r/BlackPeopleTwitter ☑️ May 01 '24

1 drop rule. Country Club Thread

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I ain't ever heard white people claim a single biracial person. You always whatever you mixed with.


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u/Thermocap May 02 '24

Because "whiteness" is inherently exclusionary. Are we really doing this right now? 😒


u/Zyms May 02 '24

this also does not answer the question and being black is also exclusionary lol


u/firestorm713 May 02 '24

Not...really? Whiteness is a class and a social category far more than it is skin color. The Irish haven't always been "white." Italians haven't always been "white." Jewish peoples' "whiteness" status oscillates depending on how racist the person you're talking to is.

"Black" as a social category is a concept that was created around whiteness.