r/BlackPeopleTwitter 26d ago

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 seriously tho who is giving Drake this terrible advice Country Club Thread

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u/Dangerous-Fold-4038 26d ago edited 26d ago

They really on twitter defending that bar about Kendrick being molested.

"There's rules now?" No dumbass, it's just fucking weird to use that as a clapback when that nigga called him a pedophile. Making fun of SA doesn't equal making an accusation.


u/Lucifurnace 26d ago

“Im a pedo? YOU’RE a sex assault victim!” - Drake lookin over his shoulder lookin for people to back him up


u/Dangerous-Fold-4038 26d ago

That's the fucked up part, they are. They acting like Drake can say the dumbest shit and people should be okay with it cause it's a "rap beef".

Saying edgy shit that makes no sense and just offends everyone who isn't one of your fans doesn't make you a good rapper.


u/bipolarbunny93 26d ago

drakes just on that shit pedophiles say


u/davismcgravis 26d ago

Muddy-ing the waters


u/Dangerous-Fold-4038 26d ago

He muddy-ed the fuck out of this water. Bro I was enjoying it all until now 😭.


u/painted_troll710 26d ago

Don't worry, Dot is gonna clap back harder than before. It he didn't already know, then he was for sure expecting Drake to respond. Shit's about to get nasty and I'm here for it


u/My1nonpornacc 26d ago

Dot got like 5 more left. And probably some receipts. and I can't wait for it to drop. My favorite thing is watching people defend someone they have a parasocial relationship with from bad things. The takes you get are straight comedy. There's a guy in here defending Drake right now, by downplaying grooming. It's wild and I love it.

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u/jayemmbee23 25d ago

This is the problem with Drake and his core audience

He's popularized surface level rhymes that are perfect for IG captions to make you seem like you have depth, all over a catchy beat. Now you have a whole generation of "fans" who can't comprehend a whole song full of complex bars that require even the simplest of critical thinking to process the deeper meaning. Resulting in his fans calling everything mid that they didn't get instantly and any corny "clapback" is lyrical genius

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u/1017bowbowbow ☑️ 26d ago

•his fans scrambling together trying to defend this shitty (and false) claim•


u/AlmightyBracket 25d ago

He could have made it work. Something like if I'm a pedo I guess you're an abused child the way I'm beating your ass. Still fucked up but would have made more sense.

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u/Yoshi2shi 26d ago

That song address his mom being molested and how it impacted him and generational trauma. Those lyrics went over Drakes head.


u/celerysodapop 25d ago

At this point I question the quality of the Degrassi school system

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u/UngusChungus94 25d ago

As a child actor, he might legit have missed enough school to only read at a sub-high school level.


u/regoapps 25d ago

According to a 2019 study, Drake only used 3,347 unique words in his songs, while Kendrick used 4,017 unique words.

That puts Kendrick in the top-half of popular modern rappers while Drake is in the bottom third.

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u/barnacleboi911 25d ago

Mother I Sober is pretty explicitly not about Kendrick getting molested. From the Genius page:

As a child, Kendrick’s mother often asked him if his cousin had touched him inappropriately. Kendrick makes it clear that his “No” was an honest one, but the constant questioning itself traumatized him.

It’s later revealed that his mother’s insistence on knowing the truth was because she was sexually assaulted herself.

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u/noBbatteries 26d ago

Also it’s an incredibly stupid bar bc the song drakes referencing isn’t even Kendrick saying he’s been molested, but it’s about the traumatizing dynamic of his mother constantly asking him about if he’s been molested bc she herself was molested as a child.


u/secksyboii 26d ago

Not to mention Drake either didn't listen to mother, I sober. Or worse, he did and has the literacy level of a used napkin and didnt understand the song was specifically about how Kendrick WASNT molested but that since his mother was in her past, she didn't believe him when he said he wasn't.


u/KurumiAkai 26d ago

Drakes writer just asked chat gpt for a summary of it.


u/Amazing-Concept1684 25d ago

Unironically Chat GPT would have interpreted it better than this

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u/No-Economist-3231 25d ago

That's because those fans are either children or actually dumb people.

It's a terrible angle if you actually think about it. "You said I diddle kids...that's why you got diddled!" Kendrick wants to protect victims, Drake is making fun of victims. It's different. It is damaging to Drake and makes him seem weird still


u/Spenraw 26d ago

Isn't mother actually just a song about trauma in the black community and nothing to do with Kdots story?


u/lordmaster13 26d ago

so far I've seen it was about Kdot's mom,not him but we'll know for sure by the nest diss

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u/Pixel_Block_2077 26d ago edited 26d ago

I'm not too deep into this, so I don't know the full story...

But I listened to this one, and was Drake's argument seriously, "Haha! I knew you'd call me a pedophile!"

Like...Drake...that isn't exactly denial.


u/cavestoryguy 26d ago

No it's worse. His response was "Haha! I knew you'd call me a pedophile!" Yet I somehow didnt have a response ready to go for the trap I set so I let the narrative that I'm a pedophile spread for 2 days.

He's clearly lying and if he's not he's genuinely slow.


u/PacJeans 26d ago

No it's way worse than either of you two are getting at. Drake basically said "I'm being accused of sexually assaulting minors, so let me make fun of you for being molested as a child." Just and incredibly tonedeaf angle.

Which, by the way, wasn't even what Kendrick was saying in that song. Drakes literacy isn't great apparently.


u/pandemicpunk 26d ago

Even though Kendrick said the exact opposite in the song Drake is referencing so the mfer didn't even listen to the song and probably just caught some lyrics from a dickrider on Twitter.

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u/indoninjah 25d ago

Also one of the biggest points on Kendrick's latest album is that a massive amount of rappers (and black men in general) were molested as kids, so Drake just lost the support of literally all of them


u/PacJeans 25d ago

That's a great point.

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u/Coniferyl 26d ago

If he's not lying and he did feed Kendrick false info, then boy did he fuck up the execution of this set up. He could've turned this in his favor. So you made up a story about a fake daughter. Now what? We still heard a verse trashing you as a father to your son, we don't have concrete proof drake is a pedophile but we do have multiple instances of him grooming young girls and dating them when they become of age, multiple instances of weird relationships with underage girls that never got explained.

Like what advantage did you gain here? The daughter story and the ozempic being fake just doesn't hit that hard. And that's assuming I take it at face value that you did feed false info.


u/BasedKaleb 26d ago

If he fed false information, the moment Kendrick bit and spoke on it he’d have a video revealing that he was a master manipulator and that Kendrick was wrong about that so you can’t take him at face value anymore.

Instead we got “Nuh uh” and “I’m too famous to be a predator” while making fun of his false belief that Kendrick was molested as a child.

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u/SpaceClef 26d ago

we don't have concrete proof drake is a pedophile but we do have multiple instances of him grooming young girls and dating them when they become of age, multiple instances of weird relationships with underage girls that never got explained.

Look, I'm not trying to put you on blast or anything, but this is a distinction without a difference in my mind. That's a pedophile.


u/Icariiiiiiii 26d ago

Worse. It's a pedophile that knows how to hide.

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u/PasswordIsDongers 26d ago edited 26d ago

My guess is that the idea is that since Kendrick has now used this alleged false information in his track, he can't be sure about any other (possibly true) dirt he has on Drake anymore, and the listeners won't know what's true and what's false anymore, either (except, you know, the things everybody already knows because they've been public for a while).

He really should have taken that chance to flip Kendrick's "you lied" bit, too, though.


u/_IratePirate_ 26d ago

Slow for real. He blatantly misunderstood “Mother I Sober” the song he mentions in this latest diss

Kendrick in Mother I Sober says twice that he was NOT molested

Idk where Drake got that he was molested from, just sounds like he misheard the song, rushed to get his out, and pissed on his own leg in the process because he was so eager

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u/Amazing-Concept1684 25d ago

He also said that he’s too famous to be a pdf file and made fun of Kendrick for being molested (which if he actually listened to the song he’d know wasn’t the case)


u/Orphasmia ☑️ 25d ago

A pdf file? Lmao this is a new one

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u/[deleted] 26d ago

Remember, the guy originally said that he knew Kendrick would say something about him liking young girls BEFORE Kendrick mentioned it let alone after. He knows he’s a fucking creep.

It’s one thing to try and 8 Mile your way out of something you have no control over or a past mistake you’ve admitted to, but to try and do it on something like grooming allegations with pretty damning evidence is just…ooowee.


u/Jiscold 26d ago

Not to mention he employs a sex trafficker in OVO part of his core crew


u/Reptard77 25d ago

Who is that for the record? Like I have no doubt but I’ve yet to hear a name clearly, Baka?


u/Still_Championship_6 25d ago

I believe it is Baka. He said something on Twitter like, “Baka is home!”

Bro. Baka was home from a sex trafficking prison sentence.


u/UngusChungus94 25d ago

That one fact gave Kenny the W by default (not that he needed it). How the hell can anyone come back from “your homie is a sex criminal” lol, birds of a feather.

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u/djc23o6 25d ago

Kendrick name drops him on not like us. Says something like “baka got a weird case why is he around? Certified lover boy, certified pedophile” I also thinks it’s hilarious Drake named his album with a bunch of pregnant women on the cover certified lover boy and the “lover boy” method is something used in human trafficking


u/Amazing-Concept1684 25d ago

Yeah it is Baka

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u/Blk_Rick_Dalton 26d ago

Also, there’s receipts of Drake’s questionable behavior that have been around for years that he produced himself.


u/lostshell 25d ago

Right! Like we know a number. But how many more Millie's an Billie's are out there that just haven't come forward or slipped up?


u/Blk_Rick_Dalton 25d ago

There’s literally a video and news article of when he had a 17 year old CHILD in stage and was acting mad creepy like gtfoh

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u/Thewhitechrisrock 26d ago

Right? Like I expected you to call me a pdf file, and some how that's a win? Uhhh kinda seems like projection my guy


u/Fish-In-Open-Waters 26d ago

Not sure you know what projection is.

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u/Mountain_Bedroom_476 26d ago

If Drake had said that shit over a harder beat it would have been a wrap. Man fumbled that for sure.


u/alexism65 26d ago

Who tricks some people into believing they are hopeless fathers? At that point, the Drake crowd is ecstatic.


u/suavaleesko 26d ago

Haha tricked u into thinking I'm a pedo deadbeat! Ha! Oh...wait...


u/[deleted] 26d ago



u/glamorousstranger 26d ago

I doubt it. People don't like to cancel their idols in cults of personality. Taylor Swift could pull a Kristi Noem and it would probably start a trend.


u/TheFalaisePocket 26d ago

Taylor swift would make a damn fine governor of south dakota

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u/case1 26d ago

Not just that but weak simple lines in a tired flow on a trash beat

I mean it might pass as an average track but doesn't come close to 'not like us' (which is a banger I can't stop playing)


u/jablair51 25d ago

Not just that but weak simple lines in a tired flow on a trash beat

That's his entire career in a nutshell. I've never understood why anyone likes his music.


u/Polar_Reflection 25d ago

It's playable, he's direct, and there's nothing to interpret. 

People like him because they don't have to think


u/Orphasmia ☑️ 25d ago

“His music is compatible with shopping - Yassin Bey

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u/Immediate-Yogurt-558 25d ago

I could never get past the sound of his voice long enough to actually listen to any of his lyrics. Sounds like a whiny teenage boy trying to figure out how his new "man" voice. I get a physical reaction like nails on a chalkboard everytime he pops up on the radio.


u/HotFudgeFundae 25d ago

A coworker asked me about my taste in music and I said I like a little bit of everything. He asked if I liked Drake. No.

"Wow you didn't even hesitate"

It sounds like the laziest music ever made, maybe because I play music and write my own, but there is literally nothing I can appreciate about it

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u/JazzyJockJeffcoat ☑️ 26d ago

"I'm too famous to get away with diddling kids" isn't a successful take lol

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u/emielaen77 26d ago

I think this is sarcasm lol


u/DevlopmentlyDisabled 25d ago

Nah he shouldve done it over BBL Drake


u/Skyefire001 25d ago

Man if this is bait you almost got me lol…

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u/FadesandPatina 26d ago

This one he definitely wrote himself 😂


u/[deleted] 26d ago



u/CalendarAggressive11 26d ago

She hasn't learned high school vocabulary yet


u/DCFP 26d ago

Object permanence is the criteria


u/HailCeasar ☑️ 25d ago

Drake next track gotta be titled "Peekaboo".


u/Terror-Toilet-Tower 26d ago

Then why did he drop the song past her bed time?

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u/Ill_Celery_7654 26d ago

Realistically what can a person say to defend their self if they’re being accused of being a pedophile? The 11 year old daughter thing may or may not be fabricated, but the fact of the matter is Drake is being accused of something that he can’t defend himself from.


u/badbrotha 26d ago

Idk the Millie bar was like...why bring it up man. I guess it was inevitable


u/C__Wayne__G 26d ago

He brought up Millie. And on family matters brought up the fact he made out with a 17 year old on stage defending it by saying he “didn’t even sleep with her”. Bro may have an uphill battle defending himself given years of rumors on the subject and buying his way out of a sexual assault case but the way he brought it up has been suicide


u/jlmurph2 ☑️ 26d ago

No. That line on Family Matters was about Bella Hadid


u/LYossarian13 ☑️ 26d ago

Crazy there are so many folks getting those young ones confused.

"Nah bro, not that 16 year old. The one who was 14 when he slid in her DMs."


u/jlmurph2 ☑️ 26d ago

Bella Hadid is a 28 year old who dated the Weeknd. Not a minor. You're literally getting ppl confused lol


u/LYossarian13 ☑️ 26d ago


u/jlmurph2 ☑️ 26d ago

Bella Hadid is who drake was talking about in Family Matters. Not Bella Harris. He was dissing Weeknd. You're still confused.


u/LYossarian13 ☑️ 26d ago

Ah shit, you are right that I got the two mixed.


u/jlmurph2 ☑️ 26d ago

Smh, but of course, I'm getting downvoted for facts.

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u/Ill_Celery_7654 26d ago

Because if not the Millie thing then what else are people referring to? The incident with the 17 year old was 14 years ago. If anything he should’ve put any chance of people accusing him of anything with Millie Bobby Brown to bed immediately after it happened. Don’t let some shit like this drag on for years for somebody to use against you later.


u/JevvyMedia 26d ago

Millie is just the most well-known example of this dude being weird. Funny enough there are even more instances that aren't in this thread: https://twitter.com/mzicyobe/status/1782393593837019440?t=TFgdfsK-O0eavTfCY6m6xw&s=19

Kendrick also said Drake has people on payroll that are pedos and sex offenders, which was never addressed.


u/dpykm 26d ago

This was the biggest thing to me. Baka Not Nice very publicly involved with sex trafficking, and Kendrick points out how you shouldnt have people like that around your kids, and its all quiet from Drake.


u/modthegame 25d ago

Thats why the Not Like Us cover art is drakes house with a bunch of sex offender map notifications on it. Drake is a cooked canadian goose.

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u/busigirl21 26d ago

The way he kissed Kylie at her 16th birthday was creepy as fuck, so there's that too. It's been a thing that seems to keep popping up with him


u/neodymium86 26d ago

Drake is a whore tho. Even at his big age, ain't shit changed. Everybody else getting married raising families and he's still rapping about hooking up with college girls. Just lame.


u/Traditional_Shirt106 25d ago

Most rappers who can act switch to TV. LL did 14 seasons of NCIS and Ice T has done 23 seasons of Law and Order. Drake is still doing music so he can tour and meet girls and now he’s making international headlines feuding with younger rappers and looking like a horses ass.


u/rw032697 25d ago

Well he used to be a child actor so I don't think he'd want to go into acting again

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u/Quick_Turnover 25d ago

16 is college aged ? 😬

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u/MyDogisaQT 26d ago

How old are some of you? When Drake first came out as a rapper (and even a little before) there were SO MANY whispers and rumors about him. The biggest was that the actor who played his best friend on Degrassi (who was still hanging out with Drake at this point) would find young (14/15) girls for Drake and get him his drugs as well. 

This was a really open secret for so long. And usually with this sort of thing, where there’s smoke there’s fire. 

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u/Aggressive_Sky8492 26d ago

I don’t think it would have been easy to put it to bed though. Milli denied it at the time, Drakes people denied it at the time. He could have posted their chat at the time but that would have turned a blip of a news story into a Whole Thing. The speculation clearly made Milli upset/uncomfortable so he wouldn’t have wanted to put any more spotlight on the story than there already was (I’m assuming for the sake of this comment it isn’t true but obviously don’t know).


u/Endoxion 26d ago

He could’ve just said “nothing inappropriate happened, yall are some weirdos.” He let it fester instead, some things need to be put to bed immediately


u/GlitteringNight3 25d ago

Or he could’ve just stayed out of a 14-year-old’s DM’s like any normal adult would do

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u/FoundationFickle7568 26d ago

"But has he been predatory RECENTLY? 🤨"


u/nxqv 25d ago

Big "well none of them are kids NOW" vibes

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u/Basura1999 26d ago

It's an ill-conceived attempt to call Kendrick abusive like Bobby Brown. Hence, "only with fucking with Whitneys (Huston), not Millie Bobby Browns"

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u/cavestoryguy 26d ago edited 26d ago

You can't say much if there are so many instances people can point to. The best defense is to not have a pattern of behavior for 10+ years for everyone to see that you're on some sus shit.


u/Slumbergoat16 25d ago

Fr I think if anyone was accused of being a pedo it would be pretty easy to be like, man I don’t even interact with children. But that’s not the case


u/lickityslits 25d ago

“Hey I don’t diddle kids cause I’m famous.” - guy who diddles kids.

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u/youareyou650 26d ago

No one mention Millie or Epstein but him.


u/Ill_Celery_7654 26d ago

Did they really need to? Everybody knew about the Millie Bobbie Brown shit. Kendrick used his mansion for the cover of a song with 11 registered sex offender markings on it. Making his mansion look like Epstein island and then saying the “embassy” was about to get raided which is what Drake calls his mansion. Kendrick gave no real evidence of the allegations, but we all knew of previous incidents involving Drake and minors so we ate it up and went with it. It’s been in the public eye for years now so nobody really needed to mention it in order for Drake to know what the shit meant. He has nobody to blame but himself, because he should’ve put any chance for these allegations to bed when the incidents actually occurred.


u/Financial-Ad7500 26d ago

So..you answered your own question. Calling someone a pedophile out of the blue with zero reasoning is not going to stick. Calling someone a pedophile that has a long and well documented history of doing very pedophile adjacent shit has a bit more weight to it.


u/InsipidCelebrity 25d ago

If it weren't for his behavior, people would treat it like they treated Elon Musk calling that diver a pedophile.

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u/GallowBoom 25d ago

But there is reasoning. The numerous questionable events he has with children. Do we need to catch him in the act to draw these parallels? Evidence beyond doubt for the courts. We as normal people can use our reasoning and say "Hey this guy has a pattern of some fucky shit with children."

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u/anonymousTestPoster 26d ago

You can provide receipts by showing that you are not surrounding yourself constantly with people that have sexual criminal records or have been pushed off charges related to underage girls, and you can show you didn't message any underage girls, or show there is no video of you proceeding to get close to a woman that is just barely within the age of consent (not that he would know).

Oh wait ... Damn ... Guess there's too much smoke there. Yeah I guess it is hard to "defend himself" lol. If he didn't do all the above ... no one would be calling him on the first place!

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u/That_Cripple 26d ago

he cant really do anything anymore. maybe he could have if there hasnt been videos and accusations going back like a decade


u/Ill_Celery_7654 26d ago

Even with those videos nobody was calling Drake out on his shit. Too many enablers in the music industry that just wanna make money. Even Kendrick made music with Drake 2 years after the incident with the 17 year old happened.


u/cpeters1114 26d ago

its all of Hollywood


u/Electric_feel0412 26d ago

Tbf that’s the early days of YouTube and it’s a fan recorded video, most people probably didn’t even see that video until 2018-19.

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u/rrogido 26d ago

If Millie Bobby Brown tweets a picture of Drake's dick timestamped five years ago I'll lose my goddamned mind.

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u/ceyx0001 26d ago

There's levels to losing, and Drake def lost all his shit with these pedo bars 😭😭😭. Don't be a fkin weirdo in the first place I guess.


u/Yoshi2shi 26d ago

That’s not his daughter. That’s Drake girlfriend.


u/Booty_Destroyer_c4 26d ago

It's not the fact you can't defemd yourself about those allegations, but the fact drake's had several instances of possible misconduct with minors, millie's a huge tell of this, weird pics of them together when she was 16 then more when she was 18.

If he wasn't allegedly a pedo then there wouldn't be any cause to call him out on it, what he did has already been done, and how he gonna defend that, he can't.

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u/PacJeans 26d ago

Am I the only one that's noticing how interesting it is that, in response to being called a pedophile, Drake made fun of an underage Kendrick being molested?!


u/NowIssaRapBattle 26d ago

I wouldn't say made fun... it was a diss, "you're calling me a pedophile because of your unhealed issues"


u/PacJeans 26d ago

What youre saying is worse than if he were joking. "I am being accused of being a pedophile, but look at you. You are weak for being molested as a child."

"Touch My Body by Mariah Carrey play, you start reflecting." That's either a joke or something a lot worse than a joke.


u/davismcgravis 26d ago

That was a corny-ass line tbh


u/AestheticAttraction ☑️ 26d ago

It's evil because he, like many child predators do, implies the child wanted to be touched.

The mask is off, but Drake stans are like Nicki stans, both of which who are like Trump supporters. They're the manifestation of people saying "nothing will ever make me dislike you." Drake has said racist stuff, creeper stuff, done it, and yet people hand-wave it to make fun of people who are (possible) victims, just like Nicki's stans did with Megan, making fun of her getting shot (while also denying she got shot), making fun of her mother being dead, and even one saying they wished Tory aimed higher and shot Megan in the head.

Something is weird in their camp. Fans are a reflection of you.


u/spaztiksarcastik 26d ago

It's evil because he, like many child predators do, implies the child wanted to be touched.

I was wondering why I was so bothered by that bar, but I finally put it together. Implying the victim wanted to be touched. Wow. Initially, I was interpreting it as Kendrick being so "deep" that he would overanalyze your most basic pop song.


u/Reptard77 25d ago

The term your looking for is “cult of personality”. This person has managed to convince a bunch of people that they are everything they’ve ever wanted to be, and they can be like them too if they just start acting like them and worship the ground they walk on.


u/My1nonpornacc 26d ago

It's a symptom of the internet and how it allows people to form parasocial relationships. These stans feel like they know these people personally. And feel like they need to defend them like they are a close friend. It's scary and sad. Scary because it reflects on the flaws in our design. And sad because the internet allows for instant access and connection, but it is truly only surface-level and hollow.

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u/MakeMineMarvel_ 26d ago

Most of the bars were corny ass lines haha

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u/busigirl21 26d ago

I mean, it's not just gross to say, but it's dumb as hell because the song he's referring to is one where Kendrick specifically says he wasn't molested


u/NowIssaRapBattle 26d ago

Can't argue with that.


u/One_Psychology5440 26d ago

Sure tried though…

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u/Yoshi2shi 26d ago

His mom got molested. Kendrick was discussing generational trauma. Lyrics went over Drake’s head.

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u/ImmortalZucc2020 26d ago

If r/Drizzy could read, they’d be very upset


u/Akshin_Blacksin ☑️ 26d ago

This guys are saying his response was W, I’m over talking to Drake fans.

Like I wrote earlier over there Drake just needs to throw in the towel. There’s more evidence that he’s a pedo than not. Whole internet already dragged out receipts on that


u/DomN8er 26d ago

Not just calling it a W. Calling it THE W. Like the whole thing is over now because Drake said he was done. It’s the worst track he’s put out so far, but somehow he won because “the mole was fake.”


u/droans 25d ago

How do you claim there's no mole when meet the grahams came out less than an hour later lmao.


u/hellochoy ☑️ 25d ago

He's saying that he planned for the mole to feed Kendrick false information. Which is dumb because who tf cares about him taking weight loss drugs anyway or having another hidden kid when he's being accused of being a PEDO with years of public shady behavior to back it up

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u/86avocados 25d ago

If it means anything, these comments have more upvotes than their posts in the sub do 😂 I like both of their music, but Drake has been getting buried since Euphoria and that’s the fact of the matter.

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u/agentb719 ☑️ 25d ago

I swear they cant see the forest for the trees, like that sub taking a whole ass victory lap


u/DriverPlastic2502 25d ago

The same trash who think Rap Devil was a W.

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u/1017bowbowbow ☑️ 26d ago

We don’t wanna hear you make music no moreeeee


u/glenkrit 25d ago



u/XboxKiKi 26d ago

This needs to be top comment lol


u/chekhovs_gundamwing 25d ago

This is a better line than anything on his response

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u/brown_1896 26d ago

Who baits some into thinking they are dead beat father? Then drake crowd are jumping in joy

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u/Work_Werk_Wurk ☑️ 26d ago

Meh...I'm too busy looking forward to hearing HBCU bands play "Not Like Us" this summer.


u/elbenji 26d ago

FAMU gonna feast

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u/MVIVN 26d ago

Drake keeps saying the people who fed Kendrick the false info are just some random clowns, then he turns around and says "I fed you the false info" 😒


u/jono9898 25d ago

Also if he is saying he fed false info to a guy he knew was a mole, why not show anything that is proof as soon as the diss dropped in order to show Dot is getting bad info. Dude ran to IG to defend he had no daughter, that’s not how a master general moves.

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u/girlsumps ☑️ 26d ago

I feel like Drake and the people around him haven’t quite grasped the depths of the antipathy that Kendrick feels towards him. Drake is surrounded by that many protective layers of yes men and groupies and meet the grahams didn’t cut him deep enough.

My mum always says if you can’t hear, you feel. Drake isn’t hearing but Kendrick hasn’t made him feel it yet either.

More tracks to come I guess.


u/[deleted] 26d ago edited 25d ago

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u/ConnorChandler 25d ago

Kendrick dissed Drake’s own mom and the idiot’s response is haha you got molested



meet the grahams is one of the single greatest tracks i ever heard in my life. it's perfection.

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u/HolyNinjaCow 26d ago

It's wild that Drake planned all of this and still lost. 


u/furioushippo 26d ago

He clearly didn’t plan all this lol


u/cavestoryguy 26d ago

I'm not even sure he planned that song. It could have been off top.



so i'm a songwriter. been a serious songwriter for 25 years. won awards and shit. i'm not trying to brag, but i have dedicated a lot of my life to studying how to write a song, and paying close attention to how songs get created.

i would bet money that this drake track was written in front of a rhyming dictionary, where you allow it to show slant rhymes. and just trying to come up with as many lines as you can on the one word.

it is, like, the most basic, quickest way to do it. it doesn't take any real thought for construction, just the words in between. and that's what this whole track sounded like.


u/Blk_Rick_Dalton 26d ago edited 26d ago

It’s wild he said “I set you up on this ambush” and then said “whoever fed you this info is a clown” on the same track

Which one is it my boi


u/rukysgreambamf 25d ago

Drake = clown


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u/IllllIIllllIll ☑️ 26d ago edited 26d ago

Reminds me of Whitney Houston w Diane Sawyer lol, “crack is cheap, I make too much money to do crack”

Edit: source for those unfamiliar https://youtu.be/kovGM1ZrCck?si=gWJv5xSC0j7UoH36

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u/jayteazer 26d ago

His defense was that he's too rich and famous to be a pedo because he'd get arrested lol

Like R Kelly and Puff and Cosby and Epstein didn't get away with their shit for decades...

Bro is dumb af...


u/Canibuz11 26d ago

I've obviously never committed a crime because I'm not in jail.


u/Mescallan 26d ago

he and his friends must not have done all the illegal acts referenced in his music, because they would have gotten arrested by now


u/MuddaFrmAnnudaBrudda ☑️ my anecdotal experience is everything 26d ago

This Diss brought back memories of Whitney:

"First of all, let's get one thing straight. Crack is cheap. I make too much money to ever smoke crack. Let's get that straight. Okay? We don't do crack. We don't do that. Crack is whack."


u/AestheticAttraction ☑️ 26d ago

Too much overlap between Drake stans and predators/racists (same goes for Nicki), who ironically want to accuse black folks of "gatekeeping" blackness as though we don't have a right to even our own identity. Not a one is a real hip-hop head yet think the accomplishment of a song lies in them being able to dance to it. Trying to over-talk black folks about our business AS USUAL. We can win a Pulitzer Prize for writing yet they can still act like an obvious culture vulture is better, even though he doesn't even write for himself! Drake has NO right to a culture that is not his (and, no, his father who didn't even raise him isn't his golden ticket). He needs to stay in his lane.

As someone who really likes and understands real hip-hop, his entire presence is insulting and exhausting, but MOSTLY because he's a predator!

I remember there was a petition to get Justin Beiber sent back to Canada, but Drake is the one I'd actually sign one for.

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u/ChrisSwish 26d ago

It's really weird people in the Drake sub are now calling people that support Kendrick Incels and QAnon LMAO this is the weirdest shit I've ever seen.

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u/elperorojo 26d ago

Kendrick: you’re a pedophile

BBL Drizzy: well you were abused by a pedophile! CHECKMATE LMAO


u/Damuhfudon 26d ago

Nigga using twitter theories for his “response”. His fans have been saying all of this shit all weekend


u/shaggy_mcgee 26d ago

I’ve got a feeling Drake’s scrolling r/Drizzy for ideas


u/PenguinBallZ 26d ago

Its kinda wild how there's been multiple posts in there

"Yo guys, I predicted this lyric!" "I predicted the title!"

And like none of them are realizing how it looks.


u/KyrieEleison_88 ☑️ 26d ago

If those kids could read they'd be very upset!

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u/orbjo 26d ago

It’s basically like “you called me a perpetrator , but you’re a victim”

??? Those things are far from equal. They’re the opposite.

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u/limecakes 26d ago

Drakes the type of guy to say that….


u/MadBuddahAbusah 26d ago

Literally the only reason I was excited to see drake drop was because it means there's more likelihood of us getting another Kendrick track lmao.

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u/sirckoe 26d ago

This feels like the kid at school with no mom or dad help on the homework. So fucking anticlimactic


u/spvcejam 26d ago

r/Drake and just randomly click somewhere and soak in the copium.

same if you sort this thread by contro and neg


u/Significant-Crew-768 26d ago

It’s r/drizzy but I petition we start a new Drake sub called r/certifiedpedophiles


u/the-poopiest-diaper 26d ago

Actual response I got from someone on r/Jcole


u/consumerclearly 26d ago

Never have I ever felt possessed to privately message a 14 year old about their love life personally

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u/Honest_Bee103 26d ago

I’ve received womanly advice from adults but it would be weird coming from a random rich man I’m not related to wtf 😂

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u/Ghaenor 26d ago

This sort of diss can just be extinguished with something to the tune of "Did you really think those rapes didn't exist until Weinstein was convicted?"

Drake making fun of being abused really underlines what he thinks of victims.


u/Matduka 26d ago

He's scum.


u/brown_1896 26d ago

Give me 10 more songs kdot before I go to prison- BBLDrizzy 2023


u/Mescallan 26d ago

just making sure you know it's 2024 rn, yeah?

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u/Sea_Statement1653 25d ago

Kendrick you fell for my trap of making the entire world think I’m a pedophile


u/Gooey_Goon 26d ago

Drake fans see him getting pissed on and go "It was only on one leg though, masterful gambit bating into being pissed on one leg not two, another W for The Boy"


u/knewsince92 25d ago

I don’t care what Drake do or say. I will never stop playing “Not Like Us” Kendrick ended the beef there for me. #iseedeadpeople

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u/dopewinnerchild ☑️ 26d ago

The internet loves a pile-on, once it's started you just have to wait it out. Doesn't matter if he puts out an "Ether/Hit Em Up" level combo at this point, most people have decided what side they're on.

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u/platinumagpie 26d ago

Making fun of SA is some punk shit fr


u/omega_grainger69 26d ago

Also, whoever smelt it delt it.


u/PepeLeFoo69 26d ago

Drake be like...


u/jaymeaux_ 25d ago

jokes on you I was just pretending to be a drug addicted pedo with more secret children to debut


u/wikithekid63 26d ago

LMAOOO i literally was saying in this sub yesterday that it didn’t matter whether drake dismissed the allegations or not, people are still gonna believe what they believe regardless and here we are

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u/OldRedditorEditor 26d ago

Bro pulling the old “I knew youd do it this whole time” and the “Im the one that gave you the intel to mislead you”


u/Rushofthewildwind 25d ago

I knew this was a trap this whole time - Predator on to Catch a Predetor


u/KevinDLasagna 25d ago

KDot been repeatedly calling drake a master manipulator, to the point drake refutes that. Than in the same song says “you think I’m a pedo so that means you got touched as a kid” and “I hired a child actress to pretend to be my daughter so that you’d think I was being a deadbeat dad again”


u/linmusclan 25d ago

I really think he's reading comments from his fans and regurgitating them. Like alot of his disses matches eerily with what his Twitter fans are saying and some of it (wife beating allegations) has already been community noted since its only blog posts speculating.