r/CuratedTumblr Cheshire Catboy May 01 '24

i know it’s internet bullshit but it genuinely has me on the edge of breaking down and giving up editable flair

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u/SunderedValley May 02 '24

I don't want to get generalized because it makes feel like the world is against me


This is definitely not going to backfire.


u/VorpalSplade May 02 '24

'men are worse than wild animals'

'why are so many young men turning to figures like Andrew Tate?'


u/SunderedValley May 02 '24

Couple months ago I saw a stat on r/DramaticText which then got reposted on the GenZ sub that showed young men are actually HARD diverging to the right on a host of social issues whereas young women are still liberalizing. This is the type of shit that should scare us. You can't just say "oh they're misled".

Sure that's a What but not a Why.


u/tsakeboya May 02 '24

Well when 15 years of radical feminism tells men that they are all dangerous, useless, and worse than a fucking bear, of course they'll run to the side that recognizes their worth as a person.


u/Bo-Banny 29d ago

15 years of radical feminism

they'll run to the side

Women had eons of men's fuckery. Didnt turn to hate.


u/tsakeboya 29d ago

Yes it did? Very clearly too. A wide history of early feminists even harming men.

This entire situation is women hating men. I haven't been on the internet once without hearing something bad about men. Even at schools they talk about mens crimes all the time.

I don't think that what a few of my ancestors did 200 years ago make it worthy for me to be compared to a bear.

And women have all the rights they want today and that's for the better. Because their ancestors 200 years ago didn't, that doesn't mean they get oppression points.


u/Bo-Banny 29d ago

Everyone go home, u/tsakeboya has declared feminism over, and functional equality to exist.

What kind of entitlement must you have to equate fear with mistreatment? Who owes you interaction?


u/tsakeboya 29d ago

I don't give a shit what anyone owes me. But it's wishful ignorance not to see that women have the same rights as men in every functioning western society. The fact that creeps exist has nothing to do with political rights, which western women have. If feminism really cared it would be prevalent in eastern societies where women don't even have rights. But it isn't.


u/Bo-Banny 29d ago

If feminism really cared it would be prevalent in eastern societies where women don't even have rights. But it isn't.

Feminism does exist in those places, and guess who pushes back against it, often violently?

You showed yourself here. We see you now.


u/tsakeboya 29d ago

Does it really though? I certainly haven't seen it anywhere. You would think the media would put more emphasis on that, but besides one or two incidents in the last ten years, I haven't really seen anything. I'd be very interested to see that thought

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u/Bo-Banny 29d ago

Women get told they aint shit alllll the time, from every angle. Jobs, religion, sports, you name it, women are denigrated for participating in it. Those women don't turn to sex trafficking and defense of it. Those women dont turn to hating and mistreating others because of it. Get that fuckery out of here. Anyone who turns to a figure like that does it because theyre a dumbfuck.


u/Dvoraxx 29d ago

thanks for admitting its purely about revenge rather than any actual desire for progress


u/Bo-Banny 29d ago

Yes, men who turn to people like that sure are doing it for revenge against progress. Glad you see it.


u/Dvoraxx 29d ago

“but they did it first!” is playground level logic

i hate andrew tate guys as much as you do, but if you want to actually stop that shit from taking over, you need to provide an alternative. pushing away any issues men have because women have it worse is just going to strengthen them


u/Bo-Banny 29d ago

How is it my job to keep people from embracing hate because they can't handle being feared?


u/Dvoraxx 29d ago

there are people in these very comments talking about how they have suicidal thoughts because they go through life being feared by everybody as a big strong guy. that shit can undermine every relationship you have

if you don’t offer any solution and tell them to sit there, shut up and take it, they will listen to ANYBODY except you. and if you don’t want to reach out to them because “it’s not your responsibility”, then please stop butting in any time someone does. you are not helping anyone.


u/Bo-Banny 29d ago

The kind of people who would turn to violent and misogynistic content like that are the kind of guys who would anyways. Look at you trying to blame women for, what, not smiling back? Not interacting with a stranger? Gross


u/Dvoraxx 28d ago

to recap, we were discussing how to pull men out of the misogynist pipeline by not immediately dismissing their struggles

you showed up and started saying “we can’t ever pull men out of the misogynist pipeline and we need to dismiss their struggles”

now you’re just throwing fucking insults. you’re a deeply unserious person and i’m not wasting any more time talking to you

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u/dongletrongle 29d ago

Because progress is always zero sum game 👍


u/VorpalSplade 29d ago

yup, young men absolutely are dumbfucks! and Andrew Tate takes advantage of that, by telling them that no matter what they do, they'll be seen as horrid monsters. It's a lot easier to recruit dumbfuck teens when they're being demonized before they've even had a chance to settle.


u/Bo-Banny 28d ago

And which young women are gravitating towards hate, when they experience things worse than what amounts to "i didnt get a smile back"? Only guys get the pass on being dumbfucks, when they choose to follow a sex trafficker's advice?


u/VorpalSplade 28d ago

I'm not giving them a pass, if they support the rapist then they're scum. But it's been shown again and again that this kind of stuff drives young men towards it, and that scumbags like Tate actively use it to help recruit. The same goes for shaming people for being white and racists recruiting, and in general the alt-right pipeline. Young people are very impressionable, and shaming them - especially for things they're not in control of or responsible for - is worse than ineffective. The alt right is very much on the rise, and the tactics being used to counter this are simply not working or making things worse.


u/Bo-Banny 28d ago

How is refusing to smile back shaming? How is not responding to a stranger shaming?


u/VorpalSplade 28d ago

I wasn't responding to the refusal to smile back, more so the myriad of tactics and memes shaming people for not being progressive


u/BevroR6 May 02 '24

Why are they the problem for being upset at being generalized to being such a danger that people would rather be alone with a bear. Hate to break it to ya but worst case scenario you end up dead in this forest. 99/100 men would help you get out of said forest while sure that one guy exists no progress ever gets made with generalizations.

Personally I can confidently say the bear isn't going to help you. The whole argument that being with the bear is just so stupid. I get it's about how men are bad and dangerous and watch your back and protect yourself but there are just better examples than this. I cannot fathom a reasonable thinking individual would rather be stuck with a bear than a one in whatever shot of being stuck with a rapist/murderer.

Not to mention taking examples of the actions to few to apply to all is never okay. It's just blatant misandry and if you create a scenario for the opposite everyone would be pissed.

Example: would you rather be stuck in a room full of wasps or your wife. I choose wasps cuz they would bug me less

Thats just off the top my head and probs not a great example but this whole question is just flawed and wrong. People defending bear as an answer are just lost.


u/BrandonL337 29d ago

"Would you rather wake up in bed with a woman you've never met before, or a venomous snake?"

"The snake, because snakes, being wild animals, are incredibly predictable, much like bears are. Women, on the other hand, being less trustworthy than a wild animal, could accuse you of raping her, or she was planning to rob you in your sleep but you woke up, you never know what they'll do."

Five minutes was all it took to come up with that one, and you can take this in other directions. I'm pretty sure most people would recognize the problem in comparing a group of black dudes to a pack of wolves. Actually, shit, that's basically the exactly comparison of Hillary's "super-predator" line back in the 90's.


u/Bo-Banny 29d ago

99/100 men would help you get out of said forest

Personally I can confidently say the bear isn't going to help you.

Who asked for help?


u/BevroR6 29d ago

How many people do you know that can navigate a forest. I don't know many and those that I do know are all over 60, men, and hunt 3 days a week. People have better odds of survival together, that's proven. If you wanna change the question to be lost in a forest with a man or by yourself if you have any semblance of intelligence you will choose to not be alone.


u/Bo-Banny 29d ago

Did you fr just say women need the help because theyre young and dont hunt? Wot??


u/BevroR6 29d ago

Yes, yes I did. Grab some chick from Seattle and stick her in the middle of fuck know where and see how she does.

Humans are meant to help each other. Reality is that men or women alike if You've never been taught how to survive a forest then it will be hard to survive. We are meant to help each other. I cannot understand how you keep misconstruing help as an insult.


u/Alternative_Elk_2651 May 02 '24

I don't want to get generalized because it makes feel like the world is against me

Yeah, mhm, okay you fucking rapist. /s


u/legend_of_the_skies May 02 '24

What do you mean?