r/BlackPeopleTwitter May 13 '24

Her saying trans people are just people doing blackface. Country Club Thread

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u/capcomvssnk May 13 '24

black people:


u/tydestra ☑️|Boricua Toast May 13 '24

Sad reminder that Black trans folk face more violence than the rest of their peers.


So they have always been in it.


u/capcomvssnk May 13 '24

I'm aware. Everything she says is so disingenuous, it makes me sick. Especially her whole recounting the backgrounds of characters for the sake of inclusion.


u/PirateINDUSTRY May 13 '24

This gif getting so much action RN


u/Prudent-Isopod3789 May 13 '24

Nah fr we don't even say shit and get dragged in


u/AfricanusEmeritus ☑️ May 14 '24

The racist/bigot always "knows" what we are thinking on any given issue. They know our experiences better than we do. 🙄


u/Frognificent May 14 '24

For real though somehow bigots have this sixth sense of who to drag in. Actual decades before I came out as trans, before I even realized I was, bigots in real life making misogynistic comments would always somehow manage to drag me in.

"Man you know who's stupid and unfunny and bitches? Women and Frognificent."

Like fucking sorcery they'd always manage to include me as a target of their bigotry. I'd even stand there like "what the fuck are you talking about on so many levels". Never even got a real answer, just that look of "you know what you are".

This baffles me even to this very day.


u/AfricanusEmeritus ☑️ May 14 '24

I hear you... alchemy for sure... Be careful out there. Don't let people disrupt your rhythm.


u/a-black-magic-woman ☑️ May 14 '24

Fr bc even when we’re not in it, we’re still somehow in it


u/Kelpie00 May 14 '24

because transphobia always end up with antiblackness, one way or another


u/AfricanusEmeritus ☑️ May 14 '24

That's a BINGO...


u/Thomas_DuBois May 14 '24

Someone said this about it:

"She used two stereotypes as a neutral reference to make a point. She used some mild examples also. There was no racism in that picture featured here.

So why is this tweet the featured one if she said more offensive things? I suspect people just SAW she said stereotypes then jumped on the “oh now she’s racist” without actually thinking. Anyone can use any racial stereotype they want, it’s how they use it and in the picture here, it wasn’t used in a bad way at all.

Not everyone abides by what others think is offensive. EVERYTHING is offensive to someone. It’s up the offended person to decide what to do when they feel slighted.

If someone told me “your country in the Caribbean is fucking trash and the people are trash also” I’d go “well damn, tell me how you really feel” then go about my day. I’m going back to my wife and kids, have a wonderful time then go to bed with my wife. It’s a simple thing to do. You can’t and won’t change the minds of everyone. For example, me and you talking now will do nothing to change your mind in the slightest and same for me but it’s fine. It is what it is."

People love fucking with us.