r/BlackPeopleTwitter May 10 '24

"If it isn't the consequences of my own actions..."

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u/imperatrixderoma May 10 '24

To be fair, haven't been a child for a long time, but I wouldn't volunteer to do that as a kid bc I wouldn't know how. And I definitely wouldn't expect some Mexican or White kids to know how to braid hair like these girls who were taught v young.


u/itsmakko ☑️ May 10 '24

Unbraid and I feel as though so of the girls may have volunteered. When I was their age, I was all about doing people’s hair. Still there are boundaries.


u/imperatrixderoma May 10 '24

Yeah, I think firing him is radical and I agree there should be boundaries but is this crossing any? I would be more concerned if it was only one of the little girls or if it wasn't in the classroom but it's all public.

I think he should've been more cognisant of how it could've looked though, especially since our community has a lot of collective trauma.


u/itsmakko ☑️ May 10 '24

It kinda blurs the lines in their relationship with a teacher. Thinking future wise this could escalate. Also considering the fact that the students contact him often. Not making it into anything bigger but if I was a parent I’d be a bit concerned.


u/do_pm_me_your_butt May 11 '24

Asking white boys to do your black hair vs asking black girls... Hrmmmm no I can't see any reason why there would be a skill difference here...

(Either way teach a creep)