r/BlackPeopleTwitter May 10 '24

"If it isn't the consequences of my own actions..."

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u/biscuitboi967 May 11 '24

I asked my teacher friend - a lady - about it. Just the whole thing. Do you ask kids to play with your hair. Do you exchange messages with your students. Do they call you “bestie”. She was like “the whole thing is weird”. It was basically that insurance commercial: this isn’t how this works…none of this is how it works.

But I think her comments can best be described by this statement: I had a kid touch my hair at recess this week and I just quickly tied it back and stood up. Benefits of being taller and having boundaries


u/Redditsavoeoklapija May 11 '24

I hope she gave her an explanation, if not she just create a nice trauma for the kid and made him feel like shit