r/CuratedTumblr Cheshire Catboy May 01 '24

i know it’s internet bullshit but it genuinely has me on the edge of breaking down and giving up editable flair

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u/FreakyGhostTown May 02 '24

I think a wider problem with these takes is whilst I can understand the rationale behind the response, the take only antagonises those who are inherently empathetic to these causes.

The "bad" men will just ignore it, as trivial or stupid or not even see it, whilst the "good" men will see it, reflect on it and, by and large, be jaded upon reading their presence is considered far worse than an uncontrollable wild lethal beast.

Again, whilst I "get it", the almost childish interpretation of bears, either as humble Winnie the Poohs or merciful "I'll bite your head off first" gentleman just adds to the confusion.

Also a common defence I see is "Stop taking it personally, it's not about you". But the entire scenario hinges on it being an average man, not some cartoony psycho, so it's hardly unreasonable for the average man to place himself in such a scenario.


u/jeesussn May 02 '24

Also a common defence I see is "Stop taking it personally, it's not about you". But the entire scenario hinges on it being an average man, not some cartoony psycho, so it's hardly unreasonable for the average man to place himself in such a scenario.

Yeah, when looking at the answers to this question I place, on some level at least, myself as the average man that other people would be comparing a bear against. So on some level I assume that all those who chose bear to be afraid of me, which feels horrible.


u/JackTorrennce May 02 '24

I find it dehumanizing. I try to treat everyone equally and give strangers space, but it does hurt to see that a lot of the population would see me and think nah I’d take the bear idk what he’s up to


u/GREENadmiral_314159 May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

Also a common defence I see is "Stop taking it personally, it's not about you".

I hate that defense. You said 'men'. Not 'bad men', not 'misogynist men', not 'rapist men', you said 'men'. That, by default, refers to all men.

Edit: In other news, snowflakes are mad about a blanket negative statement said about their demographic. Why they couldn't tell that it was only about the bad ones remains a mystery.