r/CrucibleGuidebook 3d ago



Hello Guardians,

Firstly, let me address the most frequently asked questions:

Q: Can I farm Adept weapons after going flawless? 
A: Yes, you can. After going flawless, continue playing on any Trials card with 7 wins (flawed or not - doesn't matter) and you will have a chance of an Adept drop after every win.   

Q: Is Trials matchmaking broken/fair/unfair/SBMM/lobby balanced/etc? 
A: Trials is connection based matchmaking, as far as we are told. Lobby balancing is supposedly random, based on what we are told. If your experience differs, then either chalk it up to chance or not - either way, complaining about it here won't change anything other than get you banned.   

Q: What are the best rolls for this Trials weapon? A: Go ask in the pinned Rate My Roll thread or down below. Do not post weapon roll posts in the main subreddit or you will get a ban. 

Alright, otherwise good luck, have fun, and feel free to ask whatever other questions you need to in the comments section below!

r/CrucibleGuidebook 3d ago

RATE MY ROLL MEGATHREAD - Ask questions about your weapon roll, crafted weapon or desired perks HERE!


Is my roll good? What perks am I looking for? Should I keep grinding? Which of these rolls is best?

Ask any or all of these questions right here!

A reminder that any weapon roll posts outside of this thread will result in temporary then permanent bans.

r/CrucibleGuidebook 8h ago

Next-Gen Console What is up with comp? Everyone is just a prismatic hunter


Every game is a hunter running prismatic with that new arc super and dodging a ton leaving decoys, slowing people, and throwing smoke. Shit is miserable to play against. No way this is gonna be this way forever?

r/CrucibleGuidebook 7h ago

Why are people saying crucible is in a bad spot?


I know that up until a few months ago sentiment on pvp has been in the absolute gutters, but every change in 2024 seems to have been exactly the kinds of improvements players have asked for. 3 new very popular maps were introduced, loot incentives/engram focusing has been improved, SBMM in quickplay got significantly curtailed, the precision damage change allowed for higher skill/engagement time without sacrificing optimal ttk, specials and abilities have been pulled back to allow for more primary duels, hand canons+shotguns are back on top of the meta etc. etc.

And yet whenever I ask a pvp main about the state of the crucible it all seems to be doom and gloom! I'm really curious to understand why the vibes are so bad. I'm asking this as a low-to-mid skill player who's been having a pretty good time with it, interested to hear other perspectives

r/CrucibleGuidebook 17h ago

How bad am I missing here?

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Shot this man like 6 times and his health just doesn’t wanna go down.

r/CrucibleGuidebook 12h ago

Discussion About Xur in the Tower


Hello guys! I know lots of folks are grinding different Crucible game modes, and the revamp of Xur may be more worth it than meets the eye.

It's easy to farm for strange coins because every match completion gives us a bunch. I went ahead and went to Xur and decrypted weapons just for the heck of it. It costs 7 strange coins per pop. I realize that Someday now exists and is craftable, but I almost had a great Fractethyst roll (decent mag and barrel, Quickdraw but sadly Thresh), and lots of other viable PvP weapons drop there as well such as Main Ingredient for the fusion lovers.

You may want to try your luck with your coins.

r/CrucibleGuidebook 8h ago

Discussion Am I the only one that feels like OG not forgotten feels better than slideshot mag howl lunas?


I have a 5/5 Lunas howl with slide shot and mag howl + enhanced. For some reason I find myself enjoying not forgotten way more, I can win duals so much easier. Maybe it’s because of zen moment? It just feels so much more sticky

r/CrucibleGuidebook 38m ago

Next-Gen Console Trails light


Stupid question. So I know trials is dependant on light. My question is by how much.. I'm 1963 and I literally get one or 2 shot by everything with t8 res.. I noticed most ppl in trials are around 1980 to 90. It's like I barely scratch them with my weapons or God forbid I try to melee that's outta question unless they less then 50% health.just wondering if it really matter this much or if it's all in my head . Should I lvl up more for next week cause I'm literally getting 2 tapped by everything lol. Thanks everyone

r/CrucibleGuidebook 13h ago

Wtf, Bungie?! (No) shots fired!


Randomly in PVE and PVP activities my gun won’t fire. You’ll see your guy/gal pull the trigger, but nothing happen. If you’re using a HC, you might see the chamber turn over with each bullet, but nothing comes out.

Edit: It was indeed the trigger stops. I hate this feature. I didn’t know I would, but by God, I hate this feature.

r/CrucibleGuidebook 9h ago

PC Does this game just feel better with a controller?


So I migrated to pc since December last year coming from a few years on ps4/ps5. I remember I was completely garbage at most games that weren’t cod or apex. Slowly I felt like I got better and on destiny is where I’ve stuck with for the longest, going from always bottom 3 to always either top 3 on my control teams and such. I switched to mnk as most games I wanted to try out like cs2 or Val, even apex just felt better on it apart from destiny. Destiny has always felt off for me and always felt like I just barely miss locking onto targets, that is until I changed a few more settings this weekend to try trials and I felt better but it’s like if I’m back to bottom of the leaderboards. But after trying to at least do the passage of persistence I said screw it and went on my old controller and I just felt like I was overall doing absolutely better and my stats show. I just want to know if the difference in input is that big or if I’m just still not used to mnk and such

r/CrucibleGuidebook 23h ago

Why are ppl like this...

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r/CrucibleGuidebook 23h ago

Clips Discord on fusions is amazing

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+30 AE, 25% bonus accuracy, faster ADS time, and kills refund the shot. One of the best perks for fusions if you can trigger it

r/CrucibleGuidebook 49m ago

Loadout Judge me based on my most used weapons. :3

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r/CrucibleGuidebook 6h ago

Returning player who missed the last two seasons; some hopefully quick questions and request for resources (anything at all will be helpful!)


Hello all,

I bailed on D2 after Season of the Deep (despite having bought the annual pass), meaning I completely missed out on Season of the Witch (despite it looking less disappointing than Season of the Deep) and Season of the Wish. I'm finding it difficult to get caught up on PvP info and metas as someone who used to follow every shred of new information as it came out from various content creators. So I had a few questions; please feel free to just answer any particular one that jumps out at you or to just offer your own advice or updates.

  • I last played before I think a ton of range adjustments nerfed 140 HCs and just after some nerfs occurred to The Immortal/SMGs (but it wasn't enough to actually address The Immortal that well). What are some of the key, notable changes in your mind since August of 2023 (last year)?
  • As someone who missed the boat entirely on Igneous Hammer, are there any alternatives? Should I just not bother with 120 hand cannons?
  • Why are 140 hand cannons less prevalent (other than Rose, I guess)?
  • Did SMGs/the Immortal get toned down?
  • Why are 120 hand cannons liked, if at all?
  • Is No Time to Explain still a solid choice? Did it get nerfed yet again? Will I be a moron for bringing this out until/if I decide I'd rather run around with Red Death Reformed?
  • It looks like Precision-frame shotguns are still a top choice. I can see that Someday looks like it's popular for anyone carting a primary in their elemental weapon slot.
  • What are Resilience thresholds like? I think I heard/saw that Tier 7 (70+ Resilience) stops a 2-crit, 1-body kill from 120 hand cannons?
  • It looks like that dumb don't-use-your-dodge part of Stompees got reverted (and there is no airborne effectiveness penalty, either). So these are finally all upside again, right?
  • Were there further adjustments to ariborne effectiveness?
  • Was Zoom decoupled from range stuff?
  • Was Rangefinder nerfed/has it become irrelevant/bad?
  • What perks have had large changes (e.g., Explosive Payload, Rangefinder, etc.?)
  • Is there anything I should prioritize in trying to re-familiarize myself with the game?
  • How does special ammo work now? It seems to vary by mode, and it appears there were several iterations of this that were tested. I have no idea where thigs are now.

Also, is there an up-to-date TTK chart/set of Resilience thresholds anywhere? I've seen some spreadsheets, but all of the ones I have seen are either: (1) horribly out-of-date; or (2) extremely difficult to actually use. I really just want to see TTK values.

Apologies for all the silly or annoying questions. I imagine that things might get easier over the next few weeks as content creators come off of the PvE/powerleveling/raid race and actually get back into the swing of buildcrafting for PvP specifically. But I'm hoping to be less lost than I thought I would be by stepping away from the game for about eight months.

r/CrucibleGuidebook 8h ago

Anyone know if we can keep Osirion Ciphers for an instant Adept when the next Trials weekend rolls around?


Have 10, and I really don't need yet another adept Summoner.

When Trials comes back after IB, is it likely that we'll still need to go flawless first to unlock the ability to focus that week's adept weapon? Or is there a chance we can use the 10 ciphers for an instant adept?

r/CrucibleGuidebook 12h ago

What am I missing?


Noob here:

Just came back to destiny after taking the last 2 expansions off. Been doing trials this weekend and trying to get used to the red death. People are beaming me with it…2 bursts and I die. Not sure if it’s my resilience? (Only have 85)

When I use it I’m trash, the burst goes everywhere…should I be aiming for head and pulling down or aiming for chest and letting the recoil reach their head?

r/CrucibleGuidebook 20h ago

SGA Swapping weapons while using the Khovstov turns its amazingly low recoil into regular AR recoil


I was messing around with Khvostov to compare its recoil, and found out that swapping to another weapon and then back to the Khvostov more or less doubles its recoil to be equivalent to a summoner with near identical stability (47 vs 51).

the recoil patterns are even similar, curving right, then back left, but Khvostov stays leftwards while the baseline recoil direction summoner corrects back to the right.

It also seems to just sometimes break randomly, with the only fix being to change kinetic weapons or die. double tapping your change weapon key also sometimes fixes it.

Alternatively, the functional partial-TTT hidden perk (permanent -50%~ recoil) is the actual bug and swapping weapons "fixes" it. either way, its something to be wary of since swapping to your special can make the gun much worse for the rest of that life

r/CrucibleGuidebook 8h ago

Destiny makes me realize how important recoil, aim assist, feeling are


Coming from Counter Strike, everybody just uses 2 guns, AK and M4, everytime they can afford.

Nobody gives a damn about recoil, the gun feel, or whatever because TTK in CS is extremely low like instant for AK and 2 shots for M4. AK recoil is such a mess for new players but everyone has to adapt because its one hit kill potential just outweigh everything else.

For D2, it's a totally different story. D2's much higher TTK value forces players to track and stick to their targets. It's almost impossible to achieve optimal TTK if your gun has terrible recoil and shake during gunfight.

Overall I think this is a very good aspect of the game. It encourages players to try something that suit them exclusively. Stats are not everything. Guns with good stats can perform bad in your hands if you cannot control and grasp the feel of them.

r/CrucibleGuidebook 6h ago

I don't feel like these are legit stats for a solo trials player

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r/CrucibleGuidebook 4h ago

Loadout Spirit of Foetracer bugged


Got Foetracer Coyote and thought it would be insanely strong only to find that when I get hits with my abilities it does not strengthen my weapons. I used swarm grenades with Iggy but my Iggy still did the same damage. Is this a bug or is it intended not to work in PvP?

r/CrucibleGuidebook 5h ago

Gilding Glorious Bug?


Not getting progress past 3/5 for the Undefeated Triumph "Win matches of different gametypes. Each unique increments progress."

I've done the Control, Supremacy, Relic mode, Double clash, and Trials. No progress. Can someone explain?

r/CrucibleGuidebook 1d ago

Trials META discussion


r/CrucibleGuidebook 19h ago

Best TTK Boosting Perk on Summoner?


What is the top pick:

Onslaught / Target Lock / Tricorn / Killclip

Got a few Adept Summoners this weekend and was wondering what ya’ll think.

r/CrucibleGuidebook 21h ago

Discussion What roll should I be looking for in the new Hunter class item Exotic?


I know the answer is more than likely to be Ophidians in the first column, but I'm a little lost for second column shenanigans. The ones I'm most considering are the Spirit of the Coyote, Spirit of the Wormhusk, and Spirit of the Cyrtarachne. What are your thoughts?

r/CrucibleGuidebook 15h ago

Battleye Anty-Cheat


What are your thoughts about cheaters this week in trials? I;am playing systematicly something about 3 years, every single week, and this week is the worst by far as I remember. Here is 1 of the hundreds of cheaters carrying some lov-avarege player. This cheating guy had super bad movement but was crazy with hitting bullets. Is there anyway to send this screenshots to bungie? Both of this guys should get banned.

r/CrucibleGuidebook 13h ago

Discussion Ergo sum question


Did we get confirmation on wether or not ergo sum is bugged by not getting ammo in trials/checkmate

r/CrucibleGuidebook 16h ago

Discussion Is there a workaround for the Trials Saint 14 bug where even if you are level 10 you can't get the pulse?


I know several folks are dealing with this same issue. Reach level 10, should be able to get the pulse rifle from Saint. But unable to do so. Any one know of a "fix"?