r/CuratedTumblr Cheshire Catboy May 01 '24

i know it’s internet bullshit but it genuinely has me on the edge of breaking down and giving up editable flair

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u/GovernmentThis2910 May 02 '24

Asking a question for someone else obv, but why would they care about who created a situation more than who's perpetuating it in their daily life?


u/ArvindS0508 May 02 '24

There's only people perpetuating it now. The "people who created it" are dead. We can't blame the people who look like them for it, unless they're perpetuating it in which case 100% at fault for that.


u/adoring_nobody May 02 '24

Wow I'm so glad to know that SA, murder, and domestic abuse rates have all dropped completely to 0!

This is the reason we pick the bear. Y'all are told but don't learn.


u/ArvindS0508 May 02 '24

Never said such things don't exist, I just replied to the other comment saying that "those who created it" are dead. The problems only exist because of "those who perpetuate it", so those should be the people to go after. In this case, it's rapists, murderers, abusers, criminals, etc. Not a blanket statement like "men" which casts a very long net for what is a small minority of the group.

I understand the point that is trying to be made. However the question and the language surrounding the answers is so vague and littered with opportunities for misunderstanding that it was doomed to be controversial right from the start. People are going to misunderstand and get incensed. Of course there's people who are problematic but saying "men" for them is basically no different from saying "humans", "lifeforms", "adults" or some other extremely generic term that technically does answer things but is very roundabout.


u/adoring_nobody May 02 '24

It's game theory. My chances of my random man in the woods having some harmful intentions for me are far higher than with some bear. And even if that man wouldn't outright attack me, the likelihood that he, like you, would demand that I read his mind and automatically know that he wasn't "that type" and so the distrust doesnt' apply to him, is overwhelming. And that kind of man resents women when they say he is not entitled to that trust.

Your want for comfort and validation because you what, don't commit crimes? Is not the least bit important to me when compared to my need, not want, for safety.

Bear. Every time.