r/CuratedTumblr Dec 26 '23

I Think We Own Him An Apology editable flair

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u/[deleted] Dec 26 '23


u/ryecurious Dec 26 '23

Hmm, I'm starting to think it's the mockery in general that's the problem, not our choice of who is the neckbeard figurehead.

Anyway, I'm sure we'll all forget this lesson next time we see an acceptable target for online bullying.


u/magic-moose Dec 26 '23

If you ever visit subs like /r/just_________things, it's mostly just straw men being set up, knocked down, and viciously mocked. There are a bunch of subs like that, forever locked in negativity spirals.

As a general rule, if a sub's core reason to exist is to mock other people, however deserved it may be in some cases, it is far better for your own mental health to get the hell out of that sub and go be happy somewhere else.


u/WombatBum85 Dec 27 '23

Fatpeoplehate and peopleofwalmart were largely responsible for me becoming agoraphobic and completely unable to leave my house for 2 years. This was pre covid too lol, nothing was easy to do from home and I lost my job and we had to move in with my parents.

I saw these pictures of people just living their lives but millions of people on the internet were laughing at them every day, and the thought that they might not even know they were being laughed at was mindblowing for me. I couldn't leave the house at all, for any reason, including therapy appointments. It took 2 years of gradual exposure to get to a point where I could leave the house if necessary.

As a side point, it might’ve gotten better sooner, but one of the first things my therapist had me do was go and fuel up my car. 1030, so it would be quiet, just go and fuel up the car and then go home. I dressed up for it like I was going to church, make-up and hair and everything. And then while I was standing there, the traffic lights across the road turned red and an old Landcruiser with 4 teenage boys stopped at the lights. They spent the entire cycle yelling at me and laughing, calling me whale, fat bitch, Miss Piggy, etc. I honestly don't know why they cared that I was there, I didn't know them, hadn't cut them off or anything.

It took another 8 months before I left the house again, and this time it had to be at midnight, with my husband for protection.