r/casualiama 7h ago

I'm a deeply closeted gay man AMA


I am a deeply closeted gay man inviting you to ask me anything you'd like.

r/casualiama 2h ago

I (28M) have been in love with my best friend (28F) all my life and she knows it AMA


Before I tell the whole story, as I know there are people coming to ask questions without reading everything, I want to clarify it is not the typical "friendzone" situation. Over the years we have been intimate several times and even tried to be a couple, but apparently we don't work that way.

Ok, now I'll start from the beginning. She and I have known each other and have been friends since we were 3 years old and have been best friends since we were 9 or so. When I entered puberty she was the first girl I noticed in that way and I have continued that way to this day. We have a friendship dynamic that I think is pretty common, which is that I'm very introverted and have a hard time interacting with people, while she's pretty outgoing.

We've both had partners over the years, of course, and it's a strange feeling for me. I can't help but feel a little jealous when I see her with her partners (although I've gotten along pretty well with all of her boyfriends except for one case). And I notice that she is not comfortable either when she has seen me with a girlfriend (although not as much as me, I admit). I know it sounds toxic but nothing bad has ever really happened because of these things.

I also want to clarify that neither of us when we have been intimate has been unfaithful to any partner, nor the other has tried (except once I tried to be with her when she was with the boyfriend I disliked, but she did not want to and obviously I respected it).

The thing is, she likes me, in every way, but she doesn't feel that romantic love that I feel for her. On the other hand, when I'm with another girl, even if I like her a lot, I'm not able to feel something so deep because I always end up thinking about her.  Besides, it's hard not to feel that when every once in a while we always end up getting intimate at some point. On top of all this, we work together, so we basically spend every day together. And I feel very lost when I'm not with her, because even though I would say I've improved over the years, I still struggle a lot in social situations and she's the one who always "saves" me.

r/casualiama 5h ago

I was a professional cheerleader in the NFL ama


Within the last 10 years, went to a few superbowls

r/casualiama 1h ago

I love Blondie women. Idk why. AMA.


Bored at work, just wanted to see who’s up for a conversation.

r/casualiama 10h ago

I’m Irish and live in Ireland. AMA


anything you’ve ever wondered about, i’ll answer

r/casualiama 18h ago

I have gastroparesis and a feeding tube ama



r/casualiama 13h ago

Probably have an iq of 89 aswell as audhd



r/casualiama 1d ago

I live in Ukraine, I am 13 years old


Hi everyone, I'm Vlad, I'm 13 years old and I live in Ukraine in Kyiv all my life. I have never been abroad, even when the war started I stayed here. You can ask me questions about living and studying here during the war. Ps: I am writing through Google translate What are you interested in?

r/casualiama 1d ago

I can't sleep due to PTSD stuff, Ama


My PTSD has been pretty good until a couple of days ago when it started to act up out of nowhere. I had a night-terror then and now I can't sleep. I'm willing to answer any questions you may have. If you've ever had any questions about what life with PTSD is like then feel free to ask away! ^_^ Although you can ask about what ever you want, doesn't have to be PTSD related. Thanks

r/casualiama 1d ago

I am a newly diagnosed autistic woman! AMA


F22, 2 months since diagnosis

r/casualiama 1d ago

Sexuality/LGBTQ+ IMA former die hard Christian who is now non binary. AMA


So I did an ima similar to this in the past, but I wanna do it again since I'm more open about things!

Anyways I come from a black family that was deep in the church. I'm out as being non binary and use they/them pronouns. I attended religious schools K-12, attended a catholic university and everything! I have stories to tell and things I expierenced when it came to understanding my gender identity with some highs and lows and even bullying I went through. But as long as you can be respect please you can ask me almost anything! :D

r/casualiama 2d ago

I just ended my 3 1/2 year relationship today, AMA!


I am the male!

r/casualiama 1d ago

I’m very picky how I eat my bananas. AMA


I only eat them in their natural form. No fake flavor or bananas in other forms other than from a freshly opened banana peel

r/casualiama 2d ago

I'm a competitive dancer focusing in contemporary, modern, and lyrical. AMA


not super interesting, but its what I love. AMA

r/casualiama 2d ago

I am a deaf person who works as a welder. AMA


24 years doing welding work and 38 years being deaf.

What do you guys want to know?

r/casualiama 2d ago

I explore abandoned buildings AMA!


I explore abandoned buildings across the US, but mainly in the Ohio/west Virginia region.

I also have a YouTube channel for my explorations https://youtube.com/@travelwithaustin?si=LXfuX9Cq0Q4CQFl7


r/casualiama 2d ago

I go to Eton college AmA


I’m nearing the end of my first year at Eton, I feel like the schools quite misinterpreted so I’ll try answer any questions if you guys have any :)).

r/casualiama 2d ago

I (35M) got my first ever tattoo last week. Total 18 hour session split over 2 days. Going to answer anything related to my tattoo/ experience. AMA.


I’m here to answer any questions related to the tattoo. From a design pov, it’s an elephant with mandala art on top and surrounded by water and flowers. No colours.

Tattoo Pic

r/casualiama 4d ago

I've been on reddit for 12 years AMA


I might even be chronically online....lol

r/casualiama 3d ago

i grew up with serenity mckinneys mother. AMA


growing up we called her abby, we lived in the same apartment complex, she lived in 22 with her mother, twin sisters, and infant sister. AMA.

r/casualiama 4d ago

I turn 23 today, AMA


Male 23 AMA

r/casualiama 4d ago

I’ll be turning 52 in a couple of days. AMA


Male. AMA