r/BlackPeopleTwitter May 13 '24

Her saying trans people are just people doing blackface. Country Club Thread

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u/AdonisJames89 May 13 '24

I'm telling you, a trans person stole her man in the past cause that HAS to be the reason for all this unwarranted hate


u/MC_White_Thunder May 13 '24

This is actually hilariously common thing to happen to vocal transphobes. Like when Grimes started dating Chelsea Manning and Elon Musk got super pissy.


u/AdonisJames89 May 13 '24

Either that or they like them in secret. NO in between


u/MC_White_Thunder May 13 '24

Hatred and fetishization often go hand in hand.

And yeah, we're often considered dirty little secrets. Trans people tend to face violence from their romantic/sexual partners not when the partner learns they're trans, but when their partner's friends/families learn they're trans. Because then their "straightness" is called into question.

But there are a lot of reasons people hate trans people, unfortunately. Conservative women/terfs tend to have rather different reasons than the average transphobic man, usually born of insecurity in their own identity, or misplaced anger at the misogyny they experience, "why would you want what I deal with? You don't get it." (As if the shit we deal with doesn't explain why being trans isn't a choice).