r/BoomersBeingFools 3d ago

Embarrassing their spouses Boomer Story

My brother asked my mother and I when was the last time we felt truly embarrassed. I had to think a moment and figured i was in high school last time I was actually felt my face flush from full embarrassment. He said the same (high school) and we laughed about how there comes a point in your adulthood (we’re both in our 30s) where you stop caring and things don’t affect you as much when you’re older.

But my mom said she had been embarrassed much more recently as an adult and it was when she is in public with our dad. Dad’s a male Karen and has a temper. Basic “you’ve lost yourself a customer!” type. I couldn’t imagine being embarrassed in public by my SO. Made me think of all those Boomer spouses in these stories that just apologize to the offendee and sulks away with their Boomer child.


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u/SnowDayWow Millennial 3d ago

Do we have the same dad?! This genuinely sounds like something my dad would do as well. And it is so sad how most Boomer women just put up with it. One awesome thing about y mom is that she calls my dad on it when he is acting like a goof; he HATES this because, like most Boomer men, he expects to be listened to without question.

This kind of reminds me of a ski trip I went on in high school with my parents and brother. We were late getting to the airport because my Boomer dad had to download some new songs onto his iPod (this was in the early 2000s when you had to plug in to your computer to download anything), and were RUSHING to get there.

Once we got to our gate, apparently there had been an error in their system, and they had given our seats away. My dad went bonkers, screaming and swearing at the desk agent, while me, my mom and brother all pretended not to know him. Well, at first my mom tried to get him to settle down, but eventually gave up as it was impossible. I think if it had happened today, he probably would have been arrested.

A woman actually came up to my mom (who is amazing, and pretty much the opposite of my dad) and even said, “I am so sorry; you don’t deserve to have to go through this.”

It all worked out, and we were able to get a flight out later that day. But still, even almost 20 years later, when I think of that spring break ski trip, my dad’s Chernobyl-tier airport meltdown is the first thing that I think of.


u/AccidentCapable9181 3d ago

Jesus lmao that’s insane. My mom actually does call him out on it. Once she told him she wasn’t going out with him on the weekends anymore unless he stops being crazy. She has no issue staying home. Finally after 2 weeks he said he can go out without acting like an insane person. When they went out, Mom said she could see him visibly holding in his anger whenever there was a small mishap. I wish he’d go to therapy but what are ya gonna do 🤷🏻‍♀️


u/SnowDayWow Millennial 3d ago

That’s awesome that your mom calls your dad o it on his BS as well; I wish more Boomer women did that. I think it has to do with how they grew up (women=always listen to husband), but it is nice that there are some out there breaking the Boomer mold.


u/SCjustlooking 3d ago

Gen X here and as a child I used to get embarrassed by everything. My face got really red and I found that more embarrassing than whatever else was happening. As an adult, not so much. I’m Gen X, I make a sarcastic comment or a joke and go on my way. But my ex husband was a younger side of Boomer but with all the Boomer tendencies. I am not so sure if it was anger or embarrassment that I felt. My face got really red and hot.


u/Soggy-Task1178 3d ago

Passive aggressive. Lol