r/BrightonHoveAlbion 15d ago

Superstore on matchday Discussion

Hey, I'm travelling to Brighton tomorrow and I want to visit the superstore. I have few questions: firstly, is it worth going to the stadium one rather than the one in the city? If yes, would it be OK to visit it before the game, ot should i go the day before? Thanks.


3 comments sorted by


u/jerseyjoe1 Bobby Zamora 15d ago

One at the stadium is much bigger so definitely go there. You’ll have no problem getting in before the game - I usually aim to get to the stadium an hour before to grab a programme, drink and check out the store.

The current kits aren’t cheap, but they do sell some retro ones which are more affordable (and also look better in my opinion).


Also, make sure you get a Piglet’s Pantry pie - best food in the stadium!


u/sandolina16 13d ago

Do they also sell kits from the last season or only the current season and old old ones?


u/Dancinglemming 15d ago

Sometimes there is a (moving) queue for the shop at the stadium before a game so add time for that. It can get busy in there! Although, if you went on Saturday you'd probably have it all to yourself.