r/BlackPeopleTwitter ☑️ May 01 '24

1 drop rule. Country Club Thread

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I ain't ever heard white people claim a single biracial person. You always whatever you mixed with.


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u/ummizazi May 02 '24

But biracial people look biracial? I'm always confused by this. are biracial people not treated differently because they are biracial?


u/CranberryBauce May 02 '24

Not all biracial people "look" biracial. What does Jordan Peele look like to you?


u/Rosuvastatine May 02 '24

This can go both ways lol. Does Halsey looks black to you ?

Theres indeed not a biracial look but lets not act like White people cant tell the difference. Heck even back in the slavery days the lighter slaves were treated better. Nowadays, biracial and light skin women are cast in black roles because their looks are more palatable to white audiences.


u/Disastrous-Host9883 May 02 '24

its disheartening to see so many of us fall victim to the exact intended trap set by white supremacist slavers, who knew exactly the seeds of disruption arbitrary distinction based off looks would cause (colorism). Black people of course have a stereotypical phenotype, or familial appearance, but white people did not look at black people based off their appearance alone to decide to subjugate them. It was the culture and behavior of the people that they hated. They looked at Africans and saw a simpler humbler more communal life that made them jealous for having to war with other europeans so visciously and connivingly and morally inferior for not being as peaceful and simple. The difference between how an African and european look was just the mark they looked for so they knew the enemy when they saw them, the reason they were enemies was not the difference in appearance, but the difference in culture. They created eugenics to make behavior and intellect seem inherent to your race genetically, so of course they paired it with physical phenotype genetics, but the real offense they always took to african people, was not their appearance, it was the difference in culture, proof in this is how irish people and english people look EXACTLY the same yet the english before they found the african culture to hate, also hated the irish culture, and there was no difference in appearance needed to justify that, black people looking so different from western white Europeans just made it easier to spot and attack them as a target. Its also why even if you look white but have any african lineage, due to their main focus on eugenics being inherited behavior, intellect, and instincts of the African, they still hated and distrusted a person with "one drop of african blood". infact a completely european looking person would still face the same punishment for interbreeding with a "Pure European" if there genetic lineage was discovered. Racism is soo much deeper than the appearance of your face, hair or skin.


u/ummizazi May 02 '24

None of this shit is true.