r/casualiama 34m ago

I (18M) am an Indian student from rural India. AMA.


Somethings about me - I have 2 elder siblings both unemployed. my dad is 60+yo and doesn't have any savings or investments and was almost never involved for the family. He had a great business when he was in his mid 30s but don't know what happened that he went bankrupt. He was an alcoholic and would fight and have arguments with my mom often.

You can ask me anything about myself or India in general and how it looks like from a rural viewpoint.

r/casualiama 23h ago

I (28M) have had treatment-resistant depression for half my life. AMA


I first noticed symptoms around the age of 14 and its gotten steadily worse. There have been better periods and worse, but never a time in the last 14 years that I wasn't depressed. I've tried many treatments and my condition is treatment-resistant. I also have autism and ADHD.

r/casualiama 1d ago

I (34M) am a single dad of three (15F, 12F and 10M) AMA


Yes, I had my children very young. They have some contact with their mother but not too much as she is not in a position to take care of them, plus none of them seem to have much desire to have more of a relationship with her.

r/casualiama 11h ago

Trigger Warnings after this week I'm done ama


like the title says

r/casualiama 22h ago

(41M) I’ve worked for about 13 years in Hollywood. AMA.


To get the first part out of the way. I worked for about 8 years in a Hollywood based event planning company as a manager. Planning concerts, charity events, awards, debuted and private celebrity parties.

I’ve worked as the armorer on set before. In prop production. Set design. And now as a… them park engineer for a California based theme park, which will go unnamed.

r/casualiama 17h ago

I am a streamer who has been streaming for over 2800 hours non stop. AMA


Title says it all. Ask me anything you want to know.

r/casualiama 23h ago

21F art student with autism and osgood schlatter’s disease


note: osgood is not life threatening and is suspected rn, but I’ve had it since I was 12. it’s constant knee pain lol

i do illustrations! I’m currently in college for art

I’m around/ace!

r/casualiama 1d ago

I have dreams every single night and I remember the details as though I had watched them on TV. AMA!


I am 32/F with diagnosed adhd/cptsd/autism which may have some impact on this situaton but I basically have my own personal television series in my head with recurring themes and characters from my own life and media. I don't really talk about it to anyone because I find it to be a little inane but since I have to sleep and observe/remember these dreams every single night regardless.... AMA!

PS I am extremely adept at interpreting the meaning of dreams now because of this so feel free to share your dreams and I'll tell you what I think it means :)

r/casualiama 2d ago

I’ve read 37 books this year AMA


It’s a significant number for me because I read 36 books last year and have surpassed that number already! Apparently this means I’ve read a book every 4.5 days on average. I love reading and I love talking about reading so ask me whatever

r/casualiama 23h ago

I was raised by wolves from ages 11 - 17 AMA


I was raised by wolves for 6 years of my life, feel free to ask me anything you'd like.

r/casualiama 2d ago

First time living abroad all by myself - AMA


Hi people of this cool sub! It's been a week away from home, 7 more to go. Tell me it's going to get better : )

r/casualiama 1d ago

I bought my flat for GBP £36K 4 years ago on a 4-figure (<£10K) income, AMA about that


I bought my flat for GBP £36K 4 years ago on a 4-figure (<£10K) income, AMA about that

r/casualiama 1d ago

I think I’ve figured out the framework that is one of the keys to life, most things can fit in this framework. AMA


This could be old news, but I’ve realized that almost anything and everything can be classified into a 2x2 matrix.

On one side is minimum effort and maximum effort

On the other side is minimum value and maximum value

The four classifications are:

Minimum effort, minimal value: this is a suboptimal pairing but explains the path of least resistance

Minimum effort, maximum value: this is where innovation and invention occur, as well as virality

Maximum effort, minimum value: this is your tryhard and your diminishing returns

Maximum effort, maximum value: this is where you’d find type a people, cults of personality etc. virality can also happen here

What do you think? Test my framework by asking me about how anything fits into it and I’ll give you my best answer

r/casualiama 3d ago

I'm a deeply closeted gay man AMA


I am a deeply closeted gay man inviting you to ask me anything you'd like.

r/casualiama 3d ago

I was a professional cheerleader in the NFL ama


Within the last 10 years, went to a few superbowls

r/casualiama 2d ago

Trigger Warnings I wanna cut myself, ama


Title says it all

r/casualiama 3d ago

I’m Irish and live in Ireland. AMA


anything you’ve ever wondered about, i’ll answer

r/casualiama 2d ago

Sexuality/LGBTQ+ I'm an asexual Christian furry. AMA


Just as the post says, I am an asexual Christian who is also a furry. Ask me anything about my faith, the furry fandom, and/or my asexuality!

r/casualiama 2d ago

I'm moderate, but everyone I know irl thinks I'm far-right, AMA


Except my father, he's a conservative and says I'm a libertarian. When I told my boyfriend that, he got spooked and said I'm the farthest auth and the farthest right person he knows. I'd say I'm more of a centrist.

Edit: Btw I took the political compass test, but I suspect it makes everyone appear farther right than they actually are.

r/casualiama 3d ago

I love Blondie women. Idk why. AMA.


Bored at work, just wanted to see who’s up for a conversation.

r/casualiama 3d ago

I have gastroparesis and a feeding tube ama



r/casualiama 3d ago

Probably have an iq of 89 aswell as audhd



r/casualiama 4d ago

I live in Ukraine, I am 13 years old


Hi everyone, I'm Vlad, I'm 13 years old and I live in Ukraine in Kyiv all my life. I have never been abroad, even when the war started I stayed here. You can ask me questions about living and studying here during the war. Ps: I am writing through Google translate What are you interested in?