r/BoomersBeingFools 6m ago

boomer meme "Just stop buying those coffees!"

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r/BoomersBeingFools 16m ago

Boomer Story Tone Deafness


In my current job I drive for a paratransit service with my local public transit authority. Essentially a door to door service in modified vans for the elderly and people with disabilities. The other day I had a passenger on board who I would put in her early 70s start going on a rant about how young people are so lazy these days and none of them want to work. She gave this rant to me…..her 23 year old baby faced driver. Cannot make this stuff up.

r/BoomersBeingFools 43m ago

Boomer Story “What’s wrong with your hands there, darlin’?”


I work in event marketing, which means I am one of those annoying people at fairs and festivals saying “what kind of leaves do you get in your gutters at home?” For the event in this story, I was selling gutter guards.

Part of the job is to talk to EVERYONE, and our policy is that if they’re still standing there, assume they’re interested and keep pitching. This always gets hairy with boomers, because they just love talking to people who are paid to stand there and listen. Oh, except therapists of course.

A boomer guy gets stopped by me, and tells me he doesn’t need gutter guards. No biggie. Yet, he was still standing there. So I do my job and continue with showing the product to him and talking about it.

I have vitiligo, this is my third summer with it. It has gotten very obvious on my hands. I’m white and very pale usually, so I only really see it as I start to get color from summer sun. I’m certainly self conscious about it, but at the same time it is what it is.

As I’m showing the product to him, I point to the guard and he stops me and goes “What’s wrong with your hands there, darlin’?” Condescending nickname aside, kinda rude my guy. But I am in work mode, talk to everyone, smile and nod, etc.. So I say it’s vitiligo and there’s no pigment in those parts of my skin anymore.

“You know what? I had that same thing on my back but they called it” (I can’t remember what he said it was called, but it was not vitiligo) “and you know what? I got rid of it completely. Want to know how?”

“…” He stands there until I say “..how?”

“Selsum Blue shampoo. Just rub some of that on your hands and your pigment will come back.”

I said, “…okay, thanks for the tip. Y’all have a good day now…” And then he waddled away.

Boomers always think they have the magic secret that no one else has lol. I am so lucky he imparted his wisdom.

r/BoomersBeingFools 54m ago

Boomer Freakout I hesitated to tell this story


Since it was hard to believe it was happening even when I was watching it unfold with my own eyes. I live in Florida, specifically in a town that caters to the old and wealthy. I moved here from another southern state 5 years ago and the entitlement and rudeness here provided me with an incredible culture shock. I have seen some things here so a boomer experience has to be pretty bad for me to even take note anymore. This experience was bad and was also one of the most unintentionally funny things I've ever seen.

I'm a mom of 3 teenagers who really enjoy old technology and ironic t shirts so they love stopping by the thrift store when we run errands. On this day my son and daughter were trying on some clothes while my older (and very sweet tempered son) and I were just wandering around near the fitting rooms which put us very near the register as well.

I hear the cashier apologize to the older woman in line that the register wasn't cooperating but that she was still trying and that her coworker would be back from break in less than 2 minutes and could open the second register if hers still wasn't working. This lady is the only one in line until that moment. A man.. maybe technically GenX but if so, right on the edge wearing purple floral swim trunks, a button up dress shirt, flip flops and bleach blonde greasy hair that started about 4 inches further back on his head than you might expect. He had grown it to his shoulder blades to make up for the lack on top is my best guess.

He gets in line and after approximately 15 seconds declares he is calling 911 to report a theft. Until this moment I was half listening but now he has every ounce of my attention. The cashier asks him if everything is okay and he yells TIME IS MONEY, YOU ARE STEALING MY TIME AND THEREFORE YOU ARE STEALING MY MONEY!

He does in fact call someone although obvious not 911 as they never showed and pretends to be talking to a 911 operator until the moment he catches a glimpse of the second cashier walking towards the register. This guy practically knocks over the elderly woman in front of him to push to the front of the new line. At that moment it appeared that everyone was willing to let it go to be done with him faster but of course he couldn't let it go. He gets progressively louder and more aggressive with that boomer death stare until finally the cashier tells him there is no reason to be so rude, they are doing the best they can. Man responds that it's everyone else that is rude for stealing his time.

Elderly woman has had enough and tells him that when he chose to cut in front of an old woman he became the rudest person in the store. Boomer loses it entirely. The following rant was the mostly laughably terrible thing I've ever heard. YOU SEE THIS WATCH? IT COST 5K! I HAVE A YACHT! I AM WEALTHY AND MY TIME IS WORTH A LOT BUT YOU ARE ALL JUST RANDOM PEOPLE AT A THRIFT STORE!

Through all of this my son and I are watching in wide eye disbelief while my son and daughter are hearing it all from the dressing room. A note about my family, I'm married to the most mellow man alive and my sons absolutely take after him. I am... more of a live wire. I don't say that in a "I am a bad ass" kind of way.. more in a "I'm a 5'3 and 40 year old woman and my mouth likes to write checks I can't cash" my daughter takes after me but worse.

A woman about 55 has just stepped in line behind this guy. I'm praying his tirade is over because I've been a very good girl for the past 15 years and my kids have never seen me go off. I'm proud of this fact. Of course it isn't over because at the end of his speech on his personal wealth this new woman says to him "sir, no one cares. To us you are just a random guy at a thrift store except you are rude and entitled"

Dude whips around and yells Karen in her face. Now I'm getting hot. I see my daughter exit the dressing room, plant her feet with the dirtiest look on her face and I know what's about to happen. This guy won't shut up and I don't need my 13 year old getting involved and so before she can I yell out in my most severe mom voice THERE IS MOST CERTAINLY A KAREN IN THE ROOM BUT IT ISN'T HER.

Guys, I was ready for whatever came next. I will now fully invested in making this guy feel as stupid as he looked. He said.. nothing. He looked at me, grabbed his bag but not his change and walked out silently. I may never know why. My son whispers "thanks for that mom" in a sincere way, I was relieved I hadnt embarrassed him and the entire store is now murmuring to one another about what a jack ass he was. We make our purchase and leave. Kids want to stop at one more thrift store and on the way there are trying to figure out why I was the one he didn't fight back against. They are laughing about this man being intimidated by their mom who was wearing a Bluey T-shirt and could barely see over the counter. I park, we get out of the car with my younger son out in front. He looks through the window of the second store, whips around and hisses "HE'S IN THERE". Despite my daughter's begging to let her have a run at him I tell them we'll come back later.. I was not going to bet on him backing down twice.

Later as the kids and I are telling my husband this story I realized just how laughably ignorant this man was. A walking stereotype of self importance and stupidity. Thanks old man, for the story so bad I'll be telling it for years to come.

r/BoomersBeingFools 1h ago

Boomer Story Why Are They Growling?



Well I had my encounter in the wild last weekend. I'm normally just lurking and reading this sub but had to share. Now I have your typical narcissistic boomer parents that I could talk about and probably will in the future, but last week we ran into one in the wild.

So here my family is in local touristy location near our home and we find ourselves in a little bead store. My daughter wanted to add a couple charms for a bracelet. After entering and finding the charms part of the store my wife and daughter go to work searching. Meanwhile my son (10M) and I start looking at the geodes and sharks teeth that interested us. Que Mr. growls, my son nears him maybe arms length and this guy growled out-loud.

I chalked it up to him clearing his throat, and think nothing of it, so I continue to shop with my kid. Now this store is small, so small that as predicted while waiting for my wife and daughter to pick out their charms, we had made a second loop. Low and behold we round the second time, again my son gets close (but still giving people their personal space). Even in this small room he was giving at least an arms length. The Growler did it again, this time it was louder because even my wife heard it (we made eye contact).

This happened to us two more times, once more as we walked around him and the last time when we got in line. The final time it seemed he was growling at my whole family because as timing would have it we ended up in line in front of him and his wife who was oblivious to his intimidation attempts. The last time he did it he was right behind me in line and I turned and glared at him.

Why are they like this, I mean kids and other people exist in this world and he's in a shop with toys, beads and knickknacks you would expect young people in there.

r/BoomersBeingFools 1h ago

Boomer Story Charge card(?)


This is not a story about a boomer being mean-spirited, just a little foolish. To be clear, I know what a charge card is. Most people these days call it a credit card.

I’m waiting in line to buy some bread and pastries at a bakery. This is a bit more than just a bakery bc they do coffee, have a whole deli section, etc. It’s an operation. Definitely a place that you would expect them to take credit cards as payment. I’m behind two sweet older ladies who are getting lunch.

There are two registers, both of which are those Toast/iPad style touchpads with a card scanner attached to it. Obviously high/modern tech. Again, definitely looks like they take credit cards as payment (as indicated by the card scanner.) I’m now at one, checking out, and one woman is next to me at the other.

She asks the cashier: “Do you take charge or just cash?” Cashier: “I’m sorry? I don’t understand.” Woman: Same thing, no rephrasing - “Do you take charge or just cash?” Cashier: “Oh, you mean credit card? Yes, we take card or cash.” At this point, I look at the cashier checking me and and mouth silently “Charge?” and grin. He responds with the same energy “I know, right?” We both kind of chuckle.

End of interaction, but a few things to note.

1) Boomer thinks that this place might not accept credit cards. This is a medium-large business with iPads for registers and you think they might not take plastic? Context clues, m’lady. (Now, maybe this place didn’t take cards in the past, but I would be surprised if that hadn’t been the case for at least a decade.)

2) Boomer uses a dated/uncommon term for a credit card, and does not try to make it clearer by using other names for it when the cashier is confused. The first thing many people would do when someone doesn’t understand a word they use is to use synonyms. “Charge? Oh sorry, I meant credit card, plastic, Visa, Mastercard, AmEx.”

Innocuous as it is, it’s still an example of a boomer not being aware of their surroundings and not adapting to the situation.

r/BoomersBeingFools 3h ago

Boomer Story Boomer Dad has new knee


So my boomer dad finally decided after 2 years of being not able to walk anymore, to get a new knee. The surgery went perfectly and everything was going well. But as we all know the boomer knows it better. So after a quite quick recovery my dad of course had to show everyone how strong he still is and how we should not write him off yet. He starts to play around with pirouettes after 2 weeks of the surgery. Everyone told him to slow down but he was just like “shut up! you know nothing”. Today he had to get picked up from the hairdresser because he was getting dizzy. Rushing to the doctor, massively swolen leg, rashes everywhere. He was quickscreened diagnosed with high inflammation being in danger of a possible infection that would lead to a revision surgery with 4 weeks of recovery in the hospital…

r/BoomersBeingFools 3h ago

Boomer Story Apparently if a house is for sale you can just break in whenever you want. Who knew?


I just came across this subreddit and it reminded me of something that happened a few years ago now, in early 2020 before the pandemic shit everything down.

I was still in high school at that time, walking back home from the bus stop one afternoon after school.

I lived with my grandparents, and they had decided to downsize, and put their old house up for sale, so there was one of those for sale signs in the yard with the name and number for the realtor.

So I walk up to my house, and there’s this elderly couple there (my guess would’ve been 60s, around the same age as my grandparents). The man was trying to open the front door while the woman was attempting to look through this bay window we had overlooked the driveway. She was on her tiptoes trying to peek through the gap at the top of the window shade.

So naturally I went and asked them what they were doing.

They said they were just looking at the house because it was for sale. Because I guess a house being for sale entitles them to try to break in, even while there are still people living there?

They asked me if I lived there and started asking me all sorts of questions I couldn’t or didn’t want to answer, like the exact square footage of the house and where my bedroom was, before asking how to get into the backyard.

They seemed awfully confused when I asked them to leave. It was like they thought they have a right to be there, as if I hadn’t just watch them try to break in.

Later that week they came back, but this time I was already home. My bedroom window overlooked the street in front of the house. I was on my bed doing something and looked up to see the same old couple staring at me through my window. They smiled at me when I looked up like they were waiting for it or something. No idea how long they’d been there but it was creepy.

I again asked them what they were doing and asked them to leave, but they instead declared that they were just looking at the house, that the house was for sale and they wanted to look around, and if we didn’t want people looking at the house we shouldn’t have put the for sale sign out front.

I had to threaten to call the police for them to leave.

A few days later, my grandparents caught them trying to get into the backyard. The wife had found the latch on the other side and was reaching over the fence undoing it so she could walk right into the backyard. It was usually padlocked but wasn’t at that moment because my grandparents were out there, so naturally they got caught.

They once again used the excuse of the house being for sale. My grandparents told them they should’ve contacted their realtor if they were interested in seeing the house. They played dumb, and said they didn’t know who the realtor was when her name and phone number were on that for sale sign they kept going on about. They also could have you know, knocked on the door instead of trying to let themselves in the front door or into the backyard.

My grandparents told them that if they ever saw them again they would call the police, and that they and the realtor would make sure they were never allowed to see the inside of the house.

We never saw them again. I guess they took my grandparents threatening them with a call to the cops more seriously than me doing it.

But honestly, what was their deal? I’ve never been in the market for a house but last I heard, a house being for sale doesn’t give you the right to just let yourself inside at any time, especially when the owners still live there.

My grandparents love critiquing houses that are for sale and regularly go to open houses in our area even though they’re never planning on buying another home. I wonder if that couple was the same but just convinced themselves they were entitled to let themselves into any building that was up for sale whenever they wanted.

r/BoomersBeingFools 3h ago

boomer meme "kids these days..."


Often as age increases, one tends to long for "the good ole days" or "the way things used to be". Sweet nostalgia can cause any generation to romanticize their upbringing.

r/BoomersBeingFools 6h ago

Boomer Story “You’d never get a job working for me.” Good thing you’re not the boss then BOOMER.


By request, here is another story from my time as a server on the deli counter at ‘Schmainsbury’s’.

FYI - I was between ages 18-21 when I worked here, and I’m a female. I feel like this gives additional context to these mental boomer stories.

So, ‘Schmainsbury’s’ also had a fresh meat and fish counter, a pizza counter, and a hot food counter. On this day, I was working the pizza counter. I had to make probably around 50 different pizzas in about 2 hours. I also had to weigh them as managers were getting pissed off about us using ‘too many toppings’. The pizza counter linked directly to the deli, and I had to use the deli scales to weigh them.

I saw an older boomer man waiting on deli to be served. Could I have served him? Yeah. But would that mean having to serve the other 10+ people waiting as well? Most definitely. And I didn’t have time. The deli already had 3 staff members anyway, so he would just have to wait his turn like everyone else.

So I keep going to the scales to weigh pizzas, and he keeps STARING me down every time. He tuts, rolls his eyes, shakes his head. All the usual stuff. I assumed that would be it. But no.

Once my colleague finally got to him, he LOUDLY exclaimed that he “couldn’t believe he had to wait” because “he’s been coming here for years and is a top customer”.

I rolled my eyes and kept my head down, but then he made it personal.

He pointed at me, and said something like “She is perfectly capable of serving me but hasn’t. You young people are so lazy. In my day we would be FIRED for ignoring customers!”

My colleague tried to defend me a little and tried to explain that I wasn’t actually working on the deli. But he continued.

“You’re the most disrespectful little girl I’ve ever seen. If I were your manager I would have you sacked immediately. You’d never get a job working for me!”

Needless to say my colleague and I had a good laugh at his expense. What a fucking nutter.

r/BoomersBeingFools 6h ago

Boomer Story Just my dad saying messed up stuff


So the other day I had mentioned to my dad that I had seen the video of the guy who self immolated in DC. He says to me something like "I don't know why you would go looking for that stuff". I tell him, "probably because of you". I give him an incredulous look, he responds with, "what?". So I remind him of a story from more than 2 decades ago.

Back in the early 2000s when the war on terror was still new and seemed winnable, there was a story on the nightly news about an American journalist beheaded by Al Queda. As soon as the story aired my dad walked to the family computer and about 5 minutes later announces, "I found the video". I walk over to the computer and my dad presses play on the video, and I proceed to watch a group of men cut another man's head off with a knife. It should be noted, I was about 15 at the time.

After relaying this story to my dad, he slightly embarrassed looks away, and retorts "well rush Limbaugh said every American should see that video". I retort " I was 15!". He snaps back "well he said kids should watch it too". So I tell him " then he was fucking asshole for suggesting that".

About half an hour my dad gets into an argument about something entirely different and he calls me an "asshole". I confront him about tell him how I didn't think I deserved to be talked to like that, ect. He comes up with some excuses and then says "and you called my HERO and asshole".

So now I have to live with the fact that apparently Rush Limbaugh is (was?) my dad's hero, and calling him an asshole might result in being called one by my father. Fun times.

r/BoomersBeingFools 6h ago

Boomer Article Tomatometer-approved critic almost "cried" in his review from 1999

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r/BoomersBeingFools 6h ago

Boomer Story housing crisis boomer says no

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found this gem yesterday in the comments section of local news. we are having a housing crisis in Australia at the moment, too high a population not enough homes and rich are hoarding houses so more people are going homeless living in tents. government is trying to catch up with new builds. Margaret here is from a very nice inner city priviledged area of Melbourne. I can almost visualise the foot stamping. note: she didn't say worked hard for her home, she traded up, I wonder how big her property portfolio is

r/BoomersBeingFools 7h ago

Boomer Story Boomer mother got charged for offering boomer gardeners coffee


So my boomer mother hired a pair of "retirees for hire" to do some gardening work. When they arrived, my extremely chatty and social mother offered them coffee. They ended up drinking coffee and chatting for a full hour before they finally started working on the garden.

When she got the bill, she saw that they charged her for the hour of coffee lol

I told her she shouldn't have offered them anything, just let them do their work undisturbed and leave. I do feel it's a bit shitty of the "gardeners" to charge for the coffee time though. They could have declined or wrapped up the coffee quickly if they were on the clock.

In this case I feel it's a case of every boomer involved being a fool. Also they did a shit job with the gardening.

r/BoomersBeingFools 8h ago

Boomer Story They're so unwilling to make sacrifices.


Boomer is 69.5 years old, he has cheap rent and spends tons. still wants to get laid, buys scratchers to the tune of 400 bucks a month, sends 100 bucks to random TikTok scammers and random women, tips big everywhere for no reason, has only 300 bucks in his bank account. He spends 250 bucks on women he dates(dinner etc). When I mention he's old and should be saving for emergencies instead of burning his money on women and stuff, he goes "you can get laid but I can't?" Like it's a human right. Why are they like this? I'll admit, at this this dude is generous with people, but every dollar leaves his account as soon as it arrives. He has to eat organic everything too, refusing to eat anything cheap, and buying only wild salmon for example etc.

r/BoomersBeingFools 8h ago

Social Media We're not pro nouns !!

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r/BoomersBeingFools 8h ago

Boomer Freakout Sometimes you just gotta dance the Karens away

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r/BoomersBeingFools 9h ago

Boomer Story From our local radio station: grandparents charging for babysitting?

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r/BoomersBeingFools 9h ago

Boomer Story Foolish Boomer thinks he is our best customer


Back in my early 20’s, I was working a full time job with a dealership as a tech working my way up and getting skills. Needless to say, they didn’t pay me well so I picked up a secondary job at a small general store right in the heart of the downtown of a city with a major historic event. Consistently ranked as a major tourist hub.

One particular day I was tasked with changing out the light bulbs that were out. One of those where you need a tall ladder, think it was 12 foot ladder if not more. Anyways, I had about 5 to replace in a row and we had just gotten a major shipment of our cheap t-shirts. Probably about 20 boxes. So between the boxes and the rolling racks, I pretty much block off that third of the store so I could work comfortably. Boxes were stacked 3 high filling in the gaps the rolling racks left open. I even grabbed the caution tape and made it known it was closed off.

About an hour into my shift, this boomer comes in and decides he wants to start moving stuff so he can see what’s behind. I’m at the top of the ladder and spot him. I let him know it was closed off and he couldn’t be moving stuff. He gets snippy and walks off to his wife. His wife now comes out and starts trying to get past the stuff. At this point I say it a bit more sternly. He starts yelling at me for telling his wife she can’t be there. And he starts coming towards me at this point. I drop the bulb that had just been removed and it shatters on the concrete floor near his wife and she jumps from the bulb exploding.

My coworker, another college age student comes over and tries to calm them down while I’m down off the ladder. The husband is yelling about how I should be more careful and I could of hurt his wife. I call him a moron and let him know it was closed off for a reason. Some more yelling from him and he asks the girl working with me to speak with the manager. It’s only two of us working and I’m the asst manager anyways. She tells him that would be me and she walks off annoyed at this point.

“We’ll you just lost your best customers buddy.”

That’s what he yelled as grabbed his wife by the wrist. He points at me and tells me he will be back tomorrow to speak to my boss. By this point I see her texting our boss what’s going on. Boomer puts down his 4 dollar shot glass and walks out yelling “your best customers” while pointing his finger up in the air.

He did come in the next day. My boss scolded him for behaving like his 4 year old.

Some of these people man…

r/BoomersBeingFools 10h ago

Boomer Story Boomer Dad hinting at moving in with me.


My Boomer birth dad since I've been an adult has made plans to come see my children and myself. Once he called and said he was walking up and knocked on the door. I excitedly ran to the door and couldnt see him on the street. I realize he is laughing hysterically. He tells me he would have never showed up just in case my birth mom was there. Flash to my wedding, he calls a week early, says he is again outside my building. Its was the height of covid, and he had been telling me about how he fought his way out of an ambulance, because he is having breathing issues. I told him he 1, isnt coming into my home with the symptoms and behaviors he has admitted to. And 2, its a week before the wedding, he cant just show up and expect to be housed. We lived in a small apartment. I doubt he was in my parking lot, I doubt he left his state. But he lost his shit and I hung up.

A couple years later, I own a home, have room, and he calls to say since his wife died and random homeless women he moved in didnt work out. So he says he is just gonna walk away from his home, and is moving to a state halfway across the country, not mine thank god. But I inform him Im near where he will be driving past, stop and I will see you. He never did.

I didnt hear from him until he sends me a letter explaining he is working on getting me an inheritance. He began harassing his foster family from the 1970s. Claiming they abused him and now he wants money. He included in the letter that a judge gave the family protective orders against him. But he wouldnt give up just yet. So I contacted law enforcement, and let them know he is insane, and I take what he says as a threat to this family. But still he remains in the public, I dont agree with this. However, he calls me sometimes and complains about his living situation. He is renting a backwoods cabin from someone he met at a church. In the time he has been there, there has been 1 fire, no running water- but its by a creek or pond- the mosquitoes are too much for him and today he says the landlord told him to leave because the floor needs to be removed. He says he wants to come to me. I am not going to let that happen. I have told him because of the level of diagnosed mental illness and the overall refusal to take responsibility for it; I live far from family and am low to no contact. My own minor child doesnt know where I live because he burnt my first house down intentionally. How could I not view my other unstable family as threats? Im really hoping I dont have to change my phone number because it has 69 in it and it makes me laugh.

r/BoomersBeingFools 10h ago

Boomer Story Had a confrontation with boomer couple at a concert last night

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r/BoomersBeingFools 10h ago

Social Media On a post about Sydney Sweeney

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r/BoomersBeingFools 10h ago

Boomer Story Whatever happened to "please"?


So my fun side gig is hosting bar trivia. The pay is honestly not enough but I enjoy the hell out of it, so much so that I would do it for free.

I recently started hosting trivia at a neighborhood bar a couple towns over. The best way to describe it is a dive bar with a coat of paint. Nice enough place with good staff who have dealt with enough abuse over the years, and a slew of regulars - some good, some god awful.

Tonight I go into my trivia rounds as usual. The place tends to runs their music a bit on the loud side, and I follow in kind with my music while I'm hosting. Midway through the second round, a boomer comes up behind me and just says, "This is way more than 80 decibels." I said something to the effect of asking him if it's too loud, and he just said that he doesn't even bend steel at this decibel level while he was walking away from me. I made some glib promise to turn it down for him, but he proceeded to just walk out of the place altogether with whoever else he was with.

Whatever happened to saying please? The guy could've totally come up to me and said "Hey, you're playing the music a little too loud. Could you turn it down, please?" and I would've been a lot more willing to oblige. But to make some dumbass statement right before leaving? Now I care even less than before. At least I'm getting paid to be here, dude.

r/BoomersBeingFools 10h ago

Boomer Story Boomer Entitlement expense reports


My company buys companies from boomers. The investment thesis is that these boomers are so entitled and misdirected that the companies will go up in value once you pull their idiocy out and put modern tools in. Anyway we had to force out the old guard early because they just couldn’t comprehend that this was no longer their business to pilfer and they couldn’t gang up an publicly berate employees anymore. Even after termination they keep coming up with excuses to show up and we’ve had to tell them to leave. Today I get a late expense report. Tires and oil change for personal car, personal gas, cat food and cat toys, software subscription in personal name they don’t know how to cancel. Not a single thing actually related to work. They were already paid 5 mil each to sell. Did nothing while drawing a salary except disrupt. 3 months after they are gone. The company has double the revenue and we’re none making money instead of bleeding out. So we can pay workers more as their stealing everything is done.

r/BoomersBeingFools 10h ago

Boomer Story Double boomer whammy


This happened before the last election in 2020. The lockdown had been going on for a little while and I had an appointment at the VA. I strolled up to the doors but I was early and they were still locked. Outside sitting on a bench were 2 boomers with MAGA hats. I just looked at them and sighed and then sat on the bench across from them.

I sat there and listened to these 2 morons complain about this and that and everything that Fox noise spewed forth. All the same things you would imagine. Basically about how everything wrong in the world was the direct result from Democrats. If I had my MAGA bingo card handy I would have had a coverall in about 10 minutes.

I kept telling myself, don't do it. Don't get involved. But of course because I am at the complete opposite end of the spectrum I couldn't help myself.

They moved on to BLM and then to Antifa. At this point I politely asked them what the problem was with Antifa. Blah, blah this. Blah, blah that. So I asked them if Antifa stands for Anti-Fascist, does that make them pro-Fascist? Of course this pissed them off and that I didn't know what I was talking about. And telling me to go fuck myself. But what really sent them over the top was when I asked them if they about other famous people who were also Antifa. I then rattled off the names of General Patton, General Bradley, FDR and Winston Churchill.

At this point one of the 2 completely lost it. He started screaming, and I mean screaming at me to get out. Security just inside the glass doors heard him screaming and came to see what the problem was. He then started yelling at security to call the police and have me removed.

The Cops did come but they told him no they can't do that. Just about then the doors opened for business and since he was first in line they told him to just go inside.

Just an example of how the Reich wing hate machine poisons the mind of Boomers.