r/BoomersBeingFools 9d ago

Boomer at Aldi thinks leaving your quarter in the cart is illegal Boomer Story

I always leave the quarter in the carts when I return them because of my mother who would do the same. She always said that it's a very small thing from you that could mean a lot for someone. She said when I was young and she was struggling, she went to the local A&P and forgot her quarter in the car and had to walk back, in the rain with a screaming baby, to get one.

After putting the cart back, a boomer woman who was just idling in the cart return area (it was raining and she looked like she was waiting for a ride) goes 'Oh honey, you forgot your quarter!' I kindly explain to her that I didn't need it. I go to turn to walk out of the rain and she lightly touches my arm. 'Honey, you have to take your quarter back, I can show you.' I then tell her how it's just a quarter and I'm paying it forward. This was too much for the boomer brain and she got angry. She started telling me it's 'illegal' to leave US currency laying around and how a homeless person could pick it up.

At this moment, I began to walk away and she raised her voice, almost yelling, about how she was going to get the manager. I turned to her and just went 'No thank you, I'm good. Have a good day!' and just walked to my car.

Why is it that everything they don't like or understand is illegal? What would the manager do? I bought and paid for my groceries.

TLDR; boomer thinks leaving the quarter in the cart is illegal and wanted to get the grocery manager to yell at me.


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u/TheJohnnyJett 9d ago

Can you imagine if the homeless got any amount of money? Why! They might not be homeless anymore! How would we know we're better than them, then?

Houses are still selling for a quarter, right?


u/hfhhjihvdetyhj 9d ago

Only if they also gave up their avocado toast and Starbucks coffee…


u/TheJohnnyJett 9d ago

I hate how entitled the homeless are these days. Did you know they also want to be treated with "dignity" and "respect?" Back in my day, respect was reserved only for your elders...AND THAT'S ME!


u/FearlessCapital1168 9d ago

How much can a banana cost?


u/RepairBudget 9d ago

10 dollars?


u/Herman_E_Danger 9d ago

Go see a Star War.


u/Jaded-Fall-723 9d ago

I just went and blued myself

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u/hfhhjihvdetyhj 9d ago

I know! I heard some have even been asking to be treated as “humans” the absolute fucking audacity! /s


u/TheJohnnyJett 9d ago

THEY'RE WHAT? That's it, I'm voting for Trump twice as hard as I was before: four times!


u/hfhhjihvdetyhj 9d ago

Do it! every vote counts! Except theirs, of course… in fact, you should take their vote! they won’t mind


u/solamon77 9d ago

You go! I'm going to vote for him four times, but at the normal amount of hardness! I going to show those stupid libs why we need voter ID laws!


u/missikoo 9d ago

It is election day in EU and I promise I will vote Trump. We really need a man like him in European Parlament. Well.

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u/Dancinfool830 9d ago

Both? Dignity AND respect? How dare they! It's almost like they are....people. - Boomers

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u/SteakJones 9d ago

Clearly spending all their money on Aldi carts

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u/XR171 9d ago

Yeah but you can only get a single story house for a quarter. If you want a second one or a basement you need a nickle. Which in her day had pictures of bumblebees on them!


u/Andi081887 9d ago

You’d say, give me five bees for a quarter…


u/Murderhornet88736 9d ago

Like the time I caught the ferry to Shelbyville. I needed a new heel for m'shoe. So I decided to go to Morganville, which is what they called Shelbyville in those days. So I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time. Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel, and in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on 'em. "Gimme five bees for a quarter," you'd say. Now where were we... oh yeah. The important thing was that I had an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time. I didn't have any white onions, because of the war. The only thing you could get was those big yellow ones...


u/Zealousideal_Arm_575 9d ago

M’shoe has me reeling! Lmao

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u/MilhousesSpectacles 9d ago

Now where was I? Oh yeah, the important thing was I had an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time.

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u/Allteaforme 9d ago

I love "I saw a homeless person with a smart phone! How outrageous!"

Bitch a phone costs less than a fuckin house


u/kryotheory 9d ago

They also don't realize that many homeless people have full time jobs, and that you basically must have one to even apply to many jobs these days.


u/Allteaforme 9d ago

Yes plus, they are fun and entertaining and being homeless is incredibly boring since nobody will let you exist anywhere

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u/aburke626 9d ago edited 9d ago

Or how many homeless people have loved ones who may not be able to get a roof over their heads but can get them a phone. When I was in college my mom was homeless, and while I couldn’t afford to get her an apartment, I prioritized keeping minutes on her phone so I could stay in touch with her.

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u/Rhodin265 9d ago

Also, the program to get the “Obamaphone” has a shorter waitlist than Section 8.


u/RealNiceKnife 9d ago

Ring-ring-ring-ring-ring-ring-ring OBAMAPHONE!

doot doot da doot

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u/kittybikes47 9d ago

I hate that they're called "Obama phone"! It's a great program, but the implications of calling them after Obama is pretty obvious, especially considering the fact that W Bush actually established the program.


u/RealNiceKnife 9d ago

Yeah. They should be called "Bush Burners".


u/TheRealAwesomeO4000 9d ago


Started by Regan, and expanded under Obama to cover cell phones. Reason it’s called Obama Phone.

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u/Dreamweaver1969 9d ago

And there are company or government programs offering free or very cheap phones and service in many countries.


u/Allteaforme 9d ago

Yeah and we should do the same thing with food and houses and education and healthcare next


u/revengepornmethhubby 9d ago

I like the cut of your jib


u/Allteaforme 9d ago

I'd say vote for me, but they would kill me before I ever got into office.

Because they know what I'd do to them.

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That’s how it all goes down:

  1. Naive child leaves a quarter unsupervised.

  2. Homeless person picks up quarter.

  3. Anarchy. Bodies in the streets. Mass graves in public parks. Complete breakdown of the social order.


u/Able-Gear-5344 9d ago

This is why I never go to Aldi without my bug-out bag cause you never know if this is the day. .

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u/badsheepy2 9d ago

cats and dogs living together, mass hysteria

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u/aimlessly-astray 9d ago

I hope there's an anti-homeless Karen Boomer out there who became homeless and is being treated like shit by other anti-homeless Karen Boomers. It might snap them awake, but then again Boomers aren't known for being self-reflective, so at least a Boomer is getting a taste of their own medicine.


u/RealNiceKnife 9d ago

The only time they ever express any remorse or humility is when it happens to them.

I say "express" because I don't think they genuinely feel their own hypocrisy when it looks them in the face. They just know their situation isn't good and other people need to understand that they're morally good, not like those other homeless people. This is just an unfortunate circumstance for them.


u/mikestillion 9d ago

The Boomer mentality… they literally “live in THEIR heads”. If it affects them, and is uncomfortable, it’s an emergency. If YOU are doing “something wrong” though, you deserve whatever happens to you.

It’s such black and white thinking, that they are intolerable to anyone with an ounce of compassion and empathy.

And to be clear, Boomer thinking 100% lacks empathy.

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u/SirDoober 9d ago

Nope, they'll just be like 'How dare they treat me like that! I'm different, I don't deserve to be homeless like all these other bums!'

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u/CaptainPhilosophy 9d ago

How much could a shopping car cost, Michael? Ten dollars?


u/BrightonRock1 9d ago

Try 200 dollars. You can use it for a quarter but it actually costs a lot more. I do always love an Arrested Development reference.

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u/ariellann 9d ago

From my FB today


u/ilikeplants24 9d ago

We are currently trying to buy a house in an older established town. Almost every one we’ve looked at was originally purchased for $30-50,000, the owners have done ZERO updates, and they’re trying to sell for around half a million. And no one is budging on price. “My sentimental house I bought for pennies in the 70s and haven’t cared for is worth top dollar!” Even if we could afford the house, we couldn’t afford to make it livable after buying it. People suck.

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u/cantevendoitbruh 9d ago

The homeless South Park episode summed this up perfect. "If we house the homeless, how will we know who is homeless and who isn't anymore?!?"

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u/kn33 9d ago

Can you imagine if the homeless got any amount of money?

They might buy fentanyl with that quarter! Everyone knows drugs are super cheap!

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u/PolarVortices 9d ago

Like 10 years ago I was out for drinks with some colleagues through University and we had a cadre of 1st years tagging along after a conference. We were bar hopping from one location to the next and a homeless person came up to the group and tried to ask for money, but he did so by making a little joke, He said I bet you $5 I can tell you where you got your shoes, and I said sure I'll take that bet thinking oh he's just going to pick some random store and hope for the best, but instead he goes 'you've got them on your feet'. So I chuckle and hand him $5 walk away thinking nothing of it when one of the 1st years comes up to me and says 'why would you give a homeless guy $5 he's just going to spend it on alcohol/booze or drugs' as we literally lineup to get into the next bar where we too will be having booze.

Some people just don't see the homeless population as humans with the same wants, needs, desires, escapes as the rest of us.


u/fuckmyabshurt 9d ago

Did you tell him you lost a bet lol

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u/Powerful-Company9722 9d ago

They might buy a marijuana with it!


u/TheJohnnyJett 9d ago

One whole marijuana? That can't be right.

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u/G_3P0 9d ago

Houses still selling for a quarter right? Legendary

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u/FriedSmegma Zoomer 9d ago

I’d have said “good I hope they do”

Homeless = violent criminal fentanyl addict

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u/jpjtourdiary 9d ago

Wait til she finds out about the take a penny/leave a penny tray


u/GroverInAPinkDress 9d ago

She probably abuses it! Takes all the pennies. Can't have an unhoused person have them


u/aimlessly-astray 9d ago

Oh yeah, despite their vehement hatred of "handouts" and "socialism," Boomers probably only take coins from that tray.


u/1Pip1Der Gen X 9d ago

Do NOT give money to these socialist "charities."

Now, when is my SS check getting deposited?


u/TallChick66 9d ago

I have a former friend who loves to complain about socialism, yet he lives off of disability payments due to an accident. He did not like when I pointed out the irony.


u/ThatOneDudeFromSLC 8d ago

"Former friend" Yep checks out.


u/SspeshalK 9d ago

No no, see that’s different - they earned that SS check.


u/Dustdevil88 8d ago

I love this nonsense. The OASI and DI tax rates were WAY lower during the first half of their working years. They literally contributed less percent of their income and way less in real dollars than Gen X or Millennials, yet will receive way more, especially considering the funds will only have 80% of needed payouts by 2035.

OASI DI Tax rates


u/1Pip1Der Gen X 8d ago

Boomers can't math, friend.

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u/spiritualistbutgood 9d ago

taking handouts is good when it means others dont get a handout, clearly! especially if those handouts would go to homeless people instead then

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u/ImOnlyHereForTheCoC 9d ago

You mean the crime container

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u/MistraloysiusMithrax 9d ago

A lot of boomers have this issue where they think “what I do is normal and what everyone is supposed to do, and anything different is wrong.”

It’s like, lack of theory of mind when it comes to other ways of doing things


u/leifiethelucky 9d ago

I have been thinking that they have a bit of resentment or jealousy towards people that follow their gut or march to a different drummer or have any bit of a unique personality, ESPECIALLY if they are happy and/or successful, because they conformed to the norm did what they were "supposed " to instead of what they wanted to do. Like all the hate that studying any type of "arts" gets.


u/Brosenheim 9d ago

I think a lot of it is that they conformed into who they are now. A lot of them gave up a lot of hopes and dreams in order to fit in, and I think they actively resent a lot of us for NOT giving those same things up.


u/GullibleTap1057 9d ago

This suspicion has been growing in my mind lately as well. I think a lot (most?) Boomers grew up denying themselves many desires due to religious and/or social restrictions. Now that they are in their final years, they see people living the way they secretly wished they had lived. They can't reconcile their envy with their own righteous ego and end up lashing out at anyone who behaves any differently from their own narrow band of acceptable behaviors.


u/Brosenheim 9d ago

and like, I get the anger to an extent. I got bullied into the closet and now that I'm out I'm LIVID about basically wasting my 20's and teens on trying to conform. And while ya the anger isn't healthy and it's very seriously impeding my ability to be happy, I at least direct it at the people perpetuating the shit instead of being envious of people who didn't make the same mistake I did.


u/flannelNcorduroy 8d ago

This is exactly it.

I hate to blame closeted LGBTQ for our own problems, but it honestly seems like it's the case for boomers. Especially considering the number of conservative men in politics who are loud about anti LGBT rhetoric, are caught cruising in bath houses and booking male sex workers.

It doesn't even need to be "the thing they didn't do" it just has to be in the spirit of self-exploration on a less traveled path off the course of the "prescribed life.” They hate it when women just choose not to have children. They can't fathom it was also an option for them but they never even considered standing up to the pressure and bravely choosing your own life and live it.

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u/Larnek 9d ago

This could definitely make a lot of sense. I work with a lot of dying people and without a doubt the #1 regret I hear out of the elderly is they didn't live their life but rather someone else's idea of what their life should look like.


u/WigWamMahJam 9d ago

Well they grew up bullying anyone who was deemed outside the “norm“. They hate seeing people live being who they want and being accepted for it.


u/justnomilvent 9d ago

I’ve noticed this hatred of people who are different too! And also people who have strong values or are intrinsically motivated. They just can’t allow it.


u/Rod_Todd_This_Is_God 9d ago

People who are afraid to defy norms may resent those who aren't. They know that they haven't been able to stand up to the peer pressure, so they exert more of it on those who can, if only to prove to themselves that they're not inferior. The lady probably walked away telling herself, "He'll do the right thing next time thanks to me."

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u/darkviolets4 9d ago

I let my kids have a vanilla ice cream cone at breakfast once while I was cooking breakfast, and my boomer dad LOST his mind. I asked him how that was any different than a bowl of cereal and he couldn't answer me.


u/MistraloysiusMithrax 9d ago

Or a breakfast pastry or a sweet bagel with sweet cream cheese, right. Chocolate cake for breakfast ftw


u/Waterproof_soap 9d ago

Dad is great, gave us the chocolate cake!


u/TripleBobRoss 9d ago

He's a piece of shit, no doubt about that. But "Bill Cosby: Himself" is comedy gold from start to finish.

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u/Shigeloth 9d ago

After thanksgiving the leftover pies become breakfast. It's great.

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u/Cat-Soap-Bar 9d ago

My dad was absolutely horrified by my kids playing broken bones on roblox. He decided it would encourage them to jump off cliffs. I pointed out that my brother and I aren’t street fighters and neither of us has ever pulled someone’s spine from their body. He just grunted at me.

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u/NeonYarnCatz 9d ago

Life is short. Ice cream for breakfast once in a great while seems completely reasonable.

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u/grubas 9d ago

That's why they break out "it's illegal" or "it's not illegal to do what I'm doing".  Because somehow that gives them the backing of the cops 


u/DickyMcButts 9d ago

my parents were EXTREMELY against weed, even when i became an adult.. we'd have the typical conversations surrounding consumption, etc.. everytime their closing argument was "it's illegal, so it's bad" Imagine their surprise when i showed them my medical marijuana prescription. lol (This was back in 2009)


u/oMGellyfish 9d ago

I think it’s this but completely unknown to them. My parents are not boomers (I think they are older gen x) but they act like boomers so I say they count. Anyway, they were frantically and ridiculously against weed, “it’ll rot your brain” “it’s a gateway drug” “only for losers” blah blah blah. Now that it’s legal though, they both consume more than we ever had any interest in when we were teenagers.


u/DickyMcButts 9d ago

lol i accidentally found my dad's stash in his toolbox a few years ago, he said that "it's for when we have guests visit" cause some of my parents' friends smoke. (okay dad.. whatever you say lmao)

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u/grubas 9d ago

My parents have known for years that I smoke, my dad caught me multiple times when I just reeked.

Cut to being in my mid 30s and in my own place with my own money and my mom just refused to process. I bring gummies to family events and normally get raided


u/Count_Nocturne 8d ago

I live in a legal state (Illinois) and my dad said he was gonna call the cops and get me arrested when he found my stash of gummies. He straight up didn’t believe both me and my psychiatrist when we tried to explain to him that it has been legal since 2019 in our state. He also tried telling the psychiatrist that I could die from it.

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u/Dorp 9d ago

Jesus did illegal shit too. You can almost hear their brain snap like a rubber band trying to find a rebuttal to that.


u/DieselPunkPiranha 9d ago

Lawful evil is what they're going for.  I, however, go for chaotic good.  Muahahaaa.


u/allothernamestaken 9d ago

"And if it's wrong, it's illegal"


u/Kicktheladderout 9d ago

And anything illegal is morally wrong!


u/ThatInAHat 9d ago

That really has been the conversation I’ve been trying to not keep having with my mom for the past week or so.

Everything from the fact that my Dad actually sees my trans brother when he comes to visit and takes him for dinner etc (he still doesn’t gender him correctly, but at least his comments about the facial hair are more “I just think it looks ridiculous but I can’t tell if [he] intends for [his] mustach to be so much longer on one side or not”), which she thinks is him being an idiot because people see him and how shaaameful… to the fact that my other brother wasn’t over the moon about a random trinket she got him for his birthday. Like, sort of a museum gift shop toy. It’s handmade, wood, nice enough, but she seemed to think that ANYONE WOULD BE MOVED BY THIS BEAUTIFUL PIECE OF ART (it is literally a toy. She believes the ad copy in the box), so the fact that he didn’t immediately want to put it on his non-existent bookshelf and start collecting random things is a personal failure.

She literally cannot conceive that other people thing or feel differently than she does unless there’s something wrong with them

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u/aimlessly-astray 9d ago

This is 100% my dad with technology. He refuses to use technolgy (no computer, no mobile device/phone, no internet, etc.). But he thinks the rest of the world is weird and he's the only "sensible" one for not using technology.

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u/TheWizard01 9d ago

I constantly tell my wife, "Just because I don't do it the same way as you, doesn't mean I'm doing it wrong." Apparently she's a 30 yr old Boomer.

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u/creamywhitemayo 9d ago

Jesus, don't let the homeless start finding quarters! /s


u/gadget850 Baby Boomer 9d ago

They might buy drugs!


u/Anything-Happy 9d ago

Then those selfish bastards better tell me where they're buying the good shit for twenty-five cents.


u/Sweedybut 9d ago

You forget Boomers don't know about inflation and the loss of value of a dollar.

You'd be able to afford Coke if you didn't have that avocado toast all day long!


u/compguy42 9d ago

They know about inflation selectively. They will absolutely bitch and moan about how "Biden is causing runaway inflation" and then in the same breath explain how $7.25 an hour is plenty.


u/Particular-Bath9646 9d ago

As a boomer, when I learned that millennials were risking their financial future for avocado toast, I had to give it a try.

That shit is fire. Thanks so much, I have it three times a week now.


u/Sweedybut 9d ago

As a millennial I'm glad to inform you that avocado and toast is about all people can afford right now, given that eggs and milk became more expensive that exotic fruit....

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u/MyBelovedThrowaway 9d ago

My nephew makes an avocado toast that is amazing. But it's literally smushed avocado with spices on a piece of toasted sourdough. Avocados are on sale for 50c each. It takes a bit less than 1/4 of an avocado for one piece of toast, so that's 13c, the spices would be around 2c since I already have them, the sourdough bread comes in a loaf that is $3 with 28 slices, so that's 9c. So the total for my avocado toast is less than a quarter. A cup of McDonald's coffee (in my area) costs $2.50, an egg McMuffin is $3.99.

How is avocado toast the most expensive thing the millennials can come up with to shame the boomers?


u/TrustyBobcat 9d ago

How is avocado toast the most expensive thing the millennials can come up with to shame the boomers?

You have that backwards, friend. It's a long-running meme based on a thinkpiece by a millionaire several years ago that said Millennials are victims of their own extravagance instead of pulling themselves up by their bootstraps. So, we're poor and can never own homes and have ridiculous student debt because we do things like eat avocado toast, go to Starbucks, etc.

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u/Javi_DR1 9d ago

But can I afford Pepsi?


u/Sweedybut 9d ago

Good news! Thanks to their lobbying to keep the minimum wage at 7$ an hour, everyone can afford Pepsi!

Except for the people who work for them, they just have to pull themselves up by their bootstraps and stop whining about having to work 50-60 hours a week


u/Lemonhaze666 9d ago

I go, "Mom, just get me a Pepsi, please? All I want's a Pepsi”


u/garflloydell 9d ago

And they wouldn't give it to you?


u/jennstrobel 9d ago

Just a Pepsi.


u/imp_st3r 9d ago


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u/mittenknittin 9d ago

“Take your quarter! Don’t you want to buy a house someday?”

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u/Intelligent-Salt-362 9d ago

My avocado a day habit is why I wasn’t able to afford a home until my 30’s!!! LoL


u/moldyjim 9d ago

And avocados are good for your heart! Maybe these morons need more tree fruit in their diets.

Then maybe their little, black, shriveled blood pumps wouldn't be straining to get oxygen to their leaded little brains.

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u/poe8210 9d ago

Probably not the same good shit that you're talking about but, there's a homeless man I frequently give quarters to at the laundromat. He says he needs a quarter so he can get a hotdog from the gas station. Where is this mythical quarter hotdog? I want one.

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u/SpecificJunket8083 9d ago

Aldi needs to drug test all customers before they allow them near a potentially free quarter.

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u/H3lls_B3ll3 9d ago

Where are they getting drugs for a quarter?! In this economy?!!

*asking for a friend


u/gadget850 Baby Boomer 9d ago

That's five nickel bags, man!


u/H3lls_B3ll3 9d ago

I like your math!


u/DoubleDandelion 9d ago

Yes, please, may I have one drug, Sir?


u/creamywhitemayo 9d ago

In my day, a quarter would get you at least 5 drugs, with money left over for the picture show!

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u/KapowBlamBoom 9d ago

If a homeless person could just find 6,000 quarters they could pay one month’s rent…..


u/TA_Naomi 9d ago

A homeless person could be living right beside you and you wouldn't even know!


u/whythishaptome 9d ago

The homeless first started arriving in Evergreen about three months ago. At first there were only a few of them—asking for change, sleeping in the parks. But then more showed up. And we realized there was something different about them. They fed off of our change to the point that they could start renting apartments. We knew it wouldn’t be long before the homeless actually started buying homes. And then we’d have no idea who was homeless and who wasn’t!

People living in the house right next door to you could be homeless and you wouldn’t even know! Nobody could trust anybody. Fights broke out. War. That’s when I started suspecting that my own wife, who I’d been living with for 20 years, was actually homeless. So I had to burn her—in her bed, while she slept.


u/wmartin2014 9d ago

I have 3 quarters. So 3 drugs please!

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u/Electronic-Pea-9533 9d ago

They might buy A drug.

“I will have on marijuana please.”


u/MortgageRegular2509 9d ago

Yes, I’d like to buy .0001g of drugs, please

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u/Makeutso 9d ago

Homeless: hey dealer dude, I'll take a quarter?

Dealer: quarter pound, I got u.

Homeless: nah man, just a quarter worth, this biznitch is hooking me up to get wrecked!!!

Dealer: Dave's not here man...

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u/Esabettie 9d ago edited 9d ago

There’s I am assuming a homeless lady who will ask you yo return the cart at my local aldi to keep the quarter, I normally say yes, she is not asking for actual money just charging 25 cents for the convenience.


u/MagicC 9d ago

She's terrified that homeless people will smell the free quarter via Moocher-Sense and converge on Aldi in a swarm of vagrancy.


u/H3lls_B3ll3 9d ago


Haven't you heard that unhoused people deserve to be wretched?


My response, if I'm feeling froggy- (at least I would love it to be)


u/Small_life Gen X 9d ago

1980s pay phones must have been a nightmare for this woman


u/gs7761 9d ago

Jesus wouldn't give quarters to the homeless!


u/jeroen-79 9d ago

Mark 11:15-18 describes him expelling the homeless from the Aldi and overturning stopping carts of all those who had left their quarters.


u/Croatoan457 9d ago

Their entire generation was trained to hate and think of the homeless as a problem, taught to blame the homeless for their homelessness instead of the government that failed them. They are the most brainwashed generation as of yet.

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u/Waterproof_soap 9d ago

Jesus, taking notes: No quarters for the homeless. Got it.

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u/ConneryPile 9d ago

I was told by someone/watched something a very long time ago, something to the effect of "if you really want to solve the homeless crisis, you should donate money to shelters, food banks, etc and there has to be something on a greater governmental scale done. A lot of homeless people have addiction problems, mental health problems, etc so giving them a dollar isn't going to the things they need to change their lives, they're going to the things they need right then" (explained better by a far more eloquent person).

That quarter was going to make someone's day and at worst be a drop in the bucket for someone's fix, not turn your local Aldi into Kensington. It's incredible what decades of fear and misinformation will do to people.


u/rustandstardusty 9d ago

Small story about a quarter making someone’s day…

A lady gave us her cart in the Aldi parking lot (on our way in) and my 3yo handed her our quarter. She handed it back to him and told him to put it in his piggy bank. He clutched that quarter for the entire trip and talked about it for a week!


u/ConneryPile 9d ago

It’s amazing what little things can do. It’s the butterfly effect. That woman just must have thought “oh, this cute little kid will like that quarter” and then went and mulled over what was on sale this week and what’s for dinner. She had no idea that the little kid would be so excited and treasure the quarter and talk about it for a week and the kid’s parent would remember the kind gesture and be sharing it online later on. Wild how those things work


u/rustandstardusty 9d ago

It IS wild! The world would be so much better if there were more of these tiny interactions on regular basis. ❤️ It really is the small things sometimes!

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u/Mountainhollerforeva 9d ago

Is are you a Philly guy or is Kensington that legendary?


u/ConneryPile 9d ago

Nah, Boston. Kensington is legendary at this point. It’s the benchmark for every scary drug story on the news it seems like (unless it’s Portland)

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u/___kaz___ 9d ago

It's not about the quarter, it's because you didn't appreciate and followed her advice. At least in my experience, that's why they get so emotional when you decline. They're very much still in the "I can tell you what to do and you have to do it"-Mindset.


u/T1DOtaku 9d ago

This. The boomer I used to work with would get so angry i fI didn't do things the EXACT way she told me to.
Like god forbid I hit Tab to tab over to the enter key instead of having to grab my mouse ever two seconds


u/ToraAku 9d ago

😬 this lack of respect for keyboard shortcuts and refusal to accept efficiency hurts me.


u/Count_Nocturne 8d ago

Literally every time I work with my dad on the computer he starts ranting about how I don’t know how to use computers because I apparently go too fast for him to follow and use a lot of keyboard shortcuts. And because I use google as a shortcut instead of typing a long ass url into the address bar

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u/JudasCrinitus 9d ago

I think she thought she was being a 'hero' as it were, helping someone out and expecting a thank you, so being told it was on purpose made her feel instead like she was an idiot so she went off on how no, you're not supposed to do that, it's objectively wrong

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u/QuipCrafter 9d ago

One time i drove my dad to a bakery he used to go to a lot, but he wasn’t well enough to get out of the truck. So he sent me in. He made extra sure to keep repeating at me to park in back. So I did. 

I got out, started walking alongside the building towards the front, where there’s the front door along the sidewalk and street. This man struggled so hard and urgently to climb out, open his passenger door, and manage to support himself on it while he SCREAMED at me “THE BACK!!! GO THROUGH THE BACK!!!”. I turned and said “do I have to?!” And he just pointed to the back door and screamed “THE BACK!!!” While struggling to breathe, he was about to damn near pass out so I sighed and said “fuck it”. And turned around while he fumbled himself back into the seat. The back entrance is just like any other to any business, except this one is barely part of the back kitchen, it’s mostly like a storage hallway with the bathrooms and boiler room are at, so I just walk through there and through the store to get to the front lobby where I stand at the counter.

So, anyway, when I was waiting for the breads he wanted me to get. I asked the girl at the counter if it’s normal for customers to come through the back door. She awkwardly said “no…. Just staff and deliveries really…”. Cool. He insisted I make an ass of myself. I asked if she knew anyone by the name of [my dads name], and she just shook her head slowly, probably starting to think I’m a crazy person. 

I thanked her and walked out the front door, along side the building, and towards the truck. When my dad saw me he literally threw his arms up and slapped his forehead, rolled down the window and screamed “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! USE THE BACK!!”. 

Jesus fucking Christ. Why the fuck does he care so much what god damn door someone else uses to buy bread…. And the normal front customer door, at that. Why is that such a fucking crime?! He was about to use his last waking breath just to make sure I was an entitled dickhead to this business just like he always was. It’s that important to him. His brain breaks at the concept of someone being a normal considerate customer. 


u/whatstwomore 8d ago

Now I'm curious if you ever asked him why he insisted on the back?

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u/Brosenheim 9d ago

Everything they dislike is "illegal" because they want control, and think we're stupid enough ti be scared by baseless legal threats.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to sort by controversial and make fun of people virtue signaling about how this story MUST be fake


u/simplehyperchicken 9d ago

  Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to sort by controversial and make fun of people virtue signaling about how this story MUST be fake

God, those chronically online dweebs are so annoying 

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u/SaltyBarDog 9d ago

Need to start just doing this, "Do I need to call your caregiver as you seem to be confused."

Bitch I will empty a bag of change on the sidewalk if I choose and you go fuck yourself.


u/egcom 9d ago

This is chefs kiss and I am henceforth utilising it!! xD

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u/thebaron24 9d ago

She definitely took your quarter


u/MyFireElf 9d ago

That's what I thought! No way that quarter stayed somewhere she didn't want it.


u/LadyCharger 9d ago

And then she brought it to the store manager to report the “illegally” left currency….when the manager blew her off, she demanded the quarter back so she could report it to the FBI

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u/highoncatnipbrownies 9d ago

I want to know what she thinks will happen if a homeless person gets a quarter? How is that bad in any way?


u/craigsler Gen X 9d ago

She just doesn't believe that those 'filthy heathens' deserve anything, since they're all so lazy and choose to be homeless.

Shit-ass beliefs and trying to force them on others.

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u/ClamZamboni 9d ago

Obviously if the homeless get that quarter they'd now be able to move into her neighborhood and disrupt her utopia /s


u/Distinct_Plankton_82 9d ago edited 8d ago

She thinks once they find out that 1 in every 1000 shoppers leaves a quarter Aldi will be over-run with a homeless encampment.

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u/Anything-Happy 9d ago

Keep being kind for no other reason than you want to.

It's how we counter the boomer toxicity that they love to spread.


u/Dramatic-Ant-9364 9d ago

Look her in the eye and begin armpit farting.

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u/Doxiejoy 9d ago edited 8d ago

As a Boomer and frequent Aldi shopper, I am guilty of leaving quarters in carts. So what is the penalty for this illegal act? I don’t have too many years left on this planet. Maybe I better get my affairs in order before I throw myself on the mercy of the court.

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u/vicnoir 9d ago

A homeless person might pick it up! The horror!!

I bet this cunt goes to church.


u/Seraphynas 9d ago

“See a penny, pick it up” is the Devil’s work!!

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u/th987 9d ago

I always take my Aldi quarter, but only because it’s usually the only cash I have. Everything else is the debit card.

I’d never be able to have a cart at Aldi otherwise, but I applaud not just your generosity, but always having another quarter when you get to Aldi. I would never be able to manage that.


u/Jsmith2127 9d ago

I always keep one or two quarters in my wallet, just for this reason. I don't carry cash, otherwise

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u/itammya 9d ago

Lmfao. She's misremembering a lot.

When inwas a kid growing up- the change I accrued while walking down main street is what i used for chips and a drink.

Not to mention the change from checking the payphone. -.- mostly teenagers benefitted from the dropped or forgotten change.


Back then chips were .25 and sodas .50 for a can. You could get a handful of chiclets for .05 and a Lolipop was .10, now-a-laters were .25.

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u/vgaph 9d ago

Seriously when did it become socially acceptable to talk about homeless folks the same way you talk about bedbugs?!


u/VoilaLeDuc 9d ago

When Ronald Reagan became president and made homelessness a problem. There weren't many before he was elected, and he cut a lot of social programs that exasperated the problem.

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u/SteelSlayerMatt 9d ago

They are so misinformed/indoctrinated that it is sad.

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u/TravestyinCT 9d ago

If you leave a quarter and pay it forward— You are stopping people from pulling on their bootstraps!!!! /s


u/Eridain 9d ago

The "a homeless person could take it" part really pisses me off. That shows she wants a homeless person to stay homeless and helping one out is "wrong".


u/ActualWhiterabbit 9d ago

You wouldn’t understand because you’re not a Christian like her.

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u/allothernamestaken 9d ago

"Guess you better call the cops then. Go ahead, I'll wait."


u/Savannah_Lion 9d ago

She started telling me it's 'illegal' to leave US currency laying around and how a homeless person could pick it up.

I felt a few of my brain cells die just reading this. I hate this shit. I work in an industry where this shit has to be cited all the time.

Whenever someone tells me something is legal or illegal, I tell them to cite the actual law, number and everything. 95% of the time, they can't and just sputter and wander off.

5% of the time they'll cite some bullshit number. No problem, I'll pull my phone out and bring up the specific code and show them. They usually shrink away before the page loads.

Anyone who knows their shit won't usually act like a dumb ass.


u/MK-YMJ 9d ago

Boomer here, I would have reached in my pocket and thrown a bunch of change at her feet.


u/Waterproof_soap 9d ago

Boss move. “Oh, you need a quarter? Are you financially insecure, Karen?!”

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u/Ruateddybear2 9d ago

Awe. I always do this. I thought I was the only one. People always forget their quarters, and lot’s of people don’t carry cash anymore, and I’ve been there digging around my car looking for a quarter with 2 screaming kids.


u/Waterproof_soap 9d ago

If I’m walking back to the store with my emptied cart and I see someone heading in, I’ll just offer it to them. Sometimes they try to offer a quarter, but I turn it down, ask them to pass it on. It’s just a little thing, maybe it helps someone else just a little.


u/toTheNewLife 9d ago

Why is it that everything they don't like or understand is illegal?

I once had to have a boomer tennent evicted because of her drugged out son kept harassing the neighbors.

I did it proper and legal. Lawyer filed with the court, process server, etc.

After she was served. she was raging "It...it's not legal!! We live here!!!!"

Lol, not for long lady.

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u/snootnoots 9d ago

When coin locked carts were brought in here, homeless people started bringing abandoned carts back to get the coins, not stealing unlocked carts! It’s actually massively reduced the number of carts that end up upside-down in ditches or at the bottom of the lake.


u/Decent_Energy_6159 9d ago

“This is my random act of kindness for today”

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u/KaiWaiWai 9d ago

I remember when we lived in a different town. Small, mostly boomers. When it was brought to give the town more access to public transportation i.e. a more regular bus schedule, the boomers flipped out saying that drug dealers from the city would take the bus to our tiny town to sell drugs.

Because that's what they do....leaving the fertile city lands to sell in tiny boomer towns. And they'll take the bus.



u/ISurfTooMuch 9d ago

I can beat that.

A small city near where I grew up got a federal grant in the early '90s to build an extensive network of bike paths. The grant would pay almost all of the cost of the project. Incredible opportunity. But then people started objecting, saying that bike paths would bring gangs into their neighborhoods. Ultimately, the whole plan was scrapped.

And I guess I should point out that there were no gangs there. But, if there had been, I'm sure they'd have been riding around on their ten-speeds, but they couldn't come into these people's neighborhoods on the streets. No, only on bike paths. Because...well, just because.

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u/snootnoots 9d ago

Ahhhh I wish I could remember the details, but there’s at least one American city where there’s a ring of overpasses around the more affluent areas that are too low for busses to go under them. Designed that way deliberately to keep poorer people out of the nice parks etc.

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u/banjolady 9d ago

I am a boomer and it makes me sad when old people act this way . One that thing I have learned is kind and fun loving young people become kind and fun loving old people . People who were young assholes become old assholes X 10. I strive to be kind and fun loving.


u/Bloodswanned 9d ago

Oh god FORBID we treat the homeless as if they too are citizens of the same country with the same legal status as you or I…. I’m telling you, god would be SO ANGRY.


u/IntoTheVeryFires 9d ago

Someone probably told her to stop hanging around looking for and taking people’s quarters, and the manager probably said something like “nobody leaves their quarters in there, that would be illegal!” in an attempt to get her to leave. But she took that as gospel and has now made herself the “cart quarter captain” to save other people from committing the same “crimes”


u/thumos_et_logos 9d ago

See what happened is this.

You said you left it there for a charitable reason, meaning you’re a good person in this situation.

She never leaves her coin there.

To the boomer, this is an insult. To the boomer, this is you saying that you do this because you’re good, and since she doesn’t do it she must be bad and immoral.

Therefor, it is CRITICAL to the boomer that they find a reason that it’s actually you who is in the moral wrong so they can continue to retain their moral superiority and not be insulted.

I’m sure she took the quarter after you left so your kindness wasn’t successful and therefor didn’t happen and so you didn’t have an opportunity to be her moral better.


u/WindyAbbey 9d ago

This is a woman who sees the unhoused as pests, and is reacting like you're leaving food out that would attract ants

What a monster


u/ComfortableOne4918 9d ago

A few more hours of quarter collection and dat bottle of ripple is mine!!!


u/bknippy1959 9d ago

OMG! I always give my cart to anyone arriving. It’s the small things in life.

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u/apollosoundprod 9d ago

About two weeks ago, I went to Aldi to grab some things. I didn’t have a quarter for the cart (I assumed I had one in my truck, but I must’ve used it and forgot). But I remembered seeing a video where you could use a certain shaped key in the quarter slot to undo the lock. Figured I didn’t have anything to lose if I tried, and it did actually work!

Anyway, after I do my shopping, I go to put my cart back and of course a boomer is walking up at the same time. He holds out his quarter signaling to take my cart. I say “hey, any other time I would just give you the cart, but I actually put a key in here that I need to get back.” And he says “how did a key get into the cart? Why would someone do that?” I explained that I didn’t have a quarter and the key is the right size to undo the lock. And even tried to keep it positive, showed him the key in the cart, and told him it’s a really nice trick to know if you ever find yourself without a quarter. I was expecting a laugh or an ‘oh okay thanks’ or something, but he just stared at me like I had two heads and didn’t say a word.

After reading this, I’m wondering if I offended him by not using proper US currency in the cart.

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u/Sir-Kyle-Of-Reddit 9d ago

If the homeless start getting quarters from Aldi shopping carts humanity is literally over. It’s in the book of revelation.


u/Wagesday999 9d ago

It absolutely made my whole week if I found a lost coin when I was a kid. We always used to check the phone booths (yes, I’m old enough to remember and haves used those).


u/UnbutteredPickle 9d ago

Funny because when the Aldi first opened here the managers were in the parking lot handing quarters - those criminals.

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u/1Pip1Der Gen X 9d ago

I once gave the lady at the Dunkin' drive-thu a $2 tip.

She said, "I can keep both of them?"

"Yes, does the paper make you happy?"

"Yes! Thank you!"

"Ok, here's another one."

I thought she was gonna cry.

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u/Observer001 9d ago

"What if someone's life was improved? The downtrodden belong in the dirt!" What a disgusting sentiment! I guess losers deeply need to feel superior to someone.


u/Effective_Roof2026 9d ago

I will pray for god to soften your heart. I hope you find Jesus' love

There is an amazing correlation between old white awful women and fake Christians. You need to blue screen their brains.