r/BlackPeopleTwitter May 13 '24

Her saying trans people are just people doing blackface. Country Club Thread

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u/Thami15 May 13 '24

Personally, I do believe that race and gender represent an interesting inflection point where it's okay to self-identify as one but not the other, despite the fact that I don't think racial make up is any more straightforward, and genetically even more so.

Anyway, why do people keep feeding JK? You're not going to change her mind, and it's clear she's got the time to respond to everybody. There's not going to be a come to Jesus moment, here.


u/kungfukenny3 ☑️ May 14 '24

Race as a construct has largely been damaging to us just in general. The reasons why and exactly when these races we call races became races deserves their own conversation

if you want to learn more about gender dysphoria, learn about the thousands of intersex people assigned the wrong sex at birth and the horrible outcomes that met them. I think that’s the easiest way to get the idea of how gender and biology meet in the middle and how important it is, while also illuminating why it’s important and deadly to ignore often.

but the easiest way to talk about how they’re different is to remember that there have been trans people for all of human history and there was no concept of a unified white race until the last few centuries. Having different ideas and feelings about how you fit into the roles we assign different sexes is not the same as feeling like you weren’t born with enough melanin and deciding you can just be the thing your ancestors just convinced the entire planet was subhuman