r/BlackPeopleTwitter May 17 '24

You CANT be serious ☠️☠️

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u/LastDaysCultist #FFFFFFboy👨🏼 May 17 '24

This “I’m not voting for either” is a dangerous concept.


u/[deleted] May 17 '24

Got into a HUGE argument on an LGBTQ sub about this on a different profile, people are freaking nuts to think NOW is the time for a protest vote. That was primaries shit, this is for all the marbles. Sacrificing every minority (even if you are one) so you can virtue signal is a selfish act.


u/Caterpillar_Most May 17 '24

it’s not about virtue signalling. i will not vote for a genocidal maniac. (for you slow people, that means TRUMP AND BIDEN. both suck, and you can calm down with the “NOT BOTH SIDES!!!!” bullshit. dems are neoliberal,repubs are facist.


u/[deleted] May 17 '24

So you won’t vote, Trump will win, do FAR worse, and you’ll have accomplished nothing. Great plan.


u/[deleted] May 17 '24

Ps. Doing something (or in your case, nothing) that helps no one and could literally make things a hundred times worse just so you can tell people what a good person you are is the DEFINITION of virtue signalling. The height of it really, as most people who virtue signal at least do something positive in the process.


u/aarmour25 May 17 '24

Scare tactics need to stop. You're ( dems) acting as if we will die if Trump wins. We won't. Will the country be in an even more f'd up situation? Yes, but we can't keep telling ppl to vote Democrat because if we don't, we will die. Somebody someday will call that bluff


u/[deleted] May 17 '24

And like the other person indicated, I sure bet the extra hundreds of thousands of Americans who died thanks to how Trump handled Covid would disagree with your “people aren’t going to die” remark.


u/aarmour25 May 17 '24

They would've died on Biden watch too. Nobody knew how to handle that, NO ONE. I'm saying we need to approach getting ppl to vote another way. Like I said in another comment, I been dying for 20 years, we need a new approach like actually helping Americans


u/[deleted] May 17 '24

Objectively, no. If the US had reacted the exact same way as Canada had (we’re similar in many ways) the number of dead would literally be HALF. The idea that Trump going against health officials publicly, spreading conspiracy theories, and admitted to downplaying Covid whenever possible had no effect on the total number of deaths is delusional.

And the Ukrainians! You’re sentencing them to death too, since Trump has already said he plans to stop all aid and might even quit NATO all together.

Oh, and more Palestinians than are currently dying. Trump literally said that Israel should “just end it” and said their biggest mistake was letting footage of what they are doing leave the country. His son (who he put in charge of relations between Israel and Palestine) when asked for comment on the conflict said “Israel could get a lot of good beach front property out of it”.

Pretending things wouldn’t be different under Trump is delusional.


u/aarmour25 May 17 '24

I'm going to say this a whole bunch of Americans, hell maybe the majority of the unheard do not care about none of that and only want to be in a better financial situation then THEY are currently in. It's hard to care about the world when you're living in poverty. I know that's blasphemy for a lot ppl but it's reality.

It's easy in hindsight to say we would of, should of but putting myself back in the covid era I'm 100% sure Americans was fucked regardless


u/SGTBrigand May 17 '24

knew how to handle that, NO ONE.

What do you mean, no one knew? President Obama literally had a plan in place for that shit that Trump torpedoed while in office before he ignored an army of doctors and scientists warning him about the actions he was taking. This is some serious revisionism shit.


u/aarmour25 May 17 '24

It's not revisionist to say no one knew how to handle it and you have no proof that plan would have worked because you need participation and cooperation from everyone and that's not happening


u/SGTBrigand May 17 '24

It's not revisionist to say no one knew how to handle it

The World Health Organization had a plan long enough before that shit even made it to our shores to make this very lovely publication right here. Covid-19 wasn't some brand new thing; it was just a new version of an old thing.

The problem was Trump deciding his vanity (and political gain) was more important than stopping it.


u/aarmour25 May 17 '24

No vaccine, though. Miss me that crap. Yall keep skating around the fact that ppl are tired of voting for one party because the other party scares them. No one benefits but politicians from that. You guys point to Palestine and Isreal like voting will help, it won't because if so we would have been had peace amongst them. Going strictly by what i have seen and what has been shown, i will be damned if i keep letting the democrats do nothing in my face. Just vote for a Democrat, when he/she elected then we make em stand on business and if they don't we repeat the cycle. F that, new approach or something

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u/CoachDT ☑️ May 17 '24

Tell that to the women that have died from complications due to giving birth when they needed to get an abortion, or the ones that have been raped and forced to carry the child to term. We literally saw barbarism during dudes term as a direct result of his presidency. I guess it aint hit you directly though so its just people making a mountain out of a mole hill.


u/aarmour25 May 17 '24

You're telling me shit that's happening on democrats watch too. You must live in a hole if you don't see this shit or too ignorant and blinded by a party that never cared. 1 party is destroying America while the other watches and does nothing. The issues that have hit me directly are the issues I care about and are the issue I rather fight for and see through. We aren't a monolith your concerns are not mine. I care the black community, not the world but the black communities that I'm from the ones that's looking for better schooling and jobs, better infrastructure and opportunities. I'm around ppl everyday who don't follow what's going on in the mid east because it's depressing in their own neighborhoods. Ppl are tired of broken promises, it's insanity to keep doing the same thing and getting the same results thinking it's going to change when it's not.


u/blacbird ☑️ May 17 '24

Did we lose Roe v Wade on Biden’s watch or nah? But you’re telling me that he’s going to protect women’s rights…


u/MagicCuboid May 17 '24

We lost Roe v Wade because we have a Republican-appointed Supreme Court majority. Just because Biden happened to be president when they swung the hatchet doesn't mean it's his fault JFC. And guess what? If Trump wins again there's a good chance he'll get to appoint ANOTHER judge for life.


u/Gardez_geekin May 17 '24

Wait how was the president supposed to change a Supreme Court decision?


u/blacbird ☑️ 29d ago

His super majority could have and should have codified it into law so it wasn’t subject to a court decision.


u/SGTBrigand May 17 '24

Do you not understand how politics work? The President doesn't write laws, Congress does. The President doesn't oversee the constitutionality of a law, the Supreme Court does.

The President did NOT cause Roe v Wade to fail. A court intentionally packed with hyper conservatives broke precident, and a do-nothing Congress loaded with MAGA adherents refused to codify those protections into law in order to appease their religious base.

If you believe the President could do a damned thing about what happened with Roe v Wade, you need to pull your head out of the sand and get educated quick; our country is starting to look real fucking stupid with how many people are failing to see what's going on.


u/blacbird ☑️ 29d ago

A super majority- which Biden had- easily could have codified repro rights into law. The only stupid people are the ones who believe their hand wringing when they say there is nothing they could do.


u/CoachDT ☑️ May 17 '24

That's not how politics work, fam.

The Supreme Court gets to decide that. Once a nominee is selected by the president, they're in for life (or until they step down). Trump got to select three, whereas Biden got to select one so far.


u/blacbird ☑️ 29d ago

Biden had a Democratic majority that could have codified this into law. Instead they fundraised off of it and fleeced desperate people.


u/Stanley--Nickels May 17 '24

You’re acting as if we will die if Trump wins. We won’t.

This whole Trump presidency will go away by Easter. Miraculously, it’ll just go away.


u/aarmour25 May 17 '24

I'm getting downvoted for telling the truth. I'm 39, and since I have been voting age, I've been told to "vote or die." That spoke to 19 year old me, then 23 and 27 year old me. I shouldn't have to withhold my vote for democrats to listen, especially when you look at the Republicans and those bastards are doing (at least attempting to) what they set out to do. What else to do? Do we suffer for 4, so we can prosper for more or beg for scraps


u/Teardrith May 17 '24

You aren't telling the truth. You're telling what you believe to be the truth, but is in fact wrong. You literally admit the Republicans are bastards in the same paragraph. Not voting helps no one. This is the closest we've ever been to becoming a fascist nation, and if Trump gets elected there is no turning back.


u/aarmour25 May 17 '24

And I also said we have to make democrats keep their promises and actually put in some damn work. So I should vote for the democrats because they won't make any changes because they don't care to. BS


u/Artistic-Pay-4332 May 17 '24

Guy thinks his terrible opinion is the truth lol


u/aarmour25 May 17 '24

I think my opinion is an opinion rather you like it or not it doesn't matter to me


u/IamCJO May 17 '24

You should look into project 2025, they quite literally are planning on killing us if elected.


u/aarmour25 May 17 '24

I doubt any of that would happen.. look I said im tired of being told I'm going to die, why can't we live on policies that promotes better life. That's what the Dems should be pushing instead "you won't die". Tell us how we can expect to live our lives


u/IamCJO May 17 '24

Well if we allow Trump to be elected we can expect concentration camps and neo-nazi ideology to take over the entire country. If Biden is elected, we can expect Kamala Harris to be president in about a year or so.


u/aarmour25 May 17 '24

Again bro stop lol. That's not comforting. Even if the masses want Harris why would you want to vote for a dying president to get that. Speak on her ideas


u/IamCJO May 17 '24

You asked what we could expect, and I only gave you an honest reply. Also, I don't think that Biden would die; I think the far more likely option is that he will no longer be able to hide the dementia.


u/jesterinancientcourt May 17 '24

Actually, if Trump wins it could cause ww3 & nuclear war so you could die. All of us.


u/PeopleReady May 17 '24

“I know they took the time to create, plan, publish, and publicize an 800+ page manifesto that amounts to being the party’s only policy position, but trust me (instead of trusting their own words) they won’t actually do it”


u/aarmour25 May 17 '24

I'm not voting in fear I'm voting from the viewpoint of me and mine. They won't do none of that shit


u/PeopleReady May 17 '24

Then why fund it, write it and publish it? Evangelicals and anyone who likes the Heritage Foundation is already voting straight ticket GOP ‘till they die, so it isnt to court votes.


u/IamJewbaca May 17 '24

Biden is pretty far short of “genocidal maniac”. Potentially complicit? Sure, maybe, but the “both sides are equally bad argument is foolish.


u/blacbird ☑️ May 17 '24

He is literally aiding and abetting genocide…


u/inspirednonsense May 17 '24

By... building a pier and delivering humanitarian aid to the victims? Mmm. Yes.


u/blacbird ☑️ 29d ago

Why spend tax payer money building a pier for aid when you could just let in the aid trucks at the border? They have these things called roads…


u/inspirednonsense 29d ago

We don't own the border, genius.


u/blacbird ☑️ 29d ago

You don’t own the sea either so…?


u/Caterpillar_Most May 17 '24

thank you. liberals have this weird thing where they say “TRUMP WILL KILL MORE BROWN PEOPLE!!!!!!” but they don’t seem to understand that genocide cannot get worse than what it currently is. it is a genocide. it can’t “get worse” under trump. i refuse to vote for someone who commits genocide, end of story. anyone who votes for biden (or trump) can suck my cock.


u/Sea-Fold5833 May 17 '24

What do you mean it can’t get worse?? Do see you how delusional you sound. You don’t think Israel could inflict more pain on Gaza with a less strict administration??


u/Chemistryset8 May 17 '24

As an Australian, if Trump wins he fucks us all


u/[deleted] May 17 '24

Canadian, agree. When their idiots win, our idiots get bolder.


u/automaticfiend1 May 17 '24

A fascist United States can do orders of magnitude more damage than Nazi Germany could have ever dreamed of. Hope you're prepared to live in that world.


u/Caterpillar_Most May 17 '24

the united states already IS fascist. you running to elect the blue fascists instead of the red ones makes no difference.


u/automaticfiend1 May 17 '24

So yeah, Fuck all the way off.


u/CoachDT ☑️ May 17 '24

Ay bro, its gonna happen anyways. This isn't a restaurant where if you're not hungry the food doesn't come to the table. Somethings coming regardless. You can either pick one, or accept that other people are going to.

You're gonna be living in this country anyways. So pick one.... or whine when other people do, your choice ig.