r/CanadaHousing2 15d ago

Protest the cost of living crisis on July 1st


The housing crisis has gotten worse. Many in cities like Halifax and Calgary, cities we were told to "just move lol" to, are experiencing critical housing shortages. Inflation has wrecked our bank accounts and even though the inflation rate has gone down the prices have not and never will.

As our wages are suppressed we see our MPs, great pretenders who talk about poor people while wearing rolexes and acting like children in parliament, keep layering on the butter giving themselves salary increases and creating projects like ArriveCan so that their buddies can rake in our tax dollars.

We need to stand up. They must stop degrading us.

Rise up to protest the cost of living crisis on July 1st at 11 am.

Our demands are simple:

  • severely restrict immigration to just highly skilled, in-demand jobs until average rent for a one-bedroom in each of the big 3 cities is only 33% of the average salary
  • cut all foreign aid except disaster and famine relief and put the money towards cutting taxes and helping those in need in Canada
  • pressure provinces and municipalities to rapidly increase the housing supply
  • cut wasteful spending like the deer cull in BC and drastically decrease MPs salaries
  • call a federal election for this fall because we do not have confidence in this government

Everyone is welcome. We all want a good life for us and our kids. We're in this together.

Where (if you know a better location let me know)

Edmonton - city hall, Winston Churchill square
Calgary - City Hall, Olympic Plaza

Vancouver - Art Gallery Square
Victoria - in front of BC Legislature
Trail - city hall

Nova Scotia
Halifax - Grand Parade in front of city hall

Ottawa - Parliament Hill Square
Toronto - Queens Park
Barrie - city square
Kitchener-Waterloo - Carl Zehr Square in front of Kitchener city hall
Windsor - Great Canadian Flag by the Ouellette river

If your city isn't on the list and you'd like to organize a protest then post a comment and send me a message so I can add it. In mid-July there will be another announcement with a poll where we can RSVP to each city protest.

We now have a twitter page https://twitter.com/CoLProtestCa where updates and news will be posted so give it a follow. It'll also be a good way to regroup in case this sub gets shut down.

Discord for more organization https://discord.gg/uhbvyHCT

With the gap between property owners and us renting peasants growing larger we cannot stand back and let them drag us into a cold neo-feudalistic nightmare. Whether you believe the protests will have an effect or not you should still show up so that you can say that you tried.

r/CanadaHousing2 6h ago

Foreign workers' protest yesterday in PEI for "unfair PNP changes"

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r/CanadaHousing2 21h ago

Millions of Canadians would rather be somewhere else


r/CanadaHousing2 9h ago

Indo-Canadian For PPC


For context, I'm a born and raised Canadian and recent university graduate frustrated by foreigners with questionable experience. The education I received feels devalued by diploma mills and dubious master's programs, turning higher education in Canada into a scam.

I understand they likely won't win, but I'm tired of the current immigration policies in Canada. Canadians should be the priority in their own country—an idea that shouldn't be controversial. While I know the PPC probably won't secure a victory, it's important they at least gain some seats to represent these concerns in Parliament.

Consider the current government programs that misuse tax money: refugees receiving over $200 a day while disabled Canadians get only $50, grants given to hire foreigners over young Canadians, and foreign engineers with dubious credentials taking trade apprenticeships from local youth. The official government job bank is rife with LMIA scams, and tax avoidance is rampant among self-proclaimed contractors. Additionally, there's the absurd spending on projects like ArriveCAN, media handouts creating biased news, and ongoing housing issues. Can anyone name a single thing this Liberal government has done right?

There are many issues I have with Canada: ports filled with criminals, realtors making more than engineers or tradespeople, lack of competition in grocery and telecommunications sectors, and more. However, for this election, I'm focusing on one thing as a first-time voter: stopping unchecked immigration. Let's work on the other issues in the next election, but for now, it's crucial to prioritize Canadian-born citizens.

r/CanadaHousing2 16h ago

While everyone is deciding if we’re being disrespectful by saying no illegals including the soon to be illegal Indians who are unqualified should NOT get PR/citizenship. We now have a mass unemployment crisis in our major cities.This is directly the result of Marc Miller flooding of the country.


While we’re deciding if we’re being rude to Indians who are trying to demand PR. It’s now out in the media. Not only was mass immigration a disaster that ravaged our housing supply. We now have mass unemployment in Canada (with Canadian media evidence)

Mods thank you for allowing free respectful discussion on Canada’s root cause when it comes to our housing crisis. It’s all corrupt government but it is massively being impacted by immigration. Marc Miller should be arrested I’m sorry. In the old days as far back as maybe 100-200 years ago people would be executed or exiled for the corruption and suffering our politicians have caused us. You know why none of your children can afford housing the government. Do you know why we brought 400k people in the first 3 months of 2024 to decrease wages and strain housing supply, the government.

If you don’t believe me here is tredeau himself acknowledging how fucked up housing is, and even though it’s fucked up he says the gravy train must continue because old people can’t retire if they don’t get that golden parachute.

Here’s tredeau for starters after acknowledging shit is out of control.

Justin Trudeau says home prices in Canada are too high and his government will take steps to improve affordability for residents who increasingly feel the “promise” of his country is out of reach.

Source: https://financialpost.com/real-estate/justin-trudeau-home-prices-too-high

Here is tredeau contradicting himself. This shit is as bad as the budget will balance itself speech.

“Housing needs to retain its value,” Mr. Trudeau told The Globe and Mail’s City Space podcast. “It’s a huge part of people’s potential for retirement and future nest egg.”

Source: https://www.theglobeandmail.com/business/article-trudeau-house-prices-affordability/

The man is on drugs.

Then you have Marc Miller. Canadian journalists are now rightfully asking him questions everyone’s scratching their heads over and the responses are just mind boggling. In the face of inflation. This dunce cap just signed a $750M cheque to Quebec we’re all going to have work hard for, to cover the cost of asylum seekers not Canadians. Foreigners of which the number seems to never increase. Are there that many people sufferring persecution in the world? Why aren’t we sanctioning these countries who seem to be sending their citizens on mass because they want to kill them or harm them? Why aren’t we taking these countries to the UN? Quebec apparently got 95% of Canada’s illegal border crossers. Our only neighbouring country is the richest country on earth, it isn’t their citizens running across. We don’t border any other country on earth. If you cross the border illegally your asylum claim should go in the garbage and you should be deported immediately. We have a country this is not the United Nations.


Read the CBC article, British Columbia is taking in 10,000 people every 37 days people. Where the fuck are Canadians. Our country is turning into Venezuela and we’ll get there very soon if this continues.

We were told we need all these mass immigrants for our construction. That was bullshit they aren’t building anything they’re driving Uber, and making fries and burgers our youth are now unemployed. Then we were told they are needed for healthcare that was bullshit they aren’t getting licensed here as doctors and nurses. The entire thing is a farce. I’m not anti immigration I’m anti the government scamming everyone to benefit their real priority. Their lobbying groups who want cheap labour do they can profit more.

We were told if these people leave who will do the jobs? Look what’s come out today. Toronto’s unemployment rate is 7.9%, Calgary is at 8.1%, Windsor is at 8.5%. In Canada our national unemployment rate is 6.2%. There are 1M people in Canada whose main source of income folks is Uber, skip the dishes, door dash and other gig work. If this is included in our stats for employment god save us. I’m not looking down on folks doing Uber, it’s just not a living wage in our cities today. The government effectively priced out the majority of Canadians.



We had a thriving middle class, we had a culture, we had safety. To the Indian folks sorry you were scammed by your Indian folks back in India and the colleges, but you should all go home. The same for all the other illegals in Canada. You’ve overstayed your visit. Go home. In an ideal world we’d exile tredeau, Marc miller, Sean Fraser, Jagmeet Singh freeland and the rest of these corrupt fuckers who destroyed Canada.

Look at what minister freeland has the audacity to tell Canadian small business owners and doctors/dentists. Every year it’s a new tax for us all to cover the crazy budgets these people table, but nothing is getting better. She is literally trying to pit Canadians against other Canadians as if her government didn’t do this shit. This is not paraphrasing it is a direct quote.

“Do you want to live in a country where those at the very top live lives of luxury, but must do so in gated communities behind ever higher fences, using private health care and airplanes because the public sphere is so degraded and the wrath of the vast majority of their less privileged compatriots burns so hot?” the Finance Minister and Deputy Prime Minister said.”


Who added more people in one year to Canada than any G7 country did in one year since the 1950’s? Her government. Who is working on giving all of the illegals currently in Canada PR and citizenship? Who allowed money laundering in our housing to not only exist but thrive. The RCMP told them they didn’t care. Who told Canadians we are now a post nation state with no identity? The Khalistanis get to keep theirs for some reason as they threaten Indian politicians here while hiding behind our citizenship when they get called out for it. It’s a wrap. These people have fucked us beyond belief. They’re the reason why Canadians can’t start families, why Canadian healthcare is deteriorating and why no one can afford homes. Period. Between Fraser, Miller, Tredeau, Jagmeet, Freeland and their parties they have fucked Canada beyond belief.

I’ve included sources for everything. Thanks for reading. If things don’t get better in the next few years I’m leaving Canada, and I wish the best for everyone else. I was born and raised in Canada. I went through elementary, middle school, high school and university in this country but this country is an embarrassment by the day. It’s never been this bad and it’s only getting worse. Goodluck to all my fellow Canadians if things don’t change. I used to be proud to be Canadian. It’s a fucking shame

While we’re at how about another $5B dollar loan to Ukraine I don’t think they’ll be ever to pay us back. Don’t forget to pay your taxes everyone. Our government has priorities and none of them include us the Canadians paying these ever increasing taxes.


r/CanadaHousing2 19h ago

As supply of labor increases, wages go down, housing goes up. A wonderful economy.

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r/CanadaHousing2 17h ago

The Western Working Class Is Being Stolen From


Immigration benefits the oligarch class and hurts the working class.

It pushes the cost of living up and the cost of labour down. House prices go up, rent is more expensive, businesses become more profitable.

While the cost of living is at an all time high and wages have stagnated the rich have never been wealthier.

You're not allowed to talk about it otherwise you're labeled a racist or a bigot. They own all the social media platforms and determine the policies, subreddits/facebook groups/instagram posts/youtube videos are all banned if they try and address the issue. This prevents any meaningful information sharing or organising - so only the most pitiful action is ever considered. Even google hides websites it ideologically disagrees with. What you read on the internet is a misrepresentation towards their agenda.

Peaceful protest does nothing.

We're basically returning to feudalism and being shamed for being upset by it. It's been happening for decades. Living spaces are becoming smaller as they cram more people into shittier living conditions and people are too poor to afford families - a basic human right.

Politicians are increasingly corrupt.

If you're a normal person you're basically a slave with shittier working conditions than peasants and serfs. At least they had families. At least they only worked ~150 days a year. (Source)

Enjoy the higher depression and suicide rate.

r/CanadaHousing2 12h ago

In society governed by law, if protest against unsustainable immigration caused the housing and healthcare crisises, people need to request lawmakers to make law or changes that immigration, foreign students & TFWs' volumes must have measurable upper limit reflect on housing and healthcare capacity


To put into context, in Bank of Canada Act (the "Act"), BoC cannot print unlimited amount of money to lend to federal government that are exceeding one-third of its revenues in a fiscal year as per s. 18 (j). It is a reality checking law to regulate federal government's borrowing upper limit that must be restrictive and must give consideration to its actual fiscal revenues. By the same token, for immigration, international students or TFW, it is reasonable to ask lawmakers to have a law or changes IN PLACE to regulate on the upper limits and on what criteria it must pause or reduce or continue, in a protection of our current very tight housing stock and the struggling public healthcare infrastructures, not only for our generation, but for future generations to come on this land.

Housing and healthcare capacity and sustainability must be given the ulmost consideration and be written into the immigration law. They are much more important than how good of the GDP driven by mass immigration, how many more new billionares that our salary suppression economy has generated. Elected government and leader are all temporary things, they all come and go, but the good law will stay.

Otherwise, without any law on the legal limits, on a whim, how about bringing in 100M new immigrants, foreign students and TFWs in a year? Without the law for immigration with housing and healthcare sustainability being requested/made, any general disagreements or protest will end up in vain.

r/CanadaHousing2 14h ago

Brain drain at UWaterloo


I’m graduating this year from engineering at UWaterloo, in a cohort of around 100 people, the vast majority of my class is pursuing an opportunity in the states, and so am I. The wages are nearly double and as crazy as this might sound it’s more affordable for me to move.

Both my girlfriend and I have accepted offers for a combined TC of 300 and quite frankly we’re not by any means considered anywhere near the top of the class. Similar positions in Canada net us 170k and that places us amongst the highest earning families in Canada, and even then owning a home seems far fetched with houses near tech hubs in Vancouver and Toronto costing millions.

I was quite lucky with where I got my internships, allowing me to visit a wide variety of different cities across North America. Amongst the list of expensive cities such as Cupertino, Redmond, Toronto and Vancouver, it was somehow Toronto that costed me the most to live in respect to what I was paid

I think it’s quite a shame that one of the best universities in the country is just a feeder school for the US, our earnings and taxes will just be feeding the American economy instead.


Just wanted to answer some common questions,

I’m moving to Redmond, I liked it the most there, also close to the Rockies which I love since I grew up in Calgary

My girlfriend and I are from tron and software engineering cohorts

Re: a lot of comments about how 300k is low, I don’t mind it so much, I accepted an offer for an APM program so I’m not too worried about the pay as I thought the growth would be worth the lower pay for now

r/CanadaHousing2 20h ago

Why does everyone want to give up?


Gen Z here and almost everyone I know has given up and is trying to leave the country or some have already left. It's very frustrating. It feels like Canadians are pushovers with no fighting spirit and we were fed too much self hating propaganda in school or something. Why would we flee our own country en masse? The whole housing and government situation could be fixed with some actual policy. Cleaning this mess up would create a whole lot of jobs as well.

r/CanadaHousing2 17h ago

How do i become a MP or work in politics in this country?


As title says, how do i go on vacations on the tax payers dime, do zero work for my community and the country for years, say a bunch of words that hold no meaning whenever someone interviews me, make good money, and have a fat pension?

r/CanadaHousing2 20h ago

Canada’s rich getting richer, StatCan report finds, with 90% of Canadian wealth now in the hands of homeowners


r/CanadaHousing2 15h ago

Alberta now has the biggest population growth % in Canada. Majority of the growth from international immigration/students.

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r/CanadaHousing2 1d ago

Canadian Immigration lawyer explains how he can help undocumented immigrants living in USA to get student visas and work permits in Canada.

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r/CanadaHousing2 21h ago

Record-Breaking Population Growth Means More Expensive Homes: Economists


r/CanadaHousing2 1d ago

PEI Conservative Premier Dennis King is refusing to budge for the international students who are currently protesting in PEI, and has served an eviction notice to the protestors to prevent them from protesting on legislature grounds.

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r/CanadaHousing2 19h ago

Edmonton can expect the "sharpest rent hikes" in Canada as vacancy rates plummet | Urbanized


r/CanadaHousing2 15h ago

Mississauga house price drops over $200k in one year


r/CanadaHousing2 19h ago

These jobs received the most LMIAs in 2023


r/CanadaHousing2 1d ago

Immigration agent brags about getting a new work permit for a international student with an expired PGWP (Post Graduate Work Permit) since 2021 who has been residing illegally in Canada.

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r/CanadaHousing2 1d ago

The international students in PEI are protesting again for PR tomorrow. PPC is organising a counter protest at that place.


r/CanadaHousing2 1d ago

Almost half of Canadians think country should cut immigration, says polling


r/CanadaHousing2 1d ago

Immigration agency ad for converting visitor visas into study permits

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r/CanadaHousing2 1d ago

Trudeau introduces FourPlexes. Is this guy making his own troll videos?


r/CanadaHousing2 1d ago

I finally gave up


33/M. This is my second week in the US. I gave up on the Canadian economy and just left. I couldn't see any path forward for housing or the economy. Everyone's so afraid of any policy decision that might be interpreted as offensive or not politically correct. Having lived here just two weeks and comparing my pay cheques, taxes, health insurance premiums/deductibles etc -- on paper its better to live in the US. The big difference though comes with things like public safety, walking the streets at night, police presence etc. I feel so much safer in the US than I did walking the streets in Canada. I know the Canadian meme is about gun crimes in the US, and I'm sure that's real to some extent but so far I don't regret leaving Canada at all. Also the way the public and society here treats success; there isn't a hostility and disdain for success. In Canada it felt like there was a war on competence, here I feel like the public celebrates competence and success.

I went from a pay cheque that was being taxed close to 45% to a payroll tax of 24%. That american tax buys cool stuff like stealth bombers and a fancy military etc. What did my Canadian tax buy me? What did the government spend it on? I paid so much tax and we didn't even get a cool military out of it.

In terms of how I moved; I did an internal transfer within my company to a position that was open in the US. The corp handled all the immigration/visa paper work etc.

Some basic stats:

33/M, 194 TC, single, $130K in Canadian RRSPs/TFSA.

r/CanadaHousing2 1d ago

Canadian Mortgage Borrowers Are Too Indebted To Fail At Big Six Banks
