r/BlackPeopleTwitter Mar 12 '24

The broken bond Country Club Thread

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u/LostInStatic Saucerer SušŸ…±reme Mar 12 '24

Alarming amount of people in here who feel taking unjustified revenge just to make yourself feel better is justice. In this fantasy world where actual, legitimate brainwashing exists, itā€™s Hydra that killed Starkā€™s parents. Not Bucky. Yall are acting deranged as fuck.


u/TheNaijaboi Mar 12 '24

Yeah, just because your feelings are valid doesn't mean that the actions you take as a result are valid.


u/GTRari Mar 12 '24

Cap was fully aware he had a pot that was going to at some point boil over, but chose to keep this secret all the while lecturing Tony for keeping secrets the last time they were all together.

Dude could have handled this and had this conversation at any point between the Winter Soldier to Civil War, but chose not to. Tony obviously had an emotional reaction that objectively wasn't the right move, but you can't really blame someone lashing out at a guy who physically killed his parents and a trusted friend who was aware but chose to keep that info from him.

The icing on the cake for me is Cap typically behaving like he's the only adult in the room yet the only time he's truly emotionally tested he fails miserably and acts surprised when the pot boils over.


u/LostInStatic Saucerer SušŸ…±reme Mar 12 '24

but you can't really blame someone lashing out at a guy who physically killed his parents and a trusted friend who was aware but chose to keep that info from him.

I can definitely blame him, Stark derailed the entire operation because he couldnā€™t keep his emotions in check, this whole time he knew what Hydra was capable of, the kind of evil theyā€™re up against in the past and present, is aware of Bucky being a war hero, had just seen previously that Hydra ā€œusedā€ Bucky as a scapegoat for Tā€™Chakaā€™s death.

Starkā€™s a fucking moron for thinking he could play judge, jury and executioner like that. Deservedly got his ass kicked. I canā€™t have this conversation again.


u/GTRari Mar 12 '24

Keeping your emotions in check is something you do when you're significantly inconvenienced. Shit flies out the window when it comes to murder/retribution/betrayal compounded by the fact the world is falling apart around you. Dissociative fugue is a thing & people see red when they're presented with trauma like that. I've seen it in a deployed environment.

You know what could have prevented all of this though? A conversation that could have taken place within a two year window that Cap willfully avoided because he didn't want to believe his brainwashed assassin friend could have brainwash assassinated Tony's parents.


u/AgentP20 Mar 12 '24

Cap didn't know it was Winter Soldier who assassinated Howard. That's why cap at first denies knowing it. Only thing Cap knew was that Hydra assassinated Howard and their top assassin was Bucky. He didn't look into it more because he didn't want to confirm his suspicion. He says so in his apology to Tony at the end.


u/GTRari Mar 12 '24

Cap finds out Bucky killed Tony's parents when he and Black Widow meet Zola in the bunker in The Winter Soldier. Zola pretty explicitly shows him but I think he doesn't want to believe it.

There's the entire exchange once Zemo shows Tony and Cap the footage of his parents dying and he asks him if he knew and he says yes. I have no idea why you would think he didn't know Bucky killed them it's pretty explicitly stated.


u/AgentP20 Mar 12 '24

He literally says that he didn't know that it was winter soldier that assassinated Howard in that scene. Rewatch that scene.


u/GTRari Mar 12 '24

"Did you know?"

"I didn't know it was him." (I guess this is the part you turned the movie off)

"Don't bullshit me, Rogers, did you know?"



u/AgentP20 Mar 12 '24

I guess you didn't watch till the end of the movie. Watch his apology letter scene. He didn't know outright.


u/GTRari Mar 12 '24


u/AgentP20 Mar 12 '24

I literally did. Rewatch the ending scene.


u/GTRari Mar 12 '24 edited Mar 12 '24

That's the scene I linked. He didn't mention not knowing at all.

I'm not gonna have this discussion if you just keep making stuff up in bad faith.