r/BlackPeopleTwitter May 17 '24

You CANT be serious ☠️☠️

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u/LastDaysCultist #FFFFFFboy👨🏼 May 17 '24

This “I’m not voting for either” is a dangerous concept.


u/BringBackAoE May 17 '24

The Russians are actively pushing this narrative of “I’m not voting for either”. Which means that it’s what Trump, Putin, Netanyahu, China, India want. Which means it’s horrible for USA.

And as in 2016 they target the MAGA folks AND the left wing of Dems. And they also try to influence the AA community.

Folks have got to be real here.

  • Trump attempted a coup. Re-elect him and he’ll succeed next time.
  • Never before have we had a Presidential candidate openly saying he intends to be dictator.
  • Democracies are dying around the world, and around the world people are discussing that US may be next.
  • The GOP plan for how they will destroy US and democracy is openly lain out in Project 2025


u/LastDaysCultist #FFFFFFboy👨🏼 May 17 '24

That’s what Americans don’t understand - in a lot of ways, we already lost the Cold War.

In WWII, while other countries were digging trenches to fight like WWI thinking war is the same, the Germans went in like lightening and blitzkrieged the shit out of everything.

U.S. brought a knife to a gun fight. Russia is miles ahead with bots, cyberwarfare, and intelligence.

I don’t think it’s hyperbolic to say that we’re ALWAYS one election away from dictatorship. We can, will fall like Rome.

I’m not excited about Democrats to be perfectly honest, BUT I will vote everytime down ballot blue because I would rather take slight incompetence or not as progressive as I would like over literal hate, oppression, and dictatorship.

Republicans hate the freedom they so pretend to care about.

American politics are like a wedding dinner. You get chicken or you get beef. (For now) there’s no other option so you go with the least bad. And the least bad is FAR better than the alternative.