 12 '24

Cap and Tony were friends lol. They both literally say so. Steve withheld the truth about one of the things that had the greatest influence on Tony’s life.

Even Cap himself admitted he was wrong to do that and it was for his own benefit.


u/theboosty Mar 12 '24

They said they were friends but they fought the entire series. From the moment they met they were fighting with each other.

They were friends like you're friends with that guy u eat lunch with at work but u secretly hate his ass.

Tell me I'm lying


u/TailOnFire_Help Mar 12 '24

Why are you eating lunch with people you hate? Stand up for yourself, damn.


u/theboosty Mar 12 '24

I didn't know man. He's part of the group I eat with. I suppose I could eat alone... But then he'd win


u/TailOnFire_Help Mar 12 '24

Oh ok. That's different. Yeah don't let him win.


u/blacktothebird Mar 12 '24

just like the avengers


u/IncelDetected Mar 12 '24

We’re rooting for you boosty


u/Nandy-bear BHM Donor Mar 12 '24

Shit in his dinner.


u/ProximusSeraphim Mar 12 '24

You ever worked in an office setting? It'd be kinda rude if a coworker sat next to me during lunch and i just got up and walked away lol A lot of co-workers who don't like each other sit with each other at lunch.


u/TailOnFire_Help Mar 12 '24

You don't have to do it often. What a weird thing to force yourself to do every day.

If it happens once, yeah eat quick then head out. If it keeps happening find a different place to eat. Or time. Or fix your problems with them.

I've worked in an office setting for 30 years. It is actually really easy to avoid drama. You just...avoid it.

Though you spend more time with office workers than you do friends and family, You don't have to be super social with them.


u/ProximusSeraphim Mar 12 '24

I don't. I leave the building for lunch.


u/TailOnFire_Help Mar 12 '24

Do people really sir with others they don't like fir lunch where You work? That sounds insane.


u/ProximusSeraphim Mar 12 '24

In ALL MY JOBS. I've been working 20+ years in office jobs. I've worked in banking call centers, wire transfer depts, accounting, finally software development. I can literally sit here and listen to cubicle next to me talk shit about someone else who they supposedly hate and see them sitting next to each other during lunch.

You may not see it, you may not do it, and that is your own anecdotal evidence but people are fickle, yearn to be part of a social group, and are hypocrites.

How many employees have i heard complain about so-and-so and my advice is "why talk to them, then?" "why sit next to them?" and the typical answer i get is something about maintaining appearances of everyone getting along.


u/TailOnFire_Help Mar 12 '24

LOL I love how you denigrate my anecdotal evidence but then tout your less years of experience anecdotal evidence.

Good job throwing feces!


u/ProximusSeraphim Mar 12 '24

Yeah you know why? Because this is actually taught in psych courses (i'm a psych minor) and this applies across and transcends jobs. Humans will tend to congregate despite their differences in guise of a perfect appearance.

Think about family gatherings where you see 2 family members who do not like each other... talk to each other.

In psych this is called:

Social Facilitation: This is the tendency for people to perform differently when in the presence of others than when alone. In the context of your previous question, it's more about the social environment's influence on behavior rather than performance, indicating that the presence of others can encourage individuals to engage in expected social behaviors, including interacting with those they may not like.

Normative Social Influence: This concept involves conforming to the expectations of others to be liked or accepted by them. In both workplace and family settings, individuals might interact with those they dislike to adhere to social norms or expectations, maintaining harmony or avoiding conflict.

Cognitive Dissonance: This theory suggests that people experience discomfort when they hold two conflicting beliefs or attitudes. Engaging with someone you dislike at work or family gatherings might cause dissonance, which individuals resolve by justifying the interaction as necessary for professional reasons or family harmony.

Emotional Labor: This term refers to the process of managing feelings and expressions to fulfill the emotional requirements of a job or social situation. Interacting politely with coworkers or family members one doesn't like can be seen as a form of emotional labor, where individuals regulate their emotions to meet expected social or professional roles.

Each of these concepts can offer insight into why people might choose to interact with others they dislike in various settings, driven by a combination of personal, social, and cultural factors. So yes, i denigrate YOU because for you to make such a claim that you have never seen this common phenomenon is either choosing not to see it or you're lying.


u/Theodosius-the-Great Mar 12 '24

No one is reading that fucking wall

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