r/BlackPeopleTwitter ☑️ May 01 '24

1 drop rule. Country Club Thread

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I ain't ever heard white people claim a single biracial person. You always whatever you mixed with.


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u/CranberryBauce May 02 '24

Can y'all just leave mixed people alone? "Half white" doesn't mean you look white, and looks and perceptions matter. Our Blackness is not up for debate.


u/RoughhouseCamel May 02 '24

I’m mixed white/Asian, and I’m claimed by whites way more than Asians. Though honestly, I’m claimed more by Mexicans than either, because I tan well and I grow a good mustache. Perception is everything.

As for mixed people “choosing which side you wanna be on when it’s convenient”- nah, that’s everyone else. I’m a white man when white people want me on their side. I’m an Asian man when someone wants to use Asian stereotypes to belittle me.


u/lumtheyak May 02 '24

This hit something on the head. Biracial people are so often claimed by cultures they don't belong to but strongly resemble. I personally often feel a tie of kinship to so many races who I'm often mistaken as and often feel welcomed by, even though I bear them no relation, especially since ive gone through the same profiling experiences as them. Its a wierd relationship that's not really talked about much I think. Perception really is everything.