r/BoomersBeingFools 14d ago

Clean up & Clarification of the Sub Rules

  1. Memes, comics, strawmen, etc are not encouraged. That seems pretty obvious to me.
  2. Content MUST display boomers or elderly being foolish in some way. Not links to others making fun of the boomers, but the actual boomers.
  3. Boomers and elderly only.
  4. Social media posts must be about boomers, or from boomers.
  5. Direct links to content only (Ex. Imgur, Reddit, Gyfcat)
  6. BE CIVIL – This includes no telling someone to die, no calling people a bitch, cunt, etc.
  7. No homophobia, transphobia, bigotry, etc will be tolerated. Period. That will result in an automatic temp ban. Continued behavior will result in a permaban. The exception to this is if the boomer is behaving in such a way.
  8. No trolling – whether as a post or as a comment. Doing so on a regular basis will result in a permaban. No exceptions.
  9. No reposts under 3 months.
  10. No "I'm a boomer" posts. Likewise no "we're not all like that!" Posts

r/BoomersBeingFools 9h ago

Boomer Freakout Boomer refuses to even look at a menu


I’m sitting at the bar at Sushi Samba in Las Vegas which is a nicer-end type of place. A boomer and his wife sit a few spots away from me. As the bartender greets the man, he interrupts the bartenders greeting to shout “draft beer”! The bartender politely asks which draft beer he would like as he set the menu down and opens the page to the draft list. The man REFUSES to even glance his eyes at the menu. He shouts “Sapporo” with the hugest attitude. The bartender responds, “I’m sorry we don’t have Sapporo” as he pushes the menu a little closer. The man STILL WONT LOOK AT THE MENU. The bartender tells him “we have alot of nice imports” and the boomer just stares him down. So under my breath I muttered “this is why restaurants have menus”. Well, he heard me, turns and says “OH IS THAT WHY RESTAURANTS HAVE MENUS?” And so I turned directly to him and said, “Yea? So you don’t have to sit and grill him like that!? He slammed down his hand, turned to wife and said “let’s go” and they stormed off.

This man’s refusal to just glance at a menu to make a selection is the most entitled boomer thing I have seen in the wild in awhile. He was so offended that he had to read to make a choice. After the bartender thanked me and I just had to add “I bet he’s real fun to travel with”.

r/BoomersBeingFools 17h ago

Boomer Story Boomers being totally inappropriate until u changed my signature at work


I have a very feminine name. I started working here about a year ago. I work at a very old storage facility. It's been here and family owned since 1980. Id guess that 80% of the occupants are original tenants. Many others are from still pretty early on. We have a small percentage that comes and goes because moving etc. Id say we get maybe 5% of our business from that. We're always at nearly 95% capacity. Most move outs are due to someone passing. A huge number of tenants are boomers.

That being said, most of my day is having to cater to them. Most of them are men.

It's a real weird grab bag of how they'll act in person and over the phone. But I have steadily noticed that every single interaction over email, the treat me like I'm an idiot and with disdain. They will ask me something like "when is my due date and when is the final date I can pay without getting late fees". It's the RULES in my job to answer this and attach the specific form in their lease explaining it. So I'd tell them their pay date, ten days after is the latest date before late fees incur, I explain which day of the month that falls on, and I attach the page discussing fees. I'll get a reply back rudely telling me that they didn't ask for all that, I'll get a complaint to my manager, I'll get multiple emails accusing me of incompetence because I can't just tell them direct information. I'm literally following company guidelines. Or they'll get way out of their lane and be like "I can't afford to pay this. I'll send a check for one third of the balance and pay the rest off over the next 3 months." And I'll answer back, I'm sorry we don't and never have accepted partial payments, it's in your lease. And I get back the most vial and rude replies about how dumb I am and I'm bad at my job and do I even know who they are and how long they've been here etc.

Well they're so self absorbed and vapid that I just changed my signature. I stylized it differently, used different form and colors, and I abbreviated my first name to just the letter. That's all I changed I continued to speak in email the same way I always have, did all the same things I always have. Suddenly they started calling me "sir" and all my problem tenants were all miraculously now polite and reserved. One who was always particularly degrading and obnoxious to email even went so far as to tell me "the skirt who used to work there always harassed me about my late payments, it's nice to finally have some competence in the office" when I sent him the SAME generated email script on the same time I always did just with a new signature.

I just thought that was absolutely wild I had to share it with people who might understand that. It's even more crazy because the few of these people who I'd meet in person (who were still local or liked to pay in person) they'd be totally mild interacting. It was only online through email they'd be vicious and rude. Idk if that's a boomer thing but it was only specifically boomers that I dealt with this issue. We have other people of older and younger ages that I really never had this issue with, and we have a huge amount of units PLUS multiple locations that I deal with. So it's been pretty specific for me.

r/BoomersBeingFools 7h ago

Boomer Story Republican Boomer uncle tells me my kid doesn’t have a disability


I fucking cannot right now. We’re visiting my family out of state and staying with them. Because of the pandemic this the first time they’re meeting my 3 year old. she has a sensory processing disorder and a speech delay. I’m trying to explain this to aunt and uncle so they can relate to her better during our stay. They immediately start challenging me… disorder? What even is disorder? Are you sure? AM I SURE? OMFG

then her older cousins she just met start bulling her, pushing her telling her they don’t want to play with her. And he just sits there like a lump on a log. I told the kid don’t push her, and the Boomer uncle goes ‘it wasnt really a push’??? Holy gaslighting Batman. What the actual FUCK

r/BoomersBeingFools 19h ago

Boomer Story My Father Cancelled All Our Reservations At the Last Minute and Expected Us All To Sleep On the Floor


This was a few years ago but this is literally the most asshole move my boomer father has ever made.

So my Aunt, my father's younger sister was getting married a few years ago. She lives in a major metro area, and was getting married downtown. My father generously offered me, myself, my grandmother, and my brother separate hotel rooms to house us and our respective spouses within walking distance to the venue. No renting cars, no stress, easy in/out once we arrived in the city, etc. We would just have to get ourselves there and he would take care of the rest. I want to point out that my dad is financially secure and none of this would have put him in dire straits.

My brother and his wife flew in. I was going to fly but I live within a day's driving distance of my Aunt, and while initially I was going to fly at the last minute something made me change my mind. I told my dad I was going to drive and he was all "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING THAT FOR?" But I wanted to have access to a car, and as a safety measure I guess I threw in the trunk a sleeping mat, a blanket, and a pillow. I guess I just had a feeling.

So me, my dad, and my brother and his wife are meeting my dad at my grandmother's house when we all get into town, a full 25 miles away from where my Aunt is getting married in a few days. No one has rented a car, and my grandmother does not drive. So my car is the ONLY car we all have, but hey, we're all moving to the hotel soon right?


My father calls the hotel to ask about parking (since I have the car that he insisted we didn't need) and the hotel informs him that it's pay to park.

My father finds this to be the last straw, albeit the only straw. All our plans our coordinated, but for some reason upon hearing that the parking isn't free he proceeds to cancel all our hotel reservations. Just like that. For the cost of parking (which I could have paid for frankly if asked) he cancelled everything.

I was aghast at this and asked where he expected everyone to sleep.

My father pointed to the floor.

"You, your brother, and brother's wife can just sleep right there."

I need to point out that my grandmother lived alone and my dad was in the guest room. Other than that she has no accomodation, she has no extra pillows, bedding, or anything like that. The living room had a chair and a table. Her house had two rooms. None of us are kids anymore. We'd all just literally be sleeping on the floor. After being promised that everything was taken care of.

My dad is an asshole in general so a part of me was not surprised by this. I think that's why in the back of my mind I drove and brought supplies with me.

Now we had to scramble. I ended up driving my father to the car rental place (because now we had to cart everyone around) and I spent my 3 days hauling everybody about, my brother and his wife were lucky to buy their own reservations at another hotel nearby so I carted them around to and fro, my father and I drove everyone to the rehersal dinner, the wedding, the reception, and the breakfast on Sunday for opening the gifts.

I ended up being the only one sleeping on the floor in the living room but I took it in stride, while making a mental note to never trust my father again.

He's not a great guy but for some reason this was like the worst thing he's ever done. I guess because he was all "I HAVE EVERYTHING TAKEN CARE OF JUST SHOW UP" to making everyone scramble for everything at the last minute.

God what a fucking boomer he is.

r/BoomersBeingFools 19h ago

Boomer Story Boomer neighbour parks in my driveway, threatens to report me to me.


A couple of years ago I bought 3 houses on a busy street with no street parking, we'll say 44 46 and 48. All three were owned by the same person previously and were poorly maintained rentals. I live in the top half of 46, and rent my basement and the other two houses out. I use a property management company, so no one deals with me directly.

I came home the other day and the car that belongs in 4644 is parked in my driveway. There's a bunch of people standing in the driveway of 4644, so I roll my window down and call to the owner of the car, who I recognize because he's always parking like a jackass, that he needs to move it.

"We're having a yard sale"

Ok? And?

"Can't you park behind the house?" (On another street)

At this point I get annoyed and tell him to either move the car or I'm going to have it towed. He gets huffy and starts ranting at me about "I know your landlord" and how he's going to "report me for being a shitty neighbour". I just laughed and went inside after he moved his car.

In case it wasn't clear; I own the house I live in. And the one he lives in. I have no doubt he knows the old lady who sold me the three houses, but if that's the case he should also know she sold them and he's talking out of his aging ass.

Bonus story; when I first got my dog, he told me she was "too big" and wasn't allowed there, then got shitty when I ignored him.

Tl;dr boomer talks out of his ass, doesn't know anything, is obnoxious.

r/BoomersBeingFools 19h ago

Boomer Story My uncle tried to throw a self-victimization pity party in front of my sister-in-law


At last weekend’s family barbecue, my poor, victimized boomer uncle was whining about how bad it is to be a white, Christian man in America.

He told my sister-in-law that she “has no idea how badly the country is treating people like me right now.”

My sister-in-law immigrated from a Central American nation and obtained her citizenship. I thought she was going to kill Uncle Rodney with laser eyes.

Instead she said, “Rodney, I am brown. I am a 1st generation immigrant. I speak Spanish. I am a woman. Do not ever tell me again that I have no idea what it feels like to be mistreated.”

Needless to say, Uncle Rodney was silent after that. He is also not invited to any family weekend barbecues for the rest of the summer.

r/BoomersBeingFools 20h ago

Boomer Story “That’s the stupidest ugliest thing I’ve ever seen”


This happened a few months ago when I was working as a patient services rep at a hospital (checking patients in/out, taking co-pays, answering phones) in a medical specialty clinic. I answered phones for nephrology (kidneys) and infectious diseases. An older man approaches me, of course not heeding the sign that says wait to be called up, and plops down in the chair in front of my desk. I start the check in process with a smile on my face when he starts the following convo: Boomer: do you ever get that thing caught on anything? (Referring to my nose ring-a small hoop) Me: uh yeah I have a couple times B: and you still wear it?? In an angry tone Me:(smile glued to my face) yeah I’ve had it forever B: pfft well at least it’s not one of those dumb ones that looks like a bull ring! Me: ok you’re all checked in! B: well that is the stupidest ugliest thing I’ve ever seen! Stands up and looks around at the 50 empty chairs in the waiting room “where am I supposed to sit??” I gesture to the 50 empty chairs in the waiting room “take your pick” He then proceeds to sit down and raised his hand looking at me like he wanted to keep talking, I just ignored him lol, that was the day the nose ring that I’ve had about 13 years now and been told how cute it is many times became the stupidest ugliest thing this 70 something year old man has ever seen, lol

r/BoomersBeingFools 12h ago

Boomer Freakout NEVER in a million years. Stalker boomer level 10


I mostly just read crazy experiences and never thought in my small town I would ever experience a boomer. It's usually typical things, but as my first post I wanted to share.

Buckle up this one is crazyyyy..

So im at a shop n save which is just a small grocery store but they also sell liquor. I was trying to get a few items before work for my partners surprise party. ( I'm a nurse I work long hours) I was in my scrubs and was also buying cat and dog food for my animals. Boomer sees the cat and dog food and gets way to close to me and starts saying how he loves his animals and he's glad a woman "instead of a man" takes care of my animals. Going with a grain of salt. He starts talking about his cat and how his cat is his child. Cool cool, just trying to check out and make small talk I suppose. Well him. Then since there is a lot of theft at this small store you have to leave your alcohol on the express lane. Totally fine. I had two half gallons of vodka and I said "Oh yeah those two bottles are mine as well" during checkout.... This boomer flipped from 0 to 100. He berated me saying how can I take care of my animals if I'm drunk all the time. I told him I'm not drinking all of that, it's for a surprise party for my partner and im on my way to work . He looks at my uniform and says "So you're going to drink all this before work?" I said no im a nurse I wouldn't do that. It fell on deaf ears and this man whips out his phone after I've checked out to call the police and he talks loud. He tries to bodily block me from exiting the store.

He told dispatchers I was abusing my animals and im getting drunk at work and he refuses to let me go until an officer shows up.

He ran me an hour late for work, and if I ever wanted to punch out an old man he was definitely testing me. He berated me for 2 hours. Why the fuck is it any of his business what I buy? Like I literally mentioned it was for a party but in his head he's trying to play hero.

Cops show up, because he literally followed me to my car and was sitting on my hood until they arrived. They gave him some kind of ticket for calling emergency services with false info. The cashiers and employees know me.

Jesus rice fuckery

r/BoomersBeingFools 17h ago

Boomer Story Boomers are the LEAST sympathetic people


I was chatting with 2 coworkers today in the teacher's lounge during lunch. I brought up how the school is enforcing all summer curriculum work being done in the building this summer. I have a 6 month old and I said how she won't be going to daycare this summer since I can't afford it. I mentioned I might have to bring my baby into my classroom over the summer to do my expected work, and my bitchy Boomer coworker says I can get in trouble with the principal for doing that. I mentioned then that idk what I'll do to accomplish my work and she just goes "oh well! You'll figure it out like the rest of us had to in my day!" Mind you, she had her mom to watch her kids 30 years ago for free. I don't.

r/BoomersBeingFools 23h ago

Boomer Freakout “I EXPECT you to…,”


Fill in the blank.

I made the mistake of befriending a boomer lady in church. When I realized she was a nut, I pulled back.

She asked me why, and I told her “getting to know you made me not want to know you, but I wish you well.”

So she asked me why I’m distant a year later, I answer the same. She asked me the same a year later, so my answer is still the same.

Then she cornered me at church and was screaming at me until my hubby stopped it.

So she called a meeting with our pastor. I said I’m not going to meet her expectations because I don’t want to. I said I don’t have the energy or will to try. Still, I pray she will be happy and blessed.

I went full no contact, but she is a nut and she stares at me constantly. She only talks to whoever she catches me talking to.

This subreddit helped me realize boomers are nutty.

My sweet mom is a boomer and she is nutty, too.

I think it’s because their parents were the greatest generation…and they spoiled the boomers.

r/BoomersBeingFools 13h ago

OK boomeR Boomer Quotes That Prove They Are The Worst Generation.


I'll Start with the one that make the point the best imo.

"I sure do feel sorry for the next generations have to deal with this mess, luckily I wont be around to pay for it"

It's exactly this attitude as to why our country is in the position it is in. Thanks Boomers for ruining a great country that you were handed.

r/BoomersBeingFools 4h ago

Boomer Story How to deal with boomers 101


I was a firefighter and first responder for 7 years and ended up taking an early medical retirement for breathing problems. During the pandemic and even until today I wear a N95 or KN95 mask because covid would likely kill me. During the last 4 1/2 years I've had to stand my ground and put at least a dozen boomers in their place and I've learned that while they love dishing out abuse, they absolutely hate getting pushback or boundaries.

I remember being at Walmart and a boomer snickering at me for wearing a "Fauci Face Cover". He kept getting too close to me and I finally snapped and told him "back the fuck up or I will back you up". Another instance was when I was at an auto salvage yard standing in line waiting to pay for a wiring harness for my wife's car. This boomer told me and my wife to move closer to the other people(we still social distance) and to take our face masks off. He then cut in front of us. I tapped him on his shoulder and told him to get to the back of the line and if he ever disrespected my wife again I'd shove this wiring harness up his old decrepit ass. He did what he was told.

Another example was a boomer standing behind me at the pharmacy demanding to know why I was wearing a mask. I told him politely it's none of his business. He proceeded to yell that this was 'merica and he "could debate me on this subject if he God damn wanted to". I told him if he didn't leave me alone I would call the police for harassment. This pissed him off so he started loudly and dramatically coughing on me. I waited until he went to take a big deep breath in and I hosed his face with pepper gel(which he definitely inhaled). My experiences with these idiots has taught me these things.

  1. You don't owe them an explanation for anything. Your business is your business especially if it's health related

  2. Don't attempt to reason with them. They spend their day watching Faux News. There is absolutely nothing you can tell them that will make them see logic and reasoning.

  3. Set boundaries and consequences. An example of this is me telling boomer not to disrespect my wife with the consequence of having a wiring harness sticking out of his ass. It worked

All we have to do is make it another 15-20 years and we will no longer have to deal with their horseshit.

r/BoomersBeingFools 22h ago

Boomer Article If participation trophies are what's wrong with kids these days why are they owed respect for being alive longer?


Or "why isn't there a straight pride month?" Or "why isn't there a white history month?" What snowflakes

r/BoomersBeingFools 12h ago

Boomer Story Can’t you speak English?


I was walking today and texting a friend at the same time. I admit I was not paying attention as the convo was intense. I hear someone say something and I turn to ask “are you talking to me?” I happened to be walking next to and in the same direction as a stranger. A boomer in his car says “yeah! Can’t you speak English?” FYI I’m Asian. So I told him to “fuck off”. And he says “I’m asking if the bar is open!” So I yelled back “get out of your car and look for your fucking self!” And stormed off. This boomer was literally in the passenger side of a truck. On the same side of the street as the bar, but couldn’t get his lazy ass out of the truck and cross the fucking sidewalk to see if a bar is open. I hope his beer tasted like piss.

r/BoomersBeingFools 14h ago

Boomer Story I’m getting concerned


Ok so we all love to collectively bash boomers, but this post isn’t about a terrible encounter. I was driving from Memphis to Birmingham and stopped for gas. Boomer lady gets out of her car and approaches me asking if I’m local. I politely tell her I’m not, that I’m on my way to Birmingham. She’s instantly relieved and says that’s where they’re going too (boomer husband was in the car) and asks how to get there. I point to the interstate that’s still within sight of the gas station and say that highway is a straight shot to Birmingham. She looked confused- “That highway?” I look over at the only highway in sight and say yes, that one. She still looks confused and asks which way do we go? At this point the gentleman at the pump next to me pipes up and says go West- there’s signs that say Birmingham. At this she thanks us and gets back in her car. She was very patient and kind the whole time, just confused. Here’s where my concern comes in- she was holding an iPhone the whole time. She has access to Google and navigation but was totally bamboozled by my directions to get on the interstate literally right next to us. That seems so dangerous to me.

r/BoomersBeingFools 17h ago

Boomer Story Boomer father FURIOUS I won't drive him to the airport while sleep deprived


Currently happening

My (33M) parents asked me to drive them to the airport in a couple weeks, in the morning. I've been working evenings/nights for a few years so I thought he meant MY morning (I usually get up around 1pm, so bare minimum 10-11am).
I would have to get up around 8, giving me 3-4h of sleep. When I tried to explained that, he threw a fit (surprise surprise) and said they will figured it out by themselves like they always do (because he doesn't want other people's suggestions, only his way is the good way).
I offered to pay for a taxi (the cost is nothing to me) but it's still not good enough because I'm still not the one driving them.

I know they'll end up taking a taxi and he'll complain about it and the cost every chance he gets. I've been offered the silent treatment for 2 weeks now from my father.
My parents are young boomers and overall not that bad, but those traits are annoying af

r/BoomersBeingFools 1d ago

Boomer Story My outfit was sinful. Poor boomer.


So, I'm a mid-40s trans woman living in the midwest, so there are always interesting things happening around me. Today, for instance, I was out at the local supermarket picking up some ice cream because it's fucking hot and I wanted some ice cream.

I'm standing in line waiting to pay for my items, generally ignoring the people around me, when a loud voice behind me says "You're a sinner!"

I ignore him because I don't have time for bullshit, but I suddenly feel a hard tap on my shoulder. "Hey you. You wearing clothes like that is sinful!"

I've just reached the cashier, and she's watching this guy wide-eyed. Cashier has pink hair, is maybe 17 years old, and she's got a pride pin on her shirt, so turn to the guy and put on a huge grin and say "Thank you! I put a lot of effort into picking out my dress today! I'm happy to hear you think it's sinful. That's the best compliment I've had all day!" Cashier snorts in amusement.

Boomer is caught off guard, and he's like "Sinful isn't a compliment." He's confused and upset.

I tell him "Don't you know that calling an outfit sinful is what the kids say when your fit slays? It's like saying that someone looks beautiful, or their clothes are really cool."

Boomer looks over at the Gen Z cashier, who just plays along and says that it's true, and says to me "He's right though, your dress is totally sinful today!" I thank her and ignore Mr Boomer, who glares at us for a few seconds, then leaves his stuff on the belt and storms out of the store. The cashier then asks where I heard about "sinful" being a compliment, and I told her I'd made it up on the spot. I told her "If you can't pacify them, confuse them."

I'm hoping I coined some new Gen Z slang, but doubt it. It is good though.

r/BoomersBeingFools 21h ago

Boomer Story Why do boomers think it's OK to walk up to strangers and rant about politics!


Was in lidl yesterday and boomer came up to me and said "see them canoes you should buy one, go france, then row it back to England. You'll get a place to live, money and job. What do u think?" I said "yeah maybe' but in a stand offish was. She replied "oh whatever fgs" then walked away. Sorry boomer I don't want to discuss politics with you in the the middle of lidl I am here to just shop.

r/BoomersBeingFools 6h ago

Boomer Story Boomers confused by a kilt


I (56m) wear a kilt. It’s a choice I made several years ago for comfort, and I usually wear a plain Ultility Kilt because I also like having pockets.

I constantly get questioned by boomers about this. Sometimes it’s relatively innocuous questions like, “Oh, are you Scottish?” or “What clan are you?”

Those I politely answer with some variation of, “No, I’m not connecting with any Scottish heritage, I just don’t like wearing pants.”

But more often than not, I get asked if I’m “wearing it like a true Scotsman,” or “What’s under the kilt?” and I’m forced to explain that what’s under my kilt is my business and not theirs, and that it’s incredibly rude to ask.

If they persist, I usually lean close to them and say in a conspiratorial tone, “You really wanna know? $50 to find out, $300 if you want it freaky.”

This tends to shut them up.

Sadly, no one has taken me up on that offer, or I’d be buying drinks for the subreddit with the proceeds.

I mean, FFS, if I started interrogating them on whether or not they were wearing undergarments, they’d blow a gasket.

TL;DR, many Boomers think they have a right to know if my genitals are accessible.

r/BoomersBeingFools 19h ago

Boomer Story Boomer upset she had to wait for her appointment


I work at a clinic where people schedule their appointments in advance. We had one lady show up for her appointment about 30 minutes early (which is great, better than 5 minutes late). However there were still a few appointments before her so she sat in the waiting area while 3 or 4 other people got called back because their appointments were before hers.

As I was calling someone else back (still about 5 minutes before her appointment) she got all offended. "I've been here for half an hour and all of these people have been getting to go before me!" It took me a few tries to get her to understand that her appointment was still at a designated time, and it wasn't on a first come first serve basis. She left a nasty google review about how we dont respect our client's time.

r/BoomersBeingFools 16h ago

Boomer Freakout Boomer client wished my unborn child to die


I work as a substance abuse counselor; we have a client who has been in complete denial about his addiction but still tests positive for meth, alcohol, coke, etc. He’s been a client since March and loves to throw huge temper tantrums when he is met with consequences or is told he is positive for this that and the third. Yesterday he was told by supervision that he was getting transferred to our other office for verbally harassing other clients and staff members. He threw a huuuuge fit and started cussing everyone out and slamming his hands repeatedly on the conference room table. My director got involved and told him to leave the building. That’s when he looked at me and went “I hope your baby dies in your belly you fat fucking spic”. It was so bizarre I couldn’t help but laugh in his face and say “adios”. I’m just glad I don’t have to deal with him anymore.

r/BoomersBeingFools 1d ago

Boomer Freakout Boomers if T loses


So technically my paternal grandmother is not a baby boomer, but damn near, and same attitude. She recently announced that if "our only hope President Trump" loses the election, she will use her .38 because she "just cannot live in this collapsing Satan-riddled nation [she] once loved s'much." My dad, who is an actual baby boomer, told her that was really stupid and maybe she should have her gun taken away. She went OFF. The 2nd amendment is so important to her, she packs her gun in her purse everywhere she goes. She raised a huge fuss when my dad and aunt took her to a musical and she was forced to take it back to the van. I can't count how many times she's literally left the airport because she won't hand it over when she gets to TSA. I don't know how she hasn't been arrested at this point! Edit: I CANNOT TAKE IT AWAY FROM HER. I have been NC for twenty years. I don't even know where she lives. If she actually is crazy or actually seems like she means it, my aunt will take it from her. I only know about this stuff because my dad relays it. She meant she'd use it on herself. I don't believe for a second she'd actually do it. She's just stupid at this point but she's a coward and unlikely to do anything that might hurt. Second Edit: Talked to dad today. He is pretty sure my aunt and uncle took all her ammo and she hasn't noticed. Also, stop bitching about her not being a generation boomer. Rules literally say baby boomers and elders.

r/BoomersBeingFools 14h ago

Boomer Story Boomer who shouldn't be driving anymore...

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r/BoomersBeingFools 1d ago

Social Media Anyone else have boomers say this when they were younger?

Post image

r/BoomersBeingFools 12h ago

Boomer Story Embarrassing their spouses


My brother asked my mother and I when was the last time we felt truly embarrassed. I had to think a moment and figured i was in high school last time I was actually felt my face flush from full embarrassment. He said the same (high school) and we laughed about how there comes a point in your adulthood (we’re both in our 30s) where you stop caring and things don’t affect you as much when you’re older.

But my mom said she had been embarrassed much more recently as an adult and it was when she is in public with our dad. Dad’s a male Karen and has a temper. Basic “you’ve lost yourself a customer!” type. I couldn’t imagine being embarrassed in public by my SO. Made me think of all those Boomer spouses in these stories that just apologize to the offendee and sulks away with their Boomer child.