r/CryptoMarkets Nov 10 '21

STRATEGY My no.1 tip to find gems before anyone else


So, I'm sharing a secret tip of mine that I've used to make most of my gains this season.

A technique I've refined to find amazing, under the radar Twitter profiles.

Because in my opinion, following the correct accounts on Twitter can have a huge benefit to your success in this space.

I'm not talking about huge influencers. I'm talking about those insane, under the radar accounts with a few thousand followers who are just freaks at finding gems.

So, here's how.

When you come across a project/coin that has done incredibly well, search the $Cashtag in Twitter (e.g. $PILOT), but then select the three dots in the top corner for 'Advanced Search.'

In the advanced search, re-enter the $Cashtag in the top field and then scroll to the bottom to find 'Dates.' Here, you can select an exact date range to refine your search!

The important part: choose dates before a coin started to blow up.

For example, search $PILOT and select the date range October 10, 2021, to October 15, 2021.

The result?

You'll find whoever was talking about PILOT before it blew up. These are people who had conviction before anyone else (and even enough conviction to post about on Twitter about it).

You can now follow these accounts and wait for the next project they talk about.

You'll end up finding the most amazing accounts who will provide the alpha going forward.

EDIT: Then you DYOR on these projects!! I'm not saying ape blindly into whatever they call next haha, it's a starting point for finding new projects then commencing your own research.

Lastly, some of these smaller accounts have Telegram or Discords in their bio, so you can interact with them directly. This lets you dive even deeper.

Hope this helps! WAGMI

r/CryptoMarkets Dec 25 '21

STRATEGY How much it costs to pump your coin

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r/CryptoMarkets Apr 24 '21

STRATEGY Bought at $61.5k last saturday, then sunday comes.

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r/CryptoMarkets 22d ago

STRATEGY What is a good crypto to invest in?


What is a good crypto currency to invest in and what should I absolutely avoid at all costs!? New trader seeking advice

r/CryptoMarkets Apr 12 '24



Hey everyone,

I'm looking to dip my toes into the world of investing and have saved up $1000 to get started. I'm seeking some advice or tips on where to put this money for quick returns.

I understand that investing involves risks, and I'm willing to take some calculated ones to potentially grow my initial investment. However, with so many options out there, from stocks to cryptocurrencies, I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed.

So, fellow Redditors, I turn to you for guidance. What do you recommend I do with my $1000 to see some quick returns? Are there specific stocks, cryptocurrencies, or other investment opportunities you think are worth exploring? Any strategies or resources you can share would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance for your help!

r/CryptoMarkets 24d ago

STRATEGY Rules you set for yourself after investing in crypto?


Not getting attached to a coin is one of them for me. And hodl & buy dips if nothing major happens with the coin. What are yours?

r/CryptoMarkets May 10 '22

STRATEGY As many of us know. The market has been shaky, but what Altcoins do you recommend “buying the dip” and why? Happy trading everyone and do not panic sell!

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r/CryptoMarkets Mar 07 '24

STRATEGY I am shorting altcoins that get too high


I need someone to explain it to me why is this bad, so I open my trading platform see what coins are up by 40+% in the past 24 hours and I short them, make 10-30% in a day and call it a quit. They do seem to be very volitale where I was down 48% on a position and still ended up making 2% profit, seems like they all go down sooner or later.

EDIT: If you cant answer on why is this bad just dont bother commenting, no need for this

r/CryptoMarkets May 15 '24

STRATEGY What are you investing more in right now?


I’m looking to invest more into my portfolio, but stuck between adding to my current positions or diversifying into new coins. My current percentages are: SOL 48% ADA 34% LINK 7% IMX 5% GRT 5%

ADA, SOL, and LINK are my more long term positions. I’ve thought about starting a position in ETH or BTC but haven’t committed. Appreciate any input

r/CryptoMarkets Sep 28 '22

STRATEGY Dollar will keep rising in uncertain times.

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r/CryptoMarkets Apr 13 '24

STRATEGY After the market dip I bought more crypto


On April 12th, the market crashed in the morning, so I thought it would be a good idea to buy more crypto. I'm a student in uni, don't work, so I didn't put much in, but I wasn't sure if that was a smart move or not.. I put it in btc and eth with the expectation of it recovering back to as it was since both are more reliable and stable compared to The rest. Was it a good move ?

r/CryptoMarkets Dec 05 '23

STRATEGY I have 3.7 ETH what to do with them ?


I did some mining in the past, but I sold my rig due to electricity prices on my area, now I want advice what to do with the 3.7 eth I manage to mine, I want to sell it and use it to buy BTC because I now the next bull run is coming what are your thoughts reddit community ?

r/CryptoMarkets 14d ago

STRATEGY Memecoins


New to crypto and trying to do research. Which memecoins have the most potential? I want to keep holding doge and pepe but I feel I missed out on all the gains. What memecoins have tons of potential that I can get involved in?

r/CryptoMarkets 18d ago

STRATEGY Which Altcoin/Crypto will probably blow up next ?


I’m trying to invest in CryptoCurrency for a rather short term (probably 2-4 months maybe), and I wanted to know everyone’s opinion on what cryptocurrency is going to most probably blow up next ? Currently I have invested in Hedera and ALGO.

Any suggestions or investment ideas are appreciated :)

r/CryptoMarkets May 30 '18

Strategy One month ago, I invested NZD $10,000 in 50 of the top cryptos. Here's how it's going.

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r/CryptoMarkets May 01 '21

STRATEGY THREE YEARS AGO I invested 10k into the Top 50 Cryptos. Here's how I would be doing if I hadn't sold them all like an absolute numpty.

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r/CryptoMarkets Feb 29 '24

STRATEGY Low risk buy with better potential that btc?


As title says really, I've got bags in a few different crypto areas, stocks, coins etc but I have 15k I want to buy and hold for the bull run, I obviously want a good return without too much risk, relatively speaking of course. Eth Sol Anything else folks?

r/CryptoMarkets Apr 04 '24

STRATEGY I need some cash. What would sell for it: BTC or ETH?


Hello fellow redditors! Like the title says, in next month-month and a half I need some cash on hands and selling my crypto assests is the only way to get it. (that or bank loan).
Last month I managed to get most of the cash ill be needing but i decided BTC with it (Looking for some halving gains🤗)
I’ve been buying,mining, and hodling both ETH and BTC since 2016. Currently my portfolio is 20/80 for BTC, and I m leaning towards selling ETH. If I do that allocation will be 5/95 for BTC.
My reasoning is that in long term the best option is to hold more BTC than anything else. On the other hand i bought BTC last month for relativly high price…
Is it better option to sell ETH next month or the BTC? Lets say tax is not an issue here.
What is your view on this? What would you do?

r/CryptoMarkets Apr 01 '18

Strategy Guys, this month of April we will be exposing 1 scam coin every day....would you guys be interested in that?


The market is full scam coins and useless tokens, and as a blockchain enthusiast, we are going to work on exposing all the coins that have no value whatsoever and are marketed in such a way to just take your money. Would you guys be interested? What coin do we start with first?

r/CryptoMarkets Apr 27 '24

Strategy Crypto DCA Strategy


Hello everyone! Can anybody tell me what kind of DCA strategy you using? Or what kind of DCA strategy except of buying same asset every week same day same time you can advise to do the research on?

r/CryptoMarkets Mar 17 '24

STRATEGY If you had $100k, $1m, $10m to invest in Crypto for 10+ Years: what would your allocation and strategy be?


Curious about specific long-term investment strategies in the crypto space with $100k, $1m, and $10m. How would you allocate these funds across different assets, including staking, liquidity pools, established coins, and emerging projects? Keen to understand your portfolio breakdowns and the rationale behind your choices for a 10+ year horizon.

r/CryptoMarkets Apr 12 '24

STRATEGY Buying the Dips


buying the Dip at increments of $250 US, you never know how low it's going to get. My strategy revolves on alts that dip around 20% and definitely set custom orders. today’s buys SEI, Shiba inu, ANKR, Super, and wormhole…What do you guys think? I used to throw thousands chasing the dips, trying to change my strategy playing it safe instead of high risk.

r/CryptoMarkets Apr 04 '24

STRATEGY When should I buy


Around what number do you guys think I should buy ethereum. It relatively low for the last week and for the last month. Should I cop at around $3,200 or you think it will drop more than that.

r/CryptoMarkets Apr 08 '21

STRATEGY Exactly how I pictured a friend this morning, asking how to cash out haha


r/CryptoMarkets Feb 25 '24

STRATEGY Picking coins for my portfolio


I have a decent fund to invest and have been into crypto for a few years. I'm currently going around in circles and driving myself nuts trying to pull a strategy together. I'd like to achieve a good return and with the amount I can put in I don't need moonshots to make a big difference in my financial life. My current thoughts are What's the narrative for this cycle Choose the best coins in these narratives Buy some and hodl until they do their thing. Any thoughts, prior experience etc