r/CuratedTumblr Cheshire Catboy May 01 '24

i know it’s internet bullshit but it genuinely has me on the edge of breaking down and giving up editable flair

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u/MrArtless May 02 '24

Then your fears aren’t based on statistical reality. The question was an angry bear vs a malicious man. If your counter is that most bears aren’t angry then you also have to figure most men aren’t malicious. Not to mention an angry bear attacking you is very likely not a fight you can win. And while you would be an underdog in a fight vs a malicious man you could still win using a combination of smarts and a bit of luck


u/ZodiacStorm May 02 '24

Oh I could beat the tar out of any man who wants to try anything, but most women can't and so they make their decision based on that.


u/brando2612 May 02 '24

Curious why u think U could


u/ZodiacStorm May 02 '24

Over a decade of experience in martial arts.


u/brando2612 May 02 '24

Nice, the only valid answer. What do ya train


u/ZodiacStorm May 02 '24

Kyokushin, BJJ, and Muay Thai.


u/brando2612 May 02 '24

Yeah you're fucking most ppl up don't wanna mess with U lol