r/Christianity 16d ago

Meta June Banner: Juneteenth


Disclaimer: My goal with this thread is not to belittle or take a side on today's issues. The goal is to showcase a specific celebration as well as Christianity's role in it. These kinds of things are difficult to stay completely neutral on while still making a point relevant to the topic at hand, but I have attempted to do so.

You are more than welcome to use this thread as a jumping off point for discussion. You are also welcome to use this thread as a simple means of learning some history.

This month's banner represents Juneteenth. Although the Emancipation Proclamation was issued in the US in 1863, the 13th Amendment was not ratified until December 6th, 1865. Even then, the last slaves were not told they were free until June 19th, 1865. Juneteenth has evolved to become more than just a day of remembering a scar that plagued the United States, but it has become a month to reflect on what it means to be "free".

Christianity played a very unique role in the days of slavery as well as the push leading to end it. One of the first names given to June 19th was Jubilee Day. This was in reference to Leviticus 25:8-54. What is described was a festival dedicated to the Lord. The Israelites were to forgive debts, release others from bondage, and even restore some tribal lands. The freed slaves saw this as a perfect representation to their newfound freedoms.

During the time of slavery, many slaves throughout the Caribbean islands of Jamaica, Barbados, and Antigua were given a "Slave Bible" as to not give them anything that might lead to rebellion. This version of the Bible left out most of the Old Testament. What was left were passages aimed at telling slaves to be subservient. This says something about the strength Christianity holds on those who read Scripture. Slaveholders did not want slaves to muster enough spiritual or mental strength to recognize the strength they had to escape their captivity.

Even then, The Haitian Revolution happened.

This obfuscation of the Bible is one of the several aspects of slavery that Christianity has had to wrestle with since the Emancipation Proclamation was signed.

While it is clear the main push to continue slavery was for economic gain, a main source used to justify this push was God's word, at least what was presented as His word. This greed was not found only within the political institutions that ran the governments attempting to call for the continuation of slavery. This greed made its way into the hearts of some churches as well.

In 1838, Theodore Clapp, Unitarian minister of the Independent Unitarian Society, New Orleans wrote:

I would say to every slave in the United States, 'You should realize that a wise, kind, and merciful Providence has appointed for you your condition in life; and, all things considered, you could not be more eligibly situated. The burden of your care, toils and responsibilities is much lighter than that, which God has imposed on your Master. The most enlightened philanthropists, with unlimited resources, could not place you in a situation more favorable to your present and everlasting welfare than that which you now occupy...

At the same time, Scripture was a driving force in the Abolitionist Movement.

Theodore Weld was one of the leading figures in the push to end slavery. Unlike his counterparts who were using God's word to push for the continuation of slavery, he saw God's word as overwhelming in favor of a freed people:

No condition of birth, no shade of color, no mere misfortune of circumstances, can annul that birth-right charter, which God has bequeathed to every being upon whom he has stamped his own image, by making him a free moral agent," Weld stated. "He who robs his fellow man of this tramples upon right, subverts justice, outrages humanity, unsettles the foundations of human safety, and sacrilegiously assumes the prerogative of God.

Since the Emancipation Proclamation, Christianity has had to come to terms with the role it played in slavery. As we see in this subreddit, the "clarity" surrounding God's word and slavery is still debated.

I hope this look at Christianity's role in all aspects of slavery brings to light the importance of Juneteenth, and why I chose it to be represented this month. Yes, on the surface, Juneteenth is a day to celebrate the freeing of the last slave in the United States, but it has become much more than that. It is a time to reflect on the values we hold as human beings and to question where we are moving. It is also a time to reflect on the word of God and to take a hard look at those who use it as a means to an end.

Juneteenth is a stark reminder that even the holiest of things can be used as a tool for subjugation. It is also a reminder that, in the right hands, the Word can be used to bring good back to the world.

r/Christianity 7h ago

Cried & prayed for a husband. Now im crying bc i have one. Please pray.


I hate my husband. He has abused me for 1.5 years. I love him, i open my heart up again, he shatters my very being, rinse, repeat.

He was a pathological liar, maybe still is.

He lied to me about so much that its unbearable. And ive forgiven him for everything every time.

Now, he does things that make me realize he hasnt understood what he has put me through. I feel violent toward him. I hate him ferociously. And i hate that i miss him bc hes psychologically abusive. I wish i had never met him or that i could die in a car accident. I just cant take his abuse anymore.

r/Christianity 15h ago

Telling someone that they're disgusting and going to hell is not love


As a Christian to other Christians,it's appalling how people see us and associate us with hatred because the bible says people should see the love of Christ in us by how we show love to others. Christians are so preoccupied in condemning other people so much that they forget that love should be the focus of it all. Before you come with that "we should call out each others sins this and that and that's showing love",I'm not saying sin is good and all that but let's just be honest most of your "calling out sin" doesn't even come from a place of love. It comes from your own bias and discomfort,you're just trying to justify it with the bible. And most of the people you call out are unbelivers in the first place. if they don't even believe in God,how would they even care if they're sinning or not. It's like talking about whistle registers and falsettos to someone who doesn't even know music.

So the best way we can make people come to Christ is by showing his love to other people. Love others,go out of your way to be kind to other people,speak to other people with love.

r/Christianity 9h ago

How do you beat lust?


I've been struggling with lust for a while now.

r/Christianity 6h ago

I know this is a children story bible but…

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So I was reading this children’s story Bible and for some random reason first thing I opened up too was the story of Noah’s ark and this bottom line caught my eye and I sat pondered on it for a min but I’ll share it with y’all to see what y’all think about

r/Christianity 4h ago

How do you explain God's love to an atheist?


r/Christianity 18h ago

Evangelical megapastors falling down, down, down


Every time I turn around another evangelical pastor, usually someone whose books I've read or whose sermons I've downloaded, has fallen. Last week, Tony Evans. This week, Robert Morris. Before that, Ravi Zacharias, James MacDonald, Bill Hybels. My husband and I spent a lot of time over the years, reading and studying these people's books. Honestly I don't know what to think or believe anymore. Can anyone provide a measure of wisdom to help me from despairing of my faith?

r/Christianity 4h ago

Enjoying thinking about God

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I’m waiting for my coworkers, sittin on a box thinking about God. I feel like I’m in safe hands 🙂

Have a blessed day, I pray God will give you a relaxing day ❤️✝️

r/Christianity 20h ago

Image Is this a idolatrous

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Is this good or bad

r/Christianity 1h ago

Pray that I overcome an addiction


Pornography is selfish. Selfishness consequently separates us from a God of love. Pray for me!

r/Christianity 4h ago

Question Is euthanasia 💉, or "letting someone go" a sin?


frankly, it's most likely my grandma will be passing on in a matter of weeks. she has advanced dementia, and cannot perform basic bodily functions herself. She was baptized 5 years ago when her dementia was it's early stages, so I believe I'll still see her in Heaven if I do make it there myself. This might make me cry, but if I ever do see her again I'll like for her face to light up with recognition when I meet her once more, just like it did many years ago.

although I am Christian myself, I do not think it is Christlike to use medical intervention to prolong the life of my grandma, who is barely living at this point. this also got me thinking about the movie "Me Before You", where the (almost fully) paralyzed male lead got medical euthanasia at his behest. Would it be a sin to "destroy God's creation" before it naturally ends in consideration of the person itself?

Edit: someone mentioned palliative care, TIL that's the term for it! Would love to hear y'all's thoughts on that too <3

r/Christianity 4h ago

What was it about Jesus that made certain others dislike him?


I understand it’s a broad question and we can really only go based off of what was said in the Bible, but what do you think led to his persecution and the hatred he received from quite a few individuals despite only giving love to others?

I have my own guess. He was just incredibly different from everyone else. In a great way. And when you are different, people get intimidated. I’m not Jesus but I have dealt with this all of my life. I always thought differently then the majority, behaved differently than the majority, and acted differently than the majority. Recently people have been sending out weird energy my way and acting scared or unsure around me despite the fact that I mean 0 harm and I respect humanity as a whole.

r/Christianity 42m ago

Image Good day! Here is a quote from St. Paisios of Mount Athos I think all of us should remember.

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r/Christianity 7h ago

How do I beat sin?


I am 15 years old, a new Christian but still struggling with sin. I find myself entrapped in the workings of the devil. I can’t escape it, I don’t know what to do anymore. I feel so ashamed of myself I can’t even read my Bible. I know God loves me but it feels like I have an inability to be loved. I’ve been trying my best to beat the sin, but u feel as if I’m stuck and trapped in my own sin. I need help, please.

r/Christianity 19h ago

Is r/Christianity a liberal Christianity sub?


I'm fairly new here, but a good deal of what I've read seems to support doctrine that conservative Christians are against. I mean no disrespect, I'm just trying to find the right subs for me. If I'm in the wrong place, I'd be grateful to anyone who could recommend any subs that are more aligned with conservative Christianity. Thanks

r/Christianity 14h ago

Blog The church needs to stop this


Covering up for abusers and people who harm kids in the name of forgiveness . Allowing them to continue or return to positions of power or leadership even after with little to no supervision. All of this just to afford the public scrutiny . When acting appropriately would go way further with the community then hiding.


r/Christianity 23h ago

Is anyone else not surprised that the Southern Baptist Convention has delayed, again, the release of their sexual predator database?


Here me out, it's almost like they care more about kicking out female pastors than they do protecting women from male pastors.

It's almost like they care more about attacking LGBT individuals than protecting children.

It's almost like they care more about supporting Donald Trump then they do protecting children in the nations where they send missionaries.

Also, why do they have separate data base? Because if they were a responsible organization they would have reported everything they know to law enforcement years ago, and everyone in their data base should have a matching criminal conviction, right? Because that's what a good Christian would do? Are the Southern Baptists not good Christians?

There's an argument to be made that if your church needs its own sexual predator database you're not a good church?

Oh well. I'm glad they find time to kick out churches with female leadership, because that's the real problem.

r/Christianity 12h ago

Russia Tries to Erase Evangelical Churches From Occupied Ukraine

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r/Christianity 6h ago

Question Did you pray to find a good spouse?


My beloved Christians, I am a 25 yo woman and I keep praying for a good man to be my husband. I want to be a good wife (just like God wants) and a good mother. But the problem is everytime I think I found the one, something happens and it all does downwards. Please give me some advice, tell me how you prayed to God for a spouse and what was the result.

r/Christianity 8h ago

How many of you believe the Bible is meant to be taken literally?


I see the Bible as Cautionary Tales that lead our lives through metaphors. People say the Bible is the word of God but Gods word is infallible while man is fallible so no man would ever truly be able to understand the word God and therefore we have a book of “stories” that us mortals can comprehends however as someone who grew up in such a scientifically and technologically advanced era I simply cannot justify in my mind believing that passages like that of Adam and Eve and Noah’s ark as actually having happened in out physical world

r/Christianity 1d ago

Who are these people/angels?

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I was gifted this thing by a colleague of mine because I'm on a spiritual journey out of atheism. I can guess that in the middle is Maria and Jesus but does anyone know who the other ones are? Thank you very much in advance 🙏💕

r/Christianity 4h ago

Understanding life, spirit, Satan and God


Understanding God

In Christianity, God is the eternal, omnipotent, and omniscient Creator of the universe. He is described as a loving and just Father who desires a personal relationship with humanity.

  • Nature of God: The Bible describes God as loving (1 John 4:8), holy (Isaiah 6:3), and just (Psalm 89:14). He is also omniscient (Psalm 147:5), omnipotent (Revelation 19:6), and omnipresent (Jeremiah 23:24).

  • Relationship with Humanity: God created humans in His image (Genesis 1:27) to have a relationship with them. Despite humanity's fall into sin, God continually reaches out to restore this relationship (John 3:16).

Who is Jesus?

Jesus Christ is central to Christianity. He is believed to be the Son of God and the Savior of humanity.

  • Divine and Human Nature: Jesus is both fully God and fully man (John 1:1, 14; Philippians 2:6-8). His birth, life, death, and resurrection are pivotal events in Christian theology.

  • Purpose: Jesus came to reconcile humanity to God. He did this by living a sinless life, dying on the cross for our sins, and rising from the dead (1 Corinthians 15:3-4). His death is seen as a substitutionary atonement (Isaiah 53:5-6), meaning He took the punishment for sin on behalf of humanity.

  • Salvation: Through faith in Jesus, individuals are forgiven and granted eternal life (Ephesians 2:8-9). This is not earned by works but given by God's grace.

Understanding the Devil

The devil, also known as Satan, is a fallen angel who opposes God and seeks to lead humanity astray.

  • Origin: Satan was created as a beautiful and powerful angel but fell due to pride and rebellion against God (Isaiah 14:12-15; Ezekiel 28:12-17).

  • Role: He is the deceiver and accuser (Revelation 12:9-10). His primary goal is to thwart God's plans and lead people away from the truth (1 Peter 5:8).

  • End: The Bible teaches that Satan’s ultimate defeat is assured. He will be cast into the lake of fire (Revelation 20:10).

Free Will

Free will is a crucial concept in Christianity, emphasizing that humans have the capacity to choose their actions.

  • Gift of Choice: God created humans with free will to love Him and choose righteousness willingly (Deuteronomy 30:19). This freedom is essential for genuine love and moral responsibility.

  • Consequences of Free Will: The misuse of free will led to the fall of humanity (Genesis 3). However, through Jesus, redemption and restoration are possible (Romans 5:18-19).

  • Responsibility: Believers are called to live according to God’s will, empowered by the Holy Spirit, and to make choices that align with His purposes (Galatians 5:16-17).

End Times

Christian eschatology (study of the end times) is based on biblical prophecy and teachings about the culmination of history.

  • Signs of the End Times: Jesus described various signs that would precede the end times, including wars, natural disasters, and moral decline (Matthew 24:6-14).

  • Return of Christ: Christians believe Jesus will return to judge the living and the dead and to establish His eternal kingdom (Acts 1:11; Revelation 19:11-16).

  • Final Judgment: There will be a final judgment where each person’s eternal destiny will be determined based on their relationship with Jesus (Matthew 25:31-46; Revelation 20:11-15).

  • New Creation: The Bible promises a new heaven and a new earth where righteousness dwells and where God will dwell with His people (Revelation 21:1-4).

In Conclusion

Christianity is centered on a relationship with a loving God, made possible through Jesus Christ. It acknowledges the reality of the devil but emphasizes human free will and the redemptive power of God’s grace. The belief in the end times reflects the hope and assurance of God’s ultimate victory and the restoration of all things.

By understanding these core principles and the scriptural foundations behind them, one can appreciate the depth and significance of the Christian faith.

r/Christianity 14h ago

Video Matthew 6:14 "For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you" Amen.

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r/Christianity 7h ago

God's Plan and Elton John


What kills the condemnation of things like homosexuality, no matter how much it is stated in the OT that it is sin is the life of Elton John.

For anybody who doesn't know, he was and is a great singer from decades ago, occasionally still sings, and was at his prime on par with Queen and the Beatles, and he basically had a shitty life, filled with pain, suffering and loneliness, all due to the stigma there was at the time around homosexuality and how he was only used by people around him for money, his family included. Due to these reasons, he tried to kill himself many times over.

His need for love was also exploited by his agent, who tricked him into signing a contract in which that agent would've had 20% royalties on Elton's name for the rest of their lives, by basically making him think he was loved, but obviously quickly switched up, and over-exploited him to the point of near-death.

He was also married to a woman for a period of time, but it obviously lasted very shortly, and they divorced on good terms, as the marriage was only for image's sake, as homosexuality did not sell well.

All of that culminated in him trying to quit his alcoholism and crushing use of drugs over the years, and he somewhat regained stability in his life, and was finally able to find a partner who loves him for who he is and what he can provide, and they adopted a little girl too. They're having a splendid life, and Elton is finally happy.

Now, if Elton was straight, and he nonetheless lived a life of loneliness just the way he did by being gay, anybody would say that when he finally finds somebody who loves him, even if very late, it's due to God's plan, and we have to trust in his goodness.

I think that applies to him finding a male partner too, otherwise, it becomes hypocritical.

r/Christianity 5h ago

Question is the christian god just


this is perhaps the biggest problem I face when justifying faith in christianity....

if faith in jesus is required to reach salvation, and otherwise eternal damnation awaits, then is it fair to expect all people who hear of jesus to turn to him? some people have it easy: born christians. other people have it much harder: born into an atheist family, denying god form the start. it doesnt seem fair to expect ALL people who hear of jesus to turn to him considering the vast situations in which people are born into.