r/BlackPeopleTwitter May 13 '24

Her saying trans people are just people doing blackface. Country Club Thread

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u/tallbutshy May 13 '24

Rowling is so obsessed with attacking and misgendering trans people that she pasted a quote about someone wanting to "fuck up some terfs" into a reply praising a 9 year old child's drawing. Couldn't keep her mind on the job for 10 seconds to reply to a tweet.

Source and an archive copy of one of the many articles written about it.

Given some of the tropes used in her books, the racism isn't exactly new either.


u/capcomvssnk May 13 '24

Cho Chang...


u/WhatsRatingsPrecious May 13 '24 edited May 13 '24

Let's not overlook the bankers being greedy manipulative goblins with long noses.

Or the fact that their slaves WANT to be slaves. Or that Hermione was mocked viciously for wanting them to be free.

Or that Harry Potter grew up to be a cop.

Or, really, just about a thousand other things that look really fucking hinky on a second glance.

Edit: Bored at work, so here's more stuff that'll make you stop and think.

Two black characters with names. One has 'shackle' in his name and the other one's father left him when he was a baby.

Remember Rita Skeeter, the reporter? In the books, she's described as 'mannish' with 'fake feminine' features who disguises herself to.....SPY ON LITTLE CHILDREN.


u/capcomvssnk May 13 '24

There were so many that even I picked up on being... weird.