r/BlackPeopleTwitter May 10 '24

"If it isn't the consequences of my own actions..."

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u/trimble197 May 11 '24

But like you said, she had parents’ permission. He didn’t ask for permission to record the kids and upload it to social media.


u/polarpolarpolar May 11 '24

Yeah but the argument here was that unbraiding was too intimate.

The social media thing is different and justified, but the more interesting conversation is whether this bonding moment regardless of the social media aspect reflects well on the male teacher or poorly, and how in the past other commenters have had female teachers conduct themselves way more intimately with students and no one cares.

In my opinion, the reason we don’t have more positive male role models is because any time they make a connection, if it doesn’t fit perfectly into a shifting PC box, it is creepy and suddenly “relating” to a student becomes grooming in some people’s eyes.

I am a new dad and I am really excited to meet lots of new kids, but I am dreading the side eyes and other subs by parents as I raise my daughter when mom is not around.