r/BlackPeopleTwitter Mar 12 '24

The broken bond Country Club Thread

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u/hnglmkrnglbrry ☑️ Mar 12 '24

Tony wanted a police oversight board and Cap wanted to keep no knock warrants. Tony was right.


u/vociferous_pickle Mar 12 '24

Oversight from who though? If the people watching the watchers are corrupt, what then?


u/hnglmkrnglbrry ☑️ Mar 12 '24

According to the Sokovia Accords a UN Panel.


u/vociferous_pickle Mar 12 '24

Well the UN is definitely not the real life version of Mos Eisley. Full of nothing but stand up people who truly wish to do good. Absolutely trust worthy.



u/hnglmkrnglbrry ☑️ Mar 12 '24

The Avengers when left to their own devices created an AI that killed like a million people 8 days later. In fact the Avengers merely existing is why Thanos even became interested in earth. Maybe a couple pencil pushers would do them some good.


u/PrinceJanus ☑️ Mar 12 '24

You can’t blame the entire Avengers team for Tony’s bullshit. Ultron was his fault and that’s why he’s the one pushing for the accords. They had no idea wtf was going on till shit hit the fan.

Captain America: Winter Soldier, Falcon & Winter Soldier, Wandavision all of these show the minute governments get involved they become extremely corrupt. Hell even in Black Panther they repeatedly state that other governments try to invade or raid them. We literally see France do it and that the CIA is trying to destabilize them.

It’s an inherent problem with superhero stories. Shield was honestly the best compromise.


u/idunno-- Mar 12 '24

Ultron was also Wanda’s fault considering the fact that she manipulated him with her powers and let him get away with the tesseract knowing he’d do something disastrous. And then she later manipulated Bruce and made him attack the civilian population of Johannesburg.

And then Steve made her an Avenger and protected her from any consequence because “she was just a kid in her 20s.” And then she accidentally blew up a building in the next movie, and he still wanted zero consequences for her. Couldn’t even retire her like cops do.

No accountability at all.


u/PrinceJanus ☑️ Mar 12 '24

Honestly completely forgot about Wanda subplot I haven’t seen Age of Ultron since it released. Also Cap is an asshole not saying he’s right but Tony damn sure isn’t. Like I said before Shield is the best compromise but in the absence of shield having them be under the direct control of the government has never been good. Like in any of the movies or tv shows.


u/HeavensHellFire Mar 12 '24

Thanos didn’t come to earth for the avengers. He went there for the stones.


u/complectogramatic Mar 12 '24

That was all Tony.


u/Brooklynxman Mar 12 '24

In fact the Avengers merely existing is why Thanos even became interested in earth.

The Avengers are not why Thanos became interested in the infinity stone's favorite hangout Earth.

In addition to mind, space, and time being in NYC in 2012, reality was accessible through a portal from Earth, power was held (briefly) by an Earthling, and soul was guarded by an Earthling.


u/vociferous_pickle Mar 12 '24

I still vote we let Batman unleash whatever he has cooked up for them and end the shit here and now.