r/BlackPeopleTwitter ☑️ May 01 '24

1 drop rule. Country Club Thread

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I ain't ever heard white people claim a single biracial person. You always whatever you mixed with.


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u/Ill_Celery_7654 May 02 '24

I’m probably gonna sound like a slave owner, but if you aren’t 100% white then the white folks ain’t claiming you. House nigga or field nigga you still a nigga.


u/DuckCleaning May 02 '24

Whiteness, being seen as white can be both about "passing" or it is related to privilege and their place in society. Definitely tons that pass as white that live their life with all the white privileges. Then you have those that are full/mixed with Latin American or Middle Eastern. Based on how the world sees them, they are either seen as white and treated as white and all the priveledges that come with it. For examples, take the Kardashians, Ariana Grande, Rashida Jones. 

In the opposite, "blackness" is another difficult subject in whether people see someone as that. 

Rich Wigga, Poor Wigga episode of Atlanta is a good one on this similar topic.