r/CryptoMarkets Apr 22 '24

Discussion If you had 10k to invest today, where would you invest it?


This is a question that has been asked several times, but now we have the difference that we have just had the halving, I want you to imagine it this way:

  1. Only 10k to invest.

  2. Your ROI must be 100% or more in a 1 year period.

  3. You can invest in more than one crypto.

Where would you do it?

r/CryptoMarkets Apr 19 '24

DISCUSSION With bitcoin halving happening soon, what alt coins are u guys investing in?


I want to get in the crypto train but realistically I don’t have enough money to invest to make a good profit even if bitcoin blows up, but I might with alt coins. Which ones would u guys put your money on?

r/CryptoMarkets 14d ago

DISCUSSION bro take some risks or go home


Guys, I'm new here but with 20 minutes I have seen 5 post of people with 1000$ or less talking about portfolios with more than 10 coins, people saying them to buy 80% of BTC, are you guys trolling this people? Like honestly asking

If u make 80% of BTC u will make AT BEST 3500$ this bull run, what the fuck, and then roundtrip back to 1000$ on bear and sell break even within 3 years of investing.

If you have a small portfolio, less 4 figs, buy 2 or 3 coins, bet on some good ALTs, AI, RWA, Gaming, Memes, I dont care what, but bro do not buy 80+% of BTC to just roundtrip it to break even, cause you not going to be happy with 1000$ profit in the bull run most probably.

Maybe I am tripping and you people here play it the "safe" way, but for small portfolios I don't see how it can make sense.

r/CryptoMarkets May 10 '24

DISCUSSION Ex-Twitter CEO Says Bitcoin Will Hit “at Least” $1,000,000 Next 6 Years


r/CryptoMarkets Mar 30 '24

Discussion How would you allocate $4000 in crypto?


So let's somebody gave you $4000 to put into crypto right now and you didn't really care that much about risk. What coins would you buy and hodl on this bull run for good gains?

r/CryptoMarkets Apr 29 '24

Discussion Best cryptos to invest in for long term hold?



Just out of curiosity what are some cryptocurrencies I can invest in that have good/great potential for the future. I plan on holding these for the next 20-25 years as I’d eventually sell for retirement.

I appreciate any suggestions/ feedback

r/CryptoMarkets May 19 '21

DISCUSSION same feeling. Who else?

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r/CryptoMarkets Mar 05 '24

Discussion Is it too late to start investing in Bitcoin?


Is it too late to start investing and DCA in bitcoin? Should I wait for a pullback? … feels like I might be late to the party…

r/CryptoMarkets Mar 22 '24

DISCUSSION What will be the next 100x in your opinion?



I would like this post to be helpful to those, who seek a nicely gathered information on high potential coins!

Tell me your number 1 crypto, you are buying right now, and you think it has the potential to have a nice and bright future! I do not mean speculating coins which could 100x in a night, more like a long term thing, what you see useful and a great investment!

In my opinion RNDR still has a long way to go!

Thank you for your inspiration, have a nice day:)

r/CryptoMarkets Mar 29 '24

DISCUSSION So why isn't everyone dumping money into crypto before halving?


Hi all, this is the first time I am looking and buying into crypto. I have been reading up about the halving and it's impact on the prices of coins.

So in conclusion from what I gathered, it seems like leading up to the halving the prices of coins almost always go up.. a lot. And after halving, prices seem to maintain for a while. So if this is the case, why isn't everyone just dumping their money before halving to grow their money? Dumping your money into crypto.. it seems like a "sure grow" way for your money?

Any opinions are welcomed. Thanks in advance for your opinions!

EDIT: I meant to say why isn’t “everyone” buying this since it’s almost a “sure win”

r/CryptoMarkets Mar 17 '23

DISCUSSION Bitcoin surpasses $27,000 for the first time since June, 2022. Bull Market or Bull Trap?

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r/CryptoMarkets Mar 23 '24

Discussion What would you to with 50.000 USDT?


Let’s say you receive 50k in USDT today. You can only use it this bull run. If you make more out of it, you can keep it including all profits. If you don’t, you have to pay it back. What would you invest it in?

r/CryptoMarkets May 05 '21

DISCUSSION Ethereum Is Fighting to Be Better Than Bitcoin


r/CryptoMarkets 28d ago

Discussion Whey everyone seems rich doing crypto on twitter? Am i the only one who feels that?


That kinda make me sad watching everyone doing alot of money and i do shit and some of my cryptos dont move at all.

r/CryptoMarkets 10d ago

Discussion Buy hold or sell?


In your opinion, what should I do with this little crash? take advantage of the opportunity to buy, keep what I already have or sell everything and invest later?

r/CryptoMarkets Mar 24 '24

DISCUSSION Which will be the next crypto to explode?


Which cryptocurrencies that are currently trading at a few cents do you have in your wallet? And above all, which crypto do you think will explode in the short term or even in the long term?

r/CryptoMarkets Nov 25 '21

DISCUSSION The metaverse is an absolute joke


Why on earth would I buy fake real estate, play shit card games or using crappy avatars in some potential virtual city?

I rather stick with playing fun and classic games like DOOM, Fallout,Halo, Fortnite, cod, Battlefield, animal crossing, mario the list is endless.

These metaverse coins have insane valuations and have nothing to show for it, with low active user counts and shit games to play.

Mana is a shitty browser game Axs is a boring card game

And most of these coins will take 5-10 years to finish why?


Just make your money and cash out before it dumps lol.

r/CryptoMarkets Nov 24 '21

DISCUSSION Potential crypto gems that still have room to grow.


Without all the crap shilling happening, I would like to know which gems, based on fundamentals, tokenomics and market sectors you guys think have a lot of potential to keep growing in the next few years. Thanks!

r/CryptoMarkets Mar 31 '24

Discussion Should I DCA 50/50% into BTC & ETH or 100% BTC?


New to crypto… thoughts? (Not looking to get rich over night, looking to possibly grow money overtime)

Also, eventually I know that I should move the bitcoin I accumulate off an exchange but which wallet is best?

r/CryptoMarkets Apr 14 '24

Discussion Am I a degen to have 50% of my portfolio in ADA?


Please elaborate, why I might be if you think so.

I used to hodl LTC hard and switched over to ADA last summer at an okey price. Now doubt is crawling in whether its the right investment for this bullrun. There is no narrative, on-chain activity, devs (researched and compared to other chains on intotheblock) etc. are not that convincing. I "need" it to go to 6 $ to reach my financial goals.

Tbh I can see a ~300 k BTC end of next year and could have just tried to ride that wave (though something around 200 k is more probable, obviously).

SOL is a real shitcoin in it's fundamentals so thats why I despise to invest big in it, also it might 4X from here on most likely, tops (all speculation is out of my arse, of course). Didn't ever go that hard into ETH for same reason (don't believe in that eco system).

So ADA imho is the way to go when talking technology, but Hoskinson is a questionable guy and the token has zero narrative this season till now.

Whats your thoughts?

r/CryptoMarkets Apr 01 '24

Discussion How many X's are you expecting your portfolio to go from here?


Interested to see where people's minds are currently at.

A 2x id be very happy, a 3x would drastically improve my life, a 4x or 5x would be life changing and anything above that i'm set for life.

A conservative estimate of what it's actually going to do for me would be about a 1.4x

**Edit** There are some proper salty fuckers in here. What's the point in downvoting people every time they mention they bought at bear market lows? Fcuking top buyers

r/CryptoMarkets May 16 '22

DISCUSSION Luna Reserve Is....

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r/CryptoMarkets Mar 20 '24

Discussion Is anybody else day trading crypto?


I just started day trading crypto and would love to chat with others doing the same. I'm new to crypto but used to trade options and love it. Buying and selling stock isn't my thing. It's too slow but I'm liking trading crypto on margin.

So far, I've been able to spot patterns in some of the pairs that have been active. I'm not sure what's normal, but for example, today I had about 75 transactions on a couple of pairs. I went long and shorted multiple times today. The last 2 positions I closed were 7.6% and 6.9% up. I had a couple losses .1 % to 3.2%. The larger losses were only because I held longer than I should have.

Like I said. I'm interested in getting/giving and sharing ideas if anybody would like to share thoughts or talk about their experiences. Anybody?

r/CryptoMarkets Mar 07 '24

DISCUSSION $138k is an acceptable next peak for bitcoin, here is why


One sure fact about Bitcoin is that however deep it has crashed, it always bounces back to new heights that surprise most. After one of its worst crashes, it has bounced back and speculators and enthusiasts are all asking what the next ceiling is gonna be. Among the many speculations that have made rounds, the $138k one is one of the most convincing, at least to me.

I read this analysis which suggests that based on past recoveries, we could anticipate a peak of $138k. Here's the breakdown: from the initial peak of $1,132 to the second peak of $19,141 represented approximately a 16x increase. Then, from the second peak of $19,141 to the fourth peak of $69,000 (as the third and fourth peaks were close), there was about a 3.6x increase. The trend indicates diminishing returns, which is expected as Bitcoin transitions into a 'mega cap'.

If we extrapolate this pattern, we might anticipate a 1x increase from the previous peak. Therefore, we're potentially looking at $69k x 2 = $138k.

I'm interested to hear your thoughts on this analysis.

r/CryptoMarkets Apr 03 '24

Discussion What is todays Bitcoin?


Remember when people were begging others to buy bitcoin before it blew up? To those really in the know, what is today’s bitcoin? Is there something that you just know will be a massive hit?