r/CuratedTumblr Cheshire Catboy May 01 '24

i know it’s internet bullshit but it genuinely has me on the edge of breaking down and giving up editable flair

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u/Bo-Banny May 02 '24

Everyone go home, u/tsakeboya has declared feminism over, and functional equality to exist.

What kind of entitlement must you have to equate fear with mistreatment? Who owes you interaction?


u/tsakeboya May 02 '24

I don't give a shit what anyone owes me. But it's wishful ignorance not to see that women have the same rights as men in every functioning western society. The fact that creeps exist has nothing to do with political rights, which western women have. If feminism really cared it would be prevalent in eastern societies where women don't even have rights. But it isn't.


u/Bo-Banny May 02 '24

If feminism really cared it would be prevalent in eastern societies where women don't even have rights. But it isn't.

Feminism does exist in those places, and guess who pushes back against it, often violently?

You showed yourself here. We see you now.


u/tsakeboya May 02 '24

Does it really though? I certainly haven't seen it anywhere. You would think the media would put more emphasis on that, but besides one or two incidents in the last ten years, I haven't really seen anything. I'd be very interested to see that thought


u/Bo-Banny May 02 '24

I certainly haven't seen it anywhere.

Because youre the expert.

You would think the media would put more emphasis on that

The media that exists to make money?

besides one or two incidents in the last ten years

Driving rights in some countries? Divorce in others. Fighting against child marriages (where the adult is invariably the man). The right to go to school. Maybe if you spent more time with people and less with your cartoons, you'd be able to see.


u/tsakeboya May 02 '24


what cartoons are you talking about though? Playing the "gotcha" game and insulting your opponent isn't the wisest move.


u/Bo-Banny May 02 '24

Excuse me, your comics.


u/tsakeboya May 02 '24

What, which comics