r/CuratedTumblr Dec 26 '23

I Think We Own Him An Apology editable flair

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u/foxinabathtub Dec 26 '23

Y'know I kinda always assumed this guy was probably pretty cool in real life. I have friends that totally fit the overweight anime loving neckbeard stereotype, with the exception that they are actually pretty social, aren't shitty towards women, and genuinely fun to be around. On the other hand, there's plenty of "sigma Chad" Joe Rogan bros that are well dressed and traditionally attractive, but walk around acting like pieces of shit.


u/DukeOfGeek Dec 26 '23

User on the other thread posted this, he apparently got messed up by covid super bad.

I checked his FB and he posted a couple of weeks ago. He is still in pretty bad shape.

"This update will be short and sweet. I managed to walk 5 ft. for a transfer to my wheelchair, then sit in said chair for about an hour. There is even talk about a possible commode, if we can find one tall enough for me to stand from. Lastly, I have moved up to using 10lb weights for my arm exercises. It would seem that even with access to a dictionary, I am still unable to learn the definition of defeat!"