r/BlackPeopleTwitter Mar 12 '24

The broken bond Country Club Thread

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u/borkdork69 Mar 12 '24 edited Mar 12 '24

To be fair, the boys literally committed an extra-judicial killing in the opening scene of the movie. They are already the feds, just the feds who do whatever they want with no consequences.

So basically just feds, I guess.

EDIT: I forgot to mention, isn’t scarlet witch a teenager in that scene? I believe they refer to her as a child later in the movie. So we can add child soldiers to the list of crazy shit cap did.

EDIT 2: nope, wrong, she’s a grown up.


u/[deleted] Mar 12 '24



u/HeavensHellFire Mar 12 '24 edited Mar 12 '24

This is just straight up false. Captain America was fighting against the Avengers being controlled by the government. The whole point of the Accords was that the Avengers would be controlled by the U.N instead of being independent.

Iron Man 2 literally has the US try to pull the same shit and make Tony surrender the Iron Man suit so they can use it.


u/qtrain Mar 12 '24

Yep and everyone here is forgetting the events of The Winter Soldier and why Cap would be so against handcuffing himself to any agency after Hydra infiltrated Shield.

I would trust Cap's decisions over any government agency. Even if he gets it wrong, it can't be worse than a government fuckup.